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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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The teacher was hardly doing anything useful in magic. She just threw some magic potions, herbs, and other witchcraft stuff out onto a table and told the class to construct something. Ashe sighs as she finished making her object. A teleporter. Now she just needed to test it on someone... An idea pops in her mind. With another wave of her card, she made Lucario appear. "Lukey hey!" She gave him her innocent look whenever she wanted him to do something.

Keani started working on her project, stealing a glance at Mr. Luce every once in a while. She smiled to herself as she remembered the night before.
Lucario picked up a the last rod and held it in front of him to examine it. Suddenly he was teleported to some random classroom, "Yo what's up Ashe?" The teen looked around the classroom, "Why'd you summon me?"
(AH! I feel so guilty now I thought he just got the bar and started rubbing it in his ear haha I'm sorry too @SorenDarrah )
"Can you test this teleporter?" she asks giving him the puppy eyes. She knows the stuff she makes usually fail in the end, especially cooking, but she was sure this one would be something of a success. "Just step in that tube and I'll transport you to the moon," Ashe instructed with a glint in her eyes.

Luce caught Keani;s eyes and smiled at her.. or more like smirk, thinking about that ring he would give her after class.
"THE MOON?! There's no oxygen there! Do you WANT me to die?" Lucario questioned wide eyed. "What did I ever do to you Ashe? Why do you want to kill me hm?" He asked looking down.
"Washington/Oregon" She responded smiling, "Its terribly beautiful though, the cost.. Very amazing." She looks down at her hands.

@Federoff ))
Ashe cocks her head in confusion. "I don't want to kill you," she said as she fought with herself to tell him the truth. She wasn't use to being honest with anyone. "It was just a joke and you were the first person to actually look as me as something more than a tool." Her parents had wanted her to become a wealthy business mage, like them. Settle in a family, make a company, all that stuff. Things she never wanted. Ashe looks to Lucario, giving him a sad smile. "But if you feel so threatened by me then you're free to leave me. I don't control you."

Luce walks over with a cheerful smile. "How's my number one student doing?" he purrs as he made it over.
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((Curse thou notification system! xD ))

"Never been there, I hear it rains all the time" replies Melody as she begins to hum to herself.

Iwa nods, "Yes, but it was very nice. I have never been one for hot weather." She added randomly.

@Federoff ))
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"What do you mean I'm the first person to look at you as something more than a tool?" Lucario questioned. He wasn't used to hearing her speak in that tone. It was kind of sad and serious.
"The warmth is so soothing and inviting though" responds Melody as she begins to play with the flower from her hair. Zane raises his head from his book and stares at Iwa for a few moments. "Rain? What type of rain?" asks Zane, his eyebrow raised as curiosity has now entered his voice.

HonestlySurviving said:
(Is the reply for Keani finished?)
(Agh sorry! My thing is glitching)

"Just leave it at that. No need to get so worked up on the tiny details," she forced out a pained smile. "Why don't you get back to class?" Ashe was at the brink of breaking down again. If he didn't leave now, things would become worse later.

"Huh?...oh" Lucario looked around then back at Ashe. "Okay" He began to walk out of the room. That was random. Did something happen to her before that he didn't know about? Or maybe something happened to her after they were split up that she hadn't told him about yet. His hand fixed his sleeve as he twisted the door handle.
Ashe pushed him out the room just as the door opened. "I-I'll see y-you later." Her voice cracked as she spoke, slamming the door shut. She walks up to the teacher to ask permission to let her out early since she had already finished her thing. The teacher allowed access from class and Ashe once again landed herself in the sakura tree. "Dammit.. now I have to stay away from him.." she muttered curses under her breathe as she referred to Lucario. If only he hadn't made his way into her life, none of this would've happened.
Iwa sighs leaning her head in her hand her eyes glazing with a far away look, "Every kind of rain.. Rain that mists from the sky's, Rain that floats in the air like a dream, Rain that pours like a waterfall, or that melts when you touch it- Snow.." She smiles shaking her head while using her power to collect the condensation on the sides of her salad bowel into a single ball of water, "Water at times is one of the best powers, but they are all equal- Er I'm getting off topic." She holds the water to float in the air- being supported by the air. "The rain came in all kinds of ways imaginable."

@Federoff ))
"Hm?" Lucario looked over his shoulder as she pushed him out. WHAT?! He walked over to his class confused about what just happened. Okay, if he was the first to not use her like a tool then shouldn't she not be pushing him out like that?
Kishi began to walk with his eyes closed, testing his memory's boundaries. The melody he was humming before ceased as he stepped along the sidewalk.
Ashe breathes out a puff of air, turning on her music again. It was the only thing that soothed her nowadays. People scared her. Physically and mentally. Sighing, the blonde rested her head against the tree and lets her body limp as the music calmed her form.
"Zane it rains water in this time" giggled Melody as she preceded to poke the bubble of water with her finger. Zane nodded as he too analyzed and made a mental note of this. "Sorry, I keep on forgetting that" states Zane as he rubbed the back of his head


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