A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

"Okay, to be fair, I've been here all my life. 20 years. My mother and father escaped from here. Mum became pregnant and gave birth to me. A couple years later they got murdered by bat creatures and well... I've been surviving out here since I was 2 I think. I don't have any idea on how I'm not insane yet." she smiled sadly. "There's my story. As I said my food sources were animals and flowers, berries and stuff. It was efficient enough to get me by all these years. Probably wouldn't get me all my life though." she coughed. "That's why I was actually kind of happy when you came around." she blushed slightly. "You kind of saved me from starving to death after a while so... thanks."
Dometris looked at Rune, slightly confused as to why he sounded so concerned and sincere. He flashed him a smile, his eyes a soft brown colour as they looked at him with a smile. 'My little Rune, it is because they don't understand the gift I gave them. i will remedy that one day. For now they will not know the truth of my power. They forget I am everything in this world.' He chuckled darkly. He then began to ascend the stairs. 'She drinks blood, like any normal vampire.' He shrugged, taking hold of Rune's hand and dragging him up the stairs, practically bounding up them. 'As I said, little rune, don't associate with her. She is not the person she wants you to believe she is.'


Icarus didn't know how to respond to Echina's confession. He sat in silence for a few moments, running his jaw and yawning. 'That's.. ah... a big difference to two weeks.' he said after a moment, not sure what to do. Should he say he was sorry? But why? Why should he be sorry for something he had no part in? Slowly he reached out a hand, touching her shoulder again. 'I won't leave you behind here.'
Rune was surprised his master, creator, god was still kind with him. Only to feel a tug and suddenly be dragged, lead up the stairs by Dometris. He was still welcomed? He was still wanted and allowed? Dometris must be a merciful god, it was quite clear and easily to see now. He couldn’t help feel guiltier at this fact, but also overwhelmed with a touch of happiness.

“I said words to her though, and I always try to keep my words. Other than keeping those words . . . I will do my best not to associate, be around, see, meet with her because that’s what you want.” He was curious about where his master was taken him but he wasn’t going to question. Excitement filled him every step they took and he would loyally follow this man probably to hell and back without hesitation.

He still wasn’t sure his place or part in this so far. Was he a guest? A pet? A friend? Oh no, he was below all of those certainly. What was he to this god? Maybe just something to keep him interested for awhile. Rune could live with that, after all he wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for Dometris.
He led the way to the entrance hall of the sky fortress, the staircase that was thought to lead to nowhere in actual point of fact leading to his home and domain. The entrance hall was grand, full of glass and wonderful gemstones, all flashing their different colours everywhere as the sun began to rise over the desert dunes. One side of the glassed hall faced the desert, the other looked over the forest. There was a point in the middle where everything seemed to shimmer in and out of existance. he called this the point of mergance. He pointed it out to Rune now. 'I think that is where creatures such as yourself are formed, Rune. That point is almost like a rift in the surface of reality and insanity. It is your origins, I'm sure.' He smiled as he spoke, his eyes alive with colour. he loved having someone to point out his creations too. They were his pride and joy. He looked to the Spec, smiling with excitement. 'And over here,' he led rune to the window facing the the desert. 'Over here is our beloved desert, the Darmoth Dunes.' He whispered the words, exilaration flowing through him. 'My people are so unaware of the beauty I have given them.' He sighed and let go of the Spec's hand. 'I just want someone to love it like I do.'
Rune took in the gleam of the room and loved it. It had shininess, yet the see through of it all was his favorite. It was like it was walking on air, or he could pretend he was. When Dometris spoke, he would listen, his eyes growing a touch sad when where he was made was explained. “That’s my home, land, heritage?” He asked lingering longer as he studied the rift. That was what he was? Not reality, not insanity, just there stuck between everything yet not quite being anything? Not ever allowed to be anything . . . but a spec?

He was lead away from his thoughts when he was dragged to look at the desert below. Such simply beauty, but each grain of sand moved could make millions of things. Like clouds in the sky he could see shapes form through the waves on the grains. It was beautiful; then again, everything had its beauty in Rune’s eyes. To just be was a wonderful thing.

