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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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Zane blinked and Ashe was asleep, leaving Zane somewhat confused. He shrugged People get tired so easily thought Zane as Melody and Zane finished their food. Zane ever-so-gently picked up Ashe and carried her over to 1st Period, avoiding creating any noise and extorting his heat the whole time to allow Ashe to sleep soundly throughout the walk down to History, Melody on Zane's shoulders like a little child the whole time as she too was still sleepy. @AceXCrossix
Juuya woke, peering into the dim morning light that crept through the window--MORNING?! He shot up, looking around the room frantically until he saw Nainaro asleep in a computer chair. A growl emitted from his chest as he picked up his alarm clock and threw it at Nainaro's head. "IDIOT!" When the metal hit his head, it caused the wheeled-chair to fall back, sending Naina to the floor.

The blonde jumped up from the impact, sleep lingering on his features. "What happened?" he looked around with a confused expression, not seeming to notice his brothers anger until he heard another growl-"IDIOT!"

Nainaro finally looked at his brother and automatically regretted it. Juuya, who usually had a gentle expression, wore one of complete fury that gave him a bit of a cold sweat. "W-what did I do?" He backed up a few steps as Juuya glared at him.

"You were supposed to wake me up at twelve!" Juuya huffed, clenching the sheets into his fists.

"Huh?" Nainaro stood up straight again, losing his previous fear. "Why does that matter so much?"

"I'm out of medicine you idiot! I was supposed to get more yesterday." Juuya got up from the bed, grabbed the clothes he had set out to wear yesterday, and stomped off to the bathroom to get ready.

Nainaro huffed, running a hand through a lock of blonde hair."I did forget, but..why is he so angry?" He frowned whilst asking this to himself before he got dressed for school.

Juuya left the dorms with haste. He was completely quiet, and showed no sign of agitation even though Nainaro was following behind him constantly apologizing. His stomach was growling at him, but he ignored it seeing as going to the cafeteria would make him late.

Juuya went to his first period, closing the classroom door in Nainaro's face.

Nainaro reluctantly went to history, still worried about Juuyas sudden change in character. He took a seat in the back, using the desk to rest his head on. "Great..eh? Why does my head hurt?"

I can't remember Juuyas first period. =~=))
Melanie was still fasted asleep in her bed wrapped in the covers like a little burrito. Her alarm went off but she stayed sleep picking it u throwing it at the wall"Shut im sleeping here!" She said half asleep and laid back down cuddling her long fluffy white pillow going back into dream land.
Luce was first to notice Zane as he walked into his class and chuckled at the sight. "Asleep eh? Alright I'll grant permission for you to skip this class," he told Zane, nodding towards Ashe and Melody. "We're still working on the project so there's no need to worry about missing anything," he explains.

"Alright, I'll just take the sleepy head back to bed" said Zane as he started his trek from Ashe's class to her dorm. After walking through the hallways some more, he finally arrived at Ashe's dorm and opened it. Wow its open though Zane as he walked through the door and went over to the bed, taking care of not hitting either in the head. He slowly and carefully tucked both Ashe and Melody into the bed, than preceded to sit in an extra chair; he chuckled to himself a little as he stared out the window to see a girl dancing this early. @AceXCrossix
Mine rolled over knocking over a few test tubes she opened her eyes and saw this she pushed Melanie off the bed and dropped to the ground. "Look out!" She yelled as the chemicals thst mixed sizzled but after some time it stopped. "Good note to self subs 34 and 23 are not combustible when mixed together." She noted in her database.
It wasn't til later on in the day Ashe finally woke up. "Nng.. What happened?" She asks seeing Zane sit in a chair with an amused face. She rubs her head, holding it as it throbbed. "Where am I?" It was her room and she couldn't even remember it. "How'd I end up here?" She was on top of the bed and freaking out. The only thing the blonde could remember was passing out outside the dorm. Ashe looks up to Zane for answers.

Zane looked back from the window to Ashe and greeted her. "Morning. You didn't look comfortable so I carried you and Melody to 1st, but Luce had me bring you back here" explained Zane as he ran a hand through her messy hair, extorting his warmth through his claws. Melody yawned and continued to snore, hugging Ashes arm like it was a pillow. @AceXCrossix
LOLMAN101 said:
Aiden started to wake up, his natural golden coloured eyes slowly opened showing that the knockout worked. "Hey" he said in a groggy and weak voice. This was because of Aiden using his power Chaos Empowerment,Which drains a lot of energy after used. Seeing the look of worry on Jasmine's face he immediately said "Don't blame yourself...If it was anyone fault it would be mine...its not like you stabbed me or anything." Aiden said with a small laugh.
"Hush now, I'm glad it worked, more importantly I'm glad you're okay." Jasmine let out a sound of relief. "Are you hungry, I could go get you some breakfast."
"When did I go to first period?!" Ashe starts panicking but the grip from Melody on her arms restrained her from banging her head in the wall. She pats Melody on the head to clam down. Her mind was overloading with so much stuff she couldn't remember going down for breakfast. I thought that was a dream! "So what time is it now?" Ashe asks looking at Zane for more info.

Zane shrugged and moved his head in a no motion. "I don't know, its still 1st though" said Zane as he continued to run his hand through Ashe's hair, trying to calm her down. Melody let go of Ashe's hand and turned the other direction, continuing to sleep. "Don't worry about her, she is a heavy sleeper" explained Zane.

Ashe nods in response, trying to comprehend the stuff going on. Zane had relieved her of the panic she's been in and now her head is more jumbled up. If know she had a shut down mode like a robot..

Ashe leant into the touch if Zane's fingers on her hair and was then again met by a drowsy feeling. "Wake me up when it's noon," she remembered telling him before passing out cold.

Zane nodded and turned his head back to the window to pass the time. Melody rolled back over and continued to sleep, ltting out light snroes every now and again. @AceXCrossix
Malaine shot up of the ground once Mine pushed her off her bed."What the! " she said looking at Mine."Really? In our dorm we have a scince lab for stuff like that." She said rubbing her back. "Ima go get ready for class... " she moved in went into the bathroom.
Brea said:
"Hush now, I'm glad it worked, more importantly I'm glad you're okay." Jasmine let out a sound of relief. "Are you hungry, I could go get you some breakfast."
"Oh its fine, I can get up" Aiden said. Aiden stood up slowly and almost fell over.... "I feel to tired to walk to the cafeteria...ever tried teleporting?" Aiden said with a smile.
(Hey lolman its ok if you control my character it is fine)Jin woke up and went to the infirmary if the person was there Jin wanted to find out about what happened maybe they were having a fight Jin went to infirmary and said "Hello?Anyone here?"
Mine put her test tubes on her dresser and got dressed while getting dress she crested a small robot to clean up around the place. "Hmm I'll call you Bete." She put it down and it began cleaning up.
About 15 minutes later she came out of the bathroom; her hair brushed in put up high in a ponytail, she wore tight blue jeans,a white V-neck short slevee shirt with a leather jacket, and some black vans. "I have history what class do you have?"

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