A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

Icarus shrugged.

'I wouldn't try if I were you. She might accuse you of wanting to throw her off the cliff too.' He said, smiling slightly.

'Wait, you're trapped here too? How long have you been stuck here?' He asked, a glimmer of hope that maybe he wasn't insane after all glittered in his mind, just out of his reach.
"Oh, I've lost track. I don't know, some amount of time. Some amount of time that hasn't given me a psychological disorder yet." she smiled, finally knowing there was someone like her - someone sane.

"It's a relief to know I'm not the only one out here who's sane." she half said half sighed.
He frowned. The fact that she had no idea how long made him wonder if he would ever get out. He frowned.

'So if you're here too, trying to get out.. you're human right?' He asked nervously, not wanting to seem rude but not wanting to be caught offguard. He studied her warily. She didn't seem inhuman.. But still, neither had that other woman. But the charge she had given off did. So he scanned her carefully as he waited for her response.
She nodded. "Yes I am human," she smiled. Well partially, she thought to herself. She was part vampire, but mostly human.

"Oh and I guess a couple weeks. Just adding up in my head." she smiled. Well I'd better not tell him. He's the only sane person I've met. she thought to herself.
Icarus wasn't sure but he sensed something unusual about her, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on, but he shrugged it off. It was probably just the energy of this place. But still..

'A couple of weeks..' He echoed, glancing back up at the tree. 'So if you hate trees so much, why were you in one? That's not exactly sane is it?' He rather liked trees himself. He used to climb them as a child. He had to remember that he wasn't home anymore. He then remembered he was headed for the city to try and find out how to escape.

'I was headed to that city over there. Would you like to come with me? We might find some information. And on the way you can tell me more about yourself and what you've learnt of this place since arriving.'
"Sure, and I was simply trying to conquer my fear, but sap got the best of me. But rather, I'd like to know something about you." she said. "What's your name? Don't girls normally I don't know, know the guy's name before they run off with them to some random city?" she asked, smiling.

"Also, I've been watching that city, it's rather strange."
'Well of course it's strange. You're in the middle of a field of sunflowers that are twice my height, and you're complaining about the city?' He chuckled softly.

'My name is Icarus by the way. And if you're into irony, I fell out of the sky.' He said with a shrug. She seemed nice enough, and he figured any sane person is a good travel companion. 'And you are?'
"I am Echina. Weird name I know. My mother was English, My father was Australian. They wanted the closest thing to Echidna possible." she explained her strange name. "And again I love your accent. My English one's all boring." she said modestly. "I guess everyone has an accent though.," she laughed softly.

"Anyway, we should start walking."
Jezabelle stoped dancing looking at her strange looking watch, which had a flam burning, like a sundial and she made her way to the markets, grabbing a straw basket and collecting foods and other items she would need for the week. She would be dancing about as she did so earning weird looks, as she danced looking very much like a flame dancing quietly along the road. She sung a soft tune to herself.
'At least you have a known reason for your name. I'm not quite sure why exactly my parents named me Icarus. Perhaps they knew I'd fall from some high distance.' He shrugged, flashing her a smile.

'I suppose we'd best ask the ghost if she wishes to join us.' he mused quietly.


Kailynne was about to go back to her Coven's hide out when she heard a commotion coming from the market place. She turned back to see a strange figure weaving her way through the people. They all backed away slightly, giving the seemingly oblivious girl room. She made her way over, gently touching the girl's shoulder.

'Excuse me, would you be able to spare a moment.' She asked in a soft tone.
"Well, that's what my mother told me anyway. MY father died long ago. He named me, I'm pretty sure mum just made it up," Echina sighed. "You fell out of the sky? I flew up from the ground." she coughed. "Stupid pollen," the sun flowers were literally twice Icarus's height. Echina sneezed. Her sneeze was weird. "Sorry, I don't like pollen and it doesn't like me," she sneezed again.

