A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

She shook her head. "that actually sounds pretty normal considering how insane this place can be. Just call me Komi. When that...thing gets back I can make you some an herbal remedy that will soothe your head," She awkwardly scratched the back of her head with her ears down. Komala had never been good with people and this time seemed to prove no different as she stared at her paws. "Nice to meet you..oh there's a sack of food over there if you want some and help yourself to anything else. There isn't much but whatever you want." She wracked her brain for something she could say that wasn't stupid. "So how did you get in this messed up asylum?"
Amelia nodded in agreement on the craziness of this place. It was true. Stuff like that happens all the time here.

"Yeah. It all happened so suddenly as well." She suddenly slid off the table and stood up straight, dusting off her skirt. She was thought, a little shocked with Komi's question.

"So how did you get in this messed up asylum?"

"Messed up.. Asylum? What are you talking about?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion. She was born here, so she didn't exactly know what she was talking about. She thought everybody was born here.. Or were they?

The Moogle turned back,having collected a majority of the leaves and stored them in his pouch,set off for the cabin.Marlin floated along,at a fast pace to a Moogle throught the forest, humming happily.After a few minutes of travel he reached the cabin,knocking quietlt on the door.
Amelia knew the creature was there before it had knocked. She gave Komi a glance, asking permission to answer it silently. Being stubborn and not waiting for an answer, she padded towards the door and opened it slowly. She gave the moogle a smile before noticing the leaves in it's pouch.

"You must be the moogle Komi said has the herbs." She smiled and stepped aside so he could float in.
She shook her head chuckling. Stubborn, I can deal with that. "thanks...what's your name?" she asked as she took the herbs from the pouch and started mixing them in a paste into the bowl. She looked back at Amelia with the same confusion. "Well 8 crash landed here in after my plane got lost in some weird cloud pattern. You mean you were actually born here?" Komala was baffled. She thought everyone had just appeared here at random times in their lives. She suddenly frowned and looked somber, "where is your family? Wouldn't they be worried," she handed her the paste. "It looks funny but it taste like sweet mint."
Amelia listened to her carefully, but when she mentioned her family, her ears drooped a little. She stared down at her feet and let out a sorrowful sigh. She looked back up at Komi and gave her a smile, but it was forced.

"My parents died in a horrible accident. I don't have any family left." She muttered, taking the paste quickly and avoiding there gazes. She continued to stare at her feet, wiggling her shoes slowly.
Marlin descends toward the ground,picking dirt chunks out of his fur.He grumbles while trying to pick a one out,his efforts futile."What next,dumpster diving?" He says to himself.The Moogle gags at the sight of the sight of his filthy fur,a sickly brown with damp forest materials all through out.
Komi sighed, "You aren't alon kid I know what it's like to be in that boat. Never even knew mine and lost my memory in the accident. Alright you little grows if youre that upset about beind dirty you can go to the beach and rinse off in the ocean." she groaned. Then she turned to Amelia "We can all go of you want. You may need the fresh air anyway and it's right in the "backyard so you don't have to go far. What are you anyway little thing?" she picked him up and headed out the door towards the water.
"Icarus, are you okay?" she saked, truely concerned. She didn't like the bloody gash on his arm, in fact, it made her want to puke, but she found a stem of the 'death/life flower' and wrapped it around his arm. "These might help." she said, tying it so it put pressure on the wound.

"I know it hurts, but trust me, it works."
Marlin was taken by surprise upon being picked up."Urk..."He struggles for a second then calms down to answer her question "I'm a Moogle, Kupo!"He sneezes and snot shoots out of his nose,onto Komi
(a halfling vampire that isn't affected by blood? Hmm thats a new one xD )

Icarus winced as she tied the plant around his arm.

'Do you have to be so bloody rough? It's a little tender there you know.' He complained, wanting to tug his arm out of her grip but not wanting to upset her, so he endured her treatment. He shot her a devellish glare but his heart wasn't in it. She got to him somehow, made him think that maybe he could find sanity here. He wanted to get out and he would make sure that when he did, he took her with him, simply because she didn't deserve to stay trapped here.

'We should find out where we are.' He said, gazing about at the strange, empty room, resembling the room that Alice had wandered into when she first entered Wonderland.

'Jeeze, someone was running out of creative imagination when they built this place.'
"Fine then, I won't bloody help you then. The next time you get a giant bleeding gash up one of your limb, don't come crying to me." she blushed at his accent... again. She just loved Irish accents, still hated trees, but loved Irish accents. She snickered at his creative remark and nodded.

