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Fantasy Abnormal High

"Want me to leave you two alone? I know how... interested you two are in hanging out with each other." Dru smiled and had to hold in a chuckle @Pika the Pikachu
"S-Sure you can leave us two alone Dru, thanks for the help we appreciate it" Sol smiled at Dru and looked at Misu "hey Misa are u okay?" He said with his bloody wrist on the table @Drumonkey @NyxNightmare
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Misa smiled to Dru, she was thankful for his help. He was wise indeed. She felt like she could always count on the sandman to appear out of nowhere to save the day.

She felt a little nervous being alone with Sol though. "I'm...I'm fine thank you." Her voice suddenly became more concerned as she saw the blood from Sol's wrist. "S-Sol! What happened? Your....your....bleeding..." She fought with the urge to lick some of the blood off, and felt a little guilty about wanting to. "Sol I didn't hurt you did I?" She was almost crying....again.
"Actually you did Misa....but were okay" He said looking at his bloody wrist and he lift up his bloody wrist to Misa "You're really are a hand full Misa but you're easy to handle anyway that's what I like about you...s-so can you please fix my wrist b-by you know.." He said looking at her "But anyway Misa...don't cry because of hurting me and the others...you couldn't control yourself for some reason..but it dosen't change are friendship from you Misa" He said smiling at her while blushing a little @NyxNightmare
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"I'm really sorry Sol..." He had said it was not her fault but she felt responsible. If only she had been able to control herself more. She hoped to see the others later and properly apologize to them as well. She wondered what may have happened if she wasn't able to return to her normal self. Looking up at the bloody wrist Sol extended towards her she took it gently and drew her tongue over the wound. It eventually healed. Without really thinking she kissed his wrist softly. "T-there its all better..."

Misa released his wrist and looked down a little embarrassed. @Pika the Pikachu
"T-Thank's Misa" He said looking down blushing "D-Did she just k-kissed my wrist w-wait I forgot about the dessert shop she had mention" He thought and said "Hey Misa you still want to go to that dessert shop like you wanted to...i-it's okay if you don't want to I just want to repay you back that's all for all the hard work I had caused you and also so w-we can hangout once and a while" Sol said looking at her blushing @NyxNightmare
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Misa nodded gently. "That would be lovely. The president of the school hasn't said anything so we can probably step out for awhile."

She smiled and got up, heading in one direction. "Shall we go?" She looked at him warmly.
Sol got up and walk up to her "Yea let's go" He smiled at her and hold out his hand for her to hold then slowly put his hand down "U-Uh sorry I shouldn't have done that out of the blue" He said looking down blushing a little and thought "W-What are these feeling's that I feel towards her?!" @NyxNightmare
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Misa blushed a bit, her wings twitched, but she then laughed. Sol made her feel so comfortable . She took a hold of his hand and stepped out of the sky. "You can't fly well because of your wing right?" She flew up into the air, taking Sol with her. "Its easier if you are holding my hand isn't it?" She giggled. As they were gliding through the air she felt this was the closest she had ever been to someone.
Sol was shocked and amazed to see the view "W-Whoa!" He said and while laughing and withdraw his wing's out and felt relieved and looked at Misa "Hey Misa thank's for reminding me of this view, it's been so long since I was in the air I-I love you for this" He said as he went up to Misa and hugged her while he blushed and laughed while smiling at her "Hey Misa do you need some blood?" @NyxNightmare
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Misa was caught up on the word love as it came out from Sol's mouth. He said those words...In a moment of deep thought she ended up forgetting that she was flying and spiraled downward. She quickly regained control as they landed in front of the dessert shop. She blushed a bit nervously. "Blood always sounds good. Especially...if its yours."

She took his hand and lead him into the ally way next to the shop so it was more discreet for her to feed. It would help feeding now so she wasn't so distracted with all the humans inside the shop.
Sol blushed a little and he lifted his wrist up for Misa "Here you go drink up" He said smiling at her and thought "S-She like's my blood w-well that's new although she's very cute when sleeping and awake..." He blushed a little more and looked at her and he thought "I know she want to become human but does she really want to?"@NyxNightmare
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When the stranger called Dru healed him, Federen said his thanks before Misa ever woke up and returned to his dorm. He remembers the coins he dropped but he didn't bother picking them up again. Maybe not even later.

"What a long day..." and with that, he didn't bother changing and went straight into bed to take another nap.
Misa hesitantly took his wrist and sank her fangs into his soft flesh.

