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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • D

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Once the student had passed Falmet the cervitaur took off at a quick trot toward the dorms, stifling a soft bleat of nervousness as he did, not exactly noticing when the slip of paper with his dorm number dropped from his pocket, just trying to get settled down as quickly as possible. He'd be starting his classes tomorrow anyways. He hoped the other wouldn't spot him in his social anxiety fuelled retreat.
Lucario looked around at the sound of someone dashing away. He saw a slip of paper drop from the running student. "Hey you-..." The teen began then just stood up from the bench and picked up the paper. It was a dorm number. Might as well make his way to it since it looked like that was where the other guy was going. Lucario took a bite out from the sandwich and walked toward the dorm area.
It didn't take long to reach the dorm building, though it was significantly difficult to make his way up the stairwell to the third floor where his room resided. It had a decent memory when it came to numbers so he didn't really get a chance to notice his paper was gone. He stood outside the door of his dorm room and bit his lip, wondering if he had a roommate or not yet. Whether he did or not he entered the room, taking a look around at the massive living quarters. It allowed quite enough room for his awkward height and body set up, so that was a plus. His hooves clicked softly against the hardwood floor as he explored his new home. Computers, two bathrooms so he wouldn't have to worry about sharing one, two beds, though his had been altered by request of his caretaker to a nest like area of soft pillows, blankets, and hammock like setup sheltered by a blue and black fabric canopy. It seemed pretty nice, comfortable for any of his forms.

He smiled, relaxing quite a bit in the quiet of the dorm room.
Lucario made his way to the front of the guy's dorm room. His gaze shifted around the hall. Was he inside already? Or maybe he was lost? Better to be safe than sorry. The teen decided to knock on the door and give it to the guy's roommate...if he had one. Yeah that sounded okay. And then he could tell him to check around often just in case his roommate noticed someone lost or something. OR I can just tape it outside the door. Lucario sighed knowing that he was over thinking and just knocked on the door. Well, at least he would probably get to know someone new.
Federoff said:
Kylia gave a puzzled look at Malaine as she scooted onto her lap. Now laying horizontally on Malaine's lap, her stomach showing, she replied. "Well I for one am glad that you broke out" blushing a bit when she said so.
Malaine looked down at Kylia and fixed Kylia's shirt."Hmm well alright. Whatever floats ya boat." She went back to watching T.V eating more popcorn as it was about to be all gone.
Brutis noticed himself jogging out to the courtyard again with homework and notebook in hand to grade the work. As he left the dorms he smelled new people on campus and wondered whom they might be. As he reached the courtyard Brutis decided to practice drawing and to enjoy the scenery before getting to work .
Falmet jumped slightly when the knock sounded at the door, and despite his social anxiety he was still polite, and quickly made his way over and opened it. He was nearly as tall as the doorway, and he hoped his size wouldn't be intimidating to whomever was knocking.

"H-Hi..." he stated, stuttering slightly as he tried to coordinate himself, folding his front legs underneath him in a bow, a sign of respect to the person at his door. He then realized that it was the male from the courtyard when he'd froze up and bit his lower lip, standing back up after he issued his greeting. Had he forgotten something? Dropped something?

He quickly checked his pockets and only found his several packets of Oreos, dorm paper gone. That's probably what he was here to deliver. He finished off his bubblegum popsicle, his tail held up in unease, starting to grow nervous out of habit.
"Ello I was just going to give you or your roommate this paper" Lucario said slightly waving the paper around. "Ah nevermind though since you found your way here and stuff" He scanned the area then looked back at the guy. "...I'm Lucario by the way nice to meet you" The teen said as he smiled.
Kylia let out a laugh when she touched her stomach a little. "Don-don't touch me there, I'm very ticklish" stated Kylia.
Marco walked through the campus after he finished his meal. He spotted the new teacher at the side of his eyes. "You must be Brutis" Marco said walking up to the teacher. "Marco Callahan, nice to meet you" His hand reached out to the other teacher.
"Thanks." he said, not exactly understanding why someone would go out of their way just to return a lost paper. He hadn't gotten treated very well at his last school so this was quite a change and he didn't really know how to react to the kindness. It was nice though and seemed to significantly calm him down, enough to manage a shy smile and not stutter his words.

"I'm Falmet. It's nice to meet you too, Lucario." he hummed, tail dropping from its nervous position into a more relaxed one, the rest of his body relaxing with it. Then he actually noticed he'd run out of his popsicle. Damn it was good. He had a free day today, so he could chance getting another.

"Uhm..." He looked around for a second before asking, "Do the dorms have mini fridges? I didn't see one, but I tend to be a bit unobservant at times." He was thinking of stocking up on popsicles so he wouldn't have to run to the cafe every time he wanted one.
Matthew arrived at the gates of the school a ciggerate hanging lossely in between his pink lips he told a long drag before letting the smoke flow freely from his mouth.Throwing the ciggerate on the ground he stommed it out putting out the flame."Malaine here I come.." Pulling out a cell phone he typed away at it as he stepped onto the official grounds of the school slowly walking towards the office of Headmistress Daisy."I hope I get a room next to my lovely sister.." Once he arrived he went straight inside not even knocking. He toke a seat and looked at her."Hello. I'm Matthew Night blood,I'm the new student."

