A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

Icarus didn't buy her excuse.

'You're lying.' He said simply, slightly frustrated. She was lying to him. How could she think that he would be stupid as to not realise it. He may be disbelieving of some things, and may act more like a teenager than an adult, but he was no fool.

'I'm not moving another step until you stop lying to me.' He said simply, folding his arms across his chest and narrowing his eyes to look at her.
(Heh, until I can socialize with someone, I'll drop out... because I'm not reading anything... I have to save my strength... I have open house at school tomorrow!)
Hadix stood in the forest outside of a city, in his right hand he was holding a man up in the air. All of a sudden the mans body shook and he threw the man down as he ran away. He picked up a purse the man dropped and walked back into the city and watched as people walked away from him. He walked over to an old lady and dropped the purse in front of her. He turned away walking back into the forest as the people stared as he walked away. Hadix walked into a large octagonal building as he walked threw a maze of doors eventually arriving at his home. The room had candy all over growing like plants and noticed the large hole in his wall.
(Oops sorry [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] I'll make Dometris go on some magical adventure or something, can't uninclude you.)

Dometris awoke to the sound of something crashing in the lower depths of his sky castle. What was that sound? Had Morice broken something again? He stood up, stretching and casting his gaze around the throne room. He noticed the drawing on his new pet's bed and a slight frown formed on his features. So she thought he was not a good enough man? She thought he was trapping her? Well that did not please him one bit. He let out a frustrated yell.

'MORICE! WHY ARE THERE CRASHING NOISES IN MY TORTURE CHAMERS!' He roared, waiting for the little man to enter the room. When he eventually did, he looked nervous.

'My lord.. there appear to be two intruders..'

'INTRUDERS?!! HOW?!!' Morice shuffled his feet.

'They appear to have busted a hole in the wall of insanity to get here, my lord.' Dometris growled lowly, reaching for his scythe. No one broke into his castle without punishment.

'Well then, we'll have to go get them.' He said in a frustrated tone, turning to wake up the girl. 'Come now, Pet, we have to see who'll be joining you.'
"Okay, I'll just go on by myself. You only stayed with me because I was sane, but now, most likely you're gonna be trapped here." she smirked, bolting across the platform as if a blur had just been let loose. "Lets see if you can guess what I am. So I won't have to tell you. I have super-human strength, and I have super speed." she thought he'd be able to guess pretty easily what she is. "And to give you a clue, I'm still human. Just 50% human." she almost jumped across the platform to get back to Icarus. "Go on, guess what I am." Echina had an emotionless face now.
Whisper nodded and thought, "Didn't I take those defense classes? Yes I did... what belt was I? I guess we'll have to find out!" She walked ahead, going to the hole as she saw the intruders and smiled, somehow it was filled with pain. It was a pitiful smile. Whisper had remembered another emotion. "Crying and pity... what horrible emotions." she thought.

Whisper waved, she was teying to tell them to get out, before her master came to tell her to capture them. But it was up to them, if they would listen. "The ones who listen will achieve higher standereds in life." she thought, about a quote from a Finance book.
Icarus let out a frustrated growl.

'You lied to me! I wanted to help you because I thought that maybe you were the first honest person I'd ever met! But I guess i was wrong in that case too! Screw this. I'm leaving.' He snapped turning to walk away. That was when he was caught by the throat with a strangle curved scythe and pulled backwards. Dometris smiled wickedly.

'Very good Whisper. You found them easily I see.' He flashed another smiled, petting the girl on the head before leaning down to whisper in Icarus' ear.

'No one breaks into my castle and gets out alive, but if you're interesting enough I might keep you as a pet to keep Whisper company. You and your little girlfriend.' He said with a smirk, gesturing with a hand to Echina. The movement caused the metal of the platform she was standing on to curved around her, becoming a barred cage.

'Trust me little ones, no amount of struggle will break what I have made with my own hands, not even a little vampire fledgling.' He said with a sneer before noticing the furious and bewildered look on Icarus' face and giggling himself.

