A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

Icarus let out an angry snarl, moving over to hit her furiously. He raised his cuffed hands above his head, ready to drive them down with enough force to knock her out, but he stopped. She was not some animal. She was as human as he. In all aspects that mattered, she was human. He sighed, lowering his hands and shifting the handcuffs slightly to scratch his wrist against the edge.

'No. It isn't your fault we're here.. I just wanted to blame it on someone. I don't like that you lied to me, but you did what you thought you had to. I probably would have left you behind back there thinking you were dilusional. I'm just a stupid irish twat that doesn't know how to react anymore.' He said in a soft lilting tone, his emerald eyes softer now.

'Forgive me, I didn't mean the things I said in my temper.' He said quietly, hanging his head in shame.

Dometris appeared beside a strange glassy lake, noticing an explosion of colour as he arrived.

'Who is making such wonderful colours?' he asked, slightly surprised. He was not expecting anyone to be around this place. It was where he conversed with his brothers, which he had to do despite how much he hated it. The lake served as a portal between the two different realms. He frowned. Was someone trying to break his communicator? He spotted a strange man and wandered over, frowning.

'You there, are you trying to break my communicator?' He sounded as if he couldn't believe such a thing was possible.
Echina blocked from being hit, but felt no impact. "Even if you are a twat, it still sounds funny in your accent." she tried making something light out of this. "Of course I forgive you, but I should probably be the one asking for forgiveness." she smiled awkwardly. "If you were as nice as you seemed when you helped me up, then I might've told you. But obviously you know all the rumours about how either in sunlight we sparkle or disintegrate, I CAN see my reflection in a mirror and I don't sleep in a coffin. I don't turn into a bat and surprisingly, blood doesn't effect me. Sometimes if I'm low on energy, I'll go an animal for my blood source, not an innocent human." she explained. "And it's kind of awkward about me talking about my feeding habits to someone who knows nothing about it properly," she held out one hand, her eyes turning back into the blue shade they were before. "Truce?" she said nervously.
There Rune stood draped head to toe now in umbrellas. Each one looped about a belt or pocket or limb of his body. In truth he probably looked a touch mad. He blinked surprised someone was there, joining him. He of course had no clue whom it was at first, did it matter? His question though got a tilt of the man’s head as if he was thinking over the answer.

“I was.” He answered truthfully glancing down to the lake once more with a frown. “Then it lost my interest. Although I wonder what funny noises it would make if it broke, if any noise at all and how it would look.” He paused his eyes going back to the stranger. After awhile of squinting and studying the man he merely closed his eyes as if that would help in his efforts.

“I know you . . . you are familiar, family? No . . . you aren’t one of us, you are, but you aren’t . . . you . . . you are much much more.” He paused opening one eye as if peaking at the man before him before quickly shutting it again not wanting to be caught. “I don’t think you wish my death, not yet, not now, maybe not ever, then again . . .” Rambles, pleas, or thoughts out loud who would know. “Wait! You’re father, master, creator, giver of life, and beauty.”

At that his eyes opened wide and he moved forward trying to embrace the one before him. “I am honored, no horrorified, no bewildered, no impressed, no stupefied, no everything to have met you.” It was the truth in ways, here was the one that made everything possible for him. It was a blessing, the person who was everything and probably the only being besides his kind who didn’t want him dead at times.
Icarus shrugged, shaking her hand as best he could with them both cuffed together. 'I suppose. but i swear to god if you lie to me again I will not hesitate in leaving you behind.' he warned, gazing about the room. He began to try and move further from the thron but the chain's length soon stopped him. He sighed, tugging half heartedly on it.

'We're not getting out of here easily, that's for sure.'

Dometris frowned at the man's banter. Was he even speaking english? When he began to ramble about the sounds of the lake, he smiled. he liked this one. This one talked, and didn't fight. He was much more eager than Morice. As he was recognised he allowed the creature to embrace him, wondering what exactly he was.

