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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Thats cool..Nainro didn't say anything once he entered the class room. He simply made way to a seat and sat. The words he previously said to Lucario came back to bite him with a tinge of guilt. It's more than a responsibility...

Juuya sat in the back of the math class, trying to ignore the stares he would get every few minutes. Do I have something on my face?

He shrugged it off and tried to pay attention.
"Normal as always," she declares and she raised her own brow in confusion. "What's gotten you so happy lately?" She teased him, too dense to notice anything around her.


Luce looks up and stares at Malanie's moving figure. Had she really forgiven him? Maybe not seeing as she was not making eye contact or greeting him like usual. Brushing it off, he waits for the bell to ring before starting class.
Lucario took a seat and stayed silent looking at the teacher. He wasn't sure what he had missed the previous day, but he would find out..in some way.

Marco raised his glasses noticing Keani's facial expression. "Quick break split into pairs and discuss. Odd number in here so there will be a group of three or a solitary one" The teacher said making his way over to Keani. "Is the idea of Romeo and Juliet confusing you?" He asked.
Zane blushes a little and turns his head. "Your here" he replies as he rubs the back of his head with his claws, the book still open on the desk.

Ashe let out a small chuckle. The boy's too cute to play the knight in shining armour, so maybe I should lead again she thought to herself. It wasn't such a hard part. She's done it too many times to count, but just wishing that she can one day be the person in distress. Like that'll happen. Clearing her thoughts, she turned to Zane. "Aww you're blushing, tell me why. Found something interesting?" This time, her smile was replaced with a cocky smirk. It was so easy to tease this guy.

She opened her book and flipped through it as she was looking for something important. She didn't like this felling of heart-brake she was constantly felling so she hopped there was away to get over it. She looked up from her book and looked around the class from where she's sat.
Zane turned his head back to Ashe and smiled, sticking out his snake-like tongue. "Yes" he replied in a growl like manner. Melody slowly sat up and stretched while letting out a yawn, she had awoken from her nap but was still tired.

"Okay do you mind telling me why you are frowning in my class? Am I not meeting your academic standards or is this frown from a rather personal case?" Marco asked looking to a certain group that was uncontrollably laughing. He slightly twisted his wrist and within a few moments a member of the group was crying like no tomorrow, "I don't mind if you guys laugh, but at least keep it to a certain volume". The teacher twisted his wrist again undoing the sadness he placed upon that crying student. He turned back to Keani, "Am I being too boring or what?"
Keani shook her head. "You are not boring, sir, and while I feel as if the class is moving at a lesser pace than the capability of the students, you seem to be a very capable teacher..." Keani said this all in one breath, knowing she'd stutter and falter otherwise.
"Do tell," she instinctively leans closer, still teasing him.


As everyone seated, Luce stood up, instructing them on what they were suppose to do. "Get out the laptop and start putting your work together. This piece will be presented in 4 days." And added, "Unless you want to wear that." Most of the students shivered in fright, quickly doing what was needed to be done. Luce grins in victory.
"Very well I thank you for your input" Marco said looking back to the rest of his class. "Move back! Let's carry on with our reading..." He glanced at some of his students. "Now, who wants to be Juliet, Romeo, and these other people!" The teacher saw some hands fly up. "Well whoever it is you better read with emotion or else I'll be forced to help you" Marco muttered so that his first few rows could hear him.
Keani sighed softly, biting her lip. She didn't want to listen to others read the play slowly to her, she wanted to read it on her own at a faster pace.
Malaine slowly got from her desk and slowly made her way to get a laptop. Her almost bare feet slide across the cold classroom floor lazyly.
"I'll give you a hint" said Zane as he smiled and gave Ashe a kiss on her forehead, being a whole head taller than people has its advantages.

(Bam page 100)

Lucario went up to Luce, "Sir what did we do yesterday in this class? I arrived late and didn't have much of an opportunity to get to ask someone else what the class did". Of course he didn't....because he didn't know anyone! Presentation? Was there some kind of print out or something?

"Keani would you like to read a part?" Marco asked spotting her from the side of his eye.

Lucario paused seeing Zane kiss Ashe on her forehead. I knew it! So I DIDN'T deserve that cake to the face HA! The teen quickly shut his thoughts up and returned his attention to Luce.
Marco raised a brow as his gaze shifted to the giggling girls, "Perhaps you girls would like to be the chorus? Yes? YES! Perfect!" The teacher turned back to Keani, "Are you sure?"
Keani nodded. "Yes, sir, I am..." She said, making herself seem smaller. Her cheeks were still flaming, and she didn't meet anyone's eyes.
"W-Wha?!" Ashe's face starts to heat up as Zane pulled away. I'm so freaking dense.. Was her thought before she turned her back to him, completely flustered by his actions. She hasn't been this close to a guy before. It was a first-hand experience.


"Ah yes, I heard about you.. Lucario.." his eyes narrowed, studying him before answering the question. "The project is based on the past. You would need to bring in something from long-ago that has helped that generation. If not," Luce waved to the board that has the words 'I FAILED' in red, "you will have to wear this around your neck for a whole day. Humiliation for not doing work sounds good eh?"

"OKAY! Time to read this scene and...action" Marco said looking at the first reader who read in a monotone voice. The teacher snapped his fingers suddenly making the voice sound as drunken as his assigned villager. A few moments later Romeo began to read. There was a great amount of effort hidden beneath his words, but the teacher knew that his student very well did not understand the language. He snapped his fingers again making the student practically fall in love with whoever read Juliet. Marco slammed his hand on the desk undoing all the emotions he sent out, "Mr. Romeo what did you say?" The student surprisingly translated the words accurately after his feelings faded away.

"Do you know what artifacts have been claimed by the other students?" Lucario asked not wanted to fail a history assignment.
Zane gave a look of confusion on why she had turned her back to him Did I do something wrong? Zane thought to himself, concerned for Ashe and how she was acting. "Are you ok?" asked Zane, concern in his voice as he closed the book on table and slid it towards the wall.

At that, Luce chuckles. "That, I'm not quite sure of and if I did, I wouldn't tell you either way. Does it matter if you bring the same object? I only look for if you actually did your part," he explains with a wave of his hand. "Anything else?"


"I-I'm f-fine," she reassured him with her back still turned. She couldn't let him see how she was blushing 50 shades of red. Even as she tried to calm down her thumping heart, it was beating like crazy.

"Okay we'll end here for today" Marco said closing the book and leaning on his desk. "Well how has your guys' experience been here so far? Any interesting events or stories?" The man's teaching style was unique and surprisingly effective. He was aware of his advanced students similar to Keani, but was also aware of the different more sophisticated words his students began to incorporate in their language.

"No, thanks bro" Lucario began to walk away then turned back around. "I mean Sir! Thank you" He returned to his desk without a laptop at hand. The teen closed his eyes as he leaned his head against his hand.

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