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Fantasy ✧A Wicked kind of Beautiful✧


Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne felt something shatter when her attack made contact however it wasn't until after Anastaziahad taken a step back that she realised what had shattered was her crossbow. Without her crossbow by her side, Ana had lost her means of regular long-distance engagement, a strong blow yet unfortunately nowhere near strong enough to put Jeanne in any sort of definite lead. The Demon soon came to launch another attack, the same as before but with a low arcing slash. Of course, Jeanne blocked it too much the same effect as last time but unfortunately, she was forced back a few paces by the awkward angle.

The metallic scratching soon began again as the pole and sabre met. The demon was skilled in swordplay and if history was to be believed then she was more than a threat to heaven. However, Jeanne hadn't spent the last few hundred years lazily! She was practically a master in the art of using her flag! No, she was a master at using her flag, and she wouldn't tolerate being disrespected and looked down upon any longer!

With a deep breath, the saint calmed herself and took a moment to asses the situation, Anastazia was right, the flag had always kept her out of reach. But that wasn't something to scoff at, no it was a strength in its own right and Anastazia would come to accept that by the time Jeanne was done here.

With a soft smile and even softer tone, Jeanne replied "Un porte-drapeau avec la volonté de faire ce qui est juste et équitable. Surely a trained warrior who's seen war knows of the power a flag bearer wields. Surely you in all your experience knows better than most a mere wave of a flag is enough to turn the tides of a battle! You fell at the hands of France before! You will fall again! Témoin moi!"

With a quick thrust followed by a lightning fast retreat of ten paces, Jeanne created a gap between the two a gap she immediately took full advantage of. Any advancement Anastazia attempted to make was met with a flurry of thrusts that forced her back. How exactly would she counter this?

"Cyka Blyat!"

LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87

The chakram came down and struck the wing joint. Ichor flowed from the wound, gold instead of the silver of angels or black of demons. His eyes narrowed at Corrine, a sure sign that she had indeed ruffled his feathers. Yeshua did not know if the girl was fooling around with her attacks. While the weapon did induce damage, it was nowhere near severe or worth his time.
"Consider who you're fighting for by considering who you're fighting against." His eyes narrowed at the sight of Corrine. She seemed like he used to be. Fighting blindly for someone she probably never even laid a gaze upon. It was sickening, this was all sickening. Their victory would start here. He would not kill the girl, but he would teach her a lesson in the process.

"I am Yeshua of Naz, the Wanderer, the King of Kings. You may know me as Jesus Christ, son of your failure of a God. I give you my condolences on Her death." He then spun into a kick that caused a shockwave before jettisoning his opponent in the opposite direction.

"You aren't even worthy of mentioning Petyr's name." he chuckled as he watched her go. His attention was drawn to the rumbling of the ground that was knocking down the foot soldiers of both Heaven and Hell. He stood erect, bent backward in a laugh that echoed above the cacophonous clamoring around them.

"Atta Girl, Luce," he called out to the young heir, "You know I do love a grand entrance."
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Corinne tumbled twice before getting her movement under control, at which point she landed in a neat backflip upon the rocky ground. She lifted back into the air just as the ground began its impression of an epileptic grandmother, and scanned the area.
"This is kind of out of my weight class," she muttered to herself, sighing. To re engage or to disengage and try to play support, that was the question. She didn't particularly want to keep fighting the ideology-spewing pretty boy whose name definitely wasn't Peter, but the others all seemed otherwise engaged. Corrine sighed again, mentally shaking herself.
With a brief effort and a check on her danger sense (still a siren), she rocketed back towards not-Peter-but-she-wasn't-going-to-call-him-Jesus. "Hey, not-Peter! Think fast, unless you want a haircut!" she yelled, chakrams aimed for that overly-pretty face. If this didn't work, she'd try to channel.

