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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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(Kewl, thank you for being flexible @Ozerath )

Zane raised his eyes from his black box to see that his mother and sister were involved in something and quickly thought Shit as he put the object back into the box and into his pocket. Without a moments hesitation, he launched himself off the tree and into the cafeteria, skidding to a halt as he landed besides Melody and Malaine hugging. "Did I miss something? Are you two ok?" asked Zane, concern rigging through his voice.
Nainaro watched as the petals escaped from his hand with a gush of wind, causing most of them to float away. However, one landed just on the tip of his nose, and he went cross-eyed for a second trying to look at it.

"Naina! Nainaro!" Juuya called, walking quickly towards his twin. "What do you want?" Even though his Voice was harsh, He didn't bother looking at Juuya. He was more focused on balancing the petal as he spoke. A sharp pain pricked his heart, caused by Naina's tone. "I'm sorry, Nainaro, you're not overly sensitive I'm just mixed up because of all this." He broke a piece of chocolate from a bar he seemingly pulled from no where, but it was in fact in his pocket. Lifting the chocolate up to Nainaro, his expression gentle. "It'll help."

"It's fine.." Nainaro glanced over to his brother and took the chocolate, making the petal drop. "Aw.." He mumbled, having forgotten that he was balancing it there. Nevertheless, he ate the chocolate and smiled. It really does help.
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Melanie hugged Melosy closer glaring at Zane " While you where gone being lovey dove, Melody got pushed and laughed at! " she said glareing at him hard keeping her power under control.
The pain suddenly stopped. Thael slowly stood up, and was amazed to discover his wings were still quite firmly attached. Of course, a demons tools were trickery and illusion. He wouldn't fall for that next time.

He didn't think it was fair that Daisy only wanted to speak to him; Malaine had clearly started the fight. But, it wasn't his place to question an angel of her status, especially in front of others. There was one problem though. "I'm sorry headmaster, but I don't actually know where your office is."

@Federoff :P
"Oh no" Zane said, completely defeated. "I'm sorry Melody, I should of not had left you" Zane said, beating himself up for this. Stupid stupid stupid, you know Melody comes first thought Zane to himself, what he was thinking clearly plastered on his face. Melody broke the hug and walked over to Zane and preceded to hug him. "It's not your fault Zane, please don't be sad big brother" Melody continued to say, while bringing him into a tighter hug.


Daisy signaled for him to follow her to her office while speaking to him in privet she said "I'll deal with Mrs. Malaine in a short while, right now its you" as they made their way up to her office

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"I'll leave you both alone. Just don't do anything.. Weird," Ashe declares jumping off the rooftop and like usual, landed softly on the ground, catching sight of Juuya and Nainaro. "Hey, it's you guys again!" She calls for their attention. @Asphyxiated

Luce looks at Keani as she was stuttering. "What are you in need of?" He softly asks. One perk of being a teacher, you can help students in need.
Keani blushed furiouslt, much more embarrassed and scared of saying anything once Ashe left. "It's just...I mean...its..." She couldn't seem to make herself finish, her whole face beet red.
They both looked in the direction of a familiar voice, setting their gazes on Ashe. Nainaro dropped from the tree branch, shifting so that he landed on his feet instead of his back. Juuya didn't release his stare from her even as Naina replied to her, "Hey!"
"Melody im just glad your okay,and for you.. " she glared at Zane again but her soften realizing she was acting like a demon and with that her heart fell."..just next time if you wanna leave dont leave her by herself.. " she opened her spell book and whispered a quick spell and she held her hand out and soon a plate of chocolate chip cookies appeared."Here Melody I know your hungry .."
Thael dutifully followed Daisy to her office. He regretted that this was the way they were first meeting, but he couldn't do anything about that now.

(Those notifications aren't real D:))

Zane scratched the back of his head and nodded. "Your right" said Zane, admitting his defeat. Melody broke her hug after a few moments and took a chocolate cookie. "Thanks" Melody said as she began to nibble of the cookie, looking back to her normal cherry self. Zane looked away, looking deep in thought as his mind went a mile a minute.


