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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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"Alrighty' " Kishi smiled and took the bag just before grabbing the rest of the clothes and putting them inside. He was kind of embarrassed from having to do this, but it was a different kind of embarrassment as earlier. It was one that made your stomach churn a little. With a relieved sigh, Kishi grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him from the room.
Matthew chuckled. "Damn. Your strong when you wanna be kitten. " he said as he caught up with Kishi so he wasn't being pulled." Are you embarrassed about carrying the bag? I would carry it but im to manly."
Kishi laughed a little while talking,"it's fine, I probably look like a flat chested girl anyways." He smiled up at Matthew and continued to walk from his dorm room, closing the door behind him.
Matthew chuckled."Not at all Kitten." Matthew couldn't help but to chuckle again. It was funny hiw Kishi described himself at that."I think you look boy,a cute small adorable boy at that."
Kishi blushed from his statement and looked away for a moment. I'm not a little boy..Yellow eyes blinked before he sighed lightly. Jokingly, he said,"be careful with that little boy stuff. People might think you're a pedophile."
"I don't care let them think what ever they want." Pushing his hair out of his eyes he shrughed."Its not like i give a flying rats ass about what they have to say."
"No need to get sassy,"Kishi giggled a little and squeezed his hand,"I was just picking.." He continued to walk out of the dorms towards the cafeteria, light blue strands of hair blowing loosely as they stepped outside. "It feels pretty good out here.."
"Yeah. But come on even know i love it how your blue hair wips around your face i wanna go eat." Matthew said patting his stomach a little as it growled. "Making out with you makes me hungry. "
((I guess hes saying even though he would love to stay out side an look at how Kishi's blue hair blow in the wind he's starving because making out with Kishi made him hungry...

@SorenDarrah ))
Kishi nodded and continued to walk to the cafeteria. His expression brightened as an idea came to mind,"let's eat outside!"
Kishi paused his thoughts, "We can eat inside since you want to. Plus, we wouldn't really have a place to sit out here." He wasn't upset about it. in fact, he was still looking ahead of them with a happy expression. It was a bit chilly, but Kishi hadn't noticed because he was more focused on Matthew and their destination.
((Im really hating RpN right now..)

Matthew brought them inside,letting out a sighing of contentment."Yes, i should have brought my hoodie." He said looking down at Kishi."What do you wanna eat Kitten?"
I know..))

Kishi shrugged, "I could eat anything right now." He looked around the room, noticing there wasnt many people there.
"Come on Kitten. You must want something specific. " Matthew sighed." How about pizza like last time?",he asked stroking Kishi's cheek."Ill get you whatever you want. Ill always take care of you."
Sorry, I fell asleep.))

"Sure, pizza." Kishi said with a smile. He had it yesterday, but it was his favorite food and he could never turn it down.
Mao finally finished unpacking. He looked around the well organized room and let out a relieved sigh, whilst pushing his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose. Standing up from the floor, Mao grabbed the hoodie he left on his bed and put it on. He then left the dorm, folding the map up in his hands and placing it into his front pocket.

"What should I do first.." Mao asked himself as he looked down the halls. Hunger settled into his stomach, causing him to pat it lightly. "Food or find classes.."

After he had stood there for a few minutes staring out of the window in thought, his belly growled. He dropped his head in defeat as he mumbled," food it is." The boy turned on the balls of his feet to face the correct direction and began to venture off towards the lunch room.

Once he made it to the cafeteria, he immediately bypassed the random students and got himself some sausage pizza, before finding an empty seat. He sat down and began to eat, not really paying much attention to his surroundings.
Kishi froze when he saw someone pass he and Matthew. Something about the figure seemed familiar. He watched him venture through the small crowd of people, his eyes widening when he got a look at the person's face. "Mao....?" Kishi said quietly, unknowingly squeezing Matthew's hand. Yellow eyes continued to watch the boy closely, tears just barely beginning to form at their edges. Hesitantly, he let go of Matthews hand and ran over to the familiar person. Without thinking, he leaned over the table and grabbed the boy's shoulders. "What...what is your name?"

"M-mao!" Mao flinched while leaning backwards in his seat away from the person in surprise. At least, he was until he saw the male's face. It was Kishi. It had to be. But something was different about him. "....Kishi?"
Kishi blinked when the boy said his name, staring at him in disbelief. "But...you were dead," He wrapped his arms around Mao's shoulders into a tight hug as he began to cry,"I thought..I thought I.." He squeezed tighter with each word.
"I-it's ok!" Mao didn't know how to react, patting Kishi's back lightly. He was getting the air squeezed out of him and he could feel Kishi's tears on his shoulder. "I'm not dead, but I-", he tried to talk in between breaths,"can't breathe."

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