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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Lucario's mouth area began to turn red. At this point the new nanites were assimilating themselves in his bones. His eyes shot open as awoke from his...thing. A few moments later his eyes began to water, "AAAAAAAHHHH!" Not only that, but his nanites were still adjusting causing the rest of his body to ache as well. Was there a pepper that just went down his throat?! "H-HOT!" Lucario exclaimed taking his jacket off. His skin was still cold but even without the pepper he felt extreme heat running through him.
"I-I'm sorry!" Ashe squeaks and stuffs an icecube in Luke's mouth. She had switched from hot to cold and back to cold in seconds. Hopefully his body was keeping up. She was desperately trying to help him hold it together.

On the other hand, Luce was having the laugh of his life. It was just way too funny to pass up on. Seeing Lucario in this state made him crack a smile and roll around laughing.
"Nngh" Lucario grimaced and opened his mouth after instantly melting the ice. His shade around his mouth area had returned to normal, but his body temperature was going haywire. He either wanted to throw himself into a fire or freeze himself in the most cold place on earth. Within moments his body temperature began to match his feeling. The temperature shot back up to 120 degrees along with his feeling of being extremely warm.
Ashe have a frustrated sigh. This thing -whatever is was- was getting on her bad side. "Argh! What is wrong with your body?!" Feeling the need to do something before she goes berserk, she punches a wall to calm herself down. The impact made a huge hole in the wall but due to that, she regained to her calm position. "Now Luke, tell me what I have to do.." She said digging her nails into the palm of her hands until it bled to keep her foul mood from rising again.
Tanna was laughing as all this was happening. After she stopped laughing, she held up the wallet of Lucario. "I can buy a gallon of milk! I found a wallet on the ground!"
"D-Don't hurt yourself! Y-you can't-t do anything" Lucario replied trying to calm himself down. "My n-nanites are acting up...I don't know if there's anything to do about it. I don't know everything. I'm the first of my kind there's no completed research" He said then paused as a thought came into his mind. "M-maybe you can slow the nanites down. The nanites only though" Lucario suggested since it was probably the speed of the nanites' reactions that was throwing off his systems.
"That's the problem! I. Don't. Know. How." After she said the last four words, there were four more holes. Blisters had formed on her bare knuckles but she didn't care. More like, she couldn't feel them. Her fist was already getting numb and bleeding because of the force. Hey, it was either the wall or his face. And breaking a couple facial bones wasn't on her to-do list. "Gawd Luke! I would if you just tell me how to calm it down!" This was frustrating her even more. And with the two laughing the background, it wasn't helping. She glares at Luce to shut him up, and it worked.

Luce fake coughed to hide the fact he wasn't laughing just a second ago. She asked him through the mind link on how to ca the nanites, but all he could do was shrug. He was no science teacher.
"Is there a slow motion spell or something?" Lucario asked regularly feeling heat overwhelm him again. "Maybe you can focus it? If not just let me be. You don't need to help me Ashe. I'm not your responsibility and all you're doing is hurting yourself...yeah you know what? Just stop it. It's okay I can take it from here" He said standing himself up and wobbling over to the door. His hand grabbed the door frame to keep him up. "Keep the wallet" Ryan said to the other girl who he never met before.
Luce jumps out of his chair to support Lucario and led him back to the bed. "Firstly, I'm not allowed to let you back in class in that state, and second, you're a student and it's my responsibility to take care of them," he said looking straight at Luke before turning to Tana. "Help get Ashe bandage up her hand," he instructed. And to answer Luke's question, he just simply nodded. There was a slow spell but it the side affects may cause pain in the stomach and dizziness. Still, Luce casted it on Lucario to help calm the nanites.
The nanites slowed down causing Lucario's temperature to level out again. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Thank you. I'm sorry for the troubles I've caused. Please let me repay you in any...way".
Marin had received an call from his classroom from the kind office lady that he was needed down at the infermary at once with his medicines he was only an simple medicine maker his herbal creations were only temporary but he packed an bag and headed down to the infirmary. There already was plenty of people in the room around what was supposedly was the student he attempted not to make an entrance as he set his bag down and looked at the boy he looked freezing but you could almost feel the heat off of him it was a strange case indeed it would time to study but he had persistence.
Luce smiles. "There was no trouble at all and you don't need to repay me, buuut, if you insist." He points to the five holes in the wall. "Get that fixed up before anyone else sees and.." He leans in closer to Lucario, "take care of Ashe. I know she can be a handful but she was only worrying about you," he said before noticing a presence outside. He opened up the door to see the gardening teacher, Mr. Lancaster. He greeted him and made way so he could come in. "Evening, I was just leaving but I hope you can make time to create a herb to cure Lucario," he says.

Off to bed. Night all))
Lucario nodded in response to Luce. He wasn't sure exactly how he could "take care" of Ashe though. They were barely around one another in the first place. Lucario looked to the holes in the wall.

"I intend on it" he said in his monotone voice as she walked up to the boy who would become his challenge so to say "for now I want you to rest so here" he gave him an herbal medicine that worked as an knock out drug with a slight smile. He then turned to the door and spoke "I will return to do some test so I want you to have your energy up" he then picked up his bag and left the room to wait for class to start.
Lucario waited for the teachers to leave then stood himself up. He eyed the wall and pulled out his interface. The teen searched up wall materials finding a nice picture. His hands stretched out the interface in different directions causing the image to become three dimensional. With a few more movements, Lucario printed the material with his 3 dimensional printer and got to work.
(sorry for the long wait)

Walters cast the same energy spell on Jasmine that he cast on Aiden, bringing them both to a brisk mood. "Thanks for the help, I don't know what would of happened if you didn't come" Aiden said joyfully. "No problem, I am certain that Jin will be punished for his actions here today." Walters responded leaving the room." After a couple moments Aiden said "I haven't forgotten about you." While putting his hand on Jasmine's shoulder. "Thank you.." @Brea
"You're welcome" she said with a blush. "I may be slightly different. Jin got my soul while we were fighting." Jasmine leaned on Aiden's shoulder "I have something to tell you." @LOLMAN101
After making the walls good as new, Lucario consumed the medicine given to him by the teacher. For some reason he felt oddly...sleepy. He made his way back to the bed and immediately fell asleep.
"Oh ok, what is it?" Aiden asked confusedly. I also wonder what she means different? Even I am surprised how she standing before us without a soul. @Brea
"I know we just met, and all...but I like you....like...really like you." Jasmine blushed @LOLMAN101
Cyrin looked at his schedule. "Hmm fight class tell me miss headmaster." He looked up with a smile. "Would you say that the people in this school are strong?"
Aiden didn't know what he was feeling. He had never been loved, even by his parents. This is what love feels like?... I like it. Aiden slowly grabbed Jasmine's hand and said "You know what...I really like you too" @Brea

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