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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

  • A

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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Kishi let go of him when he said that, wiping the tears from his eyes as he pulled away. "I'm sorry.." He continued to rub his eyes, his expression verging between happy and sad. "I don't understand..you were dead.."
"I was." Mao fixed his glasses, staring at Kishi nervously. His amber eyes stayed fixated on his brother. "I can't remember how I came back. Jay said that I would remember eventually."
"Jay knew?" Kishi felt a hint of betrayal and growled slightly, "that damn demon didn't tell me.." He didn't know whether to feel happy or angry, and let out a sigh whilst covering his face. After a second, he peeked through the gap in his fingers towards Mao, "hey...your eyes are different."
"Yes," he pulled the glasses from his face. When he did, his irises clouded over with white and a pair of ears appeared on his head, along with a tail on his back that was hidden beneath the table. "The institute made these for me so I could see."

Mao frowned vaguely, now only able to see the outlines of the people in the room. The ears on his head twitched as people's thoughts began to fill his head and he blocked them off.
"Thats neat." Kishi blinked, moving his hands from his face with a surprised expression. "You have ears!" He reached out and gently grabbed them, squeezing them between his thumbs. "Soft~"
"D-Don't touch them!" Mao's face went red, and he covered the ears with his hands. He looked at Kishi, his outline, and frowned. "They're sensitive. Not to be touched." The glasses he was holding had fallen onto the table next to his food.
"Oops, sorry," Kishi pulled his hands away from Mao,"when did you get ears?" He asked, before noticing the glasses. A chuckle escaped when he picked them up, and put them on and off Mao's face. Watching the ears appear and disappear. "Hah!"
Mao huffed as his sight went in and out along with the horde of thoughts. He reached up and grabbed Kishi's wrists whilst speaking, "please. stop. it. You're giving me a headache." Mao froze when he got an accidental glimpse of Kishi's recent memories and thoughts of this morning. Pink painted his cheeks as he let go of him; taking the glasses with his hands and putting them back on.

"I never knew you were a pervert.." Mao said, covering his mouth with the tips of his fingers and looking at the table with a small smirk.
Kishi blinked a few times before he remembered what Mao could do. His face flooded red and he waved his hands out in front of him,"I-I-it's not what you think!....." He stopped and dropped his head, knowing he couldn't lie to him,"it's kind of what you think."
"Ah-" he held up a hand to stop him,"no need to explain." Mao smiled slightly and looked up at Kishi from his seat. That's when it hit him: what was different about Kishi was his hair. He felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. "So, when did your hair get short?"
"Well...I kind of messed with a warlock and got cursed to change into a girl, at times." Kishi's expression had changed again to one of nervous embarrassment and he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's been short like this since then.
Mao eyed him a moment, trying to hold back the laughter that was growing in his chest. "You're not joking?" He asked, bits of the laugh escaping when he realized Kishi was serious. "Ha-you-- Hahahaha---you seriously angered a warlock? Why would you even-" Mao didn't finish his question when he started to calm. "That's funny."
"It's not that funny." Kishi pouted, folding his arms across his chest. He sighed before his expression quickly changed. "Wanna meet my boyfriend?" He asked, but gave Mao no time to reply as he grabbed his arm and pulled him over the table with one hand, as if Mao was a doll. Kishi allowed him to set his feet on the ground before he dragged him over to Matthew. "Matthew, my brother Mao. Mao, my boyfriend Matthew."

Mao had a hard time trying to keep up with Kishi's fast-paced steps and almost tripped a few times along the way. He held his glasses in place with a small hand until they came to a halt where he had to catch his breath. He looked up at the guy Kishi called Matthew and held up a hand in an awkward wave. Mao stood slightly behind Kishi, his nervousness getting the better of him.
"Hey." Matthew ran his hand through his already messy black hair. Cold but somehow soft blue eyes started down at the boy who was his boyfriend's brother. "We where just about to eat. Did you wanna join us?" His voice was intimidating and demanded control. Matthew instantly didn't want to trust a new person,but was willing to try for Kishi."Kitten can you please come back an hold my hand. It doesn't fell right with you so far away."