(Also, chakrams aren't swords, they're these close ranged circles of metal that are sharp on the outside. They're Indian, and I think they're cool.)
Ana parryed the blow, but it still grazed off of her armor. Letting Jeanne retreat she twirled the shashka a bit, also taking her moment to assess the fight. "Where was your flag bearer when Germany invaded? And Prussia? A flag may be able to do alot, but in the end the will and strength to fight lies here." He hand leaves her sheath and pounds her chest before returning once more to it. "You know what irks me? How you and I are almost one and the same, but we ended up near opposites. With how you are, maybe we could be have friends, if you could imagine. But I guess being branded a demon in life sort of seals the deal, hmm?" She tilted her head to the side, walking closer, but not close enough to be struck down by the flag.

"I remember you being burned at the stake. That must have been painful." She started swinging her sword around in a sort of display of finesse. It strikes her chainmail in a clang of metal and instantly ignites like Flint. "Care to relive it?" She raises her free hand and out comes flames, her face still stoic as before.
Uasal Uasal
Archangels... but not the Four. Thank the Hells. Salaciel landed in front of the two newcomers, sword in her left hand, Hellfire blazing in her right. "You stand before Salaciel, Queen of the Succubi! If you value your wretched devotion, leave now- for if you don't, I shall personally drag you from the heavens. Don't worry, darlings; you'll enjoy every minute of it." She spun her blade as she dropped into a defensive guard, content for the archangels to make the first move.

The weapon struck Yeshua's cheekbone, and it was at that point that he knew she should be the one. She was a fighter, even though the odds were stacked largely against her. She could handle the truth of it all--someday. But, right now, she was just what he needed.

"I yield." he said simply, throwing his weapon over to stab the dirt at her feet. "I am now your prisoner."
Corinne backed away a step, then two, eyeing the lance warily. "What? I mean, sure, I guess, but what? How do I even deal with a prisoner..." She shook her head, making sure to keep Yeshua in her sight. "In all seriousness, why are you doing this? Unless you don't want to tell me, in which case I can't make you."
All around, the sounds of battle continued, though all combatants seemed absorbed in their own individual fights. She took a moment to prod her danger sense, but strangely enough, there was... less danger now? Even as she stared at her opponent-slash-maybe-prisoner. She brushed dust off of her skirt, frowning.

Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne spun her flag pole around in her hand several times as she circled the demonic guardian. What she said was true, both herself and Jeanne were very similar. Perhaps in another life, the two could have been close friends but as it stood now Jeanne hated the woman and everything she stood for! She couldn't stand the demon but somehow found herself in admiration. The whole comment about the will to fight being within one's chest really hit home as it was truly what Jeanne believed herself.

However, there was something Jeanne had to do, her time in hell was limited and running out quickly. Spinning the flagpole one final time Jeanne brought it to rest in a casual manner, her radiant light fading as she did so. With a stern face, she called out to the hellish warrior "Heaven has heard of your war plans and is thus declaring war! Tell your queen this and prepare for a battle the likes you've never seen! And just so you know Ana, It was not God who cast you down here, she never turned her back on you... it was you yourself in self-pity." With that said Jeanne was enveloped in a large flash of light and vanished without a trace. Those who followed her in were bound to return to heaven in much the same way. Sooner rather than later.
LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 Duke of Vaults Duke of Vaults CaptainMcNoob CaptainMcNoob
Leinali had grinned in glee at Lilith's dismal to fight. Nodding to her Mistress, she had slid from her chair and stepped through a portal to the battlefield. Sighing in delight at the carnage before her, she had started launching fireballs into the center of the battle before tacking to the air.

Folding her wings she dropped into the center of conflict, invoking Unholy Territory without waiting to see if the other side had created a holy area in the battle. A wicked delight shown in her eyes as she looked around at heavens soldiers. Pulling her daggers from their sheaths, she entered the fray, cutting soldiers down and setting their bodies aflame as she went.
He bit his lip, somewhat speechless for the first time in all of his existence. It didn't make sense, even to him at this point. He was only going off pure speculation fueled by glimpses of his past that he never had. Lucifer knew what the Tree of Life really was...God had a weakness...And this endless fighting, not only on their plane but in the real world...
He was boastful, but all he wanted was true peace. Hell did not have to be a wretched place of punishment. Heaven didn't have to be a members only club with specific restrictions. If Lucifer could be killed...so could God.

