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Fantasy Abnormal High

"Well then." Draco bowed his head. "My name is Draco, nice to meet you." He raised his head. " As for my age I am 17." He looked at Dru expectantly.
Natsuki Yamato

Natsuki, who had woken up from his second nap, stared at the small silvery-blue flame dancing on his fingertips. He had heard that most fox spirits were able to manipulate flames that were similar to will-o-wisps, yet he had never been able to create a flame large enough to do anything other than lighting a candle at most. It was actually a surprise that he could do even this much, since his teacher had been a crow and crows generally did not specialize in the same areas as foxes—especially not foxfire—but it still frustrated him. One of the reasons why he had come to this school was so that he would hopefully be able to increase his abilities. Until then, all his meager control would be able to provide was a minor form of amusement that became a habit for him while he was thinking about things.

His nap had been short and thus his dream had been short, or rather what was supposed to be a dream was short. It was the usual "empty dream." This was one of the reasons why he liked sleeping and napping so much: it was the only time where he could think of nothing . However, it still felt disturbing how everything was always so blank. It was better than those few dreams where he did experience something other than emptiness though. Whether it be a pleasant dream or a nightmare, those dreams were always about his past and reminded him of things that he'd rather not remember...They were the dreams that caused his main philosophy to waver...They were the dreams that made him feel weak and vulnerable.

After extinguishing the flame, Natsuki laid back against the tree trunk and stared at the leaves above him in boredom. If the president didn't call for the tour soon, he was going to just go look for the dorms and sleep for the rest of the day. They probably weren't going to be doing anything important today anyway.
Hellfire said:
"Well then." Draco bowed his head. "My name is Draco, nice to meet you." He raised his head. " As for my age I am 17." He looked at Dru expectantly.
"My name is Dru and I am 500 years old. Is it safe to assume that you are dragon kind or at least partially?"
Draco blicked in surprise at Dru's age but quickly recovered. "I'm a decendant of dragon kind only, human is more prominent in me though." He sighed. "The only reason I have dreams such as these is because of the flying." He said, only slightly bending the truth.
Hellfire said:
Draco blicked in surprise at Dru's age but quickly recovered. "I'm a decendant of dragon kind only, human is more prominent in me though." He sighed. "The only reason I have dreams such as these is because of the flying." He said, only slightly bending the truth.
Dru chuckled "you know you don't have to hide the truth from me, not in here. Firstly you can't lie while in the dreamworld secondly I am bound by very high rules that prohibit me from talking about important bits of dreams without your permission. However I don't expect you to trust me so I'll take just that. If you would have me I would like to spend more time in your dreams, I like it here it's pretty peaceful and would give me time to catch up on my reading."
Draco seemed unsuprised that Dru caught on to his half-lie. "I don't mind, as long as you don't bother me during my more private dreams." Draco said. "I need to wake up soon though, so enjoy this one while you can."
Dru chuckled "I'm the sandman, you probably won't remember if I intrude or not." Dru shrugged his shoulders "also thank you for humoring me like you have I'll be going now." Dru bowed to the dragon and then he opened an oak door stepping out of it and closing it behind him. Dru appeared next to the tree Draco was resting in looking around quickly before strolling towards the school.
Draco laguhed after Dru left. "At least he knows how to exit with style. He slowly woke up in the tree. He stretched like a cat before jumping and landing on the ground below. Finding nothing better to do he walk in the direction of the dorms.
Federen woke up. He didn't expect to actually sleep. More of daydreaming or something but his tiredness got the best of him. He yawned for a bit knowing he overslept, making him feel kind of groggy. He stretches his arms a bit and leaves the courtyard. He reaches the tour group and they were all still packed. He started wondering what could stop them from picking a dorm but, nonetheless, tries to look like he's ignoring them. Federen goes to the canteen with hopes of finding some food or at least anything that can fill him. He spots a vending machine with simple snacks in it. Federen might just return with some few dimes or maybe a dollar. He returns to the dorms and took a glance at the front of the girls dorms and saw Sol and Misa again; Sol looked like he couldn't move a bit and Misa looked like he was tending to him but Federen thought " I am not gonna hang around near them again at a time like this. I've already done the same thing earlier and I remembered what happened" and with that, walking far more noticeably now, goes to his dorm to try and and find some coins or two. He thought of what the two were doing again and he thought of checking them later once he bought a snack.
Misa breathed a sigh of relief, she moved her wrist away. "Uhm...it's..my...eh don't worry about it. At least you are awake now. We should probably get you to your dorm room where you can lay down more properly instead of here in front of the girls dorm."