When his hand was dropped his master seemed to get sad a touch. The words that followed caused Rune’s heart to ache. He . . . he was lonely. Managing a smile Rune lifted a hand boldly to push some of Dometris’ hair back. “Master, creator, god, artist, and much more, it is not the same if you have to explain it to others is it?” He asked softly, his eyes going back to the desert again. “I find it beautiful, simple, magically, complex, bold, and many many more things, but I could probably never see it the same. You have eyes like no others; it must be both a blessing and a curse.”
Dometris was shocked when Rune touched him. No one ever willingly came into contact with him. It confused him slightly. After a moment he spoke, smiling and running a hand through Rune's own violet hair. 'My Rune, don't be sad. You have so much potential. A creature of neither reality nor sanity, you are a true child of Insanistatia. Cherish that, for not many of them down there are.' He gestured to the city further along the wall of glass, the little yellow lights flickering in the darkness. Soon the sun would rise and with it would come a new day. He frowned. They would have another day to despise him for all he'd given them. Perhaps he ought to purge his creation and start again? But not with water. No that was too easy. Fire. Now fire would burn away everything. He put this thought aside for now, looking back at Rune, noting his strange chimera eyes. 'Little Rune, Why do you choose now to appear to me? Why now and not earlier?' he sighed, letting the violet strands of hair fall from his grasp. 'You have eyes like mine, and they will see as mine do, one day. My world is rising against me, and I must take control. I do not want to destroy my lands, they are my children, my greatest creation, but they fight against me. They are like those people in that Earth Realm book. The Bible. That was it. My brother gave it to me once. I read it. I hated it. But the people were the same. They do not trust their creator.' He gazed at the man, thinking that perhaps he had someone to share his vision with. 'Rune.. Why do you not argue and curse me like they do? Why do you sit here and listen, despite what you hear them say against me?'
When Dometris touched him, starting playing with his hair Rune couldn’t help look at the other with a gentle smile. Subconsciously he leaned against the touches with his head. “Potential?” he questioned not sure what he could be useful for but flattered never the less. “It’s lonely though, I know I’m blessed and special because you said so, but it’s lonely.” He gave him a weak shrug not sure how else to explain it. He had rarely met others like him and even they were all unique in their own ways.

Rune didn’t know the other’s thoughts of course, of how he wished to purge and wipe out life so easily. If he did know it would deeply depress him. After all even if others hated him, disagreed with him, they all had their own rights, their own gifts to the world in away. Oh how he envied them at times, wishing he was normal like the rest.

When asked why he didn’t appear sooner to Dometris he looked utterly surprised. “I was, am, never will be worthy.” It was that simple, Dometris was above everything, and Rune was below. “That and I don’t decide where I go, the magic does. I go poof and then I am elsewhere. You . . . I was blessed for you to find me.”

The gentle touch was lost and darkness followed. Rune frowned at his master’s, creator’s, god’s, words. It sounded dangerous, like many might get hurt. At least the god was a loving god, he wished not to cause harm, was he truly being backed in a corner though? Was he being given no other choice?

“They hunt specs because of what we are or are not. We aren’t meant we are told.” He spoke softly, not trying to speak against the rest, just trying to relate a touch. A sin for sure, trying to relate to someone such as Dometris. “I think they are scared . . . I think they do it because they do not know, do not understand. Maybe they are right though, maybe we weren’t meant, but . . . we’re here, exist, shouldn’t that be enough?” He gave a gentle smile at Dometris at that. “I forgive them though; I forgive them all because I am taken up their space. They have a right to be mad at me.”

