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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • D

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She didn't see Ashe smile back at hee cause she was to busy looking up into the sky using her fingers to comb through her messy hair. Malaine's thought to wonder as to keep her mind off of someone.
Zane gave a smile at the sight of this, Ashe sure knew how to make Zane laugh. Melody couldn't help but give off a giggle at this either. "What a waste of a perfectly good cake" Melody said as she continued to giggle.
Juuya peeled his eyes open to meet a blinding light. His mouth was sticky and his throat hurt with dryness. What's going on? He tried to stand up, but he couldn't. A figure, a man, came close, holding something sharp. The sound of a monitor roared as his heart began to race, sending him in a panic. He looked down at the straps that held his arms down, the blurred noise of machines filling his ears. There were needles placed in his veins, allowing access for an unknown liquid. He screamed as the man came closer, saying something incoherent as he dug the scalpel into his skin and---Juuya woke, bolting up into a sitting position. His heart was pounding and he was soaked in sweat. Was it hot?

Someones hand fell on his knee, sending him jumping from the bed. A foot twisted around one of the fallen sheets, causing him to hit the ground with a heavy thud. He sat up, looking at the bed. It was Nainro, sprawled out on the mattress like a doll.

Ugh.." That's why it was so hot.. Naina always had a hot temperature, so Juuya would often wake up sweating when he had crept into his bed. He stood, not bothering to wake him yet. Instead, he went to shower and get dressed.

After Juuya was done getting ready he went and grabbed Nainro from he bed: proceeding to drag him across the dorm to the bathroom. When he let go, juuya kicked the door and watched as he jumped up, dodging Naina's half-sleeping attack. "
Get ready for school."

Nainro nodded and slowly got ready for school. He wasn't really awake, just sauntering about while he followed Juuyas command. When he finished, he laid down on the floor and continued to try to sleep.

Juuya grabbed him by the ankle after eating and dragged him out of the dorm. It wasn't hard to pull him, in fact it was as easy to Juuya as dragging a blanket. He knew Nainaro would be in a bad mood when he woke, he always was. So, Juuya took them to the courtyard where he could wake him up peacefully. Instead of him waking up in class like that.

Keani eventually turned around. She looked up at saw Ashe, and hesitated, unsure if she should go and speak with her friend, or if she should leave her with to be with the group that surrounded her.
(Hey guys, going to be retooling Thael some more. Just can't quite get him in a place where I actually care what he's doing)
Ashe saw Keani walking and called to her. "Keani! Over here!" She was happy the girl had found someone she could trust. Even if it was Luce. She ran over to her and hugged the girl. "Long time no see friend," she winked as she said that.


(No biggie @RyanJXavier )
(Good bye! Have fun with her furniture!)

"W-why did you move you eye like that? Have you...got something in it?" She asked, confused as she hesitantly hugged back.
Ashe laughs nervously. So she didn't see her in the room at that time. "Uh yeah. There was some dust," she replies, not wanting to add anymore pressure to her. "Did you have fun last night?" she asks indicating to the party.
"At...at the party...? I suppose...I did not remain long..." She said, glancing nervously at Ashe's friends. "You make, uhm, friends quickly, I...I see..."
She hesitantly waved to the other people as Ashe corralled her towards them. "H-hello..." She softly murmured, looking at her feet nervously.
(Oh yeah i had fun moving THEIR furniture..so much moving @HonestlySurviving )

"Hey Zane and Melody I'm Lucario" Luke felt the cake slam him in the face. He stayed silent for a moment then wiped the cake off his eye lids. The teen furrowed his brows then took some cake off his cheek and ate it. "Wow you're right this is a good cake," Lucario said looking back at Melody. "Hey!" Lucario greeted the girl who Ashe just brought over. "Why are you looking at your feet? You know, it's mot everyday you get to see someone covered in cake" He said flinging off a piece of cake from his shoulder. She seemed nervous, well hopefully the cake on the face could become some kind of icebreaker.
"Isn't it, though?" She said softly. "Everyone tries to...to wrap themselves in pretty...layers...and when those layers are not enough...a nice pretty icing tops it all...people are always just...just wrapping covering themselves up with cake..."
This caused Melody to let out a snicker and a smile at the same time. Zane raised an eyebrow at Keani, not sure of how to respond. "I'm new to this, but that was definitely just plain weird" said Zane, his eyebrow still raised in confusion. Melody continued to smile until she let out a yawn. "So were you at the party last night?" Melody asked Lucario as she continued to yawn.