She noticed Federen pass by and she couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. Ohh! It's not what you think. She mentally cried. Bringing her attention back to Sol she managed to prop him up against the wall.

"How are you feeling? You passed out." @Pika the Pikachu
"Huh..oh I just feel..a little dizzy that's all" He said smiling at her and his wings pop open "That's better...thank you Misa for helping me out...uh I should repay you somehow.." He said looking at her @NyxNightmare
Misa's eyes beamed with happiness. "Like I said, don't worry about it, we are...friends." It felt nice to call someone that. He was her first real friend. "But...if...you really want to do something for me...." She hesitated, her wings twitched nervously. "There's aa dessert shop down the street from this school...that I like. Despite Being a demon she still lived human sweets. Of course she would be throwing it up later just like any other human food she attempted to digest. But she particularly enjoyed desserts, and it was one of the reasons she was envious of humans. They had so many food choices!

Misa looked down at her lap shyly.
"Okay...you want me to take you there afterschool Misa?" He said looking at her "If you want me to take you I can buy you what you want from there it's my treat" He said smiling at Misa @NyxNightmare
"I-is that so?" Misa smiled gleefully. To be honest ever since it had been decided that she would attend this school, her parents had lessened her allowance. So she didn't have much to spend. Her wings spread out and fluttered excidedly. "Thank you Sol. Now that you are feeling better we could go see if we can find the school president to start class?" She couldn't wait for the day to end, but she also couldn't wait to finally become stronger. She had always been looked down upon by other demons, they called her weak and a human pet since she had refused to feed on them for the longest time.
"I-I guess.."He said still a little dizzy and slowly getting up spreading his wings out while stretching and looked at Misa and thought "I wonder what was that strange liquid in my mouth from earlier was" He looked at Misa "Hey Misa about the dessert shop you mention...it sounds like you want to go on a date...w-we can still go there but you just make it sound like a date..unless you want it to be an..d-date" He said blushing a little while looking down @NyxNightmare
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Federen found a few coins, enough for a simple snack for the vending machine he saw. Federen leaves his dorm and, ignoring the motionless tour group, walks to the canteen. Federen has a hunch that the two were still at the front of the girls dorm.

Federen reached the front of the girls dorm and was correct that they were still there. Federen sneaks by the corner to avoid being spotted as he catches a few words which he thinks was from Sol's.

"...it sounds like you want to go on a date...want it to be an...d-date" are the words that he was able to hear. He knew it. This relationship was getting a bit improved, even on the first day of school. Federen makes a mad dash to avoid being spotted and he passed the front of the girls dorm, but it makes him trip. He hit the ground, knee first. It made a small thud sound. His coins also fell off his pocket, making some clinking sounds

"Ouch... wait... oh no, they must have heard me from here!" he thought to himself and he tries to stand up but his knee gave away as easily as a dead leaf. He was doomed when either Sol or Misa found him and told him what he was up to. He put his back on the wall and he sat. As far as his experience could tell him, this position might not get people any fishy ideas... might.
Misa fiddled with the hem of her skirt more when Sol said those words. "Erm...." Are e moving too fast? This is the first day and all...and...he isn't my boyfriend or anything..

"Uhmm..maybe just as friends for now..." Even though because we shared blood...we are more than friends. Oh....only couples are supposed to share blood! Its the highest form of intimacy for demons...and even though I did it on a whim to save him and all....the situation wasn't romantic at all. Do I even feel that way towards him? He is nice to me...but we only just met. I can't let him know it was my blood. That's....