Then it was the god’s turn to question him, and Rune felt lost. “Am I wrong for the way I am? Because I do not act like they do? Please forgive me. I just . . . I see no need to argue or curse, I see nothing that you have done wrong. You who are the reason for us being, you who paint the world in many ways and allow us such wonder to explore. Sides . . . if everyone just went off what others said . . . well then no one would know the truth of another.”
Jezabelle smiled and said "Good, I really do thankyou, I've been meaning to get her out of there for ages." Her mother hated Anna and she never really wanted ehr around, Jezabelle was scared that her mother would get rid of Anna while she was gone, but she never had. Belle glanced over at Anna and noticed a red mark on her nck and she jumped up and looked at it "That wasn't your people was it?" she asked in a calm but angry tone.
"Icarus, I don't really care if you leave me behind, I'm gonna die in this place anyway." she frowned, but blushed at his hand on her shoulder. "Well, I care but if you survive, I'll be happy. That's what I mean." she clarified. "If anything, you don't deserve to be here in the first place, it was my fault you'd gotten captured." she yawned. "I hate my life, so it's not like I'd be missing much." she rubbed her head.
Dometris found himself geniunely affected by Rune's words. So much so that he pulled the poor creature into a sudden hug. 'Little Rune, creature of both reality and insanity, of impossible, wild magic and pure, amazing words, you will always be worthy. You are the only person that has ever responded in such a way.' He smiled at him, playing with his hair again. 'No one ever has a right to be mad at you. you exist simply because that is how things are meant to be. they have no right to do or say anything against you. You are more than just a Spec, you are a child of my impossible world, and are the only one that will ever understand me.' He flashed the creature a smile, releasing him from the hug. It was strange that he'd never felt this close to the others before. He was content. For the first time in his entire existance, he feolt completely content. 'Little Rune, you are wise.' he chuckled before taking hold of the creature's arm and casually leading him into the upper floors of the fortress. He gave him a room of his own and said softly, 'Anything you wish for, you will receive.' He assured him.


Kailynne frowned, slightly offended by Jezebelle's accusation. 'My people would never do such a thing. If they were to harm her they would be breaking the code. We protect the innocent. We do not make meals of them. She was protected whole heartedly right up to the moment that she stepped into this room.' She said with slight indignance.


Icarus shrugged. "more than likely i would have ended up here myself sooner or later. Stop beating yourself up. I don't make a practise of hitting women but I swear to god that if you don't start being nicer to yourself I may have to start.' he warned, shooting her a very pointed look.

(Sorry guys, still kinda uninspired and stuff)
Rune’s eyes widen as he was suddenly embraced wiggling at first never knowing such a thing as a hug before. Only to calm and smile . . . it was nice, warm. He hesitated before mimicking Dometris the best he could to hug him back. His master, creator, god followed up with such words of kindness, Rune couldn’t help but feel like crying some.

The warm tears dripping down his face, never had he expected to be accepted. Most reasoned that he was as bad as Dometris because of what he was after all. Never before was he told he was worth something, or explained that he was really special. When the hug was released and a smile was given Rune merely nodded and smiled back. There was no way he could come up with words for this situation no matter how many words the world held.

Once more Dometris was leading him, and Rune could only bring a hand up to gentle wipe the tears away from his face. Pausing at the room he looked confused glancing about it. Most his nights he had spent outside, if lucky in a cave of sorts, or an abandon house, he didn’t expect such kindness from someone so high. The words of his master, creator, god confused him even more . . . anything he wished? Rune never really had anything else much to wish for, he found happiness and the ability to be content in most situations.

His eyes went about studying the room, before looking back to the one who was given him so much. Anything he wished . . . what was the things he wanted? “I wish to keep you safe.” He spoke up with the first thing that came to mind. “That no one else attacks or tries to kills you; so that I may find away to protect you.” Yes . . . that was a wish he wanted . . . to pay back the one who understood, who accepted him.
Jezabelle shook her head "No, I didn't think they would . . . It's i had hoped that it wasn't" she clenched her fist and her amber eyes looked like they had flames inside them, dancing with anger, she snaped her head to the child and it calmed her down "My mother did that because i wasn't there" she said in an angry tone she stoked Anna's hair and smiled looking at her, "I wish she hadn't"
"Okay, okay." she scooched a bit further from him. "I won't beat myself up anymore." she put her hands up as her eyes went purple. She was already frightened, but now the only person she's trusted, besides her parents, all her life was threatening to bash her up? So she didn't like her life, so what? There was no person she'd EVER met that had honestly said they'd loved every single part of their life. People did come to her with their problems, she was like mayonaise, without her the sandwich of life would fall apart in a horrible, more so horrible anyway, wreck.
Selena bit her lips as she saw Dometries skip away whith the creature, she knew Dometries could see all but she had a talent for hinding in the shawdows. she smiled when he said they were know playing hide and seek, a game she loved to play especially with her victems, she moved backwars her back tounching the tree she had appeared from. She made her way to where she saw the large staircase all alone in the middle of the clearing 'Elepsis point' she thought, she used to come here once upon a time but latly the only reason she came was to see what new pets Dometries was getting, she was about to make her way down when she thought she'd let the game go a bit longer that it should and it could get violent, she was too weak to fight now so she decided to go to the city and see what she could find.

