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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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"Well now I'll have to make a closet for you as well." She froze at Melodys question "Im fine,just that Kevin rejected me. Ill get over it a person like me doesn't deserve love." She said felling a sharp pain in her heart when she spoke his name.
"I can do things with my powers that I couldn't do before. I make gadgets like real light sabers!....I became a nerd" Luke said looking away then back at Ashe. "But I'm okay with it. Also got some new basketball tricks and fighting skills" He added smiling a little. "That's about all I can think of right now. How about you?"
"Everyone deserves love" replied Melody as she let goes of Zane's hand and walks towards Malaine, then precedes to give her a hug. "Especially someone as kind hearted and pretty as you" continued Melody as she hugged Malaine.

"The usual," she responded in a monotone voice. "And basketball huh?" Ashe smirks looking at him. She was a huge basketball fan. Call her a huge sports freak if you want, she still loves it. "Why don't we play a game?" She casted a spell card which transformed a small area in the courtyard into a basketball court. A ball appeared , landing in her hand. "Lets see if you're as good as you say Lukey," she teased bouncing the ball towards him. "Check."

(Gtg. May or may not be back)
"Woah" Lucario looked around then made a face when she called him Lukey. "Nice spell Ashe! Sure a game sounds cool" He caught the ball then bounced it back to her, "Mate".
Malaine blushed and hugged her back "Thank you.." she said softly before pulling away "Come on lets go to your dorm so I can hurry up and do this so I wont have to see Zane in the same clothes every day."
"Remind me why I need more cloths" said Zane with curiosity/annoyance in his voice as he began to scratch his chest with his now free hand, while Melody walked back over to Zane and re-attached herself to Zane.

"You haven't annoyed me" *Sigh* Zane took a deep breath it, trying to think how he would phrase his next sentence. "Remember, I have no knowledge of society" said Zane, trying to sound as apologetic as he could while Melody stood there, the flower still in her hair as she played with it.

"Oh yeah.. " she said looking down at her feet "I just thought that since your going to be meeting new people,going places you should have more clothing. "
Zane looked at the girl, obviously extremely sad, and with a gesture to make her feel better he nodded. "Alright, but only one outfit" said Zane as he brought the hand with a book in it up and extended a claw towards the sky, finally conceding to Malaine's wishes.

"Come on a whole wordrobe please, I bet Ashe would think you look cute with all the new clothes ill make you." She said smiling big at Melody then back at Zane.
Melody elbowed Zane in the side and teased him. "Come on Zane" said Melody while giggling. "Half a wardrobe" responded Zane, trying to haggle with the girl as he brought his hand down, hoping she would agree.

"Okay half a wordrobe." She said giggling cause he had no idea,her typical full wordrobe was 100 outfuits so she's fine settling with 50. "Come on lets go I can wait but first. " she looked him up and down trying to guess his measurements.
Zane lifted an eyebrow at her before asking "Why are you just staring at me?" obviously confused by the girls actions. This caused Melody to giggle a little more as she started to hum to herself, waiting to hear what was going to happen next.

"Mesurements and thinking what kinda of clothes." Malanie looked at Melody "Mel what do you think about Hoodies,Band T-Shirts and.. " she toke a quick look at Zane then back at Melody "a leather jacket?"
As if on queue Zane said "The jacket stays" a note of seriousness had crept into his voice. He than quickly adds "It's the only thing I have from the Wilds and I wanna keep it" in a genuine tone, he now feeling somewhat embarrassed about his rashness. Melody tried to imagine Zane like that and nodded. "I think the jacket should stay, but everything else can be a go" said Melody as she smiled.

"I wasn't going to get ride of it." She said opening her spell book flipping to the right page. "Okay you ready? Lets go to you guys dorm..." she paused and flipped through the book more then back to the page she was on."Do you ever miss the wilds?"
This caused Zane to go silent as he began to think about this, deeply in thought. After 10 minutes of silence he finally respond's to the question. "Yes... and No. I do not miss the people or how I was treated, and it was not much, but to me it was home. It was always warm and I lived in the treetops and hunted to survive. People unlike me were not able to survive the acidic levels of the rivers so I could not be followed when I stole from the villages. The food was different than here, the animals and plant species was different in my world, 10,000 years ago." explains Zane, as his memories start to bring him back to his former life he lived 10,000 years ago. "I have a few plants from the Wild's in our dorm if you wish to see" continued Zane.

"I would love to see them. " she said with a smile that was on her face the whole time he spoke about his home world.Malaine looked to Melody "You are super quiet today why? "

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