'Little Man... What are you? Why do you speak in such odd dialect?' He flashed him a smile. Yes, he definitely liked this one. He was different from the others. Morice was scared of him, Whisper was.. well.. Whisper, Echina and Icarus hated him. It was nice to be appreciated once in a while.

'What is your name?' He asked, shifting so that the umbrellas didn't stab him painfully.
"Bobby pin, remember? And I won't lie to you again." she reassured him, unlocking hers first with a loud click. She twisted the bobbypin in his handcuffs. The click sound again. "We're getting out of here," she growled, not at anyone or anything, her eye glowing red from supressed excitement. "Now, before they realise," she grabbed his hand and bolted through the hallway in which Dometris was seen going down, to go out. She leapt down the stairs pretty much. She was a door and she kicked it open. "Nothing is stopping us. Dometris can go burn in hell." she snarled again.
When he was asked what he was Rune could only pull back and look confused. He never wished to not answer the one who made him, but there was never a name given to them by their creator. “Nothing, forgotten, forsaken, magic, impossible, what do you call something that was never given a name? That is what I am, part of your species, your creation, your mistake, your being?” At that he laughed happily rubbing the back of his head. “I am a being of magic that wished to be but never can be but now is, but not really but continues only because you are so.”

When he asked why he spoke so weirdly Rune paused to ponder what was so weird about his talk. “I don’t.” It was as simple as that. “I answer to the best of my ability for you are the one who deserves that better than most. Answers though come in many ways and are so many, a question can have an almost endless supply of answers, and it’s hard to know which to give properly.”

When he asked for his name though Rune finally beamed proudly that was a simple one. “I was given the name Rune . . . since someone who used to know me thought I came from them. I didn’t, but I think they believed me more acceptable if I did. It was a lie, a cover up, a illusion of their mind, they hated me while loving me so had to find away to not destroy me or not want too.” He paused rolling his tongue a bit, was that right? Something was wrong but he didn’t know how to sort it.

“Forgive me?” He asked cutely, before starting to remove some of the umbrellas and try to hang them on Dometris some. Sharing, figuring he may love them just as much as Rune being his creator and such. “Sometimes words aren’t good enough to express, sometimes actions aren’t either, what does do when nothing is good enough? Poor you, nothing will ever be good enough for you I fear. It must be painful, lonely, but arrogant, and prideful as well . . . whatever do you do to manage?”
Marlin resurfaced near the shore, crawling onto the coastal plain.His fur ws now a light caramel color after swimming in the ocean.The Moogle coughed a bit and shivered.Marlin wipes some sand off of his paws."That's what i hate about swimming,you get sand all over you"
Icarus pulled his hand out of Echina's grip as she dragged him down the stairs.

'Stop! He'll just hunt us down if we leave before he gets back. You know he will. He said it himself. He put you in here to make you and your family suffer. If you go out there you'll be in far more danger there than you would here. I think we're safer here. We can find out a way to escape here. Here we're at the heart of everything. We can study him, find out his weakness and and possibly a way out of here. We could be throwing away a unique opportunity here.' He reasoned, standing on the stairs and refusing to move.


Dometris tilted his head slightly to look at the strange creature. yes, he definately liked this one. He was perfect, the very essence of insanity. Dometris chuckled as Rune tried to hang umbrellas from his garments.

'You are an odd little creature Rune. I like you. You are loyal.' He held an arm out for the man, gesturing for him to walk beside him. 'I shall call you a Spec. You seem to have gathered from everything that doesn't fit, so therefore are an Insanity Spec. Come Rune, we shall forget about my brothers for now. What do you think of my creation? What flaws have you seen? What should I do to fix it?' He asked, trusting this new creature more than anyone else. He frowned slightly at his last words, but didn't mention anything. Instead he took one of the umbrellas and put it up, just as a shower of skittles bombarded them.
Her eyes died down. "Oh, yeah. Duh me." when he talked about family, she hung her head and returned, putting her hand-cuffs back on the way they were before. She sat back down, uttering something incomprehensible. "Better get your handcuffs on, act like you still hate me. That's what he'll be expecting. You absolutely despising me." she muttered.

