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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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"I'm fine. Stairs are just a bit troublesome for a quadruped like me." he chuckled to Lucario's concern.

Falmet shyly waved hello to Marco, offering a small smile before moving behind Lucario, though his size didn't help him with his urge to hide, Lucario being quite a bit shorter than the nervous deer teen. He felt both territorial and fearful of the wolf teacher next to Marco, but he wasn't sure which instinct to act upon; run or stand his ground?
"Anyway we got to get some popsicles. See you sirs around" Lucario waved then turned to walk away. Marco nodded and shifted his gaze to the other teacher, "Not many tips. Just control yourself and be patient. The school's okay. It's a great place to fit into as a teacher".
"Thats always good to hear and sorry I got a bit excited I've mostly training myself from books" Brutis stares at the students walking away "Are you the one who helps Lucario?"
Falmet quickly trotted after Lucario, tail held up out of instinct to the natural danger. He reached up to scratch the base of his antlers as they reached the cafe, slowing down so he would slip on the tile like earlier then headed over to the vending machine that gave the popsicles, handing Lucario $5 fine each popsicles was about a dollar or so. The strawberry cheesecake one was $1.25 though. Falmet got himself another bubblegum one then stepped back to eat it as Lucario picked out whichever he wanted.
"I met him about a week ago at the medical wing where we were helping a girl and he was talking about a teacher who helps him with his nanites. I couldn't quite remember who it was ........ I didn't mean to offend" Brutis starts looking away and fidgeting.
Lucario eyed the vending machine. He was surprised he hadn't noticed it before. I must test out this awesomeness...by eating that cheesecake! His fist punched the vending machine and a cheesecake fell down. Lucario caught it and took it out. He put his hand up and a spoon flew into it. Why would he levitate a fork to him? He didn't want to accidentally fork someone.

"It's okay I wasn't the only teacher helping out. But you met him there? I haven't heard about this event yet" Marco said.
Federoff said:
Melody took a sip of her drink and smiled. "No problem, besides..." trailed off Melody as she scooted towards Tanna and poked her. "If I make physical contact with anyone I trust, then I can see through their eyes" continued Melody with a smile.
Tanna's eyes lit up. "So, does that mean you trust me?" She asked, grinning widely. "And...when we...had the little incidental kiss, could you see through my eyes?" She asked, blushing lightly.
Melody nodded to both her questions. "Yes and yes" replied Melody with a smile, also blushing lightly at what had happen, it wasn't like she was ashamed of it though. @UnwantedTruth
Malaine giggled as Kylia keep laughing even though she had stop tickling her."Kylia can I ask you something?" She said thinking of what she was going to say once Kylia answered her.

Matthew toke the packet and flipped through it."Miss if it is possible can you tell me where my Twin sister's room is. I would like to see her." He stated running his fingers through his perfectly messy black hair.
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Falmet was too busy munching away at his frozen treat to notice Lucario and his telekinesis. He seemed easily distracted by foods he liked. Until he spoke up, something completely random and would probably embarrass himself with.

"Those teachers were kinda hot..."
Lucario took a bite out of the cheesecake. Wow this is actually good. "Hm?" Lucario looked over at Falmet. What did he mean by hot? Could he sense people's thermal heat radiation? HOW EXCITING! Hey, don't judge! It was the first thought that went into this tech kid's head. "You can sense that?" Lucario asked then put the cheesecake down and clenched one of his own wrists. "Am I hot?" He asked testing out if Falmet really had thermal heat vision or something. That would be a nice ability. Lucario released his grip and felt his nanites have a small rush which caused his temperature to rise a bit.
Falmet merely blushed when he realized Lucario didn't know what he meant but he, not knowing of his actual temperature spike, played along and gave him a playful grin.

"Maybe just a little bit~" he hummed in an almost teasing manner, finishing off his popsicle and got another one.