She sneezed around 5 more times. "Did you know that every time you sneeze, you die for a second?" she quizzed.
Jezabelle smiled as the girls soft voice pulled her head out of the clouds and back into reality. She blinked and her violet eyes sparkled with interest and happiness. SHe was content with being different and out there it was free and happy, no one to tell you what to do no one to contoll you, well to a point. She smiled warmly at the girl and said in a kind tome "Of course, what do you need?" she asked
Icarus laughed, handing her a handkerchief.

'Pollen doesn't much like me either. But it hasn't quite attacked me yet.' He said with a smile. 'And yes, I did. So you've tenchnically been dead seven times in the last minute. Congratulations.' He joked, gazing at the sunflowers.


Kailynne wasn't sure what to say next. She hadn't exactly thought it through.

'I.. uh.. just wanted to tell you that your dancing was lovely.' She said after a moment, shying away from the sunlight that broke through the cloud cover at that moment.
"Yup, I've technically died before though, death certificate and all. 3 hours and 27 minutes." she smiled, "But my heart brain was at work, still keeping me alive, but unconcious." she saw how a dew drop dropped at her feet. "Sunflowers, my favourite flower," she smiled.

"MY mother has given them to me every birthday, they were sent to me when I was in hospital. I eventually grew to love them."
Icarus tilted his head to look at her.

'Unfortunately, sunflowers weren't always my favourite flower. In fact I once dug up my mother's entire flower bed just to get rid of them.' he confessed with a sheepish grin. 'They reminded me of death. Don't ask me why, i just never liked them.' He shrugged, walking over to the spirit of Alice.

'We're going into the city. You're welcome to join us.' He then turned back to Echina.

'Shall we proceed?'
Jezabelle smiled, although taked aback by her compliment. Most people saw it is too out there and silly, or dangerous. Normally when peole said these things they didn't mean it as a compliment, they ment it rather sarcasticly. She smiled at they gir, who's name she still didn't know and said "Thankyou. May I know your name?" she removed the lily from her hair and blew on it the tatoo on her arm glowing and the lily's pettles turned into flames that sprouted a second flower. She handed the rare flower to the girl.
"We shall," she was confused. "I thought sunflowers always reminded me of life. How they reach up to the sun for their nutrition. Like us reaching up for the first time to have food from our mothers," she used that analogy. "Welp, we'd better hurry..."

Echina smiled at Icarus. She sneezed again. "Damn it, pollen, it's like glitter raining on me." she shook off the 'glitter' and flicked her hair a bit. "It's annoying I know, but once we get past the sunflowers I won't sneeze anymore."
Kailynne took the flower with a smile. So she was a fire sprite. Interesting. 'Thank you.. I'm Kailynne.' She looked about as people began packing up their wares.

'Perhaps we should get inside. It isn't the safest out here at night.' She said softly, gesturing towards a side street that she knew would open out into the part of the town where her coven lived. They would be safe there.


Icarus noticed that the city seemed to be shrouded in darkness, yet where they were was still brilliantly sunny.

'This place is already starting to freak me out.' He murmured, beginning to walk towards civilisation.
"It's a simple way of nature. The people obviously picked the place it was most sunny for the sunflowers, the darker part was left for the city, where people probably don't care whether it's sunny or rainy or cloudy et cetera," she sighed.

"Although it is kinda creepy," she said to him.
Jezabelle smiled and said "Okay, Nice to meet you." she said and held her arm out for Kail to take and placed her own Lily in her hair. "Lead the way." she smiled grabbing her basket.

She didn't have any affection for this man, even though he had taken her in. She sat next to his throne drawing a lovely picture of translusive stairs. The blood was rushing out of her nose had stopped, but there was little flakes of dried blood here and there. She hated this place, although it looked like she didn't seem to care.


Alice flew up from underneath the cliff. "Be careful," she warned them. "The madness, aka creator of this world might have an attacking rampage. I suggest you guys take shelter." She began to walk with them and whispered into Icarus's ear, "She's part vampire." She began to fade away and smiled, "Heh, If I never find my body... I guess I can blame you." She disappeared into the darkness and sighed.
([MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] then go to bed you silly woman)

Icarus shrugged, offering Echina his arm.