'Ohhh you didn't know? So that's what the argument was about.' He cackled and pet the man on the head much like he had done with Whisper. 'Well it's all well and good now, I will keep you both safe.' Icarus struggled against him but couldn't escape. He glared at Echina.

'This is all your fault.'
"Don't blame me Dometris. I was trying to get out of here. I thought I'd finally found someone who was sane and he just turned his back on me. I don't care if Icarus hates me, either way let him go and take me." she stepped forward slightly, running her finger along his scythes blade. "Although, you might go ahead and make me mute, just as you did with your new pet here, now wouldn't you?" she glared, pushing Icarus away slightly.

Echina smirked. Her parent were from here. But, the forest was the only safe place they could find away from the city of mass destruction Dometris had built. Because of the horror he'd created. But the creature had killed her parents. Echina knew him all too well. She smiled, feeling proud she was protecting someone even though she'd just lied to them. She quickly turned to Icarus. "I only lied because I saw something in your eyes. Something I knew was hope of getting out of here. I'm not insane, I'm just a half-ling vampire who wanted to get out of this world. You were my only hope, but then again, trust is like a mirror, once you break it there are shards everywhere. Except with trust, you can just go out and buy another one for 5 dollars and that kind of ruined my analogy, but you get it, right?"
Icarus did not take his eyes off the traitorous halfling.

'I trusted you.' he said simply, hurt. He didn't know what to say in response to her words, and he refused to let her know how much her betrayal had hurt him. dometris cackled with glee before backhanding Echina across the face and sending her skidding across the floorinto the wall.

'Shut up you little wretch! No one asked for your pathetic opinion. just because your parents were the first to escape me doesn't mean you'll get the chance to do the same. I made a mistake in allowing them to meet. Your mother filled that pathetic excuse for a father's head with ideals and dreams. Before she came along he did as he was instructed. They hid themselves well from me, but I found you all in the end. Every last one of you. I knew it wouldn't be effective if I took them back, so I went even better. I took their wretched little brat.' He cackled again, hugging Icarus closer. He wasn't about to let this new pet escape him.

'And now, I have two pretty new pets to go with my latest one. And it will be so very entertaining, what with you two arguing like this.' The madman chuckled away before gesturing for the metal of his castle to break off to form a pair of handcuffs, which he then locked tightly around Echina's wrists.

'MORICE! COME HELP ME WITH THE NEW PETS!' he cried. The snuffling lizard man scuttled down the stairs and took a hold of Echina's arm, leading her up into the throneroom, Dometris following with Icarus walking infront of him, strangely silent.
Echina hated this. She didn't want Dometris to take her. She wished her parents were here now. She hated how she'd lost Icarus's trust. She despised this place as much as she despised trees, actually more so. Her breathing got sharp as the hand cuffs clenched her wrists. She still felt the stinging of his hand on her cheek. Damn it, why did I ever leave the forest. Echina thought to herself. She remembered. It was because of Icarus. He was going to be her only hope to get out of the stupid place. Now both of them aren't going anywhere. With the lizard creature next to her, the alleged Morice she was afraid to try and pick the lock with the bobby pin in her pocket. She wondered what would happen to them. Would they have their tongues cut off and become mute? She stepped up the withering concrete stairs. She'd get her and Icarus out somehow.
Icarus let himself be led up the stairs, shooting Echina a withering glare. This was all her fault. If she hadn't have burst through the freaking wall they wouldn't be here. Dometris saw the glare and grinned again.

'Now now pets, no fighting amongst yourselves. I don't want blood on my nice new carpet.' he giggled again before fashioning another pair of handcuffs for Icarus and fixing them into place around his wrists. He then created a thick chain and attached it to each of the new prisoners before attaching it to the leg of his inbuilt throne.

