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Fantasy Abnormal High

"Oh do you mean the hole in my wing well when I was little around 3 years old demons in our race tried to kill me cause I was different in there race, even though I had blood of an demon in my veins I also have blood of an human as well. One of them put an spear in my wings when trying to get away and another pulled me while the spear was on my wing making me not to fly away." He said while clinching his fists "I was crying for my life sparring mercy to them but they wouldn't listen to me until my parents showed up trying to protect me, my father took the spear out of my wing and throw it to one of the demons while my mother took me away to safety. But that didn't stop them they brutally killed my mother and father in front of my eyes" He said with some tears slipping out of his eyes "I was filled with hatred for those demons I...I killed them with my bare hands" He said looking at his hands and then wiping his eyes so Misa wouldn't see him crying @NyxNightmare
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"Anyway that's is how I got this whole in my wing" He said doing an fake smile looking at Misa and here an sad tune "Is that an flute?"
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Draco put the flute down. He sighed, content now that he had played a tune. He set the flute back into it case and got up. He probably should try to meet with some of the other students, he would be having class with them soon.

Using his sense of smell he found himself walking towards a nearby tree. He looked up into the branches to find to students. Not sure of what he should do, he simply walked towards the tree.
Misa bad listened to Sol's story intently and now was left crying, for the second time today. "That's so...sad!" She ended up throwing her arms around him in a tight hug, her wings brushing against his. Even though he couldn't fly his wings were slightly larger than hers. When he mentioned to be quiet, she withdrew from him and listened, the sound of footsteps approaching. With them the melody of the mysterious flute had stopped. Could it be...the musician of such beautiful music?
You could always let me have a taste...I won't eat you, I just want to taste...

Misa shook the thought from her mind. No...I can't think like that. Sol is...not food. Even a drop of his blood might activate something inside of me that I despise. She managed a half smile. "Don't worry about it. Just...being able to talk with you makes me happy." It was the first time she was beginning to feel comfortable around someone of her own kind. The foot steps were getting even closer. By now she could smell someone...a guy. What species was he ?
"O-oh...but I still want to make it up to you somehow Misa" He said spreading his wings out more showing the hole in my wing a little wider which hurt a little for Sol
Draco stopped at the base of the tree. He could sense that the two students were watching him. Sighing, Draco sat down with his back to the truck and pulled out his flute again. This time he chose to play something classical. He had no specific song in mind, instead mixing different ones together into a strange but pleasent tune.
"You know...they say the wings of a demon can be regenerated. Only if they consume fresh human blood however, and if the power of the demon is great enough. It only stands as a myth, and I myself have never been strong enough...since...I don't consume human flesh or blood. Ever since that one day...but perhaps we can mend your wing. Maybe even one of the students here can heal."

Misa frowned a bit but smiled after a few seconds. "But...yours are very large. They are beautiful."

The man began playing the flute beneath them. Misa peered down below. She was set at ease by it. She wanted to tell the man he played wonderfully. But she held her tongue. Demons were usually attracted to such melodies. Hunters used to play them to lure them in before killing them for their wings.
Draco startled slightly as one of the students landed beside him. He switched his flute to his left hand reflexsively, but stopped himself.

"Sorry if I was bothering you." He said after a moment, putting away his flute. "I didn't wish to interrupt anything, so I just started playing." He looked over the student. He relaxed slightly but didn't let his guard down.
Draco reaches with his left hand at first, then takes Sol's hand with his right hand and gives a firm handshake. "My name is Draco." He looks up into the tree. "It's nice to meet you Sol." He says as he looks back at him.

Draco stands up, leaving his flute case on the ground.

@Pika the Pikachu
"I play it from time to time, it helps me to relax." Draco says with a small smile. "It's actually my mom's old instrument from when she was a high-school band geek." He says with a laugh.
She wasn't completely sure she even wanted to. She had been more social today than she had all her life. A little reluctantly she leapt down from the tree, landing gracefully. Once Draco was in sight her heart jumped. Human...he's mostly human. Great. Another person I have to struggle not to eat . I've never been around so many human creatures. His scent is even stronger than Sols'. Misa hid behind Sol's wings. Partly because she was shy, but mostly so the demon scent of Sol would override Dracos'. She distracted herself by the notice of the flute. Is this what humans were capable of? There were not many musical instruments in the demon realm. He played wonderfully even so. She noticed his eyes were strange; and much like a reptile.

@Pika the Pikachu
Federen was now bored. Rethinking the plan of staying in the group again didn't do much. So he goes to the court yard, since it was a place of interest when he explored a bit earlier.

Once he found it again, he saw the two people from earlier. There was also another person in the courtyard too; it looked like a human but something didn't feel right about it. The person he saw earlier now had his wings visible, but he could only catch a glimpse since he retracted it. Knowing that he troubled the two earlier, he decides to walk to them now and apologize, maybe even say a hello. This he did.

"Hi, I just wanted to say sorry for sneaking up on you two earlier when you were having a..." Federen trailed off because he had no idea what the two were doing. The only thing he could say, as far as he could conclude when he left, that they were having a moment but that sounded romantic, even though that's what he thought they were doing, especially on the first day of school when not a lot people had met yet. He knows this conversation would turn out bad so he steers it to an introduction "Anyway, nice meeting you three. The name's Federen".
"Huh...oh right your the guy from earlier look it's wasn't like what you think it might have think from earlier I just startled her that's all" He said a little embarrassed "Anyway nice to meet you Federen the name's Sol" He said smiling at him
Acknowledging the smile showing that it was fine, he saw that they were talking when he entered. "Oh, sorry but am I interrupting anything here?"
"Oh, ok. You guys should continue what you're up to. I'll just be here" Federen said, leaning his back against a tree that Sol and Misa used. Federen scanned the whole court yard; it was peaceful, beautiful and very relaxing. He forgot about the schedule plan he was talking about but that could wait until later.
As Natsuki drifted off or sleep a dream began to form, in it was a wild forest that seemed granular but alien at the same time. There were birds singing from out of sight and light filtering down through the canopy walking through the forest playing the flute was Dru. He had his eyes closed and was in a green dress shirt, and black slacks being held up with green suspenders. Dru still wore socks and as he walked through the woods he had his eyes closed but didn't bump into anything although he seemed to slowly be heading towards Natsuki @Nano

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