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Fantasy Abnormal High

Dru chuckled slightly "a being with an appetite that I can respect." Dru looked at his own wrist and wondered just what would happen if she drank from him. Dru shook his head dismissing the thought quickly "my name is Dru, what are the two of you?" @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
"I-Im not really mad to be honest..and no it's my first time letting someone drink my blood like that" He said looking at her smiling and then turn to the person "Nice to meet you Dru the name's Sol" He said smiling at him @NyxNightmare @Drumonkey
Misa's heart raced knowing she was the first. Oh no...are these my feelings or just the blood bond? At least he hasn't drank my blood so it should be okay.

She licked up his wound, healing it. Her eyes grew in awe. So I have powers like this. A full demon like myself... She looked over at the person named Dru and bowed slightly.

"U-uhm...my name is Misa...I'm...a demon. Sorry...for..the awkward scene. I'm not really used to any of this believe it or not."
"Oh I believe it you may not know this but I was in your dream and saw something very interesting." Dru smiled at her and stopped there hoping to show her that he doesn't talk about what he sees in dreams to other people. Dru turned his attention to Sol "I know your name and a little bit about you but I don't know what you are. Please do tell me." Dru smiled but was getting a little annoyed waiting for people to tell him things was a hassle @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
"I'm a half demon and half human Dru" He said looking at him and the Sol look at his wrist and thought "D-did she just healed it by licking my wound?" and then he faced Misu and sighed "You should really be careful Misu especially when trying to get blood you know, cause you don't know you can get yourself in trouble or worse for drinking someone else blood you know" He said looking at her while smiling a little @NyxNightmare @Drumonkey
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Misa blushes a bit by Dru's words. What all exactly did he see in my dream? All of it...that's embarrassing...

She brightened at Sol's warning. She was happy that he was actually worried about her. But she wondered what would happen if she lost control over herself. After having a taste of his blood she figured it wouldn't stop there. Of course, she planned to only drink from him...but asking him to be her personal dinner was definitely too embarrassing. Not to mention the fact that he was still half demon, and blood sharing was something people in a relationship did. So she would continue to take from surprise. She also wondered if she could abstain from others as well once she became more powerful.
Draco stood quietly as those around him dispersed. He had been a bit surprised by the demon, he had never met one before. He looked down at the sleeping form of the fox spirit. He yawned himself and decided to find a good place to take a nap.

Looking around he noticed a nearby tree. It's first branch was high of the ground, but wouldn't be difficult to get to. He jumped, catching the branch with his left hand. He swung himself up into the tree and settled in one of the higher branches.

He stretched, then settled down against the trunk of the tree. He quickly drifted off into a light sleep.
Misa looked from Dru back to Sol. "Oh you know, all of its kind of hazy, especially with the blood I drank rushing to my head! It was, it was a nice dream though so nothing to be concerned over its no big deal really shouldn't we be having class now where is that know it all school president?" She said the words very quickly as she was quite nervous. It was bad enough the sandman knew of her dream. She was sure he was the one that caused it. But there wasn't any way in hell she was going to let Sol know he was in her happy dream or along with the fact that she was human in her dream. Nope, she decided nobody needed to know that.
"O-Okay and I don't know we basically left him while he was still touring anyway my head is gonna dizzy since you drank some of my blood so I'm gonna go lay down a bit so see ya Dru" He said walking off slowly with his wings out to the boys dorm while his hand is holding his head from the dizziness and thought "I feel different now since Misa drank some of my blood" He thought and he felt like he was about to collapsed @NyxNightmare @Drumonkey
Dru chuckled at their awkward exchange especially when the topic of the dream came up, Dru had seen all manner of excuses for dreams because at heart people were secrative when it came to them being vulnerable that was why Dru had never been able to speak of another's dream without express permission. "take care Sol and be careful we don't want you falling over. Also Misa is there anything you would like to ask me about your dream now that Sol is gone?" @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
Sol suddenly collapse in front of the girls dorm from the lose of blood from being part human and from the dizziness as well and before he past out he thought "...Did I just collapse on the ground....I miss my parents..I wish it was...me..not..t-them" He past out @NyxNightmare @Drumonkey
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Misa watched as Sol began to leave. She wondered if he would be okay. She felt as though she had probably bothered him enough today, but couldn't help wanting to follow him. She did drink quite a bit. And he was heading to the boy's dorm which was off limits to girls. So she remained where she was and nodded to Dru. "Thank you for not saying anything...about my dream. Although yes I did want to ask if it was...something you caused me to dream..or something that I wanted to dream?"
"Let me put it like this in a dream I can control every bit of what is happening but the best dreams are ones that I point towards happy and let the brain fill in the rest. Also I can't talk about anyones dream to you without their express permission and vice versa." Dru smiled then raised an eyebrow "go save your boyfriend he passed out on the way to his room he is near the girls dorm." Dru reached towards his back and an old ornate katana appeared and Dru stuck it into the air then turned it once like it was a key in a lock then he pulled open an old oak door with a brass handle and began to walk into it before looking back at Misa "hey if you or Sol need me especially in a dream just call out for me and I will be there." Then Dru stepped into the door and it closed behind him before disappearing completely. @Pika the Pikachu
Hellfire said:
Draco stood quietly as those around him dispersed. He had been a bit surprised by the demon, he had never met one before. He looked down at the sleeping form of the fox spirit. He yawned himself and decided to find a good place to take a nap.
Looking around he noticed a nearby tree. It's first branch was high of the ground, but wouldn't be difficult to get to. He jumped, catching the branch with his left hand. He swung himself up into the tree and settled in one of the higher branches.

