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Fantasy Abnormal High

Misa bowed hesitantly to Federen and Draco properly. "It's...it's nice to meet you." She tried to push away the urge to feed. Federen appeared to be very official and she wondered what his plans were for the future. She kind of wondered what everyone's back story was here. She wanted to ask but she still wasn't completely used to talking to anyone, especially strangers. She couldn't help but notice a ball of fluff nearby hiding under a bush. Her wings twitched as she excused herself and went over to investigate. "Sol, oh look its a cute fox!" She brightened as she picked it up and held it in her arms. It appeared to be sleeping. It must have followed the sound of the flute she figured. Most animals were attracted to such sounds just as her own species. She had no idea it was an actual person. She carried it over to the group, happily caressing its fur.

@Pika the Pikachu @Hellfire @Federen Mason @Nano
"Oh cool" He went over to Misa and rub the fox on it's head "It's cute Misa" He said smiling at her and the fox and thought "Misa is getting more comfortable talking to people now that's good, but I wonder if she's going to be okay hanging around some humans when I'm not around oh boy" He sighed @NyxNightmare @Federen Mason @Hellfire @Nano
"Hi, nice meeting you too Misa" Federen said as she took a bow "That's not really necessary..."

Federen then feels kind of tired. The nearby bench felt cozy enough and went to sleep in a sitting position.

"If anyone doesn't mind..."
Natsuki Yamato

It was warm, very warm. In fact, it was too warm as if someone was holding him. Bushes provided shade, NOT warmth. Did some random child pick him up again? Hoping that he wouldn't be tortured by some not-so-gentle-manhandling, Natsuki pretended to remain asleep.

"Sol, oh look it's a cute fox!"


Okay, it was good that it wasn't a child who had picked him up, but he had just been mistaken for a normal fox. The worst part was that she had just called him "cute". The small fox opened its eyes in irritation. It wasn't his fault that his fox form never seemed to grow. He didn't even know why he was still so tiny.

His eyes met the girl's purple eyes. Finally fully awake, Natsuki realized that he was in school and the person who was holding him was a student. He had two choices, either keep pretending he was a normal fox and escape when he had the chance, or turn back into his humanoid form and risk surprising the girl and causing a small, but still bothersome, commotion.

Deciding that it would cause more trouble if someone found out much later on, Natsuki nimbly jumped out of the demon girl's arms and shifted back into his humanoid form with his ears and tail out due to his remaining agitation. He pulled his hood back over his head to cover his ears and turned back towards the group of four.


So...how exactly was he supposed to deal with this situation?

@Pika the Pikachu
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Misa gasped as the fox leapt out of her arms and shifted into a much...larger being. She blushed a little and giggled. So it was a spirit fox. It appears I may have agitated him.

When she was younger playing with spirit foxes is what she did in her free time, in fact it took a bit of control not to immediately go up and play with his tail. "Sorry...."

Misa drew her wings in closer to herself. Although he had such a cute form, the man before them all was actually quite handsome. Most spirit foxes were, one of their key elements were charm. She noticed Federen leaving to take a nap. It seemed it was the perfect day to do so, with the slight breeze and warm sun.
I sighed "well whoever you are it's nice meeting you hope we can chat sometime" He said about to walk off before waving at everyone and then he walk to the lobby where nobody was and sighed and pop my wings out again leaning against the wall with my eyes closed and thought about my childhood @Nano @Hellfire @NyxNightmare @Federen Mason
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Misa was beginning to like the students here. They seemed friendly enough anyways. She noticed Sol walk off rather quickly and she smiled to Natsuki. "Just call me Misa if you will." She bowed slightly again, she was always taught to bow formerly so even being around people her own age it didn't seem unnatural to her. She went off to follow Sol until she arrived at the lobby. She saw him, to what she assumed anyways, that he was sleeping. Even if he wasn't she took the risk anyways and tip toed over in front of him. He looks peaceful...I don't really want to disturb him...She watched as his chest rose and fell from breathing. Oh...we're alone right now...She edged closer to his face. Is he really asleep? With nobody around she could easily fell the beating of his heart beat and the flow of his blood. Her fangs reappeared and her breathing quickened. Her head became a little dizzy as she leaned in closer. Her eyes still reflected a deep purple, but she could feel herself losing control.
He was still resting and he didn't felt Misa presence near him so he kept leaning peacefully and thought about his parent's deaths "I..It should have been me" He thought while tears flow down to his cheeks without him knowing @NyxNightmare
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Misa was about to bite Sol, her lips brushed against his neck, when she tasted something. Tears? Her fangs disappeared and her hunger left her as she raised herself. I need to get a better grip on myself. But Sol...why is he crying? A painful memory perhaps? A nightmare? She was overcome with a bit of worry as she sat beside her new friend. Was it safe to call him that? She lightly leaned her head against his shoulder. Don't cry Sol....