"I will save us all." he said, compassionately and bitterly in the same. He couldn't help but love his enemy. He was made too well.
Duke of Vaults Duke of Vaults
Will had been standing idly for the past half an hour, listening to the "war council", or at least what should've been a war council, but instead was just everyone running off to do their own thing, without any form of coordination whatsoever. Pfft. Is his the kind of leadership with which we plan to conquer Heaven? I don't like our odds if that's the case! Still, he held his tongue, out of self preservation more than anything. Lilith still was one of the most Powerful beings in Hell, after all, and he doubted she would take his criticism lightly. He Perked up when he saw Lu'ciel enter, however, although he wasn't exactly sure why. She just had a certain aura about her. Perhaps it was the fact that she seemed to be the only one in there who actually suggested something relevant. Perhaps it was the fact that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen... No, that wasn't right. She was good-looking, sure, but it certainly didn't affect his Judgement!
He thought about staying behind as well. This was going to be a rather large fight, and he still had only a basic grasp of his powers. But, seeing Lu'ciel was about to jump into the Fray, he suddenly felt rather compelled to do the same. He needed combat to Improve his Runes, after all- It was a bizarre process that he didn't entirely grasp yet. Plus, it would help make an Impression with the higher ups.And of course, I might get to draw her attention as well..No, that wasn't right either. He Obviously wasn't risking his life just for something that he had no chances at achieving, right? No, he was simply trying to Imporve his abilities and get some combat experience, that was all

Clenching his fists, he focused on Harnessing the magic of the runes, and, within seconds, transformed into one of his many combat forms-Much to his dismay, it was the default Slasher, even though he had hoped for something more powerful. Clearly, he needed some more energy and training. But alas, It would have to do. I mean, a 7"1 psychopath in a smiling mask was still Rather strong, compared to most of the other Miscellaneous Warriors. With that thought in mind, he held a hand out, preventing the portal from closing on him, and said: My Queen, with your permission, I would also like to fight on this front. I believe I can be of great use to your daughter, if she were to need my help. Assuming that the Queen would respond in the positive( there was no reason for her to deny an extra bodyguard for her Heir, right?), he jumped right through the Portal, emerging behind Lu'ciel and Lucas.Seeing as they were already in Combat, he uttered a simple question My Princess, Hunter. Do we have a plan, or do we just kill anything that moves? Before assuming a combat stance, ready to assault anyone he was ordered to assault-or a random angel he had just spotted if it turned out that the lack of organisation extended onto actual combat.
RI.a RI.a A A Bottle of Memories
That wasn't an answer.
Corinne was about to voice this opinion out loud, before noticing Jeanne - or rather, the spot where she'd been before vanishing. She cursed softly. Time was running out, then. Time was always running out.
She walked to where the lance was stabbed into the ground, and tugged at it. It came free, but she quickly overbalanced and dropped it, having underestimated the weapon's weight. "How heavy is - oh, nevermind. Look, I don't know how to - it's nice that - I mean I probably need to go soon, you saw Jeanne, unless the whole thing didn't work out because I was late and because of the incident with the swordfish." Closing her eyes briefly, Corinne shook her head. "I'm starting to feel like everything around here is beyond my clearance, so to speak."
She slowly made her way to her maybe-opponent-maybe-not. "I guess it was nice to meet you, anyway? I've got nothing on how prisoners work."
Ana lowered her arm, smoke curling off of her hand as she stared at Jeanne. The war was officially on, and she smirked. When the woman had taken a more casual form, so had she, sheathing her blade but leaving a grip on it. The words stung, but to her they were not the truth. She had done everything for her ruler, the one said to be ordained to rule by God's will, only to have been cast to hell for her travesties. What was she now? A soldier without an army, a warrior with no cause. At least, no cause that necessarily aligned with those of Lilith. Revenge was all she wanted. Her hand dropped from her sword, and she shook her hand. Damn it all!