Once they arrived at her office she sat Thael down and sat down behind a desk as she started to write on a pink piece of paper. "So tell me your side of the story" said Daisy as she continued to write on the paper

Luce nodded knowing why she couldn't speak correctly and chanted a spell from his book to calm her down. "There. Can you talk now?" He asked.


Ashe ran up and hugged Nainaro before turning to Juuya, who was staring at her. "Like what you see?" She teased with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Heh so cute Mel " she said giggling pinching Melodys cheeks talking in a swewt baby voice "Your the first nice angel ive meet besides your mom."
Melody smiled at this and blushed a little "Thank you" she replied as she was now half-way done with her 1st cookie, still savoring every bite. Zane still was looking away, lost deep in thought as he let the girls have their chat in privacy.

Nainaro froze when the girl hugged him, unsure of what he did to deserve one. He looked over to Juuya whose pale cheeks had flushed a light pink when she made the joking statement and looked away, avoiding eye contact with Nainaro. Juuya was never any help when it came to these types of situations, but neither of them had expected her actions. Simply because neither of them had came in physical contact with someone other than each other in a long time.
Malaine looked to Zane and sighed "Im sorry for snapping on you Zane." She said as she looked back to Melody "Is it? " she asked blushing "All i ever conjurer up is muffins for myself so I don't .."
Thael stood at attention in front of Daisy's desk, folding his wings in and dissipating his armor, his eyes front and center.

"I admit, I didn't see the incident myself. As I understand, there was a little accident in the cafeteria, and Ms. Melody was knocked down. THat demon didn't bother to ask what happened or find out the truth, she just attacked someone she thought might have been responsible and kept torturing him until she had her fill. I confronted her about it, and she tried to attack me too. She's dangerous, Headmaster. She's being very nice to Melody right now, but I'm convinced it's all to cover up her real motive. She's a demon, and they're all the same. Cruel, impulsive, traitorous, evil creatures, and they can all burn as far as I care"

Thael hadn't meant to say that much, and abruptly closed his mouth. He felt something hot run down his face and discovered that tears were leaking from his eyes. He tried to cover a sob with a sudden cough, and wiped the tears from his eyes.

(@Federoff . Also, *GASP* tragic secrets and hidden depths? WHAT A TWIST!)
Zane looked back at Malaine "No, you were right, I deserved it" said Zane as he had now snapped back into reality. Suddenly realizing that he had been distant for the past few minutes he continued with "Sorry I am being so distant... I have a lot on my mind right now" as he fumbled with his black box, his eyes now glowing red as he started to stare at the ground.

"Alright I'll bring in Malaine later and ask for her side of the story, For now you are free to go, I'll call you back in later" said Daisy as she ripped the pink paper and handed it to him "This is your punishment, lunch detention tomorrow or you can serve it today after school by picking up trash, your choice." said Daisy as she sighed, signaling that Thael could exit the door now.

"Don't worry what ever it is she's going to love it.."she said letting her mind drift off to Kevin "Hey what do boys like? "She asked because she didn't know what she was gonna get Kevin for the party.
Ashe looks at them quizzically and shrugs off their weird behavior. She whipped out the mystical camera which seems to appear out of nowhere and took multiple shots of Juuya. "Hah! Cute! You should blush more," she commented. Then she took a photo of the stunned Nainaro. Man, why are people being so weird around her these days? Eh, weird is cool.


"I don't know much but all I can say is that they get energy from other living things. They take the forms of a female, in your case, and try to seduce people." He thinks back to what he had read, lost in thought. Hey, history right?

"Oh and there are many types of them. The good, neutral, and bad. Why?"

Zane quickly realizing that he was still with everyone, he put the black box into his pocket and began to think. "I- I don't know, I grew up in a distant place than this, and shunned from society so I knew no one" admitted Zane as his memories brought him back to his world. Forest and marsh as far as the eye could see, different creatures and plants scattered around than here, an acidic world where you either lived or you died. "The boys of this place seem to like violence, so maybe a weapon?" shrugged Zane apologizing for his lack of help. Melody smiled as she took a second cookie and laughed. "Sorry, my brother is a hopeless romantic" This caused Melody to burst into laughter as she was barely keeping herself up by holding Zanes hand.


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