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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • D

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Daisy finally arrived at the front office with the new boy and led him into her office. There she preceded to ask him "What's your name?" as she went to sit down behind her desk, putting her food down to the side.

(@AceXCrossix )
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When they finally arrived, he sat down on the chair. He responded to her question fastly. ''My name is Kevin Briant. ''
Malanie raised her hand. "What if you can not bring anything from a past era? " she said before putting her hand back down and waited for the answer.
"Oh your Kevin, the transfer student" smiled Daisy, delighted that she could finally meet their newest student. She typed his name into the computer and something started to print. After it finished printing she gave him the paper and said "Here you go, your schedule and a map of the school" she said as she put a piece of toast into her mouth. @Keiser
He sat down, quietly as she handed out his schedule. He grabbed it and looked at it, reading all the classes and times. He folded it carefully and put it in the pocket of his jeans. ''Thank you.'' he said, as he walked out of the office and went to his class.
Amon looked over at the girl from earlier and smiled brightly. He brushed the hair away from his eyes and opened his vest. He looked over at her and pointed at the flower he gave her and made a heart with his hands. "Tre bien..." He said quietly to her.
Luce gave her an oh-so-innocent smile. "That's a good question Ms. Nightblood," he responds. "If you are unable to seek what i ask then your punishment will be this." He holds up a small whiteboard tied by a string with the words 'I FAILED' written in red. "You will wear this around the school for the whole day."

He turns to the class smiling brightly.

Ashe gave out a small silent chuckle as she heard of the consequences of not bringing back what was needed for his class before looking at the boy with a confused face as he pointed out the flower in her hair. She sees him make a heart and turned slightly red.
(Hello everyone, sorry for the inconvenience but we are in need of teachers, so if someone knows of someone coming to this RP please let them know, also if you want to make one that would be excellent, just say what class they teach. On that note, not everyone can be in the same classes, so please keep this in mind so we can have a diverse RP. Thanks

-Headmaster Daisy )

Zane chuckled at this, his memories bringing him back to the last person that failed to do so. Without him knowing he let out a chuckle, only loud enough for the back row of students to hear, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

@AceXCrossix @DemonicPrincess
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"Its not that I don't want to bring something from a past era, I cant the only thing ive keep with me is my spell book and thats private. "She said glareing at the make shift necklace "Give it here" she said holding her hand out.
Luce chuckles but doesn't hand it to Malanie. "I never said anything about your stuff," he tells her. "There's more stuff related to history all around you. At least try. Others failed but they attempted something so I gave them credit. You, on the other hand," he waved towards her, "will fail my class if you put this on." He sounded so cruel when saying it but hey, the girl needed to learn her lesson of being more active in his class.
"Wie Sind sie heiß frauline?" Amon asked the girl sitting next to him since he saw her face turn red. He put his hand on her forehead and got kinda close to her. He lifted his arm and it turned green. It bore a variety of berries hoping one would make her feel better.
"I see what I can do.." she snifed the air "..you have a sister or a daughter Mr.Luce?" She asked as she smelt a smell similar to his but female.She looked around but she couldn't pin point the smell.
Keani listened as her teacher spoke, unsure of what to do with herself. She was sat in the middle of a group of three angels, and she was extremely scared of getting hurt.
Typical Luce thought Zane as he saw this. His gaze turned over the the strange boy that had almost ran over Melody before. Oh great... not his guy again Zane thought wondering why he was not paying attention to Luce's lesson. Melody noticing this through Zane's eyes sighed as she quietly asked "Isn't that the guy from before?" "Yes it is" grumbled Zane, his eyes now beginning to glow as he analyzed the man near Ashe, not noticing that a girl had come in with a pass for someone. After a few minutes, he finally noticed the pass and read it.

Mr.Luce please come to the front office immediately, I've found out some stuff you would like to know. Let your T.A take over, its about you know who. -Headmaster Daisy

After finishing reading it, he brought it up to Mr.Luce and whispered to him what the note was about. He stood there for a few moments, waiting to see how he would react. @AceXCrossix
Ashe shook her head waving the berries away and calmed down a little, although still unsure of what the boy was saying. Did he not know English? That, she can't figure out.

Luce's gaze shifted towards Ashe and back. He mentally shook his head. No way was she his long lost sister. That couldn't be possible. "I don't know what you're talking about," he told Malanie. "And sit down before I hold you back after class Ms. Nightblood," he added just as the headmaster called him down. He sighs. What was it now?

"Zane, take charge," he ordered before leaving the room.

Ashe felt pairs of eyes on her but when she looked their way, she couldn't see anyone staring at her. Weird. She's been getting strange feelings of being watched lately. Stalkers these days..
Zane stood in the front of the class, his jacket still on his shoulder, revealing his perfectly white scales on his chest. His red eyes began to glow as he shifted his eyes back and forth, analyzing the students. "I am Zane, Mr.Luce's T.A. Continuing on the topic on the project, you will also have to write a little summary on what it is and how it was important as a discovery. Also please pay attention during his class, we tend to.. have different grading behavior on different people" chuckled Zane as he paused for a few moments. He looked through his memories for what Luce had done next last year, and finally said "Now I would like you all to watch this little introduction video onto the course and what you'll need" said Zane as he went over to Mr.Luce's laptop and pressed play. The lights dimmed and the video shot up, and Zane walked to the back of the classroom to watch the video as well.
Malaine tried her best to attention to the video but she really didnt care at this point,nothing she did was going to be good enough. She leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling letting her thoughts wonder onto random things.
Luce made his way into the headmaster's office and knocked on her door. "It's Luce. Mind if I came in?" He asked through the closed doors.
He arrived at the class, seeing it had already commenced. He sat down next to a pink haired girl. He glanced at her then back at the board, in wich the video was shooting on. He put his hands on the desk, crossing them and looking at the video.
"AHH there you are Luce, I hope your excited because I found something relating to your sister" somewhat yelled Daisy, clearly pleased with herself. (@AceXCrossix )

Zane saw the new student from before and did not bother to talk to him, he knew what had happened. After the video ended he got back up and went to the front. "Alright class" woah, never thought I would be saying that! thought Zane as he got to the front. "In the back is my sister Melody, go to her for a computer and start researching your topic. Reminder this is not a group assignment, so I do not want any talking between you. If you have any questions I'll be either walking around, or in the back if you need me" said Zane as he started to walk to the back to help Melody. On his way back he turned his head to Ashe and attempted his best at a smile "Oh, hi there Ashe" Zane greeted as walked past.
"Hes the dude that's always with..that angel chick.." she said her voice strained at word angel.Malaine got up and pulled Jessica over to him.

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