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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Federoff said:
Melody started to bite her lower lip while she waited for Tanna to finish her sip of soda. After Tanna finished her soda, Melody slowly moved upwards and connected her lips with Tanna's. She began to kiss Tanna pashionatly as she let her tongue play with Tanna's. @LOLMAN101
Tanna blushed as Melody kissed her, but she kissed back. She threw her arms around Melody and smirked in the kiss, her tongue playing with Melody's.
Aiden was one of the top three fighters in his class. So he did not have any trouble kicking the head off a mannequin and mostly won all his fights even without using his powers. After the bell rang he quickly had a shower and changed back into his normal clothing. I can't wait to see Jasmine in magic class. Aiden looked at his watch and realized he only had 2 minutes to get to his next class so he sprinted into the magic class.


Lucius wasn't sure how to respond. Should I do sign language or just write? I should ask for permission to communicate psychically. In case she doesn't know sign language I'll just write it down. Lucius grabbed his notebook and pen out of his pocket and neatly wrote down. "Hello, yes I am Lucius. I'm a mute but I can still talk to you I just need to look you in the eye and you should hear my voice even though I am not physically speaking. I just thought I should ask for permission first." @Federoff
Kishi pulled her hand away once he was asleep and moved her feet from his arm. "That was easier than I thought it would be", she exclaimed and hopped off of the bed with a small smile. "jay said to scold you about forgetting to get his medicine, but I think having to watch your twin suffer is enough."
The wound caused from the needle healed and Juuya turned onto his side.

Nainaro shot a glare at Kishi as he threw away the needle. I don't understand him..her at times. "You're giving me a headache."
Melody loved every moment of this, she didn't care if Tanna liked anyone else, right now Melody was Tanna's right now. Melody put a hand behind Tanna's head as she let out a light moan before falling backwards, bringing Tanna with her. Her tongue continued to play with Tanna's tongue, waiting for Tanna to respond to her behavior. @LOLMAN101
Of course she has my information I'm so dumb Lucius looked into the headmasters eyes and said "Um... So when do I choose my classes?" Lucius' eye turned to a calm light blue. @Federoff
Kishi pouted, " I stopped what I was doing to help Juuya and you just continue to be mean to me." She stumbled a bit as she stepped over to him and grabbed his shoulders, biting into his neck until it bled. After a moment of tasting his blood, she jumped back and licked her lips. "Thanks~I needed that." Kishi quickly spun from the room before Nainaro could hit her, the hunger she previously had disappearing whilst she ran down the hall to catch up to Lucario and them.
Nainaro grabbed his neck, jumping up from the chair to try and catch her but she was already gone. "Get back here you brat!" He yelled, glaring down the hall before she disappeared from his sight.

Juuya peeked an eye open at Nainaro when he yelled. "Is something wrong?" He stifled in a scratchy voice.

Nainaro looked back at Juuya a sighed, not willing to leave him here alone. "I'm going to beat Kishi's butt one day." He said, sitting next to his twin on the bed and pushing strands of blonde hair from his face.

Juuya scooted closer to him and placed his head in Nainaro's lap with a giggle, "you're just too easy to mess with."

Nainaro huffed and patted Juuyas head, "yeah, yeah, you always say that." Juuyas fever had went down pretty quickly, but he was still warm. He grabbed the remote to the tv and turned it on.
Falmet got a sudden burst of energy and his anxiety spiked before he bid farewell to anyone who might be around and ran out of the dorm room and to the outside, prancing around the courtyard to blow off some excess energy. He shouldn't have eaten all those popsicles, they probably had a ridiculous amount of sugar in them. Oh god, he didn't care, sugar rushes were amazing and gave his confidence a bit of a boost which he appreciated quite a bit. He gave a little jump to his prancing before he started running laps around the main school building, hooves clacking against the sidewalk each time he bounded forward.
Kishi made it over to them in time to see Falmet run out of the dorms. She scratched her head in confusion and looked out of the window to see where he was going.
As Celestia was conning another student she had been caught and was forced to had her money over to the teacher this was immediately followed by her being sent to the office. "I didn't even do anything wrong they were stupid enough to agree to it" she mumbled to herself as she waited to be lectured by the higher up as she referred them as. But for not she sat there being stared down by the secretary as she waited for the principle to be free. @Federoff
Federoff said:
Melody loved every moment of this, she didn't care if Tanna liked anyone else, right now Melody was Tanna's right now. Melody put a hand behind Tanna's head as she let out a light moan before falling backwards, bringing Tanna with her. Her tongue continued to play with Tanna's tongue, waiting for Tanna to respond to her behavior. @LOLMAN101
Tanna kissed Melody back with a grin. Her tongue danced along with Melody's tongue. She then broke the kiss. "Melody...what....happened...to you?" She asked smiling slightly.
Lucius was surprised on how comfortable the headmaster was was his power, but because she was looking at the computer and not at him he couldn't respond. It would be kinda rude for me to try and get her attention but also awkward if I don't do anything. Lucius faked a small cough in an attempt to get her attention. @Federoff
"I-I don't know but you make me go wild" replied Melody as she chuckled awkwardly as she moved her hands into a hug near Tanna's stomach. @LOLMAN101
Federoff said:
"I-I don't know but you make me go wild" replied Melody as she chuckled awkwardly as she moved her hands into a hug near Tanna's stomach. @LOLMAN101
Tanna smiled slightly. "Really? I...I feel the same way...you make me crazy...well, crazier than usual..." She said, placing a hand on Melody's head.

(What if Zane came in to see all this? :P )
Brutis decided to go out and get a meal from the cafeteria, as he walks into the cafeteria he casts a minor silence spell on himself to quite the crowds significantly. As he searches for his food he gets himself a meat and potato meal with some sour cream and strolls over to the closest empty seat as he hums to himself.
Melody let out a giggle when Tanna talked about being crazier than normal before starting to play with Tanna's hair. "Can you hand me my drink? i'm thisty" asked Melody.
"Well I was thinking of taking potions, magic, tech, and fighting. Will I be starting tomorrow?" Lucius asked I love how being Nephalem has made me incredibly smart in all normal subjects so I don't need to take those boring ones. @Federoff
Federoff said:
Melody let out a giggle when Tanna talked about being crazier than normal before starting to play with Tanna's hair. "Can you hand me my drink? i'm thisty" asked Melody.
Tanna smiled and seemed to purr as Melody played with her hair. "Sure." She said. She grabbed Melody's soda and held it against Melody's lips. "Here you go."
Melody took a sip out of the can while continuing to play with Tanna's hair. After swallowing the soda she smiled and thanked Tanna. "So does this make us?" asked Melody innocently. @LOLMAN101

"Sure" replied Kylia after thinking about it for awhile. @RyanJXavier
"Alright let's go" Lucario said walking into the hall. "So, how's your experience here so far?" He asked as slid one of his hands into his pocket.

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