"I'm not letting her get to me... She was just lying! Anything to make God look good in the end." She growled to herself, turning away from where the fighter once stood. She hastily made a portal and stepped through, searching for Lilith. "Lilith..." She began, bowing in respect. "Jeanne D' Arc lead this group, as I'm sure you have learned. However, she came with a declaration of war from Heaven, telling us to prepare... We have our war, what do you want us to do first?" She asked, not looking up through the entire thing.
Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee Uasal Uasal
Yeshua stepped forward, the one wing curling back into his shoulder-blade as if it wasn't there to begin with. He held his hands out to his lance and willed it back to him. The weapon dissipated into a sand-like mist that flew toward it's master all-together. He watched as the weapon abstractly formed around his wrists and solidified into a set of manacles that bore down heavily on him. A bright red sigil burned into the middle of the cuffs, bore of Lilith's mark.

"Only my Queen can remove these..." he said solemnly, the beads in his hair clinking together as he hung his head down. "It is nice to be in your company as well. I suppose it's time I returned home."
"Same here. I suppose. See you again sometime, or not. Either way, not in my power. Maybe in yours." Corinne shrugged, as a light started glowing around her, the same light that had surrounded Jeanne earlier. Others around her were also vanishing, in twos and threes, slowly. Some weren't and never would, due to being dead.
"Toodles. Do they still say that? Probably not." She gave a little wave before the light reached its brightest, and Corinne vanished too.
Blue orbs followed Leinali and she couldn't help but smile at how much fun she looks to be having. Lu'ciel turned halfway behind her, her blue eyes raked the demon's towering form from head to toe. "Oh?" Princess? It certainly has a nice ring to it and she liked it. She chuckled at his question, "William, was it? Does that even need an answer? Obviously, we crush everything that breathes." She took a few steps forward, her black wings emerged, what looked like black ink from her wings spread around her shoulders and her temples, and her nails grew razor sharp.

She was now in all her demonic glory, perhaps a little too soon, but she couldn't wait any longer. Not after seeing Leinali fly straight into battle. "Try to keep up!" Was all she said to the two behind her before leaping to the air, leaving a crater where she once stood. Landing on a foot soldier, the impact made his body slide on the ground a few hundred meters. Lu'ciel riding on his mangled body like a skateboard, she stepped off of the corpse gracefully and danced with her scythe. Blood splattering everywhere and soaking the dry ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something that genuinely surprised her. Yeshua was on his knees. She flew again, this time close to the ground, the force blowing everyone that was in her path. She shifted her body mid air, her knee now about to collide to his face from the side. "What the f**k do you think you're doing! Kneeling to someone other than the mistress! Has seeing angels and saints made your heart waver for your saviour?!"

athereal athereal Athanas Athanas A A Bottle of Memories OceanBunny OceanBunny
Lilith pondered over this fact.
"Simple. Let the gates of hell open up, and every demon, fallen, vampire- every soul in every tier call to arms and fight!"
Lilith slammed her sword into the ground with massive force, eyes blazing with the prospect of victory. The ground in front of her opened and divided, a huge chasm getting larger by the second. The ground cracked and split beneath feet, and suddenly, all was silent.
"The Three Beasts Created by my hands alone..."
A huge claw appeared on the side of the chasm, and then another- and a beast of incredible size heaved itself up, letting out a roar of challenge. It was quite a sight- larger than a hotel, with canine features, and three heads- all snarling and foaming at the mouth, eyes glowing red. Their muscles stretched and contracted beneath the skin, like a well-oiled machine designed to kill. From forth the ground sprouted two other beasts, the Hydra, and at last, the Minotaur.
Heaven too, had their own card to play.
"It seems as if Lilith has raised her own creations..." Neveah said, bowing before their ruler. Her wings were massive, four total, marking her as an arch angel.
"Shall we release our own beasts?" Heaven questioned, eyes furrowed in uncertainty. There had never been an all out war, and she wasn't sure how they'd fair. There were a lot more evil in the world, after all.