She walked through the forest not making a sound, eventually she reached the city and watched as prople went by. She hid in the shawdows so they didn't see her and she wasn't know to be the most likable person. She stood their looking at the people go and come by it took her a while to pick her victem and when she did walked up to the boy and grabbed his arm "I need to show you something" she said as she took the boy to where people didn't go much "what your name" she asked him, he look like a human expect for the cat ears and tail. "Toby" he awnsered sounding really scared "It's okay Toby" she said hugging him "It'll all be over soon" she said then her fangs went into the neck of the young boy. 2 minutes later the Tobys body she put the boys lifeless body on the ground, she was now full of enery, she looked at the boys body and licked her lips, she hopped Dometris was watching, she just killed one of his creature, if it wasn't for that creature she would have probably really starved, the creature had saved her by keeping Domitrius occupied by praising him in the terrible things he did, as long as that creture was alive, as long as Dometrius was praised for his work she'd never starve again. If he wanted to be worshiped then worshiped he will be just differently this time.
Syrya couldt tell what was going on. She didnt remember anything. She was just called a monster, and the most bazar things have happened. Ware was she? It was as if the world had gone mad. Wich if it had would explain alot to Syrya, except her lost memory. For the past hour she was trying to remember her name. But ware had she come from? It didnt make any sence. She felt like somthing was wrong inside of her, like she was going to throw up her soul. "Excuse me sir" she asked the nierest bystander, "Ware am i?"
Dometris saw the tears fall freely down RUne's face and frowned. Was he unhappy? Had he done something to upset him? He didn't know. When the boy spoke his words again the god smiled, his kindness warming his heart. He felt like a teenager after his first date, elated and loved. He would keep Run here, protected forever so that no one could hurt his precious Spec again. It was HIS spec. No filthy creature would touch him, particularly not one like Selena. He would not let her ever get close enough for the boy to have to fulfil his promise. 'My Rune, you are so innocent, so unknowing, yet you have wisdom. It confuses me.' He admitted, but he was smiling. He'd never felt so happy. He lightly ruffled the violet hair. 'Is there anything more you want to see? I can do anything.' He offered.


Icarus heard the sound of voices nearby and recognised one of them as Dometris. he cursed under his breath. 'Damnit, he's back. We've got to figure out how to get home. Do you think that we should try and work out what he likes so we can get on his good side? He might be a bit happier and willing to talk to us if we were.' He suggested to Echina. He felt bad for threatening her. He hadn't even meant it seriously, but more as a playful warning. he wouldn't hit her. True he'd been tempted to earlier but he had stopped himself. 'You know I wouldn't hit you, right?'


Kailynne bit her lip lightly, the tip of her fang catching on the skin and causing it to bleed. She sighed, dabbing at it with a hand. 'Happens every time.' She muttered, studying the blood in slight annoyance. 'Are you sure you won't help us escape this place? Anna can come too.'
"Hahaha, poor child, might as well got used to it here cuz there aint no escape" said the man

"What do you mean no escape? Im 100% sure im not from here and i want to go see-" a memory flashed through Syrya's mind "I want to see the tarrace. I want to see Namine and Drake and-"

"Woah kid, looks like you got yourself some major remorse."

"Please theres got to be a way out."
Echina wasn't entirely sure, but nodded anyway. "Uh, y-yeah." she looked at her feet. "And that sounds like a good idea." she said, with a more confident tone. "What does Dometris like?" she whispered to herself.

She knew he liked insanity and keeping humans...and halflings as pets. That was it though. Guess she'd spend 18 years hiding and trying to survive, rather than figuring out a way to get out logically, using formulae. But Echina and her incredulous idiocy had gotten the best of her, and she'd hidden in trees which she despised anyway.
Rune chuckled a touch as his hair was ruffled. He felt bad for confusing Dometris though, that was never his intent. When he was asked what he wanted to see Rune perked up a touch looking at his master before him then around the room. It was a bit quieter inside, dull, he got less visitors like the bugs or random creatures when he had to live off the land. He wouldn’t complain though, his god being there made it so it wasn’t lonely.