'Indeed. So, shall we go and brave this city of madness? Or will we just stand around discussing the strange atmosphere of this place?' He asked, looking at her and smiling. She was younger than him, he supposed, but she was pretty. And so far she hadn't warned him off or accused him of wanting to throw her off a cliff, so he was getting along with her fairly well. Speaking of throwing people off cliffs, the ghost suddenly flew up to him, whispering in his ear. he shot her a disbelieving look.

'Right, because I'm totally going to believe you.' He retorted.


Kailynne led the way through the emptying streets towards a large manor house at the end of one of the streets. She walked right up to the front door, lifting up the brass knocker and pounding it rythmically until the door opened. A man answered, with the same glowing red eyes as she.

'Ezekiel, we have a guest. We'll be in the drawing room.' She said as the vampire stepped aside, a hand brushing down her arm as he whispered something too low for Jezabelle to hear. She murmured something in response and gestured for the sprite to follow her.


Dometris studied the girl for a short period of time before smiling.

'I shall name you...' He paused for a moment, whether to add dramatic effect or because he had forgotten already no one would know. 'MORICE GET IN HERE!' The manservant shuffled in, dragging a large bed type object into the room.

'Y-yes my lord?' Dometris smiled again.

'Put it over there. I want you to meet my pet. This is Whisper. Whisper, meet Morice. He's my... What are you again Morice?' He asked, suddenly forgetting. The manservent bowed.

'I'm you right hand man, my lord.' His tongue flicked out slightly to reveal a strange lizard like tongue, blue in colour. Dometris grinned.

'That's right. Whisper, meet Morice, my right hand man.'
She didn't believe it. "This man was, no IS a psychopath." she thought looking at Morice. She drew a picture of a person sticking their togune out. It was a fat man, with a fat tounge. She wrote the letter 'U' and drew an arrow pointing to the fat man. She showed Morice and put the notebook back down. So her name was Whisper now. "Whisper." she said, very clearly. She covered her mouth, not in shock. Just that she covered her mouth. On the inside she was shocked, but on the outside she was an expressionless face. "H-H-Hell-Hel..." she trailed off. She still couldn't say a decent hello.

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Alice smiled in the darkness. "Believe me or not. I honestly don't care." She crawled up a flower, that was invisible. "Maybe she did throw my body in the city." She thought outloud. "Maybe she didn't. All I know is for this curse to be gone, I shall not give up." She flew into the city before the two, in the darkness of the building shadows. "I know where she would throw it..." She walked to the dark magic shop and opened the door. Medusa was sitting at the cashier desk, "Oh, you found me." she smiled deviously as a ghost snake wrapped around Alice's leg...
Dometris smiled, laughing softly.

'I think she likes her name, don't you Morice?' The small lizard man was still moping over the girl's drawing, offended.

'M-Master, do you think you could-' Dometris silenced him with a glare in his direction.

'Fool! Why are you still here? Go fetch me my lunch! And bring something for my new pet too!' He shouted, causing Morice to skuttle out. He smiled at the girl now known as Whisper. he had no idea that she wasn't happy. He didn't care in any case. All that mattered to him was that HE was happy.

'My pretty pet, what would you like to eat?' He asked softly.


Icarus rolled his eyes as the ghost disappeared.

'Well she was a nuisance.' he said in a slightly exasperated tone.
(I'll be back in an hour...)

Whisper looked up and drew a small sandwich. She drew the ingredients inside. Lettuce, honey mustard, pickles, and chicken. Whisper always ate weird sandwiches. Because she was herself. Her stomach groweled and she didn't say a word. As she sat next to him she walked onto the bed and sat on it, taking out markers to design the lovely bed frame.

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Alice was shocked at the snake crawling up her leg. She could do nothing about it. She panicked tried to kick it off. It got angry and began to coil even more.

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