Fresh from his 'victory', it had taken everything he had to not slam his helmeted head into a nearby wall when a, very loud voice shouted something about 'In the name of god, we bring the battle to you', but all that did was alert all demons, probably, for heaven only knows how far away and would draw them here. He doubted the knowledge of their little.... incursion had spread past the demonic leadership but now, might as well plant a sign insulting their mothers and directing them to their position should they desire to have words with them. Wasn't much of a lightning assault if they were making enough noise to raise hell. The other more.. powerful angels wouldn't see much of an issue, they were strong enough to, likely, survive any onslaught and had wings to carry them to safety, but many of the lower tiered footslogger, like himself, didn't have wings and, often, he though were only brought along to pad out the numbers and die in some horrific manner to make the higher ups look more dashing in comparison.​

Sigismund gripped his bloodied blade hard enough to turn his knuckles white, how many other simple soldiers like him had died in this attack? How many would die in the retaliation? Too many. As he stepped out of the alley and into the street, he head a roar and before Sigismund could react, his world exploded in fire. He was lifted off his feet and tossed deep back into the alley, smashing into a wall, his body bending in impossible angles and a hellish flame breaking out across his body, quickly heating up the chain links of his armor and baking him in his own armor. At first, he couldn't feel anything, the heat was too intense, it fried his nerves before they could scream at him, but he could smell. The smell of burning meat and that.. that is when the pain hit. What limbs were able to move jerked and if he was able, he would have screamed, but he was able to do nothing until his bones and snapped themselves back into place... as he was burning.

But it didn't stop. As his body healed, the fire spread. Then came back. It was a cycle of healing and burning. His skin knitting itself back together just to be seared down to the bone again, but slowly, ever so slowly, the hellfire was dying out as his body mended until, after what seemed like an eternity, yet was only a few minutes, the flames died out and Sigismund was left laying in a heap. But it wasn't all over yet. The metal was seared to his skin, the chain links, themselves, were undamaged, the metal they were forged from able to withstand the concussive force and extreme heat. Struggling to his feat, Sigismund grimaced as every movement tugged at his skin, he braced himself, took a deep breath... and then ripped at his armor, the links tearing free from his flesh.. and tearing out its share of flesh with it. Even as his flesh mended, Sigismund let out a roar of anger as he tore off sections of his own skin.

"I hate hellfire," Sigismund said as his breath came out heavily and he looked for his sword, his heater shield still strapped to his left wrist. He spotted a glint of silver and moved to pull the blade from a pile of rubble, he didn't hear any more firing, but given where he heard it come from he knew the general direction... and he would have to deal with it. Many of the other members of the host, especially his fellow soldiers, would not have survived a hit from such a weapon. He only did because, for lack of a better word, he was a cockroach. Pausing to draw in another shaky breath, the previous pain still fresh on his mind [although not his first run-in with Hellfire], he really hated this job.

Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
Eyelinor blinks as she tries to see through the flames.

"We definitely hit him, but Eye can't tell if he's dead. What about you, Krager?"

Krager grunted to indicate the negative.

"Well like Eye always say: If you can't say, fire away!"

Krager fires another rocket, this time aiming for the inside of the alley. The rocket fails to hit Sigismund, but destroys the wall hiding him from view. Krager begins recharging the rocket launcher while Eyelinor begins casting a spell. In front of the two demons, a circle appears in air, turns opaque, then clears as it turns into a viewing panel capable of zooming in on terrain. Eyelinor had been handcrafted from the souls of several less than accurate reporters hired more for looks than journalistic integrity. If there was something she did well it was to focus in on what her employer wanted to destroy.

Krager focuses as he channels his power into the rocket launcher. He hadn't been selected for his accuracy or his intelligence, instead having been chosen for his raw power and the fact that the raw material for his form was of soldiers ready and willing to cause collateral damage.
CaptainMcNoob CaptainMcNoob

Sigismund paused as a wall near him exploded. Were they really just firing at an empty section of their own town? That was... Well, Sigismund did not have words for how colossally foolish such a notion was. Outside of a few stranded demons, he was the only person in this section... Which changed things up considerably. If they were going to turn such a weapon against his allies in other areas, it would have been worth the effort to stop, but if they were committed to destroying a section of their own land for no reason, who was he to stop them? They were doing his work for him. And more to the point, with the arrival of the Archangels, and regrouping seemed like a more logical choice since this push had been all but stalled at the moment. Just to be sure, he waited and when another projectile smashed into a wall not to far off, it cemented it.

