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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • D

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"I don't play, nor do I care to fight. Unlike you I think each life precious, and I'm not going to repeat the same murders my village committed on me and my kind" said Zane, a tear flowing down from his eye as his past was brought back to him from the nether of his memories. Melody started to pick the bark from Zane's claws and gave it back to the face "Zane you've learned a lot, I'm proud. Now for you Mr. Tree man, I hope we can be friends" smiled Melody, happiness radiating from her entire being.

@AceXCrossix @Seraph

(lol now that you mention it, that is kinda creepy xD )
Amon looked at the little girl that smiled at him and he almost automatically calmed down. The flowers started falling from his body in a slow rain towards the girl. His tree for started to disappear until he was human again and fell to his knees. "Y-yes...o-of course...." He shook his head and stood up "What did you do to me?" He shook his head again not wanting to accept what just happened. "How did you do that? Nobody can just do that to me."

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(?? lol?? I haven't dreamed in forever, I only have nightmares, and they are quite nice, Like last night, i had a nightmare in which a giant fish destroyed the planet lol)
''Oh really? I think we're on the same book then. I've never had an actual friend since middle school, ahrd being a reject, you know? And even more with the annoyign gas mask i have to put on.'' He sighed as he told her that.
"Eh I think it makes you kinda cute and mysterious. " she said with a shrug and toke another bite of a different muffin getting more little crumbs on her face.
He smiled at her for giving her that compliment. He felt his cheeks fulling of air and he rapidly put on his mask, releasing another puff of black smoke. ''You see, that's what I hate this thing. I can't be calm two seconds before having to put it on to not intoxicate the whole damn enviroment.'' he said, angry.
((oh sorry seraph, your post didn't register till now, mesa so sorry, go have yourself a cookie, its on me))

Melody smiled towards him before responding "I don't know how I do it, people say that it is because I am an angel, but I don't buy it. I think its just me being me and that allows me to connect to other people easier" giggled Melody, now realizing how corny that sounded. This caused Zane to give out a light smile, himself about to speak "I use to be a sad and bitter person, nothing to live for, shunned from society for being born me. Melody fell from the sky one day and gave my life meaning, reminding me I am alive and worth living for. I now live my life to repay her" as he put his hand on her head and rubbed it. Melody blushed at hearing this. "Yeah" admitted Melody, with no other words to respond.

@AceXCrossix @Seraph
He sighed and looked at her. ''I guess that's how it is. With who are you in your dorm? As far as I know I have no one else but me in mine.''
Keani kept wandering, confused. She eventually sat in an empty hallway, frowning. "I don't know where I am..." She was even trying to follow the provided map, but she just got more and more confused.
"Well im sharing a dorm with my bestfriend." She said with a smile "You have to go to Headmistress to get you one since you were not here yesterday."
Ashe got bored so deciding not to my sit there and sulk, she got up to find Keani. First starting with running down the halls.

"KEANI-!!" Ashe suddenly trips and lands by her foot, face down. She got up and hugs the girl like nothing happened. "HEY! I missed you!" Yep. So pro. @HonestlySurviving
''Oh, cool, lucky you. And I've already got one, she told me wich one earlier.'' He started drinking from a water bottle he had in his backapck.
Amon sighed and fell to his back looking up to the sky. "It's not fair..." He hit the ground with his fists and jumped up. "Just because your an angel...of course and angel. I'm so...not angry but mad but I can't because you...ugh!" He rambled arguing with his feelings and thoughts. "Why do you...because you have to. Why can I not be angry at her! Because she's an angel, she hasn't done anything wrong to you. Yeah but she's with him." He argued with himself. "I want to hate you...but I can't...and I don't know why. And you make my face hot, my stomach feel fuzzy, and my hands sweaty. I don't know how but your cheating." Amon huffed "But you..." He pointed to the boy "...I'm not fond of you fire breather...I'm going to be awkwardly silent now!"
Seraph said:
Amon sighed and fell to his back looking up to the sky. "It's not fair..." He hit the ground with his fists and jumped up. "Just because your an angel...of course and angel. I'm so...not angry but mad but I can't because you...ugh!" He rambled arguing with his feelings and thoughts. "Why do you...because you have to. Why can I not be angry at her! Because she's an angel, she hasn't done anything wrong to you. Yeah but she's with him." He argued with himself. "I want to hate you...but I can't...and I don't know why. And you make my face hot, my stomach feel fuzzy, and my hands sweaty. I don't know how but your cheating." Amon huffed "But you..." He pointed to the boy "...I'm not fond of you fire breather...I'm going to be awkwardly silent now!"
(Good luck *pats back* don't die on me)
He giggled at seeing her take a sip off his water. ''It's fine, so, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking. I'm Kevin.''
"Oh you were?" She asked and smiles "good thing I found you!" She gave Keani another hug. "So where are you off to now?" Ashe had no place in mind and was bored.

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