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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))


Six Thousand Club

Dear reader,

Thank you for applying for the ASG (Academy For The Strange And Gifted.) You have been accepted, and you will start classes September 1st, and arrive August 31st.

Here at the academy we will have dorms, and they will be assigned to one as soon as they get here. For further instruction, go to the main desk when you enter the school and talk with the woman at the desk. She will give you a key and room number.

Some of the classes that we will be taking are English, Human History, Mythology, Algebra, Fighting class, Magic class, Potion class, and so much more.

We hope to see you there.

Thank you.

Principle Nora

(Please look at overview for further information and rules.)

"Fine, don't come to the parents program!" Sara hollered over the phone. "See if I care." She ended the call dispute with her father, who didn't approve of her coming to the academy. She sighed, and rubbed her neck in pain. "Tsk..." She spit onto the ground. All of Sara's life she had to deal with her parents disagreeing with her views. To her, this is just another one of those moments. She approached the school, head high and a straight face. The face of confidence. Her stride was smooth and acted like she already ruled the school. She swung her staff around, carelessly killing random flowers in the grass. She sat on a bench outside the entrance and pouted.

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Collin sat in the library, reading as per usual. He closed the book with satisfaction on his face. "Quite the ending there..." He thought out loud to himself. He stood from his seat and exhaled deeply. He went towards a shelf, looking for another interesting book. Putting on his specs, he skimmed the various books, hoping to find another fantasy novel. Though he himself was considered a fantasy creature, he liked to read what different opinions different people had on his race and others. He pulled out another, 1000 paged book and smirked. Once again, he went back to his seat and sat down, opening to the prologue.

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Gamon lumbers through the library pausing at the arcane Manuals. He scanned the titles searching for anything he could find referring to constructs or more specifically golems having located one or two books he morphed his fingers into long spindly appendages and plucked the books from the shelf. He trudged back towards the front counter a deep metallic rumble of a voice saying "I'd like to get these ones please..." He seems to contemplate each word he says carefully nodding as if pleased with himself.
"Hmm, so this is the academy. Not as nice as i thought it would be. At least i can learn how to control these powers here." Mercy said with an innocent face on her.

She went to the library searching for a book about demons.

She found a mysterious looking book "The Demon Within Humanoids" it said on the cover.

She took it out of the dusty shelf and began reading.
Collin noticed the two other souls in the library and sighed. He wasn't sure if they would make much noise, but stood up to go the the desk to borrow the book. The dark elf noticed the large metallic golem in front of him, and glanced at the book he decided to borrow. He cleared his throat. "Good choice." He muttered. "I just finished reading that one." He commented towards the giant.

Kikira's P.o.v

Oh my how humongous this place is, kinda intimidating and beautiful but I won't be intimidated! I stopped halfway while walking to the school and put my fist in the air triumphantly with a smile while the other hand had a hold of a bunch of books. I slowly let my other hand grasp the books as well as I kept walking to see a girl sitting on a bench.

"Uhm...h-hello? You look like...somethings wrong, I-Is there?" I tilted my head in confusion before my eyes widened and I bent my head down slightly speaking quickly.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to!! I just wanted to help!!" I stood back up still holding my books.

@Queen of Fantasy
The demon looked up at the girl and scoffed. "Just family trouble. Nothing really helps." She muttered. She closed her eyes and sighed. "You new here?" She asked, bluntly staring at the ground.

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Jefferson said:
Gamos turns slowly to the the source of the voice "you have read it? Is there any mention on the creation of a soul?" He asks in a calm monotonous voice similar to the drone of electricity.
As he turns his glowing eyes level on Collin but they don't seem to see him so much as through him
"Actually yes. It explains different theories of soul creation. Going depth into religion, witchcraft, ect. Quite an interesting read." He said with a smile. The large golem didn't seem like most. He seemed more like a bookworm to the dark elf. "I'm Collin by the way." He added.
Kikira's P.o.v

"Oh.." I frowned and looked down at the ground, sad I can't help till she asked if I was new and that caused me to look up with suprise evident in my eyes.

"W-why yes I am, a-are you?" I asked shyly my head tilting to the side again while my ears perked up and my tail swayed very slowly.

@Queen of Fantasy
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]
"Actually yes. It explains different theories of soul creation. Going depth into religion, witchcraft, ect. Quite an interesting read." He said with a smile. The large golem didn't seem like most. He seemed more like a bookworm to the dark elf. "I'm Collin by the way." He added.

Gamos looks at Collin blankly.