"Anyone? Anyone" Echina's voice echoed through the seemingly empty hall. She heard a screech. "Crap," she cursed quietly.
Icarus couldn't help but feel strange in that oddly shaped room, (for it was octagonal), gazing about at the empty place as a shudder ran down his spine at the screech.

'I vote we try these doors. But I swear to god if its the tiny freaking door hidden behind the curtain then i am not going to be impressed.' He said with a slight smile. He found it interesting that she had been offended by his words and he would have liked to persue a conversation with her but the thudding had begun on the door they had gone through and he figured that they should probably move. He took hold of her hand, tugging her towards the first one, letting out a relieved sigh when the door opened instantly.

'Come on, no time to lose.' He said, running through.
Echina sped up. "Indeed, personally, if you think my medical remedies are bad, I don't want to see what yours are like," she joked.

Rushing through the door, the screeching faded, but they were in a strange other room. "DAMN IT!" she yelled.
Amelia nodded slightly before watching Komi pick up the moogle and carry him off. She giggled a little bit, but sighed once more. Somehow, bringing up her parents seemed to have darken her mood. Trying to shake the feelings away, she trotted after them, her black hair flowing wildly in the wind. She stopped when she was padding beside them.

Her head felt a lot better thanks to Komi. If it wasn't for her, she would've of probably been dead. She looked down at her feet again and than suddenly felt a wide grin spread across her face. The sight of the ocean made her happy, and she never quite knew why. Komi and the moogle didn't know yet, but Amelia is actually a deceiving little thief that loved to tease people. She was only showing them her innocent side that was easy to get along with.
Icarus frowned as they entered a room exactly like the first.

'This is slightly chaotic. And not very interesting. I hate when creators get cliche like this.' he muttered, wondering what the hell the creator of this screwed up world was thinking. It was so very cliche. 'I swear, if the next room is exactly the same I'm gonna kick down some doors.' He announced, opening one of said doors and finding the same room. He went around to each and every one and let out a frustrated yell. They all led to a room identical to the one they were in.
"THAT IS IT!" Echina screamed. she kicked a wall and it fell, revealing a very Willy Wonka like world. "It's better than bloody Alice in wonderland," she shrugged.
Icarus let out a frustrated groan.

'I swear, whoever invented this place had some bloody terrible sources.' He exclaimed with a pointed look at the room around the room. Why on earth had he been thrown into such a world of chaos and idiocy? He just wanted to find an exit. Was that so bloody wrong? He sighed in exasperation.

'Well at least those freaky bat creatures are gone. But now where the hell are we?'
"At Willy Wonka's chocolate Factory it seems." she smiled sadly.

She sighed. "Anyway." she stepped into the chocolate coated world.

She didn't like it at all, she'd never quite had what you'd call a sweet tooth.
(lets steer this away fromt he fandom a bit shall we? i want insane, not fanzone)

Icarus smirked at her displeased expression.

'I vote we just kick down the next wall we come across. It seems doors here just lead us in circles.' So saying he began to cross the candy land and made a beeline for the wall of the factory before stopping and turning to look at her.

'Hold up. How did you kick that wall in back there? No human could do that. it's physically impossible.'
"Ew gross!" She held him at distance and she ran over and put him into the water. "Bleech have fun you little moogle," The word felt funny on her tongue. She didn't even feel like salvaging her jacket so she took it off and laid at the shore in her ragged tank top. When she looked at Amelia she was glad to see she had a smile on her face. "Where do you need to go? I will take you back or you can just stay with me and..what is your name moogle?"
"Marlin,Kupo!"The Moogle says cheerfully, falling back into the water.An unusually large splash was made as he was submerged in the sea.He swam for about two minutes and he resurfaced quickly.
Komala chuckled as she watche Marlin. He seemed happier in the water and that was fine with her as long as she didn't have to hear any complaints. She jumped in and kicked water at him as she did the back stroke laughing. the warm water always felt nice in her fur and she was sure Amelia didn't mind her swimming as she waited for answers. "Were you born here too Marlin?"
"In the Hellsborough forest..." He continued his swimming, leaving a trail of dirty water "eeewww" He said, diving down toward the bottom,spewing bubbles out his nose at times and exploring the vast ocean floor
"Must be the creator of this sick and twisted world trying to trick us to go in circles or something." she said nervously.

She kicked down the next wall. A world of red and brown appeared in front of here. Sounds of creaks filled up the surrounding area and made her shudder. She put her foot onto the brown rusty platform and she swore loudly. She thought it would've fallen from under here. "Icarus, what about this world?"

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