((I am so sorry. My wifi was being a betch.))
though he was actually nervous, all he did was stare up at the guy named Matthew and push his glasses up. This guy is really scary. Mao didn't wish to intrude on the two, but, knowing Kishi, he probably wouldn't let him say no. Dark blue hair partially cut off his gaze as He tried to focus his eyes elsewhere behind the intimidating teen while he nodded and nudged Kishi to go to him.
It's ok.))

Kishi smiled as they greeted each other and took hold of Matthews hand. He wrapped his fingers between Matthews and rested his head against his arm. Kishi seemed happy, but all if this was a lot for him to take in. Already knowing his emotions would spike, Kishi took a deep breath and exhaled quietly whilst he tried to calm his mind.
Matthew smiled down at Kishi before turning his gaze to Mao."Alright, ill just go an get mine and Kishi's food." Not really wanting to,he let go of Kishi's hand and gently moving him back to his brother's side."I'll be right back,go back to the table.Be good you two. Expecally you kitten." Giving Kishi a quick peak on his lips Matthew left the two in order to get the food.
Kishi nodded and smiled, watching him leave. He grabbed Mao's wrist and dragged him back to the table, and, without realizing it, slung him over the table to his seat.
Mao was suddenly in his seat before he realized it. He looked up at Kishi with a surprised visage,"geez, you're stronger than you look.." Fixing his glasses again, Mao sighed,"these are going to end up broken..." He shook his head lightly, before looking up at his brother,"that reminds me, have you seen Nainaro anywhere?"
Kishi sat in the seat across from Mao with a confused expression,"you know Nainaro?" A brow raised as he looked at his little brother,"how?"
"Well....it's kind of a long story, but," he shifted in his seat, looking at the table as he spoke,"a few days after I woke up from the coma, I had to get a physical and.." Mao frowned, he didn't feel comfortable talking about it in public, but seeing as no one was listening, he continued,"doctor S told me to take my shirt off, so I did. It seemed pretty normal at first, but then he started getting weird and I couldn't move for some reason or even really see. I'm not going to even go into detail about what he was thinking..." He let a sigh out as if Kishi was the first person he was telling this,"That's when Nainaro barged into the room with a box and started attacking the doctor. I knew it was him because he told me his name before he explained that the box had my glasses in them and he gave them to me when he took me away from the room."

Mao stopped, looking down at the table in dread,"I never got a chance to thank him because some guy came up behind him and knocked him out. I don't know why, but he helped me get to Jay."

Mao was quiet after this, peeking up at Kishi.
Kishi's expression was blank at first, but slowly twisted as he spoke," S..isn't..a doctor....he's a pervert that works for the defensive forces because of his ability to paralyze...living beings.." his eyes were orange while he glared at Mao, his hands balling into tight fists. "Why would they let him into the health facility ....stupid....stupid...stupid.. They are so fucking stupid! Dammit! Why didn't Jay tell me you were alive?! I'll kill S if I ever see that bastard again!" Kishis palms began to bleed from the nails digging into his skin.
Mao flinched from Kishi's words, getting nervous each time he yelled. Noticing his eyes, he reached his hands out and grasped Kishi's wrists.

"Calm down, Kishi...it's ok..just please calm down.." He looked up at his brother pleadingly, speaking softly. "Jay didn't tell you because I asked him not to. I wanted to tell you I was alive myself. I made him promise not to."
Kishi calmed a little, loosening his fists. He simply looked at Mao now, a frown on his face. "Sorry, I'm just a bit on edge right now. Finding out that you were alive put my emotions in a roller coaster." Gently, he pulled his wrists away, the orange fading from his eyes as he averted his gaze downward and lightly licked the blood from his palms.

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