She redid her hair, but into a plait instead of pig-tails.
Rune’s eyes was roaming when his god spoke to him again. Slowly glancing back to smile at Dometris once more and chuckle “I like you the best, for without you I could never be, would not be.” He thought over those words. “How depressing.” He had no clue what the other was speaking of when he talked of his brothers. He would merely continue the walk willingly taken the other’s arms.

So many questions would follow, and poor Rune was doing his best to keep up with them. “Lovely, unique, magically, perfection, interesting . . .” There was so many words that could describe his idea of the creation made by Dometris, not really many bad ones. Rune trailed off awhile with words only to stop walking dead in his tracks as the other questions filtered into his head. Easy questions to answer really “None, for only in imperfection can perfection be found.”

Was his master insecure with his works? Was there something wrong with Rune and the rest of the things going on around them? “Why would you fix something that isn’t broken?” He blinked not meaning any disrespect, just totally confused at why he was being asked such stuff. “Is there something wrong? Do you think it needs fixing? Only the artist can say when his masterpiece needs fixing.” He looked hurt a touch, and slowly started to look over himself. He knew he was a mistake, but was he one thing his god wished to fix?
Icarus rolled his eyes, taking his seat beside her and locking his hands into the cuffs with some difficulty.

'That won't be hard to do. I'm still pretty annoyed by your obvious idiocy.' He said casually before flashing her a sidelong smile. he wondered why Dometris was so hell bent on keeping her and making her suffer. He got the whole parents escaping thing, but why go out of his way to capture her. Couldn't he just let go of the grudge? but then again, he acted like a child and kept people as pets, so no, he couldn't just let go. They were all toys to him. He would use them as he saw fit but like a child if he got sick of them he'd probably tear them to shreds and thrown them away.


Dometris laughed again, shaking his head.

'I just wanted your opinion, little Rune. I feel you are completely honest with me, unlike so many of my subordinates. None of my new pets like to be in my company much, which I don't quite understand.' He pouted a little, his long brown fringe getting in his eyes. 'It's like, no matter how much i try, they don't appreciate everything I do for them. I feed them, clothe them, protect them from the night raiders and all the awful things that could attack them, but they never appreciate anything. they hardly even acknowledge everything I've done.' He complained, almost like a child throwing a tantrum. He just didn't understand it. Why did no one understand how much he did for them?

'I created this world, in all its perfect madness, so that they wouldn't have to deal with everything they complain about every day. i saw people crying and pleading with life and my brothers to pull them out of the life they were in and to let them start off somewhere else. Kids would pretend to be in a magical land, so I gave them that land. And all they do once they get here is complain and cry for their parents.' he let out a frustrated wail, turning to Rune for help. 'WHY? WHY CAN THEY NOT UNDERSTAND?! WHY DON'T THEY SEE WHAT I HAVE GIVEN THEM?!!'
Rune seemed a touch confused at the god’s rambles, but he knew they had to be important. He only wished he listened to half of them. Sadly he was easily lost and distracted with his surroundings as they walked and he missed a big chunk. It was when the god started to yell and scream questions at him that Rune’s eyes widen and looked back at him. “They aren’t you, they don’t think like you, they want everything yet nothing, too much yet too little, they are blind, foolish, take for granted, impossible to reason with, show.” He wasn’t sure what they didn’t understand, but he could tell the god how he felt on why they didn’t see.
Echina smiled at Icarus. "Having some trouble?" she laughed, turning around to help him put the cuffs back on. "And personally, my mind goes a mile a minute, I can't help being stupid sometimes." she heard a loud clicks and scooched back around to face her side of the wall, just noticing whisper. "Crap. You won't tell, oh, um, show Dometris what we did, right?" she almost pleaded. "If he finds out..." well, Echina had some feeling that Whisper would've known what he might do, she'd been here a lot longer than them. "Please." Echina said again, acting like a kid who'd just broke a vase and the maid saw it.
Dometris was surprised by Rune's words. They made sense to him, which in itself was strange. But he didn't mind. He liked Rune's odd speech patterns and his strange manner of behaving. this was someone he could definately keep. He offered a hand to the Spec, as he had named his species, and began to talk again.