With a small shrug to himself, Sigismund turned on his heel and walked down the other way, out the alley, turning a corner and keeping the various buildings between himself and the demon that apparently lacked higher brain functions and stayed out of sight as he made his way out of the area and back towards the area he had heard the voice from. It didn't take too long to find them, and he didn't run into anything that got in his way there, so when he spotted the two women who appeared as if they could be sisters and, despite their appearances, could smite Sigismund without too much effort, he knew he had arrived.

Sigismund approached the two and cleaned his blade against what little cloth he had that survived the hellfire from before and sheathed his blade. He stopped a few paces away and bowed his head, "Sigismund Leutfrid of the 3rd Host," he said as way of greeting, "Sector 3A is clear, well, there is a single hostile remaining, but as they were blowing up their own town, I decided it would be in our best interest to let them."

Of course, what he didn't say was that out of the nine men and women that had gone with him, only he and three others had survived. The three of them had fallen back earlier to recover and regroup with the saint Jeanne D'Arc, and he wasn't sure if they even made it to her. He also wasn't about to tell them that, in his opinion, a tactical withdrawal would be advisable. The momentum of their strike had lost momentum and so there was no reason to attempt to continue the push, it was best, in his opinion, to retreat and reorganize, but he was just the soldier and he only needed to be told where to fight and die to fulfill his duty.​

Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee [interacting] Gravitational Force Gravitational Force [Mentioned] Uasal Uasal [Mentioned]
Eyelinor grins eye to eye as her focusing spell spots the angel. "There he is! And what do you know, he's got two more angels with him! Let's show off the range on this thing, Krager! Ooh and we can demonstrate the Jericho function too!"
Krager fires again and the rocket speeds towards the three angels.

On the way the rocket explodes, only for the explosion to continue towards its target. As it moves through the debris the explosion continues growing (consuming one unfortunate demon who didn't get out of the way in time), until a massive ball of hellfire is bearing down on the angels' position.

Even if the angels survive the blast they'll be separated as they try to dodge.

"Eye really do love this job," Eyelinor remarks to Krager.
Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee [Mentioned] CaptainMcNoob CaptainMcNoob [Mentioned] Uasal Uasal [Mentioned]
Lilith pondered over this fact.
"Simple. Let the gates of hell open up, and every demon, fallen, vampire- every soul in every tier call to arms and fight!"
Lilith slammed her sword into the ground with massive force, eyes blazing with the prospect of victory. The ground in front of her opened and divided, a huge chasm getting larger by the second. The ground cracked and split beneath feet, and suddenly, all was silent.
"The Three Beasts Created by my hands alone..."
A huge claw appeared on the side of the chasm, and then another- and a beast of incredible size heaved itself up, letting out a roar of challenge. It was quite a sight- larger than a hotel, with canine features, and three heads- all snarling and foaming at the mouth, eyes glowing red. Their muscles stretched and contracted beneath the skin, like a well-oiled machine designed to kill. From forth the ground sprouted two other beasts, the Hydra, and at last, the Minotaur.
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Heaven too, had their own card to play.
"It seems as if Lilith has raised her own creations..." Neveah said, bowing before their ruler. Her wings were massive, four total, marking her as an arch angel.
"Shall we release our own beasts?" Heaven questioned, eyes furrowed in uncertainty. There had never been an all out war, and she wasn't sure how they'd fair. There were a lot more evil in the world, after all.

Ana nodded, watching the three beasts clamber up and into sight. "Very well then, I will begin preparing my armies and we will begin our siege as soon as possible. Also, tell Zornkriegshetzer I require a new crossbow, or perhaps some other ranged weapon he can surmise for me, if you wouldn't mind. We all have our part to do, and if you do not have the time, it is understandable. Until then, Lilith." She said with a curt salute, turning and heading off to begin preparing her army.
He did not answer, though it pained him to do so. This was...beneath him. He hated to admit that she was right, he had no business kneeling before this rabble. However, if they wanted to actually make a dent in the efforts, their lot needed to make moves. His head still bent, he began to chant.

"The Trinity reveals the light. I am that light," he said, knowing the words having never uttered them in his existence, "Cast out the wretched in her favor. Divine Love, Eternal. I am her sword. Let me return to her hand." And like that, he was gone.

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