@HonestlySurviving @RyanJXavier
Keani's cheeks flamed when Melody laughed and Zane said that what she said was definitely weird. She turned and began to walk away, her heart thudding loudly in her ears.
Lucario stayed silent for a few moments and raised a brow, "Heh?" He continued to take some cake off of him, "Wearing layers isn't fun. It gets all sticky and adds weight. Why would anyone want to wear cake? It's not fun!" The teen looked at Melody, "Yep but I didn't stick around that long".
Keani hesitated and turned slightly. "I did not mean...mean to literally wear cake, you know...there was no...need to make fun..." She turned back around to continue walking.
"Oh I didn't mean to make fun! Sorry! Actually, what I said could be taken figuratively as well" Lucario said analyzing his previous words in his head.
"And I was not just speaking of you." She hesitated and turned again. "I appreciate your...your apology...I am Keani. We were never introduced."

"I'm Lucario" He smiled a little. "I get the cake thing which is very interesting. Again sorry for being dumb and taking it literally" The teen bowed his head then looked back at her.
Groans followed after Juuya as he walked, caused by Nainaro hitting his head on the steps. He pulled a sucker from his pocket and unwrapped it with his teeth, plopping it into mouth afterwards. A sigh escaped as he thought about last night. "I was too careless.."

Juuya wasn't in a bad mood, in fact he felt pretty at ease except for the memories of a reoccurring dream---nightmare

Nainaro woke when heard his phone going off. This was third time it sounded since he had been trying to wake up. During this state, he was only vaguely aware of the world around him. The cellular stopped and he started to drift, but it was quickly interrupted again by the noise. "Ughhh!" He opened his eyes completely, and Juuya stopped. The noise began to get more and more annoying as it blared. "Let go Juuya!" He pulled his ankle from the teen's grasp and stood, grumbling. Slender hands searched his pockets hastily, coming across the old Razor-flip-phone. "What the *bleep* do you want?!" He yelled at device once it was pressed to his ear.

Juuya could just barely recognize the voice: Jay, the Agent in charge of watching them.

"Oh, it's you, *bleep*-head. What the *beep* do you want?" Nainaro wore an annoyed expression, glaring off at a tree as he growled. It was only a second or two later that he closed the phone, throwing it onto the ground as he complained.

Juuya picked the phone up, knowing Nainaro would come looking for it later.

"The *bleep*-head said to meet at the gate, he wants to give us something."

Juuya could tell Nainaro was trying to calm down, but it was hard not to laugh at how easy he is to tick off in the mornings.

Naina grabbed Juuyas hand and led them to the gate, stomping along. Once they got there they searched for any sign of the man. Nada.

"Oh, he's not here?" Juuya said with a puzzled tone, just before an inkly substance began to cover the ground in a circle. Jay emerged from it, fully clothed, and holding two bags in his hands.

Oh yeah..that's right...both Juuya and Nainaro remembered something they always forgot: Jay was a demon.

The man stood there with an innocent smile plastered to his pale features.

"well, waddya' want?" Nainaro crossed his arms, and Jay smiled again.

"Good morning to you too, Nainaro."

"Jay~" Juuya smiled excitedly, hoping he had brought more sweet treats.

"Ah~ Juuya, good morning!" Jay tossed the duffle bags to them.

"It's just a few things that you may need later. Oh!-" he whirled a finger and a packet of sweets landed in his other hand. He smiled mischievously and held them out, "these are for you, Juuya, but you must call me Onii-sama first."

"Onii-sama..?" Juuya looked at Nainaro with confusion, but he just shook his head. He looked back at Jay with a begging expression, "may I please have it..Onii-sama?" He didn't know what it meant, but it sounded embarrassing so he began to blush. Jay looked away, covering his mouth with a gloved hand as he chuckled. "You're too cute, Juuya."

Nainaro, not actually thinking he would say it, grabbed and held Juuya protectively. "Don't be a pervert you *bleeping* otaku!"

Juuya was confused by all of this, even as Jay and Nainaro continued to fuss at each other. What's an otaku?

Jay tossed the pack of treats to him just before Nainaro picked Juuya up and threw him over his shoulder, stomping off.

Juuya took a sweet out and bit into it, waving goodbye to Jay as he disappeared from their sights.

(I got really bored))
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