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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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All Zane could do is stare and blush, not sure of what to say or what to do. After a few minutes he finally nodded and said "Of course" while his eyes began to glow, turning his eyes from a deep red to a light scarlet. Melody chuckled to herself, obviously pleased with herself and what had just happened.

"Im sorry aswell i shouldn't have blown up on you.." she sighed and smiled lightly at him."Well i better get to work on that project.. " she didnt fell like walking so she mumbled a quick spell the same one she used last night and with a small flash of purpple she was gone and now sitting in the middle of her bed.
"Cute!" Ashe snapped a bunch of photos just in case Zane tried to rip one, she'll have extras to replace them. She wondered when the next bell would ring. "Oh that reminds me, what's your next class?" She was asking both Zane and Melody now.

Luce smiles as he was forgiven. He knew it wasnt her fault. Then when turning around, he notices Kevin. Another student out of class eh? "Mr. Bryant!" He calls the boy. @Keiser
Zane let out a sigh of defeat, not bothering with trying to stop her. "Well we were suppose to have science, but yeah" said Zane as he scratched his scaley chest. He then preceded to pose the question "Why do you want so many pictures of me anyways?" completely confused on why. @AceXCrossix
"Why wouldn't I want pictures of you?" She retorts with a smirk plastered onto her face. She was still the unpredictable child she was. Ashe turns and took photos of Melody too. "There. That's going in my photo album!"
Amon was now sitting alone again but he was pretty use to it. He sat alone searching for stuff online for the paper. He thought about how the girl had rejected what he thought was a kind gesture. He twirled his pencil for awhile before turning around and staring at the boy who had gotten fussy with him earlier.
Melody smiled at her, happy that Zane finally was being open for once, and that someone wanted pictures of them. Zane just blushed, thinking to himself and trying to figure out why she wanted pictures, he just didn't get it. He rested his head in his arm, putting himself into a thinking position. "What class do you have next?" asked Zane, still trying to figure out the girl and her pictures.

Tanna walked out of her last class, history, and was rushing to her next class. But in her rush, she tripped over her own feet, falling down, body sprawled on the ground. "Ow..." She said.
"Free period," she answered as she flipped through her camera. Then, she posed it at Amon and snapped a picture of him. Ashe didn't know why, she just did it. He had seem cool, even though she couldn't understand a thing he said.
Zane started to stand up and say "Bell's about to ring" at the exact moment he finished the word ring, the bell rung and Zane offered his hand to Melody as she stood up. "Can we go get something to eat?" asked Melody, her stomach now rumbling as she laughed at herself. "I'm up for food, what about you?" Zane asked Ashe as he opened the door to the hallway, holding it open for the ladies. On the floor he saw a girl (Tanna) on the floor.

@AceXCrossix @UnwantedTruth
Tanna groaned as she looked at the people. "Hey everyone..." She said awkwardly. She then looked at a group of two girls and a guy. She stood up from off the ground.
He looked at the boy being forgiven, and he turned around and recognized him. He squinted his eyes at him calling him ''Mr.'' He leaned forward and asked. ''What have I done, to be called Mister, and, how do you know who I am?''
"Nah I'm good," she declined the offer. "I'll be elsewhere if you need me." With that, the blonde left for the courtyard. It was now officially her favorite place.

"One, I like calling people that and two, I'm a teacher so I should know your name," he replied as the bell rang. "Well I gotta get to my next class. Catch you later Kevin." With that Luce walks back to his classroom.
(Would I have to make a character sheet?)

Tanna dusted herself off. "Yeah I'm fine." She then looked at his face and extended a hand. "I'm Tanna Taboo! What's your name, and in what pocket do you keep your wallet?" She said. This, surprisingly, was her normal introduction when it came to meeting new people.
(You don't remember your genie from Moonlight Academy lol?)

"I'm Zane" Zane stated as he closed the door. "I don't use wallets" replied Zane as he led out Melody, looking kinda distant and distracted. Melody also greeted Tanna by saying "I'm Melody, nice to meet you."
Teacher? I could've sworn he was the same age as me. He slightly shrugged and walked off, heading to his dorm. With who will I share my dorm with? He sighed and entered it, seeing no one. I don't know if this is good, or bad. He left, having nothing to do, and started roaming the school.

(No, I remember, I just was wondering if I had to recreate the character sheet here.)

Tanna giggled. "Well that's just silly! Where do you keep your money if you have no wallet? Don't tell me you don't have any money!" She crossed her arms. "Because if you don't, I can't take your money!"
Amon stood at the door as he exited slowly and decided he would go outside in the sunshine for a good feeding. Out in the courtyard, he raise his hands and his body began to grow, morph and contort. His outside became thick bark and his legs and feet dug into the earth. Amon grew larger as he produced branched just like a willow tree but instead of plain green leaves it was red Sakura blossoms down the whip like branches. Finally, it ended and he was a full grown tree absorbing the sunlight, simply feeding.
(Lol no I meant do you want to join us at Moonlight Academy?)

"I have no need of money" Zane stated as his eyes began to examine Tanna, but gave up and drifted into space. Melody looked to Zane and asked "Are you ok?" being concerned for her friends distracted brain. "Yes, now lets go get some food" said Zane in a empty way as they started to walk away. Melody signaled for the girl to follow them "If you want to continue talking, follow us" as they started to walk towards the cafeteria for food.
Ashe made it outside and saw a weird looking tree. It was out of place and unlike the others. She smiled and began climbing it, stopping as she reached the middle bark. There was no one around so in spite of everything, tears started falling. Ashe had been holding it in the whole day and now was the time to let it go, in a place where nobody could see her real emotions. @Seraph

Luce made it into his classroom still thinking about his sister and taught his usual lessons but halfheartedly.
(Ooooooh, sure!)

Tanna blinked. "Um, seriously? You guys aren't utterly disgusted by me and my kleptomania? Um, ok!" She said. She walked so she was next to Zane. "So, what's special about you guys?"
Amon could feel weight on one of his branches and found it to be the girl from earlier. He could hear crying upon him and he felt bad but he didn't want to invade her moment by changing back so instead he started moving his branches. He moved them in a way that just looked like a gentle breeze was pushing his branches towards her cheek. Gently it brushed against her wiping away the tear and then stilled as if nothing happened.
"Dracoinan" said Zane as he pointed to himself, he barely paying attention to everything. "I'm an half angel" said Melody as she walked along with Zane. After a few moments of silence a light bulb went off in her head. "Ooooohhh I get it" exclaimed Melody as she had now just gotten the idea. She started to tease at Zane "You like Ashe don't you?" poking at his scaley side. "Q-Quite!" said Zane as he flicked her head, his face now lit up like a tomato. She started to chant/tease at Zane,"You like Ashe! You like Ashe!" luckily no one was around for people to hear this as they passed through the courtyard and into the cafe.
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Malaine had finished the project somewhat and was kinda starving. She closed the laptop and left it on the bed as she looked in her things and grabed her cellphone and headed out the door and walked to the cafeteria.

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