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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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Ashe groans and rolls over on her side. She was still half asleep but... The blonde rolls onto the other side of the bed and fell to the floor before getting up. "I'm awake," she answered to Zane's call while walking to the bathroom to fix up her appearance a little. "Should we wake up Mel and go?" Ashe asks cocking her head slightly.

"Sure" replied Zane as he stood up, releasing a symphony of pops as he stood. Zane went over to Melody and nudged her a little as well. "Wake up Melody" whispered Zane as Melody began to stir. "I'm up" Melody yawned as she stretched awake before sitting up. @AceXCrossix
Malaine fell asleep at her desk while waiting for Mr.Luce to start the class. Sometime while sleeping she crawled upon her desk and curled up her head resting on her arms as she was trying to get comfortable.
Mine watch Mala sleep she put her own head on the desk and did the same as her. "This is strange do all people sleep at desk like this?" She questioned.
(Sorry was AFK)

Ashe was out the bathroom by that time. "Alright so lets head to wherever?" She asked them unsure. It was probably lunch right now. She couldn't believe she had slept through the whole day.

Zane thought about this for a while and nodded. "Lunch sound ok to you?" asked Zane, knowing the two they would be hungry from the slumber.

"Yeah, that sounds good," she confirmed opening the door. "Coming?" Ashe was halfway out the door before turning around with a amused smile on her face.

Zane nodded his head and went to Melody's side before the two started to head towards the door. "Have a nice nap?" chuckled Zane as they started to walk through the hallway and towards the cafeteria.

Malaine moved to much in her sleep and fell right off the desk and landed on her butt instantly waking up "What happen?" She asked rubbing her eyes standing up then rubbing her bottom "Okay maybe I should have ate something..." she mumbled leaving out of Mr.Luces classroom and started to make her way to the cafeteria.
"It could've been better if you were in with me but still good~" she hummed skipping down the halls to the lunch room to get her usual fries before sitting down in an empty table to eat, waiting for the two siblings to follow.

Zane followed Ashe and sat Melody down before walking towards the food, getting Melody some fries and a sandwich. "Mind watching over Melody? I need to go get my food from our dorm" asked Zane as he sat the food in front of Melody and guided her hands to the food. @AceXCrossix

Kylia followed Mine and Malaine as well, her music still playing lightly as she hummed to herself. "So what can you cuties do?" asked Kylia innocently as she followed the girls to the cafeteria. @DemonicPrincess @Nenma Takashi
Mine turned and thought. "Hmm maybe it's easier to show you." She pulled up her shirt and opened her chest showing all the wires and parts inside her. "I'm robotic but not all my brain and heart are demon. I also can build things as well." She picked up some paper clips and a few pens from her backpack and they began floating around each other and got closer finally they got right next to each other and made a tiny model of Kylia Mala and Mine.
"Cool Min." She said as she listend to Mine explain what she could do and then demonstrate it for them."Guess its my turn, well i practice Witchcraft, but my original powers are Empathy, Pushing and Pain Infiction. " she said with a little shurged."For race wise I am an Arch Demon, number 3 out of the 8." Malanie finshed the sentence as soon as the got to the cafeteria "Muffins!" She hurried and got her a couple of muffins.

@Federoff & @Nenma Takashi
"That's really cool Mine, I've never seen a robotic type before" replied Kylia as she grabbed some sushi and some rice from the food cart. "Demons are my favorite, they are so fun" giggled Kylia as she looked for a place to sit. "Any place you two wanna sit?" asked Kylia as she started to eat her sushi. @DemonicPrincess @Nenma Takashi
Ashe nodded in response, turning to Melody. "Anything interesting I need to know going on Mel?" She asks biting into a piece of her fries. This has got to be the best around..

Melody shrugged as she took a bite of a turkey and roast beef sandwich and started to chew. "Nothing much going on that you don't know about" replied Melody after swallowing her bite of food. Zane started to head back to his dorm for his food, and once he reached the dorm he opened the door. Inside he grabbed from breadleaf from a strange plant and started to head back to the cafeteria. @AceXCrossix
"I don't know anywhere is fine as long as nobody touches my muffins." Malaine said taking a big bite out of a chocolate muffin getting crumbs on her face like always. She looked to Mine and Kylia and pointed to them then to her muffins waving her finger no."Ill chop your hands off if you touchy my muffin." Malaine then giggled even though she was kinda ment it.

@Federoff & @Nanma Takashi
Mine pointed at an empty table and sat down motioning the others to sit with her she pulled out of a her pocket a small box in it was a blue liquid she drank it in one go. "Now that hit the spot."
Kylia sat down right next to the girl and started to enjoy her food, humming to herself the whole time in between bites she would drink some water before continuing to take another bite. "So what class do you two have next?" asked Kylia as she took a bite of rice. @Nenma Takashi @DemonicPrincess

Ashe hums thinking of other questions to ask the girl. "What do you like?" She asks. They haven't really talked a lot and she wanted to know more about Melody.

Mine checked her data. "Gym for me I don't know about Mala what about you umm if it's okay can I call you Ky?" She asked blushing a little.
((KK @AceXCrossix

"Aww look you can blush too, of course you can" said Kylia as she took another bite of sushi and rice. @ZackIsDead

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