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Fantasy Academy of the Supernatural

I will post the first post once there's enough people


*first day

*welcoming dinner later tonight

(You may post now!)
((Just wanted to start something. Does not have to be the same length. =) ))

Tomi and Mai had arrived at the Academy early in the morning of the Monday. They had heard about the Academy and thought it would be a good place to stay. Somewhere to learn and to control their abilities. Somewhere to live and stop running. Maybe make friends on the way as well. It was something that they both needed, after being orphaned and left alone. All the had was each other. It was bright and late in the morning, other students had already arrived. Right now, Mai was in her first wolf form, something that she didn't mind people knowing about her.
Toru and hikaru walked into the school gates, hikaru had toru on his shoulder and was pretty much acting like a car making 'vroom' sounds as his ran to the main entrance, hikatu put round down and they both got their room keys, they were in different hallways which they thought sucked, they went their desperate ways, hikaru headings to the 1-100 hall and toru going to the 101-200 hall.
A shy girl with long pink braids was sitting down on a bench in the corner of the lonely courtyard, reading a book through her dorky looking glasses. She had never been one for social interactions as they always left her awkward and nervous, leading to sweaty palms and on the rare occasion, fainting. She was right now reading a book about the legends surrounding the roman goddess of war, Bellona. Mythology always intrigued her as it was always interesting to read about mighty and impossible feats, something to take her away from the real world. She sat their intently, keeping to herself as a few people walked by every now and again.

On the opposite side of campus was a girl dawned in some sort of, maybe Egyptian style robes, her dark long hair going all the way down to her calf. She was carrying a black book in her right hand that was now down by her side, looking back and forth with her purple eyes as her cape followed her strolling around campus. The golden parts of her attire was sparkling every now and again as it caught in the sunlight, causing a few people to do more then a few glances at her; not realizing they were gawking at a total weirdo. Her skin was snow white, heck snow would be shamed to be compared to her white skin. A slight chuckle accompanied her mischievous grin as she snapped her fingers while turning the corner, causing one of the gawking students to turn into a rat.
Zeke was walking around campus, minding his own business in his weird yellow jacket when he came across a small wolf cub-ish creature, figuring it was just a student due to how many supernatural people went to this school. A boy was accompanying it, presumably the cubs protector or older sibling thought Zeke to himself as he stopped a few feet in front of them. He turned to the cub and smiled, "Aww, that's a cute wolf" greeted the boy, obviously referring to the wolf cub.
Hikaru caught a glimpse of a strange looking girl as he looked out the window, he pulled out his camera and hopped out the window that wasnt too far from the ground, he stood a distance away from her and took a picture, probably seeming like a stalker.
Mellie walked gracefully into her new school. She stopped for a moment at the front desk to collect her papers. "Thank you," she told the receptionist quietly. She look down at the room key in her hand and shrugged. She didn't remember how to use a key. "Well..." Mellie thought. "I can ways break down the door." She walked down the brightly colored hallways of the school. Against them, Mellie looked like a washed out painting. Her white hair stood out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the student body. On her way to her dorm Mellie passed by a few other students. Compared to them, Mellie thought she looked as normal as any. Finally she reached her room, 218. "I wonder if we have roommates...?" she wondered aloud. Mellie fumbled with her key, trying to fit the metal object in the hole. After a few minutes of failing Mellie grew increasingly agitated. With a growl she shoved the key. The door knob broke off with a loud crack. Mellie groaned and knocked her head on the door, careful not to break another hole in the weak piece of wood.
Nero walked up to the school with only a tiny bag of luggage. She looked around at the other people, nervous to be so out in the open. She brushes back her short white hair and finds a bench to sit down at. She sits cross legged and takes out a pair of headphones and iPod. There's so many people, she feels like she needed a distraction.
Mai heard the boy talking to her and she hid slightly behind Tomi, starting at the boy. She whined lightly, mainly in the fear of others that she did not know.

"Little one, it's okay. He won't hurt you. I won't let him." He murmured softly, kneeling down to stroke her head lightly. "She is a little shy of new people. Doesn't make friends all to quick. Move around. I am Tomi and she is Mai Tala." He murmured to the boy, not emotion on his face when he said that, thought there had been affection in his voice when talking to the pup.
From the corner of her eye, Siel could see some boy was taking a picture of her, and chuckled mischievously; without stopping nor turning around she beckoned him towards her, wanting to know who her new adoring fan was, kinda ironic that someone would be stalking a stalker.

