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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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As they walked towards the cafeteria, Zane notices in the corner of his eyes that Iwa is messing with her hands. "Nervous or something?" askes Zane as he raises an eyebrow towards her.

"Always." She murmured bluntly, clasping her hands behind her so as her actions would no longer be a bother. Glancing around as she walked she sighed lightly before looking forwards again to continue watching where to go.
Ashe walks to her 3rd period, magic, just as the bell rang. She still needed to control her barrier magic since she's already completed her training in cardcapting.

Luce watches as the kids entered his class. He greeted Juuya at his deck. It was Keani he wanted to see.
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Zane shrugged and continued to walk towards the cafeteria. When they got to the cafeteria, he sat Melody down and went to go get something to eat. "What you want?" Zane asked Iwa as he arrived at the food.

Lucario sat at his desk waiting for the teacher to begin. Was tech class really as exciting as he thought? He looked out the window awaiting some instructions.
"A salad." Iwa responded, swaying from side to side glancing around herself.
Zane came back a few moments later with some plates and handed the bowl of salad to Iwa. "Here" he said as he put the bowl in front of her, then preceded to feed Melody some pizza. After taking a bite and swallowing, Melody let out a smile. "So what can you do?" asked Melody as she was feed another bite.

Juuya took a seat in history with a slight frown. not really seeing anyone he knew was a bit lonely. Nevertheless, he prepared himself for the work, determined.

Nainaro went to math, sitting in the front of the class.
Luce smiled back and stood up, walking towards her. "I want you to stay after class," he whispered in her ears before beginning. "Everyone please work on the project I gave you yesterday. The one where you have to present the item of your choosing from long ago."
Iwa speared some of her salad onto her fork answering her question before taking the bite, "Me? I'm mainly an elemental. I can control elements like: Air, water, earth, fire, light, dark.. Other than that I mimic." She took her bite of salad and chewed slowly, proceeding to swallow she looked at them, "What about you..?"
Kishi walked past some of the classes windows whilst humming. He took a mental note of which class was which, knowing he would be getting his schedule later. It's always best to know before hand.
Lucario grabbed some steel rods and began to toss them around. He didn't really know what he was doing but the teacher seemed too preoccupied to assign anything anyway. The teen spun around and levitated a pencil sharpener to him. Lucario snatched up a pencil and sharpened it while thinking. ....got it. He put the sharpener back then quickly began taking notes.
After finishing her bite of pizza she swallowed and smiled at Iwa. "Chronokinesis" she states then precedes to laugh before teleporting from where she was sitting to right next to her. Zane put down Melody's pizza and preceded to take a bite of his own food, breadleaf. "I'm a... unnatural draconian" states Zane through the chewing of his food, revealing his fang like teeth.

Juuya nodded at the teacher along with some other students before beginning the project. He didn't know what to do it on at first, but later he figured it out.

Nainaro tried to stay awake as the teacher have notes upon notes. After a few minutes he froze, hearing a familiar song in the room. He looked towards the window, but only caught a glimpse of a white shirt. "Who.."

Naina stopped talking when the teacher glared at him, and went back to taking notes.
Lucario blew the notepad and set it down on a table. He began to levitate all sorts of tools toward him. The teen set them down and unknowingly threw the rod outside the window, "Whoa!" Lucario caught the rod in mid air. "Sorry!" He said to the student who was walking around.
Kishi paused and smiled before continuing to walk, fiddling with the metal bar in his ear. "This school stuff seems boring..",He muttered to himself with a frown.
Iwa nods a slight smile lighting her face, "That pretty cool.." She murmured taking another bite of her salad.
Lucario tilted his head watching the guy fiddle with the metal bar in his ear, "...uh you can keep it! Yeah go ahead and keep that! I only needed one anyway" He turned away and mumbled, "I think".
Glancing up Iwa nods, "Yes, I'm fine." She smiled her eyes closed briefly, while she thinks about the random things that plagued her mind.
Melody smiled and poked her. "Alrighty if you say so" she said as she teleported back to where she was previously sitting. Zane finished his breadleaf, picked up Melody's pizza and began to feed her once again. "So what do you think of the school?" asked Melody as she began chewing the food.

Iwa tilted her head slightly thinking, "Well, from what I have seen, it is very interesting. The courtyard is very.. bright." She states awkwardly, "I come from a place that clouds cover 90% of the time, so this place is much brighter.."
"Really? Where do you come from?" asked Melody as she swallowed the last of her food before teleporting back at her side. Zane chuckled and brought out a book, then preceded to read it while the two talked.


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