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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Falmet chuckled, his ears perking up slightly, and a bright blush crossing his face again.

When Lucario asked for one of the wrappers he nodded and handed the one from his first one to him, extremely curious as to what he was going to do with it. All of a sudden he got a strong whiff of apples, though he wasn't sure where from. Where ever it came from though didn't matter, the apple scent made his stomach rumble, quite loudly. He dipped his head in embarrassment, tail flicking slightly in thought.

"Hey, Lucario. I don't mean to be rude, but what's your sexuality? I don't want to accidentally step past any boundaries or something in the future seeing as I have a feeling we're going to be friends. I tend to forget to ask a lot of the times and it results in some pretty nasty things being said by people I thought were friends. I don't want to get over excited one day and end up kissing you and end up with you getting upset with me or something." he said, out of the blue, but he did need to know.
Matthew handed her his map and waited for her to mark it. As Matthew waited he began to smile as he couldnt wait to see Malaine again.He was ready to take on the role of big brother once again.

Malaine was shocked. Kylia liked her,in that way."Kylia.." Malaine sighed and toke Kylia out of her lap and stood up."We have a good friendship,a great one. But I don't like you in that way."looking away from Kylia Malaine continued "..like I said earlier I don't see girls that way."
"I know that blushy, that's why I haven't tried anything, but that doesn't mean I'll stop liking you" smiled Kylia as she sat their, her head still resting on Malaine's lap. "Being friends with you is more then enough, you don't have to be embarrassed, you should feel flattered" Kylia continued as she smiled, hoping to make the conversation less awkward for Malaine. "We will still be friends, right?" asked Kylia, a little worried now.

"Alright, here we go" said Daisy to herself as she marked the location of her dorm. "I can't say she will be in their right now, but good luck finding her" smiled Daisy as she handed the map back to him
Lucario took the wrapper and looked over the ingredients. "Hm, we can make this! Want to come over later? We can try making it together" He suggested as he picked up his cheesecake and resumed eating it. "I got a roommate too so we can hang out with him...if he wants to join us" The teen added.

(Not sure if you meant to cross half of your post off or not @Memios Bonavich )
Malaine smiled down at Kylia."Of course we are still friends." Malaine poked her nose."I wouldnt stop being your friend over something so little. " Malaine started flipping through Netflix.

Matthew toke his map back and looked over it as he left the office and started to walk to where his sister's room was located. After sometime e arrived outside of the door. He listen for her and he heard her speaking, along with somebody else. Matthew walked in without knocking and smiled as he looked at his sister who looked at him with wide eyes."Mel how many times I gotta tell you.Stop making girls like you."

Malaine rolled her eyes at him but smiled and got up careful of Kylias head an ran to give Matthewa hug."Shut up Matt.." Malaine huged him and he hugged her back.
Kishi went and got her some food, though it didn't help much with her hunger. She looked around the area at the different students and frowned. Her behavior was duller than usual, but she did get unexpectedly turned into a girl for a day so..

After a moment of scanning the area, Kishi noticed a familiar face. Perhaps he can help with this situation... She hopped onto the table and ran down it, avoiding people's food only to jump over the last one and land beside Lucario. "Lucario, Do you know any girls?"

Kishi didn't think that Lucario may not recognize him because he was a girl right now. Kishi noticed he was with someone and smiled, "hello!"

(( I didn't. I was trying to put an "s" in brackets at the end of "stomach" since he has four stomachs in his deer form XP ))

Falmet looked rather excited at the thought of making bubblegum popsicles and immediately nodded, grinning rather happily as he finished off his second popsicle and leaned forward to lick Lucario's cheek, too excited to express his joy in words. His tongue was quite cold from the frozen treat too.

He started hopping around the room, letting out little bleats of excitement, that was...until his hooves decided they didn't like the tile floor anymore and they went in some very awkward directions, bending almost unnaturally as he slid onto his belly right into the bottom of a chair, antlers getting stuck in the metal bars. He laid there for a minute before untangling his legs and tucked them under his belly in a more comfortable manner. He reached up, trying to feel where the metal and his antlers were so he could untangle himself from the chair.

"Uhm... L-Lucario..." he stuttered out, anxiety getting him again before he let out a series of distressed bleats, which more than likely would trigger a lot of the predators nearby if they retained their hunting instincts.

"Also, hello new person." he stated in a shaky voice, having gotten too excited before he could properly reply.
Kylia giggled a little when she poked her nose, but pouted a little when Malaine got up. "Who's that?" asked Kylia, to lazy to get up off the sofa, it was way too comfortable right now
"Whoa! Yeah I do...you person" Lucario responded to a girl who looked strangely like Kishi. How did she even know his name? Lucario paused when Falmet suddenly licked his face. Within moments Falmet got all tangled up. AH WAIT! What just happened? Just a second ago everything was normal with a regular conversation and stuff. SUDDENLY some random girl jumps off from a table, lands by Lucario, and knows his name, and his new friend licks him in the face and falls...or something. Lucario relaxed himself reacting to the situation in a normal manner. Thoughts ran through his mind in a quick motion. Perhaps it was Falmet's species custom to do that to people when they were excited? Perhaps Lucario met the girl before but forgot who she was? Lucario looked at the struggling Falmet and focused his telekinesis and mind strength on the chair. He grabbed the chair and changed his mind strength into extra physical strength just enough to break the object and set Falmet's antlers free.
"Oo~ powers..are you ok?" Kishi said, watching them. She stuffed a hand into her pocket and sighed, "Oh, i'm your roommate by the way..er...who am I?"