It had been almost a little too long that she didn't answer Sol and she quickly looked up at him. "What? Oh, no just some...uhmm...water. Yes, some water." She smiled. It was then that she heard a thud. What was that? She took the opportunity to get up and look around the corner to find Federen. She blushed. Did....was he...the whole time...

"Y-You...." Misa brought her wings up around herself to cover her face. This is just too embarrassing....too embarrassing!!

She flapped her wings strongly, sending a sharp burst of air through the room, sending anyone near her flying back.

@Pika the Pikachu

@Federen Mason
"O-Oh okay" He still tasted the unknown liquid in his mouth which grew and appetite to him until Misa was going somewhere. Sol was walking to Misa only finding himself moving back a couple of feet from an burst of air from Misa so he was holding his ground "M-Misa a-are you mad or something?" He said popping his wings out just in case another burst of air comes to him again @NyxNightmare
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Federen heard footsteps but he was too late; Misa already flapped her wings and created a strong burst of air, so now he rolled sideways. He moved in the mighty gust's direction. Federen was trying to hold on the floor and the wall but he could barely have a proper grip on them. He then tries to cushion his crash by putting both hands against the wall so his arms would be the first to hit it. He was able to do this safely. He reached the room's corner. He heard some clinking and thought that the coins were also swept from the wind to his direction.

Federen moved his arms from the wall, laying on the ground. He slowly gets up, leaning against the intersecting walls behind him for support. His knee felt a tad bit worse now. He was having a bit of a difficult time standing up. He tried to look at Misa straight in the eyes but she was covering her face with her wings. Federen says "Umm, look, I can explain this...". @NyxNightmare
Misa uncovered her face a bit, whenever her emotions got out of control, whether it be anger, sadness, or anxiety, even excitement, sometimes the demon would get the best of her.

It might have also been the fact that the blood of a half demon empowered her so much that it heightened her senses and she didn't feel in control of that power. A dark aura surrounded her and her eyes turned red and black. Her wings became onyx and spread out wide. She had lost her consciousness. Full demon battle mode.

"Explain? Why don't you?" She crept closer to Federen, her teeth had become sharper. "You can explain while you join me for dinner, I'm starving" She tilted her head, the room became dark with the sudden mist of shadows she caused. She wasn't exactly focused on eating per say, her instinct was just to destroy, as most demons specialized in wreaking havoc.

Misa was not herself, one of the reasons of coming to the school was to better control herself. What will happen to her sanity now?

@Pika the Pikachu
"M-Misa?" Sol walked over to her and saw Federen but Sol wasn't concerned about him, he was more concerned about what Misa have said to Federen and thought "Don't tell me...she's gone.." He walked closer to her with his wing's out and touch her shoulder "M-Misa are you o-okay?!" @NyxNightmare @Federen Mason
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Federen saw what Misa had become; a demon. The sudden darkness that swept across the room and Misa's transformation seemed to cry out the words "she's dangerous". There was nothing he could do since his leg still hurt and he was in a corner. Misa was now closer to him. He could fight back but his sword was stashed away in his bag at his dorm and mere punches won't look like it would give much of an impact but, even if the punches could hurt her, she was a fellow student and he wouldn't dare hurt anybody (without being asked for first, which is usually sparring). Federen saw Sol tap Misa's shoulder. Federen won't be able to explain anything to Misa at her current state.

@Pika the Pikachu
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Misa laughed a little bit insanely, then sudden touch of Sol turned Misa's attention towards him. She stared at him or a moment. "Your scent...is familiar. How do I know you?" She growled, a voice not completely her own came out. For now her attention was drawn to the half demon. She lunged at him, pinning him down. When in this mode she couldn't recognize people, only blood connected them.

It was as if she was blind and all she could use to distinguish people were by blood and scent. "Half demon, why does my blood flow through your veins? Are you not prey?"

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