He stretched, then settled down against the trunk of the tree. He quickly drifted off into a light sleep.
As he slept a dream began to form it changed into his favorite place in the world in his favorite weather conditions the dream seemed a little barren and like it was waiting for something to happen.
Misa opened her mouth speak but blinked in surprise as Dru conjured up and disappeared into a magical door. W-what, how did he even know....and that door...wait did he call Sol my b-b-boyfriend??!

Her face flushed red and for a few seconds she kept on thinking about that. Then she realized what he had said and she made a dash for the girl's dorm. Indeed the sandman was correct and there lay Sol passed out.

"Sol!!" Misa rushed down to him and shook him lightly. Oh no this isn't good...he lost a lot of blood. I knew I should have been more careful.

Misa hesitated but she bit into her own wrist and placed it over Sol's mouth, letting her own warm blood drip down his throat. It was the best way to get blood flowing back into him. It would work faster than getting him to drink some orange juice and eat a slice of bread. Demon's blood actually did wonders. @Pika the Pikachu
Draco stood in his dream world. Slowly the surroundings turned into that of a forest. Draco himself changed into a midnight black dragon with green eyes. He happily began running through the woods. He realized that it was a dream, but that didn't stop him from exploring.

He could be heard almost making a purring sound in his sleep as he rested in the tree.
On his back was a black kid in disheveled clothes looking like he just woke up and wearing only socks. The further he explored the newer things seemed then Dru chuckled "Like what you are seeing? I can show you more forests." Dru chuckled liking the way this dream was going. @Hellfire
Draco stopped in a clearing. Turning so that he could see the person riding his back. " I'm not to fond of people riding on my back." His eyes narrowed slightly. "If you helped this dream to happen though, then I guess you can stay." He turned and opened his wings. "Hold on." He launched into the air, and glided over the forest.
"technically I barely exist enough to ride your back I mean if you don't want me on your back just say so." Dru chuckled and stood up as neither the take off or soaring phazed him. he stepped off the dragons back and walked near his head and into his eyesight and was walking at a leisurely pace near the dragons head keeping time easily with the flying dragon "So what do think of this dream eh?" Dru had a kind smile on his face and was looking at the forest like it was his child. @Hellfire
"I've had better." Draco joked, unsure of how to react to the boy that had entered his dream. "Not many though." He spiraled in the sky. "Why exactly are you here anyway?" he asked as he leveled out and simply glided again.
"I'm hungry although you are rapidly making that an issue of the past also I was curious about what you are and how old you are." Dru smiled and let the dream comment go he was doing just fine and would continue to do so.
The blood in Sol's mouth help Sol function an little more and then Sol tasted it a little making him open his eyes slowly "...H-Huh...where am I?" He moved his head facing Misa "Is...that you Misa?" He said confused with his head hurting and tasted the blood in his mouth and thought "W-What is this liquid in my mouth, it tastes really odd but somehow it's good" @NyxNightmare
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Draco laughed, the sound strange coming from a dragon. "And did you get what you were looking for?" He asked as he landed. He had gotten used to the fact that someone else was in his dream. "I'm assuming that makes you a student as well."
"Yes I am a student and no I haven't gotten what I came for other than the meal, you see I try not to pry into the memories of others when they dream and since I'm at a new school I figured I should respect peoples boundaries." Dru smiled at the Dragon and knew he had found a nice place to rest most nights.

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