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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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Ashe laughs at the two before pulling Juuya away from Nainaro. "Stay away from the big bad wolf," she instructed to Juuya, giving Nainaro a slight smirk with a hint of fake disgust. Ashe gave him another big squeeze, keeping him far away from the blonde.
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Lucario stood there slightly entertained by the brothers. He tilted his head as he continued to observe them, "I'm Lucario by the way. It's nice to meet you two".
Nainro instinctively started to reach out marked hands towards Juuya when she took him away, but stopped when he realized she was joking.

Juuya was still pink at the cheeks, but he tried not to let it get the better of him again. She'd probably enjoy that.

Upon hearing Lucarios words, the both of them smiled wide. "It's nice to meet you too!" They exclaimed in unison.

Juuya waved gently, "I'm Juuya, and that's Nainaro." He glanced over at his twin who was making a strange face. "It's cold." Nainaro said, crossing his arms.
Ashe smirks at his statement. "Luke, why don't you warm Nainaro up?" She said giving him a sickly sweet smile before returning to Juuya. "That's cute," she told him, "you can be the fair maiden and I'll be your knight." It was hard trying to keep it in when she's practically squeezing the adorable-ness from him.
How do I warm someone up?...I can hug him. That would be weird though right? "Nainaro want to start walking to the classrooms? That should warm us up" Lucario asked not really knowing what else to do. "Or we can just continue to watch your twin get squeezed to death" He added.
Juuya could feel his limit breaking, and tried to scoot away. His face started to get red as his nervousness kicked in.

Nainaro looked at Juuya, unsure if he should leave him so soon. Especially after last night, when Juuya had woke him screaming. Probably just a nightmare.. "Yeah, sure, I'll walk."
Lucario smiled as he began to walk, "Cool what class are you headed to Nainaro?" His gaze shifted around making sure no one else would land in front of them or somewhere on them. After a few short moments Luke returned his gaze to Nainaro while awaiting his response.
Ashe waved bye to them before shifting her full attention to Juuya. She held out a hand for him to take, to help him up. "As cute as that face of yours look, I don't want to cause anymore trouble for you," she admits. The feeling of guilt every time she saw the two had built up after the time she broke into Juuya's space.
"I have history." He said, trying to remember without having to use the schedule that was in his jacket. His jacket, that's what he had left. Crap..

What about you?"

Juuya hesitated before taking her hand, "it's ok...it just takes me a while to get used to people.."

I'm sorry >.< but I have to get some sleep or else I'll sleep all day tomorrow. Night/morning~))
"Same I got history too...I missed that class yesterday though because I arrived late" Lucario replied noticing his acquaintance get into some deep thought. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I have math." Juuya said quietly, stuffing his sleeve-covered hands into his pockets.

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm ok." Nainaro smiled and shifted a bit.

@AceXCrossix @RyanJXavier

(Yup lol))
"If ya say so" Luke continued to walk. He felt a sudden surge of energy flow into him once a little cloud shifted from the sun. His nanites were being charged. "Ah so what can you do?" He asked trying to keep the conversation going.
Nainaro glanced down at his arms, trying to think about what Juuya called it. He lifted them, realizing he left the bandages with his jacket. Great..

"Embedded Cell manipulation." Naina repeated the words as they sounded clearly in his mind.
"Awesome!" Lucario commented. He wasn't really used to initiating conversation with strangers. Perhaps that was why almost all his other introductions at the academy have been failures. "You and your brother have a pretty cool relationship with each other. It's very close...and stuff. What's it like to have a bro?" He asked mentally smacking himself.
Ashe nods grabbing his elbow and transported them just outside of the door. "We're here~" she chirped happily. "I'll see you later Juuya." It was tempting to give him another hug but she held back. Ashe turns, walking the other way to history.

(Mornings feel like crap..)
Nainaro was taken off guard by his question, and scratched his head in thought. "Well..for me it's a bit like having a huge responsibility that never goes away. Even if you want to stop it, you can't." He smiled and laughed lightly,"but I guess it works both ways."

Nainaro stopped blabbing and looked at Lucario," what do you do?" His curiosity got the better of him.

"See you, Ashe." Juuya cupped his mouth and called before entering the class room. He felt kind of guilty for some reason, but tried to ignore it.
Zane and Melody arrive at history class and greet Luce before they go to the backroom to wait until they are needed. Melody still tired from last night decides to take a nap in the chair, while Zane opens his book and starts to look through it, labeling everyone who he knows.
Ashe enters history and yawns. Luce turns her way and whacked her head with a book. "Ow.." she mentally cursed rubbing the bump on her head. She'd been getting injured lately, whether it was an accident or not. "What was that for?" Luce narrowed his eyes. "First off, you walk into my class yawning -like what's so boring about my class?- and second, what happened to your hand?" He grabbed her wrist to reveal the burn she had this morning. Feeling slightly exposed, she yanked her hand away. "Just a small burn I got from cooking.." she muttered looking away, trying to break eye contact with him. What an overprotective brother. He doesn't know how bad she was at making food- no wait he does. Right. Luce got food poisoning after eating "pancakes".

Trying to change topics, she asked about last night, "So how did it go with your bonding moments?" This time, it was Luce who looked away. "S-Shut up. Take a seat, I don't want to t-talk about that." A huge blush crept onto his face. If tomatoes looked at him, they'd probably get jealous.

Ashe complied to his wishes and took her seat next to Zane. "Yo, how ya doing?"

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Lucario raised his eyebrow at Nainaro's response. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he was an only child that he always wanted some brother or sister like figure. Ashe was his "sister" for a bit...kind of still is but she keeps hitting him so it was starting to not feel too sibling-like to Lucario anymore. "I can manipulate technology, and I have intuitive aptitude, telekinesis, and enhanced physical abilities...I can also play video games in a different dimension. Shots never felt so real" Luke's eyes began to light up at his mention of videogames. "But that falls under technology manipulation" He concluded as he walked into History.
Zane looks up to see Ashe with and a small smile came over his face. "Fine, you?" Zane responded as he raised an eyebrow, wondering why Ashe would be sitting in the back room. Melody continued to sleep in the rolling chair, now face on the desk as light snores came from her mouth.

Malanie hesitated to walk into Mr.Luce's class. She pulled on her hoodie and brushed off her sweat pants. She didn't notice to now that her toes was cold,maybe she should've wore shoes but she's didn't want to. Walking into class she hurried past Mr.Luce with her book tight in her hand and toke a seat in away from everyone.
Keani stared at her notebook blankly the entire English class, upset still. She tapped her pencil against the white paper, frowning and biting her lip.

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