@Pika the Pikachu
He felt an warm presence on his shoulder and felt it quite pleasing and couldn't help and think about his new friend Misa "Misa...is my new and best friend"He accidentally mumbled while sleeping, and he occasionally wrap around the warm presence on his shoulder with one of his wings. @NyxNightmare
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Dru rounded and corner and walked towards Misa and Sol his steps almost soundless as he smiled slightly and his golden irises glowed. Dru had been deprived of a meal since someone had woken Natsuki but now there was another person dreaming and the feeling of them dreaming drew Dru in like the smell of cooking meat. Dru felt the strong urge to change the dream to a happier one to help lessen Sol's current pain while making his dream an even tastier morsel to feed on. @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
Misa smiled to herself at Sol's words. He is talking in his sleep hehe. When his wing wrapped around her she felt her heart beat a little faster. Eh...this is quite close...I'm not really sure if...

She closed her eyes and tried to focus on something else. She couldn't really move unless she wanted to wake up Sol. So she simply eased herself and dozed off. Little did she expect trouble to arise...

@Pika the Pikachu @Drumonkey
"I'm 14. I'll be 15 in 7 months. I'm a freshman." Emme said. "I'm not that tall either." She answered Tessa's second question. "I was just looking around at what I missed on the tour, i'm finding my dorm now." Emme looked at her watch. She has a certain time when she turns into her animal forms, and it was almost time for one of them. "Um..." Emme looked back at Tessa. "I'm guessing your a senior? wait, no. Junior? Its junior. I can sense it." Emerson was starting to get the traits of her wolf / cat forms. She could sense some things even if they weren't sensible with a nose. Or she could have just looked at her and guessed. She liked to use the sense excuse though. It sounded better, and she was part wolf so it made sense. @Casey
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Suddenly Sol's dream was changed and it was an dream of him, his father, and mother at a safe place with nobody to disturb them Sol like the dream but it caught him off guard when he looked into the mirror in the dream house seeing his wing is tore making him realize his parent's were already dead and it woke him up "...Ah..my head" He said while tucking his wings back in and suddenly Misa was laying on my shoulder and he was surprised to see and thought "W-Why is Misa here?" @NyxNightmare @Drumonkey
The wind was blowing pleasant fully, the scent of the sea traveled to Misa's nose. She was by herself, was this a dream? Wasn't Sol here? She got up from where she was laying and walked through the field of grass. Where am I?? Oh, my wings are gone.

Misa twirled around happily. "No more craving for flesh or blood! I don't really care if this is a dream or not, its wonderful isn't it?" She saw Sol in the distance and rushed over. "Sol! Look! I'm a human!" She was free from the plague that came with being a demon. She ran across the beach shore tossed the water over her, laughing with the dream Sol and a ton of spirit foxes around them. Lost in the dream world she didn't wake up. It didn't once occur to her that this was the doing of the sandman.

@Pika the Pikachu
"She is sleeping just like you were." Dru was a few feet away with a frown of annoyance on his face, no one would stay sleeping around this place. Dru was just happy that someone was having a good dream he was a little worried for a moment just how good it was getting but decided not to do anything more. @Pika the Pikachu @NyxNightmare
"W-Who are you" He said looking at the figure in front of him while in the dream, dream Sol was laughing with her as well and tossing the water around at Misa laughing, while real Sol looked at the figure concerned "What did you do to her" @Drumonkey @NyxNightmare
"I didn't do anything. I just happened to be around when she decided to take a nap. I decided hey free food who can turn that down?" Dru shrugged and played dumb looking Sol up and down as if only seeing him for the first time. @Pika the Pikachu
"I am a dream given life and I told you already I am feeding." Dru smiled and sat down on a bench near then seeming to enjoy himself.
A voice sounded and Misa looked around. What....whose voices are those...S-Sol and...?

Misa was pulled from the dream by the irritation of Sol's voice. Sleepily rubbing her eyes she tried to focus on who was in front of her. "Sol? Oh...you are awake." She yawned and stretched her wings. The feeling of her wings made her frown a bit. So it really was a dream...mmm...

She looed from Sol to the new person. "Hello." She was still in a daze. Which, in fact brought back her hunger. "Sol...." She took his wrist lightly and sank her fangs firmly into his skin, drinking gently. As the blood flowed down her throat her senses returned and she withdrew from Sol. "Ah....I'm...s..." She began to panic a bit. "I didn't mean..." I want to sleep again....Sol probably hates me now...She stepped back from them both.
"So what's your nam.....Misa?!" He said seeing Misa drinking his blood then see her panicking "M-Misa you should don't have to worry about bitting me although you should have asked me if you want some of my blood" He said trying to calm her down and in a surprised look observing his wrists while giggling a little @NyxNightmare @Drumonkey
Misa, being on the brink of tears looked up at Sol. Her face was red and she still wanted to return to her dream to escape the embarrassment. Yet his words surprised her. "B-but...you...aren't mad?" She didn't want to drink from him for numerous reasons. One being he was half human and she had vowed to stay away from that, and two, demons who shared blood shared a special bond as well. "D-Do you always let demons drink your blood if they ask? Or...?" She wanted it to be just her. She was happy though that he didn't hate her, and that she managed not to kill him. His blood flowed through her and she felt different, empowered.

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