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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Falmet grew bored even still once he finished filing his horns, polishing them off with the fabric of his hood and a little bit of lavender oil. He put his things back in his pocket and put his saddle bag back on before entering the dorm room and sat down on the floor by Lucario, finding there was not much else to do to entertain himself.
"Yeah, I'm ok, I'm just not used to wearing shoes." She smiled, feeling a bit awkward. Kishi was used to the idea of changing into a girl, for the most part, but was only ever around Juuya when it happened. So, she wasn't used to doing girly things.

"You can if you want, I don't mind." She said, smiling lightly.
Matthew growled at the boys tone of voice."Why is my sister not good enough?" He said trying to keep his cool. Matthew toke another dragg at his cigarette.

Malaine smiled an went to go grab her brush and and a ponytail holder. She went to work humming a song as she did Kishi's hair.
Falmet replied to the greeting by calmly resting his face against Lucario's lap, nuzzling his face against his warm belly, careful not to poke him with his antlers. He got a bit irritated by Matthew's tone he used with Lucario but kept his emotions on the down low unless something really hit a nerve.
"Oh.." Kishi thought for a moment, "be a little careful..the ends can be sharp." She toyed with her shoe laces as Malanie did her hair.
Lucario looked at Falmet and held in a laugh when he nuzzled his face against his stomach. That was his ticklish spot aside from oh...everywhere else. The teen guessed that this was another thing that Falmet's species did. He wasn't that sure though.
"Yeah,yeah." Malaine said playfully."Alright finished." Malaine smiled and dragged Kishi tree o yhe bathroom mirror. She did Kishi hair and the perfect up do.

Matthew sighed."Nothing." Taking a final long drag of his cigarette he used the bottom of his shoe to put it out."Matthew looked at Falmet with a raised eyebrow. "Hey what are you? In all my years of living i never seen somebody else like you." His tone full of wonder.
Lucario directed his gaze back to the television. His eyes felt like they were getting heavier by the second. His lack of energy wasn't apparent to others though.
"Deertaur. Think centaur but with deer body instead of horse." he explained, lazily noticing Lucario's growing tiredness. Falmet was also getting a bit sleepy since his sugar rush had no where to go. He yawned, revealing something quite odd. Instead of his teeth being flat despite his body clearly being herbivore his teeth were sharp with elongated canines, wolf like, carnivorous. He closed his mouth and absently watched Matthew and Lucario, waiting on Kishi. He pulled a popsicle out of his saddlebag, which oddly had one pouch that acted like a portable freezer it seemed, and started eating the bubblegum flavoured treat.

"Want one?" he asked, offering Matthew one.
Kishi looked at herself in the mirror, "I look like such a girl~" she said amazed that she could look this way, "I would totally taste." She said lightly, forgetting that most people didn't know what it meant. Kishi twisted on her heel and hugged Malanie in a fit of energy.
Matthew thought about what he said."Cool and no thank you i don't like sweets." Matthew yawned. Stretching back on the couch he proped his head on his arm."Mel hurry up im sleepy!"

"Oh shut it Mat Im busy!" Malaine yelled back and am smiled at Kishi. "Alright lets pack you some clothes." Malaine went to her closet and pulled out a small black suitcase and a small duffle bag."Ill be quick." Malaine started neatly putting thing in both bags. After a while she was done."There's clothes, shoes, undergarments and hair stuff." Malaine picked up both things and put them next to Lucario and Flamet."Where done!"
Lucario shifted his position as he heard some screaming around him. He continued to lean against the wall and stayed sleeping only sleepily furrowing his brows at the last yell as well as adjusting his position again. After that, his facial expression relaxed as sleep overcame him another time. Lucario was actually a light sleeper. Hey, how can you blame him this time around? Yesterday was a highly eventful and tiring day!
"Thank you." Kishi said, following her over to Lucario and Falmet. The smell of cigarettes hit her nose and she wiggled it, shifting a bit.

"He's asleep." She said quietly, looking at Lucario.
Falmet looked up after he put the extra popsicle back in his bag, nibbling away at the one in his hand still. He looked at the suitcase and duffle bag set next to him and his sleeping friend he tilted his head before realising what it was, mentally face palming at how slow hie brain was after a sugar high.

Falmet looked up at Kishi and smiled brightly, putting the popsicle in his mouth to give a soft clap, rather liking the outfit Malaine had picked out for Kishi.
Seeing that Lucario was asleep made her giggle. Leaning down so there noses almost touched. Malaine brushed his hair out of his face."Wake up Luke I'm done." She heard Matthew groan and telling him move away from her friend. She sighed and did as she was told."Fine." Malaine moved away from Lucario.
Lucario had a slightly late reaction. His eyes slowly opened up after a few seconds passed. Malaine's contact with him as she moved his hair out of his face was probably what woke him up. He wasn't used to physical contact as a wake up alarm.
Kishi laughed a little from Falmet's clap, "I like it too~ It's surprisingly comfy."

She looked at the five people in the room, putting her hands into her pockets.
Falmet slowly got up from his spot with his head on Lucario's lap, accidentally poking the poor boy up the nose with one of the points of his antler, at which he froze and carefully extracted his antler from his nose and proceeded to get up, checking to make sure Lucario's nose wasn't bleeding. He seemed quite a bit accident prone.
"OW!" Lucario reacted putting his hand to his nose. Lucario looked at Kishi and smiled, "Ya look nice Kish". His gaze then shifted to Malaine, "Thank you for helping". He stood up from the seat then removed his hand from his nose. It was okay. No blood or anything it was just extremely painful.

(going to sleep night)

Kishi nodded to Lucario with a smile, though her expression was a bit confused about what just happened.

(Ima' go to bed as well, peace.))
Falmet shuffled his hooves nervously in embarrassment. "Sorry, Lucario."

He looked around the room, wondering what was going to happen next.

(( Night everyone. :3 ))
Kylia got off the ground and walked over to the others and examined Kishi, clapping after she finished. "You should really go into fashion design blushy" smiled Kylia towards Malaine before looking back over to Kishi. "It looks great on you cutie, what's your name?" asked Kylia as she continued to examine her.


Melody jumped in surprise when Tanna clung to her, blushing quite a bit as she clung to her, Tanna is so warm and cuddly thought Melody as she hugged Tanna in response. Being blind, not much could scare Melody, so she wasn't scared often. Melody smiled to herself, "Don't worry Tanna, nothing is going to happen" stated Melody before planting a light kiss on Tanna's cheek.

Federoff said:
Kylia got off the ground and walked over to the others and examined Kishi, clapping after she finished. "You should really go into fashion design blushy" smiled Kylia towards Malaine before looking back over to Kishi. "It looks great on you cutie, what's your name?" asked Kylia as she continued to examine her.

Melody jumped in surprise when Tanna clung to her, blushing quite a bit as she clung to her, Tanna is so warm and cuddly thought Melody as she hugged Tanna in response. Being blind, not much could scare Melody, so she wasn't scared often. Melody smiled to herself, "Don't worry Tanna, nothing is going to happen" stated Melody before planting a light kiss on Tanna's cheek.

Tanna blushed as Melody kissed her cheek. She hugged Melody and sighed. "You're right...I'm sorry for jumping on you..." She said sighing.

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