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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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"You are beutiful"Then suddenly fireworks come and Jin leans closer to Blue and leans his face close so he could kiss and then Jin thought I hope it is a romantic kiss
((Back from school :D ))

Kylia scooted towards Malaine more during her sleep, her head now on Malaine's shoulder. When she finally woke from her sleep, Kylia noticed this and smiled, to her it was a dream come true. No longer able to sleep, she just closed her eyes and waited for Malaine to stir, enjoying every second of this peaceful moment; it wasn't often that Kylia was still due to her ADHD, but this was an acceptation.

Malaine yawned a little as she began to woke;opening her sleep filled eyes slowly. Felling Kylia's head rested on her shoulder she rolled her eyes softly. "Kylia move I wanna go get I'm hungry."she said trying to carefully get out of her friends embrace.
Kylia pouted a little playfully before conceding to Malaine's wish and moved her hand and head back onto the bed. "You feeling better?" asked Kylia, referring to yesterdays events.
"Yea, my body inst as hot like it was." Malaine got out of the bed and stretched her body yawning."You know I gave you that teddy bear for a reason." She said giggling. Malaine sat on the bed and looked at Kylia " So why did you cuddle with me instead of the bear?"she asked with a playful smirked.
Kylia shrugged at Malaine's question. "I get cold at night, and I'm attracted to heat" responded Kylia with her own playful smirk, still laying on the bed, her body stretched out in a jumping jack position as she began to stretch. Kylia would usually have gotten up by now but for once she wanted to be lazy, and the bed was so comfy, so she decided to stay there till Malaine was ready to leave for food.
Malaine rolled her eyes."Sure .." She said in reply to Kylia's answer. "Let's go I'm starving so get your lazy ass up."she said with a giggle and got up off the bed and put her shoes on."I want pancakes this time."she said thinking she should lay off the muffins.
Kylia nodded and rolled towards the edge of the bed and preceded to stand up before putting on her Gothic combat boots she had taken off. The boots when on with a click and she stood up fully this time, stating "Alright lets go" in a half yawn.
Malaine takes Kylia's hand and pulled them both out of her dorm. Once they where halfway to the cafeteria she stopped pulling Kylia's hand letting her walk by herself."Mmm I can't wait to eat some chocolate chip pancakes..."
As Kylia was basically being dragged by Malaine, she had to speed walk in order to keep her arm in its socket. Once Malaine let go out Kylia's hand, she was able to catch her breath a little as now she could walk on her own. "That sounds good" replied Kylia as she began to drool a little, her gaze shifted downward at a 45. She looked back up every now again to make sure she was not going to bump into anything, and to keep herself from looking suspicious. That is quite delicious thought Kylia to herself, her hand ever so slightly twitching every now and again.
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Malaine ran insise the cafeteria once they got close enough and yelled,"Pancakes!!"she giggled at herself but made her way to the line and got her some food. By the time she was done she had;pancakes,eggs,and biscuits. "Yass food."she said waving her hand for effect as she sat down eating not even waiting for Kylia.
Kylia got inline for the food as well, following right behind Malaine, she got herself some pancakes, bacon, and a cup of decaf coffee before sitting downright next to Malaine. She smiled a bit before taking a bite of pancake. "So you ready for today?" asked Kylia after swallowing her bite of pancake and before taking a sip of coffee.
Yuki woke with a headache. he had fallen asleep in the courtyard, laying flat against the cement with his head on his board. "what the..", the blonde boy managed to stifle from a dry throat, lifting himself off the ground afterwards, along with his board. the blood rushed to his head the moment he stood, sending him into a dizzy, stumbling, walk. It felt like his brain was pounding against his skull, leaving a tingling pain behind each time it pulsed. "you've gotta be kidding me", Yuki grabbed his head and leveled himself out using one of the benches.

After a minute of standing there and letting his body calm down, he began to walk inside the dorms in search of his. Once he reached the room, he shuffled through his things to find the pain medicine his sister had made him, and swallowed them dry. He also placed a hand on his forehead and used an ice element to cool it down.

Quietly, Yuki walked out of his room, leaving the board behind and starting off to go walk the pain off of his mind.
So Lucario went to sleep then woke up. He did his usual morning routine with awesomeness and walked out into the courtyard.

(Writing a five paragraph essay right now so i cant really focus on this ha sorry)
"Yea sure.Whatever today is."Malaine said a little confused. Thinking about it as she ate some of her eggs she rolled her eyes at herself. "Oh yea,your little concert?" She asked wondering if that what she ment.
Kylia took the cup away from her mouth and smiled. "I hope to see you there" replied Kylia as she continued to smile.

(GTG, back to normal school schedule, stinks ( :( ) Night)
Yuki took rest on one of the courtyard's benches with a sigh, holding his head. The medicine hadn't kicked in yet, and the pain was causing him to feel sick. "so much for eating."
LOLMAN101 said:
"Hmm... I got magic" Hopefully she has it too, butI'm still wondering about her soul. "When are you planning on getting your soul back, like can you manage without it?" @Brea
She checked her schedule "Me too" she smiled "And of course I can manage without a soul. I'm mostly a demon. Most of my kind lives by possesing other people's bodies, but my 'dad' fell for a human woman and created me. soooo..." her voice trailed off.

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