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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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"Yoooou sure?" asked Kylia in a flirtatious tone before blowing him a kiss. As easy as pie... oh that reminds me I want some pizza thought Kylia as she got herself a slice of pizza and preceded to take a bite out of it.
Tanna smiled and took her lemonade and drank some. She took a bite of her own sushi. "Want another sushi." She asked smiling.
Tanna picked up a sushi with her chopsticks. She held it up to Melody's mouth. "Open wide my sweet song." She said with a smile.
Melody blushed a bit when she called her that, but opened her mouth anyways, awaiting what she was expecting to be some more sushi.
Kylia took another bite of her pizza as she pet her cat. "So I'm a bit confused Kishi, why do you go from boy to girl?" asked Kylia, finally addressing the white elephant of the room.
Lucario leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling, "She got some wizard mad". He tilted his head then shifted his eyes to Kylia, "...you're pretty". The teen grinned having been under the spell for too long. His other little conscious self wouldn't even remember anything anyway and already was able to let the other two understand what was going on.
Kylia grinned a little and bent backwards so she could look at Lucario without moving much. "Your pretty cute yourself" replied Kylia before returning to a upright position. "Same to you Kishi" added kylia.

(*Knock* *Knock* You there? @UnwantedTruth )
SHE SAID I"M CUTE TOO! Yes, awesome. Lucario looked at one of Kylia's posters and put his head against it. He gazed lovingly at the piece of paper.
Melody closed her mouth and began to eat the sushi, this place made great sushi, and trust me its hard to find a good place for it. After swallowing she smiled and said "Thank you for doing this" before reaching for her lemonade.

Kylia smiled as she pet her cat, Ki was looking at Lucario with a confused look on its face as it was pet; Kylia didn't notice what Lucario was doing. She reached down for her can of soda and accidentally spilled it. "Dang it... Lucario can you hand me the paper towels?" asked Kylia as she picked up the can before removing Ki from her lap.
Kishi slightly cringed at hearing the word "cute" applied to him. It was mostly habit from hearing the word so much at the institute. He watched the cat with wide eyes now, just noticing she had a pet.
Federoff said:
Melody closed her mouth and began to eat the sushi, this place made great sushi, and trust me its hard to find a good place for it. After swallowing she smiled and said "Thank you for doing this" before reaching for her lemonade.
Kylia smiled as she pet her cat, Ki was looking at Lucario with a confused look on its face as it was pet; Kylia didn't notice what Lucario was doing. She reached down for her can of soda and accidentally spilled it. "Dang it... Lucario can you hand me the paper towels?" asked Kylia as she picked up the can before removing Ki from her lap.
Tanna blinked in confusion. "Doing what?" She asked, cocking he head to the side.
"Feeding me" smiled Melody before taking a sip of her lemonade. After gulping it down, she placed the cup onto the table.
Lucario looked over his shoulder and nodded. He got a couple of paper towels then handed it to Kylia, "...or I can clean it up for you". His hand still had a paper towel in it.
Tanna chuckled. "Not a problem. My pleasure actually. I love feeding you. It makes you so....cute!" She said smiling. "Want another one?"
"Nah I got it, but thanks" replied Kylia as she took the towels from Lucario's hand before getting up, turning around and getting on her knee's to clean up the soda. "Hand me a few more?" continued Kylia, still cleaning up the mess. Ki meowed and stared back at Kishi for a while before making his way over to him and demanding to be pet, just like any other cat.

Hearing that she was cute made her blush again, it always did. "I'd like some more" replied Melody smiling before opening her mouth again for some more, still blushing the whole time.
"Hm okay then" Lucario responded getting more paper towels and handing them to Kylia. He sat back down on the couch and propped his head up with his arm as he leaned over the armrest.
Kishi was cautious with deciding whether or not to pet the cat. He reached a hand out and ran it along Ki's spine with a focused stare.
Federoff said:
"Nah I got it, but thanks" replied Kylia as she took the towels from Lucario's hand before getting up, turning around and getting on her knee's to clean up the soda. "Hand me a few more?" continued Kylia, still cleaning up the mess. Ki meowed and stared back at Kishi for a while before making his way over to him and demanding to be pet, just like any other cat.

Hearing that she was cute made her blush again, it always did. "I'd like some more" replied Melody smiling before opening her mouth again for some more, still blushing the whole time.
Tanna picked up a sushi with the chopsticks and held it up to Melody's mouth. She was about to put it in when she got an idea. She slowly kissed Melody lightly.
"Thanks" replied Kylia with a smile before taking the towels out of his hands and putting them on the floor over the now almost dry spot. She shot straight up after finishing cleaning it up and walked over to the trash can to throw away the towels, her ruffle skirt swaying from side to side as she walked. Ki meowed with delight as Kishi pet him.

Melody was expecting some sushi, not a kiss, and blushed quite a bit when she received it, and she loved it when Tanna kissed her. I'm so lucky thought Melody as she returned the light kiss with one of her own.

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