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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

  • A

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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Brea said:
She checked her schedule "Me too" she smiled "And of course I can manage without a soul. I'm mostly a demon. Most of my kind lives by possesing other people's bodies, but my 'dad' fell for a human woman and created me. soooo..." her voice trailed off.
"Oh, okay! I don't know when but we should get it back some time" Aiden said before giving Jasmine a kiss on the cheek. "See ya" He said teleporting to the dimly lit locker room near his class. At least I'll see her next class. Maybe we will get lucky and she will create some poisonous gas in science and die. Don't you dare say that! Aiden walked outside the locker room and into the class.
LOLMAN101 said:
"Oh, okay! I don't know when but we should get it back some time" Aiden said before giving Jasmine a kiss on the cheek. "See ya" He said teleporting to the dimly lit locker room near his class. At least I'll see her next class. Maybe we will get lucky and she will create some poisonous gas in science and die. Don't you dare say that! Aiden walked outside the locker room and into the class.
Jasmine smiled, and giggled slightly, and walked into class. "Sorry I'm late" she said to the teacher.
Brutis leaves the teachers dorm and wanders over to the courtyard with a pile of homework in hand to start grading the work. He sighs relaxing as he finally feels as If he has gotten adjusted to living and working at the same place.
It was funny how nervous getting transferred schools was, even more so in the middle of the school year, or at least he thought it was the middle of the year. Sometimes Gilda frustrated him to no end but he trusted her decisions and if she wanted him to attend then he would. If only his social anxiety wasn't acting up today. It was hell just stepping out the back door to feed the hens in the morning since the neighbours always wanted to chat like a bunch of seagulls in the morning for reasons he did not know.

Falmet bit his lip as he stood in front of the massive grounds for the Academy, nervously shifting his weight on his rear hooves. Today was going to be quite nerve wracking, that he could already tell. He sighed and smoothed the front of his hoodie down, readjusting his saddle bag and making sure he hadn't dropped anything on the way here, then started the trek toward the administrations office to get his schedule and fill out any papers he might need that Gilda might not have been able to.

There was a chill hanging in the morning air that seemed to seep straight into his bones. He gave a little shiver out of reflex as he walked, focusing on the sound of each hoof as it touched the pathway to keep his mind off of the looming prospect of social contact with the other students. What was he going to do if someone decided to approach him? He'd freeze up and they'd probably think he was a snooty brat. He stopped chewing at his lip and pulled his hands out of his pockets, slowly rubbing his forearm out of nervous habit to irritate the wounds underneath the sleeve of his hoodie, relaxing slightly at the burn it offered. He was glad the blanket he had underneath his saddlebag hid the gashes and past scars on his flanks that he couldn't cover with a bandage wrap. He could just pass it off as "he worked part time at a factory that had a lot of dangerous machines and had just gotten stuck between two" which was partially true. He did work with a lot of dangerous machines, just not in a factory. He had a penchant for building things and when they backfired they tended to cause some pretty intense damage. Thankfully his skills left rarely any room for error. The only time backfires happened was when he decided to be an idiot and work until he deprived himself of sleep.

It wasn't long until he reached the administrations office, disappearing inside.

A good hour or so later he exited the building with several papers and a couple books in his arms. What had most of his attention was the paper in his hand that had the number of his dorm room on it. Would he have a roommate or would he have a room to himself for a while? He wasn't sure which he would prefer. Yeah, he was terrified of socialising but staying in a massive dorm room on his own gets really lonely. He sighed and stuffed the slip of paper in his pocket and opted to get a snack instead of checking out the dorm room first thing and headed for the cafe, hoping to high hell they had vending machines or something. Ice cream sounded pretty good right now for some reason.