“I want to see everything, meet other things, learn, explore.” It was a simple life in ways, and the only one Rune knew. He wandered about aimlessly probably barely surviving at times just taken it all in. It wasn’t anything the god could really do persay though unless he came with him, and Rune knew that couldn’t happen. He knew that it would risk too much danger upon his creator. “I can explore this place for now though, perhaps . . . if you allow . . . I can follow you around?”

He had meant it when he said he wanted to keep Dometris safe, although Rune was far from a fighter outside of a randomly lucky spell now and then. In fact some might consider Rune a coward, used to poofing away when danger arose not really wishing to hurt anyone or anything. His magic was wild, and if he fought back it could only really go one of three ways, something useless happens but distracts the other party long enough, he hurts the other party, or something useless happens and he would get hurt in the end.
Jezabelle thought about the offer, looking at anna and nodded "I'll help." She was now determined to get Anna and herslef a better life, if this ment finding a way out, that was exactly what she would do. She sat down near Anna and stoked her hair "Anything to get us a better life." she said smiling at the child warmly.
Dometris smiled at Rune, if it had ever faultered in the first place. 'Of course you can. i'm hardly going to let you out of my sight.' he informed the creature, stroking his hair again. It was so pretty, with it's violet hue and the way the different light caused different shades to come out. He flashed him a loving smile. 'Now that Selena knows you're with me she won't hesitate in spreading the news around that I have found something to preoccupy my time with. If they think for a second that they could use you against me then they will get a nasty surprise.' He said softly, gazing out the window a moment to look upon the vaste lands he had worked tirelessly to create. He was proud of them, and had been positively extatic when he'd finished them, but now he had someone that would truly like to share them with him. It never occurred to him that Rune might wish to leave him to explore his world on his own, albeit it be to save him from harm.


Icarus noticed that Echina seemed to be strangely silent, lost in thought perhaps. He wished she wouldn't keep moving further away. It made comforting her that much more difficult. He hated that they were stuck in these chains, but hopefully if they behaved themselves then Dometris would remove them and they would be free to move about. He noticed the lizard man couwering in the corner. What was his name again? Morice. That was it. He looked terrified of the god. perhaps he would help them, who knew.


Kailynne couldn't help the relieved smile that crossed her features. Most of the people that came to the vampire's coven tended to be seeking refuge from the god.

'Thank you. We need more people to help us. More eyes and ears to gather information.' She flashed her a smile and was about to continue speaking when the vampire from before, the tall dark one, named Ezekiel, entered. He looked stern.

'Kailynne. One of the rogues has been feeding again. It was a child this time.' Her expression turned dark as she stood. 'The rogues know the rules. you never feed off the children. No matter how desperate you are.' She sighed, her eyes darkening. 'Do they have any idea of who it might be?' Ezekiel sighed, avoiding her gaze.

'There have been reports of Selena being seen in the area around the time of death.'
Once Echina had stopped being frightened, she moved closer to Icarus. "I'm sorry for moving away. It's just you're the only person I've ever really trusted at all. It just kind of scared me, that's all." she shrugged, facing him. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. "So tired. Yet I can't get to sleep." she smiled slightly, almost laughed, something that had only happened today. For the past 18 years, she thought, it had only occurred to me now, that I had never laughed once in my life until today. And why? Because I'm with Icarus? Somehow he's making me laugh, even though we're trapped in Dometris' castle. She was about to cry but held them back. If I don't get out, I'll make sure you do.
Icarus frowned slightly. 'Why can't you sleep?' he asked. 'No one is going to hurt us here, you can get some rest.' He said in a softer tone, trying to prompt her into telling him what was wrong. 'I don't want to go to sleep if you can't sleep either.' He said, reaching for her hand with some awkwardness due to the handcuffs.

(sorry, busyyy)
No way out, crazy events, nothing making any sence, Syrya thought,why not?

There has to be some way out if theres a way in,
she thought walking down the candy coated streets, ​maybe if there was a god....
"No, as in I literally can't sleep. I'm an Insomniac, I haven't been able to sleep for 15 years of my life." she explained. "Don't know why, I guess partially from trauma, or just the insanity from this place was getting to me in some way, but, yeah. I can't sleep." she shrugged. "I don't actually mind anymore. I've gotten used to it, you can rest if you want." she smiled turning to him, looking into his eyes. "As long as you're safe, I'll be fine."

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