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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Sounds of music filled Ashe's ears as she ate. She turned to find two unusual boys tapping away. They weren't at the school yesterday so it was figured that they had just recently enrolled. The boys didn't look like a supernatural but what the hell did she know? Nobody could tell she was a mage by just looking. Out of boredom, she stalks over their table. "Yo, I'm Ashe!" she greeted cheerfully.

Zane led Melody to a table inside the cafeteria so Zane could get some work done. After he sat Melody down he told her "I'll be back at the end of lunch" Hearing this made Melody pout a little before asking him "What do you need to do?" "I couldn't tell you, you would blab it out faster than I could tell you" chuckled Zane as he said his goodbye to his sister. Zane pulled out his little black box and headed out of the cafeteria faster than he usually walked, leaving Melody by herself at a table, humming to herself as she kicked her feet, waiting for lunch to end.
They both froze for a second and smiled, but it was Nainaro who returned her greeting. "Hello~" he raised a hand to wave, and Juuya continued to smile.

"I'm Nainaro, and this is Juuya." Juuya raised his hand when Naina said his name. They had the same features, and the same blue eyes, but their hair and stature were completely different.

"Ashe is a strange name.." Juuya said soft yet bluntly. "It's pretty unique."
(This has got to be the longest post I've made)

Ashe whipped around to face Juuya as he said her name. "That's a first. Usually someone would say 'gross you have a boy's name' or something close to that," she stated before pointing to Keani sitting at the table. "That's Keani. Friend of mine." She waved for her to come over.


Lunch break. Yes! Luce mentally screamed. He can finally catch up to Ashe and tell her.. tell her what? That he was her long lost brother? He stopped just as he reached the cafeteria. How would he phrase it? Would she even believe him? All those thoughts ransacked his mind. Well, one way to find out. He entered the lunchroom and instantly spots the blonde out from the crowd. Luce slowly caught up to her from behind. "Ms. Rikito, I'd like to talk to you in private," he whispered in her ears, just low enough so only she could hear.

Ashe turns to face Luce and she nodded. "Umm I'll be right back," she told them following the teacher to an empty corner. As she neared, she could sense his anxiousness and a hint of.. excitement? Weird. "Ashe.." he called and she looks up to meet his eyes. They still held the same feeling of safety. "I'm your brother." That statement made her freeze. She was stunned. No way could he be him. He was dead. They told her he was dead. Or had they lied? Confusion set in her mind.

Luce watched as she took in the information and then just simply freeze. "Are you-" he was cut off short. "Prove it." Those words came out from her mouth. He knew that would come sooner or later. He sighs before taking out a locket. Luce opened it to reveal his family right before they were burned to ashes.

Her eyes widened. Tears brimmed the corner of her eyes. Ashe couldn't believe it. It was the same locket she kept right before the fire. She looks up to Luce and hugged him. She had found her brother. The search was done. After 11 years, she had found him.

Luce hugged back feeling his heart light up. He chuckles as he felt his shirt become drenched with tears.. Ashe pulled back, wiping away her eyes with a grin on her face. Its been so long since she's smiled like that. And this time, it was a real one. After the cheesy moment of happiness, Luce pulled back saying he needed to get ready for his next class. Ashe nodded and walks back over to the group.
Malaine had been in her dorm for what seemed like hours going over her spell book. She sighed running her fingers in her long hair and gently grabbed her book and cluched it to her chest tightly. She spoke the same spell shes been using alot scince she came to the school. With a purpple flash of light she was now in the middle of the cafeteria."Muffins here I come.." she said making her way to the muffins he long hair dragging lightly on the ground cause she was to lazy to put it up or braid it.
After Zane left the cafeteria he had taken a seat at the highest tree he saw, hoping that Ashe would not see him. After he looked around to check if anyone could see, he opened his black box and started to tinker with whatever was inside it. I hope she likes it thought Zane as he was tinkering with it.

Daisy's voice suddenly broke through on the com. "Hey everyone just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is a half day, and that we are having our annual "Holidays Bash" after school. I hope to see all your wonderful faces there, we will be serving the best food/drinks around and will be having music on through the night. Hope to see you all there, Thanks"