"I am Gamos...sentinel of the core." He bows his head slightly and seems to hum. "You read many books I presume?" His deep voice rumbles getting a sush from the librarian. Causing him to blush slightly...for him this means his cheeks began to heat to a dull glow.
"So... this the academy of the gifted." Gazing upon the rather big and beautiful building in front of her, Leona decides to walk inside. Looking around herself, she notices that the decor of this academy was nothing to scoff at. But, she isn't really here for the decor, she was here to realize who she is as a person. Flicking her hair, she heads to the main office as to where she'll get her room number and it's key. "Hopefully i'll discover what I am. Surely this place would know. And if not... I guess i'll be staying here for sometime then." She thought as she finally reach the main office. Leona went inside, and saw the lady at the main desk. "Excuse m'lady." She bows to the woman on the other side. "I heard this is where I get my dorm room number, and it's key... correct?" Leona asks.

The lady on the other side told Leona of her dorm room number, which was 101. Afterwards, the lady hands her the key. "Thank you very much." She bowed once again with a blank look on her face, and leaves the main office with her brand new key.
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"Ah~ Hearing your voice first thing in the morning fills me with energy. I feel like I can do anything. Do you feel the same?"

Evie let out a soft squeal, clutching the phone to her chest. Ah, this game was amazing. To have actual phone calls, well fake ones, from her lovely Zen. "Of course, Zen. Your voice soothes my soul." She gave her phone a kiss before selecting her option.

"Oh . . . You. It's too early. Stop being so c-krrzzz"

"Zen?! Zen? Love of my life? Come back to me. No!!!"
Evie began to panic. No. No. No. No. This was not the time to lose signal. Approaching school grounds, she ran back and forth, trying to find even a single bar before the game could close itself. She eventually found some bars, balancing near the edge of a tree branch on the academy grounds.

Unfortunately, she was too late. The game had closed itself and with it, the call was lost. "No. Why?" She hung her head, floating down next to her luggage. She should probably head toward the dorms now and get settled. Wah, this was so unfair.
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After walking in the halls. Leona found the dorms, now all she needs to do is find her room number which was 101 if she is reading the label on her key correctly. "101... 101..." She kept on repeating those numbers in her head as she scouts out the dorm rooms. "Ah!" Finally spotting the room 101, she puts her key inside the keyhole, and twists it. She pulls on the knob, and opens the door to her new room. Before evening going inside of it, she scans the room from her doorway, with a blank stare. "Everything looks rather lovely... yes, indeed." She nods her head, and showing off a small smile.

She walks in the dorm room, and since it has a couch. Leona lightly jumps on it, with her sword in her sheath. "Guess i'll not be needing this..." She thought as she takes the sword off her side, and laying it on the side of the couch. Unbeknownst to her, Leona left her door open. But she couldn't know since she was staring at the ceiling of her room. "Ahh..." She let out as she was relaxing. "This academy... it's going to be a swell life here..." A smile was clearly evident on her face.
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Mason was fashionably late as always. "Damn it." He muttered. See its not hat he had forgot that this was the first day of the academy, it's just well no he did forget. Mason was a forgetful guy. And it was always getting him in trouble, commitment was a big issue for the 19 year-old. He walked into the building,

"Wow it's huge." He commented to himself, he happily skipped around looking for any signs of life in this giant academy. Mason was used to living in a closet when he was younger stashed away from the outside world, to him this place was extraordinary. He was beyond lost though, he had no idea where he was heading to. "When do classes start" he said again to no one but himself, he continued to wonder hoping someone would help him find his place in this giant academy.
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Ryan was running late and she usally am early but today was not that type of day for me. I ran as fast as I could to the school. I finally made it to the school and went in dodging people cause I did not want to be noticed right away.
Amaro walked down the great hallways of the academy whistling an old song to himself. Well it wasn’t really to himself seeing as the tune echoed off the walls. Amaro had just picked up his room key from the main office and was heading to his dorm. The decor he saw in the hallway was amazing and he stopped to look at one of the massive portraits that hung on the wall. “This place had to cost a fortune. How someone could acquire this much money is beyond me.” After a minute of staring at the painting Amaro would return to his whistling and walking.

After A while of walking he found the correct path to his dorm and found the room that had the same number on it as his key. He checked the nameplate to make sure it was the right one and saw that it was. He was also apparently sharing the room with someone by the name of Mason Hart. “Well I will find out who he is soon enough.” He thought to himself as he opened the door to see that he was the first one here. Since Amaro was the first one in the dorm room he took his choice pick of space and laid his claim to it. Throwing his bag on his new bed and placing the briefcase he carried with him down gently on top.

