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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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Keani looked down, not responding. Girls started prattling about stupid things that I didn't care about, and I bit my lip hard to refrain from bashing my head in. They spoke like valley girls.
Zane nodded as he got out of his rolling chair. "You want to sit somewhere more comfortable?" asked Zane as he patted the chair, signaling that he was ok if she wanted to.

Marco put his hands to his head then snapped his fingers. Within moments the valley girls had a more intricate usage of diction. He was done for the day. The man looked at Keani again and blinked a couple of times sending feelings of happiness to her not to the point where she would be jumping up and down though. Just to the point where her lip biting would stop and she would actually smile.
"Its alright," Ashe told him as she took a seat next in front of him, next to Nainaro."Hey, how are ya?" she asks cocking her head to the side, wanting to know what he was thinking. "Did Lukey warm you up yet?"

@Asphyxiated @Federoff

Luce shook his head at the young boy. How did such a person used to take care of his sister? The world may never know.. He opened the mind link they had.

Ashe had just asked Nainaro a question when Luce entered her mind.


Are you finished with your project?

Yea, why?

I want you to come help me with something afterschool.

If this involves a lecture about making babies-

No! Its not that -why would I lecture you about that?- Just find me afterschool. I'll be on the roof.


The conversation ended and Ashe turns back to Nainaro, waiting for his reply.

(Whenever you say Marco, I'm tempted to call out 'Polo' @RyanJXavier )
Zane nodded and started to walk towards Luce at the front of the classroom. "You want anything from the cafeteria?" asked Zane in a whisper. "I need to get something to wake up my sister" he continued to explain as he pointed towards his sleeping sister.

Lucario opened his eyes. A slight glow emitted from them as he cleared his desk and made a small digital interface. He eyed the holographic computer for a moment then searched up facts about the object he was bringing. The teen quickly typed and reworded the words onto a separate document.
Zane nodded and made a mental note. "If my sister wakes up, tell her that I'll be right back" whispered Zane before he left the room and towards the cafeteria.

(So4ry, I was cleaning)

Keani raised her eyes to meet the teachers. She could tell the emotions were not her own, as she had no friends in the class, and no reason to be happy about being surrounded by them.
Malanie sat in the back typing away at her laptop,she was doing the prensation on an old ring she gotten from a wizard a long time ago shd had forgotten all about it but found it the day of thr party.As she worked a smile appeared on her face,a real one since the rejection that she no longer cared about.
Marco (POLO) quit the light power over Keani. He was convinced that within days she would be happy because of her own reasons. The teacher gave an apologetic look at the girl. Marco (POLO) felt some hindrance in her own mind. A gloomy mood washed over him which he quickly dismissed by opening a door and getting himself distracted. He was able to feel a bit of her mood because of that light hindrance which he could have easily toppled. It wasn't part of his job to manipulate students' emotions to his liking though unless they were not listening or he was given permission by them.
Zane came back into the room about 15 minutes later carrying a tray with multiple foods on it. He got to the back room and put the tray down before bring a plain green mug with all black coffee, just like Luce had ordered. "Here ya go" said Zane as he handed the cup to Luce before going to sit down and wake up his sister. "Sis, wake up I got you something" whispered Zane as he was nudging Melody softly. Melody groggily woke up with a "Ya?" as she yawned right in his face. Zane put Melody's hands on a cup of coffee and guided her to her first sit before going to sit down on his rolling chair and eat some weird berry not from this time. The berry was big and green with yellow bumps on it, and when Zane sunk his fang like teeth into it, a green liquid came oozing out of it.

"Thanks," Luce thanked Zane as he sipped the coffee he was given. The bitterness washed down his throat and as he drank, he felt warm and refreshed. A student came up to him and asked about the project. He gave a simple reply at what to edit. A couple minutes after that, it was almost time for second period.

"Alright, that's enough for today, please pack up."

@DemonicPrincess @Federoff @RyanJXavier
Malaine put away her laptop when she heard Luce. Standing by the door waiting for the bell to ring she smiled warmly at Luce before looking down at her bare feet.
After Melody finished her own coffee, Zane grabbed his bag and put the book in it before re-attaching himself to Melody, still eating his weird fruit as they walked out of the back room, a few minutes before bell.

Keani nodded slightly and started writing in her notebook. She wasn't really writing anything important, she just wanted something to do with her hands.
Marco glanced at the clock, "Kay guys you know the drill". He sat back at his desk putting away his English books, "See you tomorrow".

The hologram quickly sunk back to Lucario's hand as he looked at the clock. This class was okay...the teacher wasn't too bad. Wait, how did the teacher hear about him anyway?
Luce smiled back at Malanie. So she had forgiven him. Just as the thought seared his mind, the bell rang. "Remember, your project is due in 4 days," he reminded them as they walked out the door.

Ashe stood up and left for the courtyard. It was her free period and she wouldn't be doing anything with anyone, seeing as they were all going to their next class. She breathes a puff of air and climbs the sakura tree to her usual middle branch.
"Normality?" Lucario mumbled walking out of the room and toward his next class. Okay, maybe he did need the class. It was supposedly going to help him control himself and blah blah blah. Not to mention he was practically hidden from his peers anyway after Ashe left some number of years ago.
Zane and Melody walked over to the cafeteria, science was being held in the huge building until the mess from the accident was cleaned up, and took a seat at one of the tables with the lab equipment, waiting to begin.

"Alrighty class, get into groups of 3-4 at a table and get ready for a lab. Today we will be making bacteria and seeing the different affects on them with different combinations of vaccinations. Which ever team finds the most efficient way of killing the Bactria off first will receive a prize. If you need me call me over, good luck." said Scylla in a greeting tone.And with that, science class began.

"Hi class, its me Daisy, I'll be teaching Normality class for the next couple of days until your teacher returns from a trip!" greeted Daisy as she began to write on a whiteboard. "Today we will be doing a social experiment on how to respond to every day situations you might be involved in. Take a list from the back and get into groups of 2-4, if you need help, or just wanna talk, I'll be wandering around the room" said Daisy as she clapped her hands for class to begin.

Lucario paused for a moment. Where has he heard the name Daisy before? Oh! The headmaster! Sweet! The teen looked at her then got a list from the back. He just found some random people then grouped up with them.

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