'There now, we're all safe and secure.' He said with a smile. 'Now to give you all names. you've already met Whisper, named due to her lack of speech. What shall i call you two?' he asked, his look of glee never faultering. Icarus remained silent, refusing to look at either Echina or Dometris.
Echina glared at the wall, shoving her hand in her pocket. She was looking for a bobby pin, to get if not herself, Icarus out of here. He had his whole life to look forward to. She on the other hand had been Dometris's enemy since she was born. She had nothing else to do. Icarus would go free and sane, while she was rotting away in here, her mind fading away minute by minute, sooner or late making her lose it completely. Icarus was all she cared about right now. She didn't care about her own life right now, she was probably gonna die in here anyway.
Whisper stood watching them fight. "As usualy, if you can't speak, you can't get the message out." When Echina called her mute, she sighed. "Maybe he did do this to me." she thought walking back upstairs and grabbing her notebook. She sat next to Dometris. She drew a picture of the two chained up and ripped it out of the notebook to give it to them. She silently walked over and handed Icarus the paper, with no emotion. She was aple, because she had noticed he was very aggresive. "Maybe he's gonna attack you." she thought.
Icarus took the picture without a word, simply nodding to her. He wondered what one earth she had done to end up in this place. Had she tried to break in too? Had he just simply walked along and picked her up. Of course, he had no way of knowing that he had in fact done the latter. He shot Echina another withering glare, deciding on the spot that he wouldn't speak a word to her. He didn't believe that Dometris had muted the strange silent girl. In fact, if he had, why call her Whisper? No, he believed she was already silent. Dometris laughed as he spotted Echina putting her hand in her pocket, and he grabbed it, pulling it out and the bobby pin along with it.

'I don't think so little pet. We're all going to stay here happy as can be. we're a family now.' he said, giggling again.
Echina growled. "I"ll never be happy here. You can let me rot, but let Icarus go. I dragged him here." she glared. clenched her fists around the cuffs trying to break them. "I'll never be part of your family though. Don't even think of me as that. Even sarcastically. Just think of me as a prisoner, just like my mum and dad, but before you sent those horrible bat creatures to murder them, I'll get out of here!" she tried to break the cuffs apart. "What the hell do you make these out of?!" she tried and tried to tear the metal apart. "You came here for me did you not? Icarus was just an innocent person that got in the middle of this. Just let him go. That's my last wish." she shut up, tears streaming down her face. Why was she caring so much for a person who hated her?
Whisper looked at the girl, as she cried. "Tears, she is sad?" She walked over to Dometris with her notepad and drew a tissue box and pointed to Echina and then to the box, doing it twice.
Dometris laughed again, noting Whisper's drawing and petting her on the head again.

'Yes, she's crying. The little halfling doesn't understand anything. But that's okay. that's why I invented this world. So nothign had to be understood.' He moved to Echina and touched her cheek, wiping away a tear.

'Little halfling, don't cry. you'll have your friends to keep you company.' He said with a smile. He then turned to Icarus. 'Icarus, what a lovely name. I bet you always get weird looks for it. But here it's okay, we're all friends here. I will keep you all safe. My little human and my little halfling will always be safe.' He smiled at them, shifting his scythe so it rested on the opposite side of the throne to them.

'I didn't bring you to this spot. You did. You tresspassed on my precious walls and now I have two new pets. I might let you go if your lucky, but where's the fun in sending Icarus away? No, you betrayed him and now you're going to know that you're the reason he is in this mess.'
Echina didn't reply and smacked away Dometris's hand. She was hating this. She'd get Icarus out at some point. Maybe it would make him forgive her just a little bit. She still didn't know why she cared. Dometris was evil. Not the only word, also psychotic, chaotic and many more. She wouldn't say it to his face, not at all. She just wanted to let either Whisper or Icarus escape. Maybe both. But she'd remain. Knowing deep down it was all her fault. She wished she was never born. Icarus would be safe. She would've never known this world. Echina was sure Icarus would be so much happier too.
Dometris sighed.

'You're all no fun. MORICE! Fetch my cloak! We're going out!' he shouted, gesturing for the lizard man to come forward. He then turned to whisper.

'Be a good Pet and stay here to look after the other two would you?' He said, petting her on the head affectionately. He still liked her better than the others. He turned back to Icarus and Echina.

'Now you two better not try anything while I'm gone. I want to see this place in the exact position i left it in.' He said before disappearing from the room. Icarus eyed Echina dangerously.