Zeke nodded in understanding he choose not to address the little pup anymore to not frighten her. Instead he turned his focus to the boy who revealed himself as Tomi, "I'm Zeke, nice to meet you" smiled the boy in greeting, a positive tone in his voice; a sharp contrast towards the stoic response that he was given by the boy.
A girl approached Mellie. "Yes..." she said slowly. Mellie clenched and unclenched her hands by her side. "I just got a bit," she paused and looked at her pale, trembling hands. Stitches criss crossed on the white skin. "Carried away," she finished. She made eye contact with the girl. "I have a hard time... Remembering things," Mellie spoke in a detached manner, as if she couldn't remember the words to say. She looked at the door. "I can't remember how to use a key," she mumbled
Hikaru nervously walled up to her, putting his camera in his bag and shifting his gaze nervously 'dangit I got caught, I am so stupid!' He thought

Toru looked at her "well I can help you, just hand me your key and I'll show you" she offered
Tomi nodded his head at him, knowing that he wouldn't hurt her. Standing up, he beckoned the pup to his side and not to hide away. He wanted her to make friends, not shy away at everyone that she came across. "So you are new here I assume?" He asked the boy he know knew as Zeke. "So are we." He added, not giving much time to let him answer the question before adding, though he did hope Zeke would answer him.
Mellie tried to gently drop the key into the girl's hand. "I don't know if it will work much now since I broke the door knob off." Mellie bent down and grabbed the brass knob from off of the ground. She handed that awkwardly to the girl too. Where the door knob used to be was now a ragged hole. "Sorry," she whispered.
"Don't be sorry I can fix it!" She smiled to reassure the girl while putting and twisting the knob back into its place, doing a couple small tugs to test it it didn't come off "see fixed!" She giggled while showing her what to do with the key "all you do is take the key, you see the weird shaped while in the middle? Place the key inside but becarefull not to have the key upside down!then you twist it to the right, turn the knob and push!" She said while getting the door open and handing the key to the girl "there you go" she smiled again
Siel finally stopped after a while, and turned around, her mischievous grin still on her face; the girl scanned up and down; her eyes now a pitch black color instead of their previous purple color. The girl gave off another chuckle as she took a step closer to the boy and traced his chin with a finger, her fingernails painted black. "So this is who stalks me" stated the girl as she looked the boy directly in the eyes. "You like what you see boy?" asked Siel in a chuckle, the boy didn't know this but due to her touch he was now under a curse that only let him say the truth, a tidbit of knowledge she would reveal in a bit... maybe.
Nero decides to go into the school. At the front desk she gets a room key, although it takes a few minutes to catch the attention of the secretary. She wanders down the hallway, and has to jump out of the way more than once because students almost walk into her without knowing.

"I wonder if I'll be alone..." She wonders aloud at the door. She opens it, it seems empty
Zeke nodded his head in response to the question, but before he could answer the boy cut him off; he guessing he still didn't trust him too much. He respected that and stayed a good distance away from them to show it. "Yes, this is my first time here" replied the boy, keeping the tone of his voice down to not startle the girl.
Hikaru couldn't muster up a lie so he had to say the truth "you looked so beautiful I felt I needed to take a picture" he said scratching the back of his neck.
Tomi nodded at him, taking a deep breath before looking down at Mai. "It's safe here. They won't hurt you. You can turn back to your normal self now little one." He murmured softly, watching the soft blue glow surrounding her. When the light disappeared, a small girl of about seven was in the wolf cub's place. "Say hello."

"Hello." Mai murmured softly, hugging one of Tomi's arms as she stared up at the other boy. "We don't want to run anymore. Maybe this place can give that us." She whispered, hopefully not saying anything wrong in that.
Mellie stared at wonder at the fixed doorknob. "What magic do you have?" she asked directly. She watched the girl carfully unlock the door. Her shoulders slumped in relief. "Thank you. Perhaps I won't make such a big fool of myself from now on." She grasped the key tightly in her hand. "May I ask for your name?" she asked the girl. "And can I repay you somehow?"
Nero puts down her bag in the room on the bed and walks out, hoping to run into someone and maybe, just maybe, make a friend or two...

She whistles as she walks, hoping people won't run into her if they hear her

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