Amaro gently opened the case to make sure the contents inside where safe and secure. Inside the case he carried his prized AF2011A1 Pistol with enough ammo to keep him supplied for half a year. Satisfied he made sure the case was locked and slid it underneath his bed. “And now day one begins.”
Jefferson said:
Gamos looks at Collin blankly.
"I am Gamos...sentinel of the core." He bows his head slightly and seems to hum. "You read many books I presume?" His deep voice rumbles getting a sush from the librarian. Causing him to blush slightly...for him this means his cheeks began to heat to a dull glow.
"Pleasure to meet you. And yes, quite a lot. I would like to write my own books you see. Reading kind of gives me a better view point on how to write them." He rambled. He closed his eyes and chuckled, pushing up his specs. "Say, would you like to sit and read with me for awhile. I am not one for talking much when reading, but where I sit is quite comfortable. Maybe you'd enjoy it as well."
"That's enough relaxation for now." Leona gets off the couch she was laying on in her dorm room. She then walks out of her room, and close the door behind her. "Now then, it's time to explore this school... get a feel of it's layout." Leona leaves the dormitory area of the school, and proceeds to explore it. "Hmm... I wonder if i'll see any shy maidens in this place, that are in need of blooming into a wonderful rose..." She hugs herself tightly and wiggles about as she was walking. If she could express herself well, she would delivering have a very sly grin on her face. "Oh~ That would just warm my heart to the absolute extreme!"
(Just a reminder. This is the day we arrive at the school, so there are no classes today. We are here to get settled into our dorms and to meet roomates and others. Also just a heads up, I'm dropping my character Sara. I'm having a difficult time playing the more snobby characters, honestly.)
When Cryn arrived, he arrived clad in dark clothing: a dark blue scarf, a pair of winter boots, a long grey jacket and a black T-Shirt - all of which were quite weather-stained, due to his last long journey. It had already taken a good bit of effort to get into, and find the place, and he did not look like he was looking forward to doing anything more. In fact, he looked completally exhausted, to the point of nearly passing out. But he got a grip, stood straight, and walked to where he was told to retrieve his dorm key.

When he got his key, he had found out this much: for now, he was the only person in his dorm, and would most likely prefer to keep it that way - he was not the social type, and had difficulty keeping it together when having to be around a stranger for long periods of time, let alone sleep in the same room as them.

He went directly to his dorm, not taking the time to admire decor at any point - he wasn't here to breathe the air, to find inner peace, or to study up on the makings of the soul. No. He was here to strengthen his powers, and take control of his advantages, so he could vanquish those who had stolen everything from him, and drag them with him into the deepest pits of Hell.
Mason waited and waited seeing that no people had arrived. He kept laughing to himself and decided to walk around the building some more. "Finally!" He cheered he came across a room with his name on it.

"Mason awesome Hart, perfecttttt!" He cheerfully sang the last part.

He waltzed into the room with a bright smile genuinely excited to meet someone new.

Mason eyes narrowed at the other guy in the room who appearantly had chosen a bed and already was settling in. He caught the sight of the pistol that the man seemed to be locking away. He whistled loudly. "Damn, dude that's nice, is that the AF2011A1 Pistol? No way that thing is like a fortune!" He exclaimed.

Mason stared in awe at his new found roommate and then cracked open a small smile " So you must be an awesome shot, I'm Mason. Hope we could be friends." and he extended his hand towards the fellow.

@Dante Verren
Most people would walk right into the school, hoping to meet others. That was the opposite of Noel. First thing she saw was flowers, and the peach tree that they surrounded. She ran towards them with a glimmer in her eyes. "How beautiful!" She squealed to herself, and watched them with delight. She felt the soft pedals and sniffed in their fragrance. She had sat in a car for many hours, and didn't remember the last flower she even saw. Noel didn't know that the flowers themselves were unique. The plants at this school were alive, with thoughts, and could do what they wanted with themselves. The peach tree creaked as it leaned toward the small girl. She looked up and went wide eyed. "Woah..." Was all that came out of her mouth. A certain branch hung out and dropped a peach into her hands. Noel looked down in surprise, and looked back up at the old tree and grinned. She never thought plants would ever love her back. Noel jumped and gave a gentle hug to the tree. A branch pat her head, gently and stuck a peach flower in her hair. She smiled and nodded in thanks. The tree did the same, and went back to it's original pose. Noel turned and took a deep breath. She had to go inside. She took a few steps towards the doors and and entered, stricken with awe at the astounding architecture. She stood in the middle of the room, unable to move. She was too overwhelmed.
Amaro stopped his whistling when he noticed that his roommate had arrived. Amaro cautiously reached out his hand to shake mason’s. “Amaro Fortuna. And it probably did cost a fortune but I wasn’t the one who bought it. As for how good of a shot I am is not important.” Amaro’s eyes had already gone to work analyzing every piece of the man who stood in front of him. What he looked like, hair and eye color, and so far he looked like a normal human. “By your appearance I would say you’re human. You also don’t give off the feeling of being anything else. You are human correct?”

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