'I hate you. I hope he tortures you and leaves you to die. I hope I get to watch.' He snapped, his gaze cold and vicious.
"I do too," she said, keeping her back towards him. "I hope I bloody rot in here. I deserve it anyway. He's hated me since I was born. I wish I never was born. This world would be a much happier place without me, and you're gonna see, because you are going to get out of this place." she reached for the bobby pin and turned around inch by inch, trying to pick Icarus's hand cuff lock. "Damn it, these things are made of steal and have one hell of a lock system." she turned back around, placing the pin exactly as it was before she'd taken it. She turned to Whisper. "Please don't tell Dometris I even tried to do that, okay?" hoping she nodded.
Icarus pulled away from her, yanking his hands out of her reach.

'Don't touch me.' he snarled furiously, moving as far away from her as he possibly could. 'You're a liar and a traitor. i don't associate with dishonest people.' He snarled, his green eyes blazing with hatred. She had betrayed his trust and he couldn't bring himself to forgive her. 'When you die i'm going to dance on your grave.' He said in a sullen voice, acting much like a child. He tugged lightly at the cuffs, giving up after a moment. Honestly, he didn't care about much anymore. he was convinced he'd either die or go insane so it didn't matter.
She shot him a hurting look and turned back away from him, sighing. I didn't mean to lie, I wanted to escape, you did. We were gonna work together blah blah blah, you sound so corny, she scolded herself mentally. You betrayed him, he'll never forgive you. You're just an idiotic little wretch, just like Dometris said, she was about to cry, but held it back. She had all these suicidal thoughts and now she realised. She was going insane from an hour of trying to escape from here. She was going to rot, Icarus was going to rot. She shouldn't have bloody kicked down a wall. "I wouldn't blame you," she uttered.
Icarus shot her another glare.

'Would you stop freaking agreeing with me? Seriously! It's making it even more annoying!' He shouted, glaring viciously at her. She kept agreeing which made him want to cave in but he refused. She had got them into this and he refused to forgive her just because she had low self esteem. He would have folded his arms across his chest but seeing how he was handcuffed, he couldn't. So he settled for clenching his fists and glaring at her from behind his blonde fringe.
"Well, I can't help that I regret this ever happening!" she shouted, getting enraged. "I regret it with all my heart that I ever fell out of that tree!" she clenched her fists and her teeth, her eyes growing from blue to red, "I regret ever being born! I regret all my life! I don't even care that I'm about to die, I'd be happier, it would be more of a release than anything!" she heard a slight creak from her wrists but ignored it. "I regret lying to you! I just wanted to leave, and I know you did too, but I was afraid that if I told you I was part freaking vampire you'd think that I'm a blood-thirsty monster that only wants friend for blood!" she blurted out, taking heavy yet sharp breaths.
A poof of smoke that whizzed out in many sparks like rainbow firecrackers were set off and Rune found himself by a lake of glass. On top of it sat dishes of flaming flowers. He couldn’t help smile at the beauty once more finding something amazing of the world. “I wonder what would happen if it cracked.” He spoke to himself. He always tended to randomly speak to himself. It got quite lonely otherwise if he didn’t.

“Ala-ca-poo-poo” Random nonsense sprouted from his mouth as he motioned his hands towards the lake. He was casting a spell, what would come from it as always he never knew until it was over. From his fingertips shot ribbons of all sorts of colors flying draping wrapping random things and dancing about the flamed flowers. That wasn’t what he was hoping for; ribbons couldn’t crack glass after all. It was beautiful though in its own unique way.

“Para-para-ox-on-fre!” He tried again a grand motion with his hands and this time it seemed to start to rain umbrellas. Well . . . this was hopeless, outside the fact that he always liked a good umbrella. Dashing about he collected a few swinging their hooked canes over his arms to carry them. Magic was like that with him, never useful unless he really needed it to be. He frowned glancing back to the lake, pondering if he should give up . . . it seemed that it didn’t want to be messed with, merely decorated more.

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