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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Lucario put an arm around Malaine and smiled. "Wait. Do you have to do that every some number of years though?" He asked raising a brow curious about the process.
Matthew thought for a moment and sighed and moved away from Kishi sitting on the bed away from him a little."Yea sure." Matthew was starting to fell as if Kishi doesn't like it when he touches him.

"Yea ever 100 years." Malaine said blushing as she was pulled closer to him."..you dont have to do this.." Malaine said softly looking away from Lucario.
Kishi sat up, holding his ankles. Matthew seemed reluctant, and he looked at him with yellow hues. He felt a little bad now, but why?

Kishi bit his lip and scooted closer to Matthew. "Is there anything you want to know about me?"
"I want you too. I just dont want you to regret it." Malaine said chewing on her bottom lip like she does when she's nervous.

Matthew felt Kishi move closer to him. Instead of pulling Kishi close he played with his own hands in his lap."Why don't you like me touching you?" He asked in a quietly.
Lucario smiled a little, "Why would I ever regret spending the rest of my life with you?" "I mean even the decades to follow are only going to get better. Think of all the new technology and nanite developments" His eyes were glowing out of happiness even as he shift his gaze back to her eyes.
"Alright." Malaine got up and went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and slit her palm open as she walked back to him."Just a little blood." She said as she held her bloody hand out to him.

Matthew bit his lip."You always turn away or cover the spot i kiss.." He said trying to keep his voice from sounding sad.
"Right...n-now?" Lucario asked staring at her hand and quickly getting a paper towel to wrap her hand in. "Now?" He questioned again that time looking at her face.
Lucius asked "Ok so is there anything else I need to know before I start?" I hope I don't need to introduce myself to that many new people. It's to awkward for me. @Federoff

(sorry for not being online lately exams have been stressing me out)
Kishi blinked, realizing why Matthew felt that way. He looked down at the bed for a moment before crawling over to him. "I-I don't do that because I don't like it..."He was embarrassed about stating these thoughts, so his eyes darted from Matthew to his hands with every few words. "I-I do it because I like it...I don't..I don't know how to react.."
"...I'll do it" Lucario said tilting his head and bringing Malaine's hand up a bit so that he drank only a little of her blood.
"Okay." Malaine toke her hand away and licked the cut healing it."There. Thats done." Malaine sat down close to Lucario cuddling."Dont worry nothing Phycally or Mentally is going to happen. My blood just stopped your ageing."

Matthew noded to what Kishi was saying."Don't think about how to react just go with it Kitten." Matthew turned his body an looked at Kishi. Taking Kishi's chin he brought his face closer to his."Kishi just go with it." Matthew pressed his lips against his softly.
Kishi nodded and kissed him back. He picked his hands up from his position on all-fours and used Matthews shoulders as support as he leaned into the kiss.
"Do you know scientifically how...wow I didn't know you could heal yourself like that" Lucario said interrupting himself once he saw Malaine heal her wound.

(gtg night)
Kishi shifted a little, positioning himself more comfortably. He continued to kiss Matthew, nibbling on his bottom lip before he pulled away. A soft pink covered his cheekbones as he looked down at him.
Malaielne smiled at him and giggled."I dont know, it has to do with stuff in my saliva." Malaine kissed his cheek softly. "So you really ready for a long life with me?"

Federoff said:
Melody looked at Tanna with a confused look. "Hmm?" went Melody, wondering what the two girls meant. "So what do you two girls want for breakfast?" asked Kylia as she got the phone and walked over to Tanna and sitting down right next to her.
(@UnwantedTruth : Sorry, I had school D:)
Tanna shrugged. "I'm fine with anything." She said with a smile. "What about you, my sweet song?" She asked Melody.
"N-nothing's wrong." Kishi said, blinking a few times. He thought for a moment about what he had done earlier before leaning down and nibbling Matthews ear, testing something.
Melody shrugged as well. "I'm fine with anything" she replied. Kylia nodded and ordered something random from a take-out joint. "They will be here soon" smiled Kylia before placing her hand under Tanna and squeezing her ass playfully.
Tanna blushed as she watched Kylia spanked herself and blushed. She turned to Melody and smiled, looking at everything she had wanted to look at before she could.
Matthew growls and flips them over so he was on top."Kitten rember what happen earlier when you did that.." Matthew looked down at Kishi his blue eyes seemed to look electric.

@SorenDarrah ((Sorry. RPN was messing up on me last night.))

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