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Fantasy Abnormal High

Sol quickly retrieve his wings back in before hitting the ground "W-What are you talking about Misa don't you remember you bite my wrist a while ago and would you please get off of me before I use force that may hurt you" He said looking at her then see her eyes and thought "Crap I should've know she has lost control well I have to turn her back to her regular self somehow" He then popped his wing's open making Misa getting off of Sol and he walked over to Federen and picked him up and put him on his back "Hey Federen I'm sorry about this happening to you dude, it's basically my fault for this happening so if you have anyone to blame it should be me but we will get to that later for now I have to deal with her now" He said looking straight in the eyes of Misa @NyxNightmare @Federen Mason
Misa seemed irritated with Sol's actions. She hissed and spread her wings out again, tilting her head to the side. "What can a mere half demon like you do?" Black streaks appeared across her body, her eyes being engulfed with a full black. Her nails extended to become sharp claws.

"No matter, I'll eat you both!" She flew towards them.
"Crap" He thought as he hold tight on Federen and jumped over Misa and looked at her "I don't want to hurt you Misa...but you gonna make me have to" He said looking at her and put Federen down gently not to hurt him "I'm sorry about this Misa" Sol started to charge up at Misa and tackled her down on top of her holding down her arms "M-Misa why are you acting like this?!" He said while holding her down @NyxNightmare
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"M-Misa why are you acting like this?!"

Whose voice is this? Inner Misa wondered. It sounds....like someone I-

Misa growled viciously and struggled against Sol's grasp.

Sol....is that you? I want to sleep...
Dru opened a door from nowhere and stuck his head out of it "is everything ok here..." Dru stepped out and walked up to Misa who was being pinned by Sol and held up his katana "hold her down Sol I think I can help out the Misa you know." @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare @Federen Mason
"It's fine Sol..." and he was carried away by Sol, only to be laid down a bit farther from Misa. All he could do was watch in horror in what was happening before him since his leg was still hurt; from Sol pinning down Misa and a random person, who seems to know Sol, appears from a door that looked like it was out of nowhere.

@Pika the Pikachu

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Sol look at Dru "You better not do anything crazy Dru i'm trusting you right now" Sol said holding down Misa more and looked at his wrist and thought "maybe I can calm her down if she recognize my blood...well only one way to find out" He used one of his arm to hold her down and bite one of his wrist and lift it near Misa's face letting the blood drip down to my wrist to her lips @NyxNightmare @Drumonkey @Federen Mason
Misa struggled violently, her wings flapping. Even though she was a full demon, Sol was still larger than her.

She was about to unleash one of her attacks when she felt a warm liquid fill her mouth. What is this? It tastes familiar...

She hissed and finally managed to push Sol off of her. She stumbled a bit. What's happening...

Suddenly she collapsed onto the floor, she had fainted.
Sol got up from the ground and withdraw his wing's and stretch "Man she's a fighter" He walked over to her and picked her up and thought "Now what am I gonna do with her I already have to fix Federen up and I also have to help Misa to" He sighs and put Misa on on shoulder and picked up Federen and put him on his other shoulder and thought "Too much weight, but I have to help them either way!" He slowly moved while carrying them to the lobby @Federen Mason @NyxNightmare
Dru hit Sol in the back of his head before taking Federen from his shoulder "don't over work yourself not after you lost some blood." Dru chuckled and shook his head holding up Federen easily thanks to his feeding earlier. Dru came to this school mainly for the quality of food but he also decided to try and make friends. @Pika the Pikachu @Federen Mason
"O-ow then why did you hit me then if I have lost some blood" He said holding Misa while looking at him seeing him picking up Federen "But thanks anyway Dru.." He said softly and started walking to the lobby "Hey Dru do you know anyone who can fix Federen up?" He said while walking close up to the lobby @Drumonkey @NyxNightmare @Federen Mason
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"I can, your friend Misa is sleeping and with her strong life force I can bend reality a bit to fix his leg let's set them down somewhere and I can fix up any of the injuries in the group." Dru smiled and headed towards a table that was in the lobby. @Pika the Pikachu @Federen Mason @NyxNightmare
"Thank you, it has been a long time since someone has called me their friend." Dru sat Federen down on a table next to Misa and held his hand over his leg before a golden light focused on his leg causing it to heal quickly and the pain to fade to a dull ache. Then Dru looked at Sol "hey Sol you should make a decision on a course of action with Misa." @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
"I eat hope for a living, I have been alive for over 500 years, trust me I can see the signs but if you want to play dumb feel free to but from friend to friend choose a path that will make it easier for now." Dru chuckled and sat down on a bench looking around. @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare @Federen Mason
"Mmmmh." Misa sleepily shifted in her sleep, grabbing onto Sol's arms and bringing it close to her chest, almost like a teddy bear. Her body ached and the sweet scent of someone she was familiar with made her feel at ease. Her fangs were still out and her wings a black color.
Dru chuckled quietly "I see you have chosen your path... Good choice just remember to be prepared for anything that could possibly happen." Dru looked up towards the sky and his face turned to a frown.
"I take an honest approach to life since I can't lie in the dreamworld. That is something you should think about because it is one thing to lie to someone else but it is worse to lie to yourself." Dru looked Sol in the eye and chuckled lowly he could already tell he might have to tell these kids old people terms to help them get through life @Pika the Pikachu
Misa shifted again and this time she opened her eyes slowly, as she awoke her wings and eyes turned back to normal. She rubbed her eyes and gazed up at Sol, who was pretty close to her.

"E-Eh...Sol...why are you.." She blushed as she realized she was using his arm as a teddy bear. Quickly releasing him she covered herself with her wings. "Sorry...again." She felt as though she had been saying sorry a lot. And what had just happened? She didn't remember much at all. However she did recall Sol blushing for some reason.

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