'Little Rune, how would you like to live in my sky fortress and help watch over my lands? The stupid lizard man that is helping me at the moment can't do anything right. He is constantly messing up and doesn't do anything I tell him to. He's probably let my new pets escape already.' He offered with a smile, his eyes flashing brilliant shades of colours. He was the lord of insanity, and he would restore disorder to his kingdom, with the help of his new friend.


Icarus raised an eyebrow at Echina's pleading words with the mute.

'Uh... Ech? Remember the part where she's a mute? She's probably here against her will too, why would she tell him that you tried to make us escape?' He pointed out, shifting uncomfortably in the handcuffs. he wondered if Dometris would let them stay uncuffed if they promised not to run away. He doubted it. The God was too cunning to think they'd just stay put. maybe they could do something to prove their worth? To prove that they would stay. But what? He decided to pose the question to Echina, asking her for her oppinion.
Jezabelle woke up, showly she must have dosed of on the couch but the first thing she did was jump up and say "Anna!" she rubbed her eyes and looked around, not seeing anyone, there was a blanket on hr feet and the old couch had a dent in it where she had slep, sideways
Echina's eyes glowed, not red, but their natural blue colour. "Don't call me Ech." she muttered bluntly. "And yes I realise, but Dometris is evil, most likely going to ask and if he thinks she's lying, probably try to beat it out of her," she explained, acting like Whisper wasn't there. "And for the last question, he'd probably unlock you and keep me in cuffs or vice versa, most likely the first one." she coughed, leaning against the throne, her eyes glowing wildly. "This world is confusing me." she smiled. "Weird how that's only just occurring to me now." she sneezed. "Ugh, does he have flowers in here?" she sniffled.

"If he does I'll explode." she snarled, trying not to act to animalistic.
Kailynne looked up from the book she was reading in the darkness, her red eyes glowing slightly.

'She's over there.' She gestured with a hand to a small armchair beside the couch. Her tone was quiet and gentle so as not to wake the sleeping child.'They brought her here an hour ago.' She said, turning on the small lamp on the table to add some light to the room.


Icarus smirked. 'Why can't I call you Ech? Does it bring back too many memories? Or does it make you think that you'll become comfortable with it and then i'll be a jerk?' he asked in a mocking tone, his irritation back as she snapped at him. 'You know, I don't know why i didn't let you run off. Maybe i hoped you'd be less insufferable.' he said snarkily, glaring out the window and shifting further away from her. 'I don't know why i even invited you to come to the city with me. I really did want to help you, you know? And now I'm regretting that decision.'
Jezabelle's posture visible relaxed and she sighed, walking over to the child and picking her up, placeing her where she had slep and kissed ehr forehead, sitting on the armchair Anna had been sleeping on. "Thankyou, really. Did they have any trouble with bringing her?" she asked hopefully not but you never know. She smiled at Kay and said "I really apreciate it you know. . . " No one had really ever been that nice to her.
"Yes, I know you did." she said. "And yes. Ech brings back to many memories. My mother called me that before my parents got, well you know. I've been whining about it the whole time." she smiled sadly. "And I'm sorry for irritating you... again. Just. Too many thoughts." she coughed again. She rubbed her eyes. I'm tired, yet because of my stupid Insomnia, I couldn't sleep if I wanted too. she growled mentally. "And I'm pretty sure you invited me to come along because I was the only sane person you'd met, y'know considering the chick that thought you were going to throw you off a cliff and we both wanted, no, needed to get out of this place before our minds rotted into a minion like state." she nodded. "But that's my point of view, in your mind it could be absolutely different."
"or they have been misguided, fooled and seen their world turn to ash" Selena said from her hiding spot behind a tree listening to Dometris and Rune talk, she knew he hadn't been talking to her but she couldn't help answering his question and she was sure he wouldn't mind hearing the awnser form two different type of views.

