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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

  • A

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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"Is it?" Malaine asked with a raised eye brow and stopped petting Kylia. "You hungry? I have popcorn." Malaine asked gentlly removing Kylia's head from her lap and got up to go make the popcorn.
Kylia pouted a little when she stopped petting her, responding with "Sure" as she gently was removed from Malaine's lap. She began to sing to herself in Japanese while waiting for Malaine to return.
Malaine put the pop corn in the micowave and waited. After it was done Malaine toke it out being carefully not to burn herself as she opened the bag and brought it back to Kylia. Malaine sat down next to Kylia, putting the popcorn in between them.
Kylia moved her head back onto Malaine's lap and took a few pieces of popcorn, then preceded to eat them. "Hey Malaine? Can I ask you something?" asked Kylia after swallowing the popcorn.
"Sure Kylia what is it?" Malaine asked as she toke some popcorn in her mouth. Malaine looked down at her waiting on the question as she started to wonder what it was. Hmm she didn't call me blushy this must be important. Malaine startred to get a little worried.
Kylia took her time to say her question, she was trying to word it carefully as she grabbed a couple kernel's of popcorn. "DO you really not love anyone?"
"Nope not yet at least." Malaine sighed trying to find the right words."I love all of my friends, because they are close to me and are my friends for a reason. As in an romance love no. "She started to eat the popcorn in little handfuls.
"Well... do you think you ever will?" asked Kylia like a little girl completely curious about this topic.
"To be honest I don't know. The last boy who I thought I could love he rejected me. So yea I don't know if i will ever find that special boy.." Malaine sighed and got up carefuly to go get her something to drink.
Jaordan looked down on what seemed to be the school he would be attending below. He had assigned a friend of his the important job of escorting souls to the afterlife. He flew down the the doors of the school and walked in, he would have to find a place to stay later. He folded up his wings then made them disaper making him look human except for his brite red eyes that could see into a mans very essence.

He paced the halls of the school taking in everything before his body jerked violently and he was Luke.

Luke smiled and continued to pace the halls he wondered were he was so he pulled out the journal his other selves kept record in and read threw it. Going to school the thought disgusted him deeply but it seemed his other selves outvoted him in this matter.

He saw a boy that looked sick sitting in front of his locker, on closer inspection the boy had fatal cancer. Luke walked up to the kid. "Would you like more time you know to be alive you have about three months left in you I'll gamble 2 months and 3 weeks for 10 years that way even if you lose you still have a week."

The kid seeing his own death layed out in front of him took the bet. "Well I highly doubt you play poker so how about we gamble on a coin toss I'll let you call." Luke flipped the coin and the kid called heads but sadly the coin landed tails. The kids could feel the life drained out of him then began to cry he ran of. Luke looked unhappy almost but he blew it away and continued to pace the school grounds.
"Ouch, I feel you, the three boys I like did the same thing" replied Kylia with sympathy in her voice. "Well, what about girls?" asked Kylia after a few moments of silence as she lay on the couch, the cold starting to creep up on her. Kylia has never been a fan of the cold, she hated it and wished that everyday could be summer. @DemonicPrincess
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Federoff said:
"Sure! Zane has a lot of plants to look at and we can watch T.V. while chatting" smiled Melody as she too played with her hair, unknowingly the same as Tanna.

Kylia smiled more as she got dragged to Malaines door, her gaze wondering and causing her to drool a little. I wish I could just... thought Kylia.
Tanna grinned widely. "Awesome!" She said. He band's song came to am end. "So...ready to go?" She asked.
"Sure" replied Melody, now that the concert was over Tanna and Melody could hang out and have even more fun.
While being on campus she had conned ten people out of their money she laughed to herself as she went down the hall someone had at attempted to confront her but ended up running away in fear. She simply continued on with her life as if it didn't happen she just turning the hall with an hmph not really caring.
Federoff said:
"Sure" replied Melody, now that the concert was over Tanna and Melody could hang out and have even more fun.
Tanna grinned and took Melody's hand. She lead her out of the auditorium. "So, where's your dorm?" She asked.
"Eh,im not romantically attracted to girls." Malaine said with the shrug of her shoulders. After Malaine grabbed her a soda she went back to the couch. "Awen sorry i forget you no like the cold." Getting on the couch after setting her soda down she cuddled with Kylia to make her warm again.

Kylia wrapped her arms around Malaine again, warming up as they sat their and watched T.V. "Well that sucks for me" replied Kylia as she ate a few more kernels of popcorn. "Which ever boy that gets you is going to be very lucky" continued Kylia with a playful smirk.

Its dorm A30" replied Melody as they exited the auditorium and started to make their way over to her dorm.
Tanna held Melody's hand in hers so she could lead her. They made it to Melody's dorm. She looked at Melody. "So, do you have a key?" She asked.
Melody put her free hand into one of her pockets and began to search around in it, and after a few moments she produced a key. She handed it to Tann and smiled. "Here you go" replied Melody.
Tanna took the key and slipped it in the lock. She opened the door and handed Melody the key. She walked into the room and smiled. "Nice place!"
"Thanks" replied Melody as they walked into the room. "Oh watch out for Zane's iron brick, it hurts when you stub yourself on it" continued Melody as she let out a little giggle.
Federoff said:
"Thanks" replied Melody as they walked into the room. "Oh watch out for Zane's iron brick, it hurts when you stub yourself on it" continued Melody as she let out a little giggle.
Tanna looked at Melody with a puzzled look. "Iron brick? Who keeps an iron bri-" She was cut short by a hard impact with the front of her foot. She stumbled backwards and fell onto Melody. Through some coincidence, Tanna's lips were planted on Melody's. She blushed as she realized she was currently kissing Melody.
Melody heard Tanna get cut off, she found out the hard way about the iron brick. The next thing she knew, she was on the ground and Tanna was on top of her, kissing her. She started to blush as she remembered that Tanna had a crush on someone, somewhere in the depths of her mind Melody thought this was wrong, but it just felt so right. She put her arms around Tanna's neck and cut off the kiss for a second before kissing her passionately herself, preventing Tanna from saying anything. Melody was loving every second of it, even though she was blushing the whole time, and after a while of kissing Tanna, she broke the kiss and blushed immensely. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry, I-I-I don't know what came over me" stated Melody shyly.
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