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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

(Ok. I'm currently half asleep in the rp and waiting for everyone to go to their dormrooms xD )

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Jasmine was just about to fully go to sleep, when this strange music echoed in her head. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, and looked around in confusion. “Huh?..."

It continued, and she got up more to look out the window. She opened it, and had the whole view of the backside academy yard and the forest.

The forest. She squinted, seeing a male figure in the middle of the school yard. She tilted her head in complete confusion.

The teenage male figure raised his hand and beckoned her. She didn't want to go, but a pulling feeling forced her to. She climbed out of the windows, and with the help of her wings, she landed safely. Jasmine started walking towards him, and soon she was only a few feet away, when the mysterious teenager turned around and jogged into the forest. She heard faint singing as she ran after him. “Wait!!"

“Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchaaantment~"

Land of enchantment? That... didn't sound too bad... Her mind was feeling slightly fuzzy, as she continued to stay in pursuit, while jumping over dead branches and weaving around trees.

“The time's come to play, here in my garden of shaaaadows~" The sing song voice was very soothing, and was almost relieved when he stopped again, only to evaporate into a cloud of smoke. Distress filled her as the forest seemed to be filled with the Ooooo's that went along with the song. She turned to the side and saw him once again, by the side of a tree. This time she got a better view of him. He was wearing a grey hoodie, had dark eyes, and sleek black hair.

“Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain, and the soorrooww~" He pointed at a trail of small of small shiny orbs. She hesitated, but then ran past him to follow it. Every small orb she passed, a painful memory would follow. She shed a few tears as she ran, and looked over to see the singing teenager run along side with her, giving her an expressionless look. “Weep not poor children, for life is this way, murdering beauty and paaaasioon~" Her mind was getting even more fuzzy, and hard to focus. But Jasmine kept running following the trails.

“Hush now dear children, it must be this way, to weary of life, and deceeeption... Rest now my children, for soon we'll awaaay, into the calm, and the quuuiet," Jasmine halted to a stop in a forest clearing. But it wasn't her that stopped herself. She was now in some sort of trance, her mind elsewhere. She calmly looked around as shadow wisp like clouds circled around her, flying around. They danced around, getting closer, and then she felt herself floating a few inches into the air. She was surrounded in complete darkness for a few moments, until she gently dropped to the ground again. The not-so-real her studied her new attire. A simple white gown that had green on the sleeves and other places. Her long curly dirty blonde hair was braided into a slightly messy pony tail that hung over her shoulder. She turned around and saw a large hedged gateway only a few feet in front of her.

“Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment~" It was the teenage boy again. Further past the hedged gates, he stood. She slowly walked towards it, unable to stop herself.

She entered, and immediately, the hedged gates were now filled with newly grown leaves and branches.

“Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shaaadows..." The boy evaporated into thin air, much like before, and Jasmine looked around curiously, until she fainted. She fell to the ground, and shadowy like vines crept up, and started dragging her to one of the tombstone platforms. There were at least seven of them, forming a circle.

And Jasmine has become one out of the seven people to the Shadow Creatures collection.

The shadowy vines connected to her arms, and made a headband like shape around her head, using a slow process of draining her energy.

(Jesus damn that took a while to type xD If you read around the twentieth page on the Out Of Character Chat thread for this rp you'll understand the plot. So, who's gonna be the next victim for the next night, eh? xD )


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((That blurry picture of Sky could give someone nightmares xD Sorry, feel askeep:3 ))

Zac doesn't want to get mad, he really doesn't, but that news isn't exactly his wish come true. Sure, he trusted Writer, but that other kid is creepy. He wouldn't be surprised if she woke up with Nick on top of her. The thought causes Zachary to growl, but he tries to cover it up by smiling. The smile almost looks legit, if his eye wasn't twitching.

"Oh. That's surprising... and, well, extremely unpleasant. "

The male's smile disappears, but he knows better than to fight Nick, again. That's the problem; if something happens to Writer, he wouldn't be able to fight for her. Nick is virtually free to do whatever he wants.

"Maybe... Maybe Zoe can sleep with you...No! I mean...Maybe you can sleep with me? Errr with us? "

He doesn't want his girlfriend to be alone with Nick, and although he can't do too much about it, he's still determined to try. His own words cause him to blush, so he shutups and looks at Writer curiously.


Zoe doesn't know whether to smile or frown at Mist's explaination, so she smiles. She pets the cat softly, yawning as she doe's so. She places the demon cat on her lap, loving the way her white fur contrasts with the colors of her outfit.

"Zachary...? I know we just got here, but I'm sleepy... Can we go to bed? "

The girl crawls to her brother and pokes him, waiting to fall asleep in her bed.

((If y'all wanna say it's morning or whatever, it can be assumed they went to bed ))
Writer woke up the next morning, obviously in her and Nick's dorm. She declined Zac's offer, she knew it'd make him upset, but she knew Nick wouldn't ACTUALLY do anything. The worst that'd happen is she'd wake up with him next to her and he'd talk about doing shit. She was happy to see that Nick wasn't next to her. Once again she sat up slowly and did what she did before. She hopped to the dresser, got her clothes, and went into the bathroom. She took her bath. She put on a grey 'It all started with a Hi.', some black shorts, and her black vans. She then, put on her 'When Words Fail Music Speaks' necklace, a dragon necklace, her choker, her Black Veil Brides bracelet, her infinity sign through a heart bracelet, a skeleton hand lip piercing, and her nose piercings. She decided she wasn't going to wear any makeup today because, ALL NATURAL! (I had to xD we all knew it was coming... Btw she's always had the piercings, she just doesn't wear em often.) She did her hair, and put on her Pierce The Veil hat, and smiled at her appearance. Maybe today was the day everything would be back to normal... All of her friends at the table again, like old times. She smiled at the idea, as she brushed her teeth. She was happy that her teeth weren't entirely sharp like her mother's. They were very dull like a normal person, but they were a bit stronger. Once she finished brushing her teeth, she hopped out of the bathroom and to her wheelchair. She closed her eyes, discomfort hitting her. She sighed knowing there wasn't anything she could do about it. She rolled out of her dorm, and locked the door before heading to the cafeteria.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
((Imma have Nick kick the big baddie in the balls and be an hero. Just watch :P . Yes that is my maturity level))
(Nick can still do stupid things... I didn't get too far... I mean she's in a wheelchair she couldn't have gotten very far...)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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