Malaine smiled down at Kylia and started to tickle her sides."Awee so your ticklish!" Malaine giggled as she did it more a bright smile on her face. After a while she stopped and watched TV again still smiling.
"Yeah there should be a fridge in the kitchen area in every dorm room" Lucario looked pass Falmet. "Just around..there" He nodded at the direction of the kitchen.
Brutis looked up and hid his work. "Hello Marco" he shakes his hand with a bit of force "Your right I'm the new music teacher here. what do you do here if you don't mind me asking" He scratches the back of his head while flinching a bit.
"I teach English and I think I'm being offered the opportunity to try the Normality class" Marco responded adjusting his glasses. "Have you been able to assimilate yourself well here? Any questions?" He asked after raising a brow and sticking one of his hands in a pocket.
Falmet looked over his shoulder toward the kitchen area which somehow he completely overlooked before, blinking in surprise. He backed up to look into the unnoticed room and immediately spotted the mini fridge and laughed, a dark blush covering his cheeks and the tips of his ears as he returned to the doorway and chuckled, "I guess I'm more unobservant than I thought! I didn't even notice that pat of the room!"

He shifted his weight again, this time from left to right, seemingly unable to stand still, almost like his joints gave him a bit of trouble. Probably arthritis. It was something common with piebald deer, which was part of the form he'd taken on. White body with soft toffee splotches on his coat.

"Would you like to accompany me to the cafe? Those popsicles they have are absolutely delightful." he offered with a gentle smile, clearly growing more comfortable with Lucario's presence. The male seemed nice enough, kind of cute too. But Falmet wouldn't admit that out loud.
Brutis starts worrying a bit "Sorry surprised to see someone new right now. anyways I'm doing pretty good my class is very skilled and somewhat focused" Brutis smiles with a small amount of pride. " oh also I have sensed some sound based magic in the school and I'm wondering if you might know who they might be" Brutis also keeps going on but stops himself from rambling.
"Wait, they have popsicles? I didn't even know that!" Lucario gave a surprised facial expression. "Sure though. Let's go" He continued turning back around and walking down the hall.

"That's nice to hear. I have the ability to generate sonic booms...not sure if you are talking about someone else though or not" Marco replied.
Falmet happily followed after him after he shut the door, pulling his money from his pocket and counted it. Enough to buy at least twenty if they were hungry enough. He stopped at the top of the stairs though waiting for Lucario to reach the bottom before he himself went down, stumbling a few times but figuring it out easily enough. Hooves and stairs were quite difficult but not impossible. He stretched his hindquarters out once he got to the very bottom of the stairs, letting out a soft grunt at his awkward joints before straightening himself out then continued with their trek to the cafe.

As they neared the courtyard his wolfstate mind surfaced for a moment, sniffing furiously upon noticing another wolf but was promptly pushed back by his deerstate who seemed put on edge by the scent of wolf, keeping close to Lucario out of anxiety, but giving him his own space at the same time. His hoof steps faltered slightly as they reached the courtyard, but it was hardly noticeable and kept trotting right alongside his new friend.
"Oh! That might be it" Brutis's tail starts waging tail. " Do you have any training or tips? I've never been around another person who could manipulate sound. I mean err how do you like the school?"

(Having shower be back soon)
Kylia started to squeal with laughter, she couldn't contain herself All she could manage to say was "St-stop it blushy stop it!" while continuing to laugh. Once Malaine stopped tickling her, she didn't stop laughing for a while longer.

Daisy smiled and nodded at the boy before handing him his packet. "Here you go, your room key, a map, and you classes" replied Daisy.

(@UnwantedTruth : I've already responded to that a while ago)
Federoff said:
"Sure" smiled Melody as she held out a hand, waiting for Tanna to wrap her hand around a soda.
Tanna put the soda in Melody's hand. "Here you go!" She said with a smile. She then began to flip channels. "See anything you might want to watc-" she stopped, realizing she had made a giant mistake. She then spun to Melody. "I'm so sorry! That was inconsiderate of me!" She blurted.


Federoff said:
Kylia started to squeal with laughter, she couldn't contain herself All she could manage to say was "St-stop it blushy stop it!" while continuing to laugh. Once Malaine stopped tickling her, she didn't stop laughing for a while longer.
Daisy smiled and nodded at the boy before handing him his packet. "Here you go, your room key, a map, and you classes" replied Daisy.

(@UnwantedTruth : I've already responded to that a while ago)
(Sorry, didn't see it)
Lucario looked at Falmet, "Are you okay?" He noticed him stumble on the stairs and get closer to him as they passed the teachers.

"Wow that's a quick burst of questions" Marco responded and looked around before answering his questions in time to see Lucario and Falmet. "Luke" He nodded at the student. "How are you keeping up? Anymore extreme fluctuations?" The teacher asked. "No sir" Lucario replied stopping for a bit. "That's great. Hello there" The man looked over to Falmet.
Melody took a sip of her drink and smiled. "No problem, besides..." trailed off Melody as she scooted towards Tanna and poked her. "If I make physical contact with anyone I trust, then I can see through their eyes" continued Melody with a smile.

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