He indeed think Lucario was attractive, it was hard not to with a face like that. So sweet but holding a hint of "I could kick your ass with my hands tied behind my back" kind of look. He didn't exactly realise that Lucario had no idea that he was actually commenting on attractiveness rather than actual temperature.
Kylia finally stopped laughing after a few moments and let out a big sigh. "Of course you can blushy, what'cha wanna know?" asked Kylia in response.

"You have a twin?" asked Daisy innocently, there were way to many kids to remember off the top of her head, so she would need a reminder on who it was.
"Ah this happened about a week back. I was just walking around campus and I seen him running towards the medical wing and it seems there was a girl named Malanie who was heating up a lot and he was cooling her down. I tried to help but he did most of the work and we helped her cool down. In the end she was fine so she may have never bothered to tell anyone" Brutis stared down at the his phone "I still have to mark my students homework so I'm going to have to do that soon, but I still have a few minutes to talk"
Malaine asked in a teasing manner."Who are you crushing on?". Malaine was wondering about ever since she asked her is she loved anyone. Malaine moved out of the couch into the kictchen again to make her a sandwich.
Federoff said:
Melody nodded to both her questions. "Yes and yes" replied Melody with a smile, also blushing lightly at what had happen, it wasn't like she was ashamed of it though. @UnwantedTruth
Tanna looked at the the tv. "Um...ok...so, can you see the tv now?" She asked, putting her hand on Melody's.
"Who I'm crushing on?" asked Kylia, starting to blush a little. "Well that's easy, its someone that you know, their kind, loving, beautiful beyond description, and is like the coolest person in the world" replied Kylia as she sat up a little, waiting for Malaine to come back.

Melody took Tanna's hand off of her own and put it around her shoulder before scooting right into Tanna's side and preceded to snuggle with her. "Yes" replied Melody.
Lucario smiled, "Wow man you're awesome!" Falmet really can detect the amount of thermal heat! He looked back at the vending machine, "Hey can you give me one of those wrappers after you're done?" His gaze shifted to Falmet. "Interesting" Marco responded not really knowing what else to say. The event was truly interesting though.
Tanna blushed and leaned her head against hers. "So, if you see anything you like, just say so..." She said as she flipped the channels.
Malaine sat back on the couch eating her sandwich."I thought Tanna girl like Melody? You like her too?" She said completely not knowing who she was talking about.

Matthew waited a bit annoyed."Miss Daisy? I asked if you can tell me where Malaine Nightblood room is." Running his fingers through his hair again her let out an annoyed sighed.
"You still can't guess?" asked Kylia as she layed back down, her head low resting on Malaine's lap. "I'll give you one more clue" smirked Kylia as she blew Malaine a playful kiss, along with winking.

Daisy looked up form her typing and smiled. "Sorry, I was typing her name in" replied Daisy as she pressed the enter key. "Ahh here we go, she is right here, give me your map and I'll mark her dorm for you" continued Daisy as she produced a marker from her desk. @DemonicPrincess

"I don't see anything on, but I don;t mind what we watch" replied Melody in a cooing fashion, taking a sip of her drink before putting it on the ground. @UnwantedTruth
Kishi woke from a long slumber, falling off of his bed. Most of him was still asleep, though he was awake enough to get up and drink some water. That's when Kishi looked in the mirror and froze. The reflection looked like Him, but didn't seeing as it was a girl. "already...?" Damn wizard.

With a sigh, Kishi pushed long streams of..her..Blue hair from her face and began the routine for waking up.

Once she was done showering and getting dressed into a baggy t-shirt and guy's shorts, Kishi hopped out of the window of the dorm room. It was quiet when she landed on the ground, scraping the bottom of her bare feet again only to mold the blood back into place. This day is probably not going to be any different than the previous days for her. Nevertheless, she started to walk towards the cafeteria for food with sleep lingering in her mind. Gold optics looked around the areas she passed, wondering if she would see any familiar faces.

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