He was caught off guard by the slippery floor of the cafe once he stepped into the huge room, his front hooves crossing and folding underneath him as his back hooves decided to spread out rather awkwardly. He was quick to pick himself up and regain his balance, testing the floor to see how he needed to walk to avoid slipping again before starting to pick up his books and papers that had fallen from his arms, trying his best not to let the little slip get to him but it was thinking anyone who might have saw him fall already thought of him as a clumsy idiot (though it was kind of true, he wasn't as graceful as people would expect of a deer).
Tanna stood inside a large auditorium with Melody. A band played in front of them. She watched the band with a grin. She then glanced at Melody. "Beautiful..." She muttered, the music drowned out her voice.
Melody was having the time of her life with Tanna, this was her first concert and she was enjoying ever minute of it, even though she couldn't see them, they sounded amazing. "This is so much fun, thanks for taking me" smiled Melody, not hearing what Tanna had said.
"Of course" replied Melody with a smile in a semi teasing semi happy tone. "Hey Tanna wanna hear something funny?" asked Melody, she actually somewhat yelling, trying to get her voice heard over the band.
Melody smiled and started to giggle a little. "Ok so I heard Kylia talking to herself earlier, right after Malaine left the room to go get a muffin, and she started to drool on herself, it was so funny" giggled Melody to herself. @UnwantedTruth

"Brrrrr" it so cold stated Kylia as they continued to eat, shivering pretty bad as she ran her arms up and down each other, trying to warm up.

Tanna chuckled slightly. "Woah. That reminds me of someone I known!" She said, grinning. "I think this is the band's last song!" She said smiling.
Malaine giggled at her."Awen. Wanna go cuddle again?" She said teasing Kylia just a little. Malaine wasn't cold,the cold air on her skin was actually refreshing. Malaine's skin still had a slight burning tingle and the winter air cooled it down.

"Aww, its almost done?" pouted Melody, she didn't want anything to end yet. "Do you wanna hang out some more?" asked Melody with a smile on her face, hoping that she would say yes. @UnwantedTruth

A smile slowly made its way onto Kylia's face as she nodded. "C-C-C-Can we?" asked Kylia as she continued to shiver. @DemonicPrincess
Tanna's face lightened up with a grin. "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh yes! I'd love to hang out! Where would we go?" She asked, wanting to hug Melody tightly.
"Yes we can, wouldn't want my bestie to catch a cold." Malaine stood up and smiled and held her hand out to her."My room or yours?"she asked smiling playfully.
"I don't care" smiled Melody as she continued to listen to the band playing.

Kylia giggled in glee as she stood up, she then shook her head and shrugged. "I don't care, as long as I can get warm" stated Kylia, quickly whispering "with you" to quite to hear.
Tanna smiled. "Awesome! How about your dorm?" She asked, scratching the back of her head. She began playing with her hair.
"Okay let's go to mine, my bed is better." Malaine held Kylia's hand as she dragged her along out if the cafeteria and started to walk to her dorm room.
"Sure! Zane has a lot of plants to look at and we can watch T.V. while chatting" smiled Melody as she too played with her hair, unknowingly the same as Tanna.

Kylia smiled more as she got dragged to Malaines door, her gaze wondering and causing her to drool a little. I wish I could just... thought Kylia.
Malaine finally got them to her dorm and opened up the door."Yes where here." She dragged her inside the room and closed the door and toke a seat on the couch and turned on Netflix putting Family Guy.
Kylia walked into her drom, still shivering as she started to take off her Gothic combat boots, multiple *Chings* as she set them down. Se walked over to the couch and sat down next to Malaine before taking a tissue and sneezing into it. After crumpling it up and throwing away, Kylia began to shiver again.
Malaine sighed and wrapped her arms around Kylia and brought her closer into her warmth."Better?" She whispered in her ear before watching the TV again.
Malaine's warmth wrapped around herself, making her feel way better and causing her to lightly blush. "Yes, your like a teddy-bear; so warm and cuddly" replied Kylia, enjoying every moment of it. "I could just cuddle with you forever" continued Kylia as she turned her head to the T.V. before putting her head on her lap like a dog.
Malaine listened to her words and mentality sighed. "Thanks bestie." Malaine smiled down at Kylia. "So why are you blushing?"she said with a playful smirk as she pet her hair soothingly.
Kylia let out a light sigh of approval, she loved it when people petted her, she sometimes wished she could be a pet so she could be pet whenever she wanted to. "That's an easy answer to figure out, guess" playfully smirking as well.

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