Her body became hot afterwards as she licked her wound to heal him. Her eyes were a bit glazed over, she was still trying to get used to consuming fresh blood like this. It made her a bit dizzy. I want more...

She leaned up and kissed his neck.

There's a lot flowing here...she was about to sink her fangs into his jugular vein but managed to stop herself as she pushed Sol away. "T-Thats Uhmm...that's enough thank you." Her breathing quickened and she struggled to compose herself for a few seconds. That was close...I don't want to risk him losing too much blood.

@Pika the Pikachu
"O-Oh okay" He said blushing a little and felt a little dizzy as well and thought "S-She kissed my n-neck w-why would she kissed my neck unless s-she...?!" He blushed even more "H-Hey Misa you ready to go inside the d-dessert shop?" He said looking at her and gently grab one of Misa's hand while smiling at her and he put his other hand in his pocket while shaking his head to get rid of the dizziness from the lost of blood@NyxNightmare
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Misa nodded as they walked into the shop. It was a fairly cute place, almost like one of those maid cafes. "Oh Sol! The waitresses look so cute...I wonder if I would look good in something like that." She wan't used to human attire very much. Someone sat them down with menus. To be honest she had only passed by this place a few times with her time on Eart. This was her first time actually inside the place. "Wow!! Theres so many things to chose from." She was eagerly flipping through the pages, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

@Pyka the Pikachu
Sol looked at her surprised "You can choose anything you like here Misa it's my treat" He said smiling at her looking through the menus and thought "I do want to know how she looks like in a maid outfit..if that can ever happen" He sighs and looks at Misa "Hey Misa I bet you would look cute in a maid outfit...I-I mean look pretty...I mean uh" He blushed a little and felt a little embarrassed and quickly lift the menu in front of his blushing face @NyxNightmare
Misa tilted her head, completely oblivious to the notion Sol was making. Suddenly the waiter came back to take their order.

"Uhm...I'll have the strawberry parfait." She smiled sweetly. The waitress explained that while they were waiting on their desserts they could dress up and take a photo in the photo booth section. "Sol!! Lets go take a photo together!"

@Pyka the Pikachu
Sol lift the menu down and looked at Misa "O-okay lets go" Sol got up and stretch a little and walk to the photo booth "Come on Misa hurry up" He said smiling at her and thought "At least I'm making her happy by bringing her here and also hanging out together but she would be happier if she can live an normal life somehow like me" He zoned out for a bit while this thought was in his head @NyxNightmare
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Breaking him from his thoughts Misa spoke, "Hey, Sol does this look good on me?" She had changed into one of the maid uniforms and had placed kitty ears upon her head. Her wings were a little out of place but she tried to forget about that. She couldn't retract them like Sol could. Although most humans thought it was all part of cosplay.

She spun around, the hems of the dress flowed effortlessly. Misa smiled happily as she placed another set of cat ears on Sol. "Haha! You look so cute Sol." She purred. "Kind of weird coming from a demon though huh? A demon pretending to be a cat is probably really silly." Her smile faltered.

@Pyka the Pikachu
Sol looked at Misa and blushed hard and he had an nosebleed without him knowing"I-It looks b-beautiful on you M-Misa" Suddenly Misa put cat ears on him and Sol looked at Misa "It isn't silly if you pretend to be an cat Misa, you look outstanding no matter what and you know what your not the only demon whose being silly with you." He said smiling and purred back at her trying to cheer her up while sticking his tongue out "H-Hey Misa you ready to take an picture together so you can remember this moment?" Sol said smiling at her while still having an nosebleed while suddenly Sol grabbed one of Misa's hand again softly and he thought "I hope Misa is having a good time today I bet I'm not even fun around Misa at all, I'm just here to repay my dept. that's all." He sighed @NyxNightmare
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Misa brightened up at Sol's words. He was so sweet. She nodded and laughed, posing for the pictures with him. When the pictures came out she handed him a strip. "Sol...I like being around you." She blushes a bit. She looked at him a bit closer. "A-are you okay Sol?? Your nose is bleeding." She leaned closer towards him, saving at the blood with a napkin, unaware of the cause. @Pyka the Pikachu
Sol blushed hard looking at Misa "I-I like being around you as well" He said smiling at her "Huh yeah I'm okay I just uh..had an nosebleed for uh looking at you that's all..." He see Misa got close up to him and he blushed more and thought "these feelings what do they mean when I'm around her" He then took the strip from her an look at the picture an smiled at it @NyxNightmare
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