Kishi had forgotten for a moment, bringing a free hand to hold her chin in thought. "Oh! Kishi."
"Kishi?" Lucario questioned. No wonder they looked very alike. "Kishi's a guy" Lucario added cancelling his thoughts out. Was this some joke?
Matthew looked to where Kylia was."I am her brother who are you?" He said as he pulled Malaine closer. "And stop calling me Matt." Matthew said with a playful tone to Malaine.

"Thats my friend Kylia and I can call you what I wish." Malaine pulled away from Matthew only to have him pull her back."Kylia this is my twin brother who somehow found me." She said with fake annoyance. "Matthew let me go your squishing me."

"As you wish shortly. " Matthew said as he let her go but held on to her hand not wanting her to go back to Kylia. He didnt know her so he didn't trust her. Giving her a death glare he snikered."Why is it always the un attractive ones who like you." Matthew said while looking at Malaine.

"Apologize. " Malaine said hitting him on the head.

"Fine. " Matthew rolled his eyes. Looking back at Kylia."Fine your not ugly. But, your not pretty. Your an inbetweener." As he finshed he whinced because Malaine slapped his head again."Owe. Okay your pretty. "
"I am also a girl at times.." Kishi huffed, "I messed with one to many wizards." She picked up a lock of light blue hair and dropped it, "this is heavy, I can't move around as much."

She paused, "I probably should've told you that when I met you."
Lucario stayed silent for a moment trying to register the idea in his mind. "Okay I get it...I think. Yep, I get it. So why'd you ask if I know any girls?" He questioned.
Falmet relaxed once he was freed from the chair, shaking his head slightly once he stood up, reaching up to check his antlers for any damage. Speaking of his antlers, that reminded him that he needed to file them a bit more later today, get them ready for the New Moon festival coming up soon.

He trotted back over to Lucario and this new person, Kishi? He looked at the female for a moment then blinked with a laugh, "Oh my goodness, did you piss someone off?"

He always was able to feel when someone wasn't the way they should be. (It helped with helping gender questioning people, which he used to do back in his hometown in his spare time.)

His tail flicked slightly as he walked around Lucario and Kishi, thinking. "Hrmmm..."
Kylia laughed to herself a little as the siblings fought each other before finally looking at the two. "Right back at'cha" replied Kylia to Matthew, he could definitely go for a heavy make-over thought Kylia to herself as she layed back down, waiting for Malaine to join her once again.
"Uh Falmet are you okay?" Lucario asked. His eyes followed Falmet as he walked around Kishi and him. "...Oh by the way Falmet this is Kishi my dorm buddy. Kishi this is Falmet a new student" He introduced them to one another.
"Because I don't have any clothes that fit." She pulled up her shirt to show the rolled up shorts. Not thinking anything of it. Kishi let it go after she finished talking and watched Falmet.

"Yeah, I pissed a few people off.........Nice to meet you though!"
Falmet blinked when told this was Lucario's roommate before he grinned and picked Kishi up in a hug.

"She's adorable~" he hummed, his little tail wiggling happily, clearly the sugar from the popsicles was starting to get to him, bringing him out of his shell and making him about as excitable as a puppy.

"Also I think I have some clothes you might fit. I tend to have more feminine days and you look about the same size as me, human wise."
Lucario's eyes slightly widened when Kishi pulled his...no wait, her shirt up and exposed her stomach area, "Ah keep your shirt down yo. Any higher and...you know. Okay, let's get you some clothes then. Falmet, want to come with us?" Lucario thought of Ashe then Malaine. Ashe was probably busy with dragon boy though so he decided to visit Malaine.
Tanna smiled. "Ok then...how about...this one!" She said as she flipped to a channel playing some horror movie. "Do you like scary things?" She asked.
Melody shrugged and replied with "Yeah" as she continued to cuddle Tanna, blushing lightly the whole time.
"Im a damn sex god. So no its not right back at me." Matthew said with a growl which caused Malaine to hit him once again."Stop hitting me Mel!" He said rubbing his head.

"Stop being me to my friend you twit!" Malaine said with a pout as she looked up at him."Come on we are watching a movie."Malaine dragged her brother to the couch as she was about to cuddle back with Kylia when she felt Matthew pull her to his side.

Matthew pulled his sister to his side in the couch glaring at Kylia before watching the TV."Awe come on Melly.I missed you she's had you all day.." he whispered to her with a pout.

Malaine sighed."Sorry Kylia,my brother is Pmsing." Malaine smiled at Kylia."if your cold go get the little purple blanket thats on my bed."
"Typical boys" laughed Kylia to herself as she nodded back at Malaine. "Sure blushy" replied Kylia as she got off the couch and stretched a little before walking into her bedroom and getting the purple blanket. After a few minutes she came back with the purple one in her hands and replied with "This one?"

@UnwantedTruth @DemonicPrincess : Night I'm going to bed)

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