"Dometris old friend how have you been, oh how I've missed you" she said with a tone of sarcasim in her voice, they had been more enimies than friends after she gotten to this world, Dometries had helped her see another way of life, she'd stuck by him until she'd learn the difference between the truth and the lies. she looked at the creature next to him "aren't you a wise one?" she asken him hes eyes going blood red "I bet you'd make a delicious meal" she said licking her lips and showing her fangs "might I have a sip just to see?" she asked the creature, but she wasn't expecting an awnser either way she hadn't had a meal in days.

( @ IndubidablyAli hop that okay if it's not just tell me and I'll think of something else)
Rune glanced down to the hand not sure what it was for, sure he had been around the lands, but not around others as much. If he had been with others he didn’t remember it. At the question of the sky fortress and watching over the land he smiled all excited. “Yes!!!” a tiny pause “but no, but maybe, but how would I see the world then, but I would be with my master, creator, god if I did.” The poor Spec lifted both hands to his head and clung to his hair some as he was trying to say the right thing but not having a clue what that was.

The mention of a lizard of sorts sunk in and he looked up full of curiosity. “Those that flicker tongues and blink weird that are fast, and sometimes walk on water?” Then there was the ideas of new pets, Rune wasn’t arrogant enough to think he was worry to be the only one of Dometris’ attention. The flashing colors, the brilliance of the man before him. All his other dreams and goals went away and he merely nodded, hesitating before taken the other’s hand. If he could serve this man before him he knew that was the greatest goal of all.

Rune’s happiness was shortly lived as another (Selena) stepped from the shadows. His eyes glanced to her then to Dometris. Sure she was pretty, and her teeth had a nice point, but her words seemed bitter. He easily ignored her first question, his face narrowing in a frown as he studied her. The eyes going red seemed not to have un-nerved him, her comment about him being a meal got a slight laugh, for he didn’t even know what he was made of.

Then she questioned about a sip, and he merely raised his free hand and wiggled his fingers on it some. His answer simple for this one he knew easily and it only took one word. “No.” Stern, strong, and maybe even a touch arrogant, he seemed willing to stand up to her. Then again for all any of them knew he was just plotting a quick teleport away like he had done many times before in escape from others. The only sign otherwise was that hand he held out, moving, wiggling, it was as if he was about to caste if needed.
Dometris stepped between the vampire and his new Spec, staring her down carefully. 'Uh uh uh. No touching him. He's mine. I found him first.' he pouted like a child who just had his new toy taken off of him. 'Besides Selena, you had your chance. You could've come back any time. But you chose to run away. It only makes sense that I punish you, or else, how will you learn?' He suddenly laughed maniacally, touching Selena lightly on the head. 'Oh you didn't think that the reason you were starving was just sheer bad luck did you? I control all. All is me and I AM ALL!' He exclaimed, laughing again. He then stopped laughing, moving dangerously close to the vampire before kissing her lightly on the cheek and dancing away again, clapping and laughing. 'Hehehehehe guess what Lena? You get to play with us today! How brilliant is that?!' He giggled, taking hold of Rune's hand, the one that wasn't waving in the air, and then beginning to skip away. 'We're playing hide and seek. We hide, and you will seek sanity! But the more you look, the harder it will be to find!' He began to dematerialise with Rune still in his grasp, his voice carrying in the wind of his departure.


Kailynne smiled softly, noting the care that Jezabelle placed the girl on the couch with. She truly did care for the child. 'She was no trouble. Once the patrol made it past the night raiders they were able to move easily. And bringer her back was even easier. Apparently someone was being hunted during the hour of their return. the raiders didn't notice them slip by.' She flashed her a smile, reaching for a teapot. 'Tea? it's just been brewed.' She offered in a soft voice so as not to wake the sleeping girl.


