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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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"Okie~" Ashe agrees happily. She would have time to do it on campus anyways so it didn't matter. "Lets go back." Ashe got off Zane and transports them back to the front gate again. "I can take you to your room," she offers Malanie, looking worriedly at the girl.

@Federoff @DemonicPrincess
"No im fine, I can make it. " she said letting a big yawn lose." I was going to the cafe and get me a muffin and some milk." She said and looked at Melody "You still want that muffin Mel?" Malaine asked letting another big yawn out her mouth.
"See you guys.. " she said and made her way to the cafeteria quickly getting her muffin and milk then to her dorm, she walked in and paused just before going into her part, she notice things "I got a new roommate fun." She said then going to her room eatting her muffin on her bed.
Mine heard the door open and the guard bot blocked the girls path Mine turned. "Hi you must be my roomate I'm Mine nice to meet you." She held out her hand to shake and made the guard bot back off. "I hope we can be great friends!" She said very excited.
Ashe nodded and waved good-bye to Melody, taking a different approach on Zane. "Love you~" she hummed and kissed his cheek before dashing off who-knows-where with a gleeful smile plastered on her face.

Malaine let out a yawn and shoke the girls hand."Im Malaine call me that or give me a nickname doesn't matter to me." She toke a big bites out of her muffin drinking the milk."Well im going to sleep. See ya in the morning Mine."she said going and curling up on her bed.
"Love you too" replied Zane before the girl left, then preceded to walk Melody back to the dorm. Once they got in the dorm, she tucked her into bed and jumped out the window and onto the roof. Zane layed back on the roof, face skyward, and waited for morning to come.
Marin had woken up from an unexpected nap and decided it was time to explore the school might as well most students weren't currently on campus so it would had been convenient to do so at the time he left the Teachers dorm and made his way through the grounds to the courtyard which had an beautiful tree in bloom. The quiet was also quite pleasing to his ears as he navigated back into the school few students seemed to have stayed there instead of leaving so I was not completely empty, conveniently enough he had gotten to the greenhouse where he still had a few more boxes to unpack so he searched for his room key.
ZackIsDead said:
"Oh my name is Jin kazaki the perverted idiot that everyone hates"Jin said to The girl with a smile
"I'm Jasmine. I just got here today, and then this happened. People sort of think I'm a freak..." she swaid without making eye-contact with Jin. " Are we gonna take Aiden to the infirmary or...?" Jasmine said in a worried tone.
Lilah was sprawled out on the floor next to her bed when she woke from her nap. She looked up at the ceiling and lightly cringed from a throbbing pain in her back. Did I fall?

She sat up, looking around the room. It looked almost uninhabited on one side except for a bag and a stuffed animal. Well he isn't here. A yawn escaped as she stretched, popping the pain from her spine. "That's better", Lilah exclaimed just before standing up and grabbing some clothes from her dresser. She went to the bathroom where she proceeded to take a shower to waste some unneeded time away.


Once she finished showering, Lilah got dressed into more comfortable clothing, and pulled her hair into low pigtails; away from the back of her neck.

After leaving the restroom she grabbed a few things from her bookbag and sat on the floor next to the door. It wasn't long before she began to draw the things she'd seen in the past week, wasting more time until she got tired again.
Ashe walks back to her dorm, yawning as she came to a halt in front of it. Ughhh I'm too lazy to turn the doorknob.. she thought looking at the knob. It was two inches from her hand, yet she didn't feel the need to open it. Ashe looks around and doesn't see anybody in the hall. She shrugs. Its not like anyone will see. The blonde slouches down next to her door and immediately fell asleep, outside her unlocked room.
Federoff said:
((Like this page if your up for a time skip to morning))
(( Brea and zackisdead are supppose to be carrying Aiden's body to the infirmary but zackisdead isn't online so it wouldn't make sense if it took all night to get there))

Jin and Jasmine carry Aiden to the infirmary which was thankfully not to far away from the dorms. They were both questioned and they told the truth seeing none of it was their fault except Aiden's alter ego. Later they returned to their dorms to sleep for the night.