Juuya and Nainaro sat and watched as the events quickly unfolded. They looked up at Ashe who was walking over. The guys seemed to be in complete synchronization as they noticed she looked like she had been crying, "are you alright?"
As she walked past Ashe and the two boys, a tray of muffins in one hand her spell book the other she looked at Ashe giving her a small smile then went to go sit alone at her own table eating a muffin and flipped through the book.
Ashe nods feeling happier than she had in years. "I'm more than ok," she bit her bottom lip as to not blurt everything out. Who knew? Anything they know about her could be a form of blackmail. She sat down in the empty seat next to them. "So what are you and what powers do you posses?" she asks, completely changing the subject.
Juuya could tell she was hiding something, but it was her business, So, he didn't bother pushing to get the truth. Instead, he decided on answering her question to help change the subject. "We're enhanced humans." He said, placing his chin into the palm of a skinny hand. "Juuya" Nainaro wasn't sure about telling her this, seeing as they didn't know what she was either. He ignored Naina, continuing on with the answer,"A.k.a sub-humans." When Juuya said 'a.k.a' he writ the words out in the air with his free hand. "Juuya!" Nainaro said again, only to be ignored once more. This quickly began to aggravate him. "I can manipulate cells from inside my body and change any ligament I want into a weapon." He said this with a small smile. Unlike his twin, he wasn't bothered to much by telling others so soon. To Naina, it was like peeling the scab from a fresh wound. They had only been free from that wretched place for a month, and Juuya was so freely talking about it.

"Naina is kind of the same, only he can--" Juuya was cut off when Nainaro wrapped an arm around his mouth, pressing him to shut up. He sighed, mentally, and gave a signal of surrender.

Nainaro let him go, though he was still upset at Juuya. He looked in the other direction, knowing he was in the wrong for acting out in such a way.

" I apologize for that, Nainaro is a bit sensitive about the subject." Juuya felt a little embarrassed, and glanced at Nainaro who was mumbling to himself angrily.
Melody got up and slowly tried to make her way over to the food, she was starting to get hungry. She put her one hand on the table while she slowly started to make her way over to the food, her other hand out in front of her trying to feel her way around. Once she made it to the end of the table, Melody got pushed to the ground by someone, causing her to yell out in pain as the person started to laugh to out loud.
Malaine saw Melody get pushed by one of the dushebags and growls she rushed over to Melody and picked her up."Are you okay..."she she softly then glared at the boys she looked the guy that pushed Melody in the eyes and soon he fell screaming in pain.
Melody immediately hugged the person that had came to her aid, a few tears came down from her bandages as she continued to hug Malaine, completely terrified by what had just happened. After a few moments she finally spoke in a shy voice "Y-yes, thank you. Wh-who is this?" asked Melody as she started patting down Malaine, trying to figure out who had come to her rescue.
Keani simply remained where she had been sitting, her eyes downcast. She closed her eyes and brought her knees to her chest. She felt as if her blood was boiling, and she couldn't make it stop.
"Im Malanie, now where the hell is Zane?! Isnt he to watch you?" She picked up Melody as best as she could leaving the group of boys taking care of the boy on the ground crying still in pain because Melanie hadn't let him lose until they were at a table far away.
"No, its fine. I know how it feels," Ashe admitted. "You don't have to tell me more." There was a slight pause before she became cheerful again. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you!" She stood up and walks back to where Keani was sitting in a curled up position. Her worry increased. "Keani? You alright?"

Luce sighs happily making his way to the roof. That would be his resting spot. Hardly anyone came up there. His eyes close, slipping into another dream. This time, there was no bloodshed.
Melody leaned in close to Malaine's ear and asked "You promise you wont tell?" as she was being carried by Malaine, barely weighting more than a feather. @Demonic Angel
Thael's morning had passed uneventfully. He spent his free period practicing combat techniques, and diligently sat through a magic class, even if it wasn't very interesting. He had just entered the cafeteria when he spotted Neil writhing on the ground, with the others crowded around him. Dammit Neil! he thought to himself, but Kyle waved him over urgently and told him what had happened. The red haired demon. Why was he surprised.

Thael boldly walked over to where Malaine was seated with Melody. "So, you assaulted and tortured another student because he accidentally bumped into someone?" he said angrily. @DemonicPrincess
"Are you.. in need of energy?" she asks feeling Keani's skin. It was cool on the outside but she said it was really hot. "Maybe some air will help." Ashe wraps Keani's arm around her neck to balance her as she walked outside into the courtyard. A breeze picked up and a blast of cold wind hit them. "You can feed," Ashe offers looking into her eyes seriously. There was no doubt she would take 'no' for an answer.
"Nice meeting you too." Juuya said and watched her until she walked away. He huffed and averted his attention to The male sitting next to him. "Honestly, Naina, how are we supposed to make friends if you keep being so overly sensitive. It's such a bummer."

Nainaro shot a glare at Juuya before standing up and leaving the table. Overly sensitive...Please.

He gave an angry sigh whilst leaving the cafeteria and heading to the courtyard for some peace.
(( Okay Alert: Malainea hair is brown))

"I promise I wont tell.." she said as sh giggled but stopped when the angel boy from this morning came to her."Accidently?! He pushed her then started laughing! She cant even see where the [naughty word] she's going! And I didn't even hurt the jerk that bad so get out of my face!" She said growling her pretty golden eyes shifting to a glitery midnight black leaving no white.
"Then what?" Ashe was getting anxious by the passing second. It was surprising Keani hadn't passed out yet. "Tell me. If you don't I wont know." She was going to resort to force is Keani doesn't spill.

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