Icarus frowned slightly. There was so much about her that he didn't know, nor had taken the time to ask. Gently he pushed back from his seated position and moved over to the halfling, touching her shoulder lightly. 'How long have you been here Echina? The truth this time if you please.' He asked in a soft voice. He wanted to know the answers to his questions. Why should she lie now and make him despise her even more? What could she have to hide from him? He wanted to trust her. And he wanted her to trust him.
Rune’s eyes widen as his master, creator, god, stepped in front of him. He knew he had no right to pull him aside, to protest, but oh how he wanted too. The girl with the pointy teeth seemed dangerous, and many hated him, and the one who created his people without realizing it. His master’s words made him blush a bit, was he really being personally claimed by his god? Did that make him a priest in ways? That was an amusing thought in itself.

Then there was talk of punishment, so those who follow then leave are punished . . . this was interesting in deed. Something Rune surly had nothing to worry about though. He felt bless by merely meeting this guy, without this god he wouldn’t exist, to serve and be by him was a miracle in itself in ways. Why would one wish to give us such a joy?

The talk of starving the girl had Rune peak out from behind Dometris though and gave her a worried look. That was no fun, that wasn’t something to laugh at, that was sad and depressing. He allowed his master to drag him away like a rag dog or a confused pup his eyes staying back on the hungry one. “If you catch us I’ll allow you a taste! But just a taste!” he called back with a smile. He was a softy, a weak heart in ways and it would easily be the end of him. The poor guy didn’t know what he was offering, but the sad part was he was one to keep his words. Then again he had no clue what he was or if he even was what she liked to eat.

Before he knew it though, they were somewhere else and Rune’s curious eyes traced about the area as his smile returned. He liked finding out about new things, and it seemed his master, creator, god had a never ending supply to shoe him. “Who was the pretty one with nice teeth? Is she really suffering the pain, agony, ache, emptiness . . . well . . . starvation?”
Dometris smiled as they ended up in one of his favourite places in his land. They were in the forest, in a strange clearing. A large staircase stood alone in the middle of the clearing, seeming crumbling and unsafe. 'Welcome to Elepsis point. This is the main point of entrance to my home.' he said with a smile. When he heard Rune's question he frowned and his eyes flashed dangerously. 'That was Selena. She is a vampire that I took under my wing when she arrived here. She repaid my kindness by trying to kill me. A foolish move. She needed to learn her lesson. Now she starves. Her sentence ends soon. Soon I will send her food. but for now, she will finish her sentence.' He said firmly, no longer giggling like a child. He was not a cheeful person when it came to betrayal. Or when people tried to kill him. He frowned, remembering the wound that the vampire had left when she had tried to stab him with his own scepter. 'She is not someone worth getting involved with Rune.'
Rune’s heart sunk a touch when the one who was most important said Selene tried to kill him. “Lots wish for that, but I never understood why. Why would someone wish to make you go away? You created such lovely things; you allow things not to get boring or dull.” He glanced to the stairs then to his master, creator, god worried deeply due to the tale he was just told.

“Were you hurt, are you hurt, is there anything I can do, help?” His words were gentle and full of concern. He couldn’t help feel guilty for questioning his master’s methods. It was just and a fitting punishment in ways. She wasn’t being killed, which most might try to do. “What is her food?” he asked curious now, she said she wanted a taste of him after all.

Then of course in his eyes his master had got on to him for speaking up. Lowering his head in great shame Rune merely nodded, before bowing on one knee before Dometris. “I’m sorry for questioning, being unsure, worrying, about your actions.” He said softly his eyes refusing to look up and meet the one before him. He was obviously not worthy and had proved that much already. “You should punish or caste me away for such.”

Gently he bit his lip feeling hurt in more than one ways, his soft soul bleeding out. “I can’t help but feel bad for her though. I know how it feels to be hungry . . . I don’t like anyone in pain. You are right in your judgment, and you are right I shouldn’t worry, feel, care, but I do.”

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