(sorry for controlling the characters just wanted to make sure it made sense)
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Yikes we have been silent, I think its time for a Time skip since most characters are now asleep. Time Stamp: 6:00 AM, Monday
Marin had awoken with a large yawn the first day of classes is usually easier they say but that was not entirely true. He carried his tome down the hall of students every once in awhile sharing a good morning or two as he drank the last bits of his coffee before throwing it in the trash and turning the corner to the greenhouse. He reached for his key and unlocked the door opening it and letting close behind him as the smell of floral plants filled the air as soon as he walked in.
LOLMAN101 said:
(( Brea and zackisdead are supppose to be carrying Aiden's body to the infirmary but zackisdead isn't online so it wouldn't make sense if it took all night to get there))

Jin and Jasmine carry Aiden to the infirmary which was thankfully not to far away from the dorms. They were both questioned and they told the truth seeing none of it was their fault except Aiden's alter ego. Later they returned to their dorms to sleep for the night.

(sorry for controlling the characters just wanted to make sure it made sense)
(It's okay. I agree, it needs to make sense :) )
Zane and Melody existed the dorm and headed towards the cafeteria for some breakfast, Melody being extremely groggily was carried by Zane who seems to be unaffected by his strange sleeping hours. When they arrived at the cafeteria, Zane put Melody down and went to go get some food, for Melody her normal muffin, toast, milk, and bacon. For Zane... it was his breadleaf and some lemons form the cafeteria, he was out of sourpear and needed to travel back to Bingtown next time school was out. Zane began to feed Melody before he ate himself.


In the courtyard was the weirdest thing to see in the morning, someone up and active. Kylia was dancing in the courtyard, specifically on everything, from the ground to the trees and the benches. She flew through the air with the grace of a ballerina as she stopped on each object and danced a littler before moving onto the next one, her Gothic boots making loud *
clink* sounds every now and again She had a set of black headphones on that blasted music, changing from song every now and again; and every time the song changed her style of dancing changed within an instant.
As soon as Jasmine woke up, she changed into some clothes and went to check on Aiden. She was the one who had hurt him, so the least she could do was check on him. That, and she cared about him, along with being curious about the result. I really hope that I don't have to face his alter ego again. I could have died last night. I could have been expelled. When she got to th infirmary, she found Aiden laying in his bed. "I am so sorry" she wispered lightly. @LOLMAN101
Brea said:
As soon as Jasmine woke up, she changed into some clothes and went to check on Aiden. She was the one who had hurt him, so the least she could do was check on him. That, and she cared about him, along with being curious about the result. I really hope that I don't have to face his alter ego again. I could have died last night. I could have been expelled. When she got to th infirmary, she found Aiden laying in his bed. "I am so sorry" she wispered lightly. @LOLMAN101
Aiden started to wake up, his natural golden coloured eyes slowly opened showing that the knockout worked. "Hey" he said in a groggy and weak voice. This was because of Aiden using his power Chaos Empowerment,Which drains a lot of energy after used. Seeing the look of worry on Jasmine's face he immediately said "Don't blame yourself...If it was anyone fault it would be mine...its not like you stabbed me or anything." Aiden said with a small laugh.
Ashe woke up to find herself still out I the hallway of her dorm. Wow.. I'm such an idiot. She had slept all through last night in front of her door. Not only was she way too lazy to open it last night, but students were filing out with snickers. Such embarrassment, but she didn't care about her appearance right now. Ashe got ready and did what she usually does in the mornings and walks into the lunchroom for bread, not really having an appetite for something big. Yesterday had worn her out.

The blonde bought her stuff and sat down next to Melody. "Heey," she slurred, still half-asleep.

"Morning" yawned Melody in response through her mouth full of bacon. "Morning" said Zane as well as he took a bite of breadleaf, looking and sounding un-phased by the morning. @AceXCrossix
Ashe lifted the plain piece of bread to her mouth but stopped midway as her eyes drooped. Curse my body for not opening that door! If only she had moved another two inches then every limb on her body wouldn't be so sore. Ashe yawned and stretched before taking tiny bites from the bread and somehow managed to finish. "Wake me up.. when class starts.." she laid her head down on the table and drifted off to sleep.


It had been a day since Luce and Keani went to that hot springs. He was still smiling at the memory as he walked to his classroom and sighs. Two more days until the project was due.. Luce's mind wondered to Ashe. He hadn't seen his sister all weekend and was getting a bit worried. The two mind-linked.

Hey little sis, you all right?


What happened? Are you hurt?!

Just tired. I slept on the floor outside my dorm.

Haha really?

Yea now shut up so I can sleep.

With that single sentence, Ashe blocked out Luce. Well wasn't she a nice sister.. Luce rolled his eyes at the thought and got back to his study.

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