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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
Reveal the plan to early or late and it might not have the effect Tiber wants, there is a likely optimal time to unveil his plan and it's likely not the start of the war
Also @Hypnos @WanderingJester @TheAncientCenturion @TheFordee14 are we gonna work out a system to figure out and track the loses and gains of troops and of what kind of troops they have since it's almost impossible for any region to maintain full power after a war, battle, or even some larger skirmish
Likely reasonable discourse added to the spreadsheets @Hypnos made with all the number of troops and stuff. Just to track how many remained, switched sides, etc.
WanderingJester said:
Likely reasonable discourse added to the spreadsheets @Hypnos made with all the number of troops and stuff. Just to track how many remained, switched sides, etc.
It's not just a matter of troops though, it's also about troop type and for specific houses losses. If Tiber loses 500 Levy's but a reach house were to lose 100 knights in a skirmish it's a lot easier to replace those Levy's then it is those knights who have years of training and may even leave empty seats or lands if their landed soldiers. Not to mention smaller houses will feel every loss far more heavily then someone like the Tyrells or Lannisters and that could play a big part of the moral of those small houses. Once wars start and losses start taking place its gonna be a lot of number games, and that's not even talking about money or supplies.
Akio said:
It's not just a matter of troops though, it's also about troop type and for specific houses losses. If Tiber loses 500 Levy's but a reach house were to lose 100 knights in a skirmish it's a lot easier to replace those Levy's then it is those knights who have years of training and may even leave empty seats or lands if their landed soldiers. Not to mention smaller houses will feel every loss far more heavily then someone like the Tyrells or Lannisters and that could play a big part of the moral of those small houses. Once wars start and losses start taking place its gonna be a lot of number games, and that's not even talking about money or supplies.
Working all of this stuff out would take a great deal of time and would require a lot of work to find out the individual compositions of the forces of each house. From prior reactions to suggestions like adding dice or a hex map I'd assume people don't really want the RP to be too heavily focused on stuff like this as it would require concrete mechanics to make it fair. It could all be worked out, but I'd rather not put a lot of time into this stuff if no one will use it.
Hypnos said:
Working all of this stuff out would take a great deal of time and would require a lot of work to find out the individual compositions of the forces of each house. From prior reactions to suggestions like adding dice or a hex map I'd assume people don't really want the RP to be too heavily focused on stuff like this as it would require concrete mechanics to make it fair. It could all be worked out, but I'd rather not put a lot of time into this stuff if no one will use it.
I know @TheAncientCenturion as well as a few others are really against dice, so I think we should hold off on putting the mechanics together until such time we need to work things out. I believe the small raid on Fair Isle with @Leusis was a good example as to how battles in the larger scheme of things could be done, provided that a reasonable discourse could be achieved.
Arren is totally incompetent, at least I'll play him that way - considering he decided to sit around twiddling his thumbs whilst Tiber mustered his forces.
Archon said:
Arren is totally incompetent, at least I'll play him that way - considering he decided to sit around twiddling his thumbs whilst Tiber mustered his forces.
To be fair, his father just died and he had never had the experince to ruling before then. Its unlikely that he had any knowledge of the developing situation since the Tarlys didn't tell anyone

Hypnos said:
Troops. It didn't get much support so it didn't end up happening.
I personally like the idea, obviously battles are not constrained to numbers but it means quite a bit, especially if we have anyone like the mountain goes on a smash and burn quest or skirmishes like what happens in a war. Hell didn't the crownlands consider someone to raid the stormlands already? And it plays a deal on attrition
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Artimus said:
I'd love to play in the Reach. Is there a lord of the Arbor or of Hightower?
The Arbor's currently NPC and established somewhat, though opened to be controlled. If you would like we can talk about it.

TheFordee14 said:
I don't think we have an Arbor/Redwyne lordling. However, @WanderingJester may have already mentioned House Redwyne a lil' bit before. However, I am sure you'll be able to work it out somehow.
Yup yup.
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Artimus said:
I can't PM you quite yet and I'd hate to spam the forums :D

Also, is there anywhere I can see exactly what the hell is going on?
I'll shoot you a PM. Depends, there's a lot going on and even if you read everything IC here, there's still the stuff that happened in the old thread before we moved to this one (hosted by @TheFordee14 ) that would be missing. Your best bet in regards to finding out what's going on (also specify what and where you're referring to. What's going on at the Wall won't necessarily be related or the same as what's going on in King's Landing) would be asking here in OOC. We shitpost a lot but we also like to keep RPers informed of what's happening around the RP. Special mentions to the GMs, @TheFordee14 @Hypnos @TheAncientCenturion and myself :)
TheAncientCenturion said:
I am no longer a GM. I have renounced all titles and joined the Watch (or the Crusades. I haven't decided yet).
LIES! Don't listen to him @Artimus , next he'll say Viserys is the rightful king of Westeros!
WanderingJester said:
Ehh, (<_<) (>_>)
Not true! Haelga's got a plan! (' :) )

...Right @SirDerpingtonIV ?
Sorry, a good plan. Everyone will prosper from it! Except the Essosi, Wildlings, ironborn, and his enemies.

Artimus said:
I'm just a lonely ghost looking for a vessel to inhabit! I take no part!
Both the Master of Laws and Whispers are still open slots, if you're looking to make a character.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Sorry, a good plan. Everyone will prosper from it! Except the Essosi, Wildlings, ironborn, and his enemies.
Both the Master of Laws and Whispers are still open slots, if you're looking to make a character.
You forgot the Dornish. Though I guess that could fall under "enemies." :P
Artimus said:
Also, is there anywhere I can see exactly what the hell is going on?
Basically, what has happened so far (story wise):

After a reign of terror, The Mad King ( Maeryn Targaryen ) dies. He was poisoned by an assassin sent by
someone. However, to most of the world- it seems as if he had just died of natural causes since he was pretty elderly. His eldest daughter, Kuvira, ascended to the throne. At her coronation: she and her sister, Aerea, were almost killed by the very same assassin.

The assassin was killed and Kuvira went off. She kept every lord an' lady in King's Landing. She wouldn't let the leave. Until, she came to the conclusion that House Baratheon had hired the assassin. House Baratheon's patriarch was executed by King Maeryn, so they have a lust for vengeance. Kuvira let everyone go and declared she would name Lord Gelgin Arryn as her hand.

Things were very sour between Kuvira and House Baratheon. However, soon enough- they essentially declared war on one another.

Kuvira's youngest sister, Daenna, fled to Essos. There she discovered that her two older sisters ( Kuvira and Aerea ) are bastards born from their mother's infidelity. So Kuvira and Aerea aren't even Targaryens.

Daenna basically declared herself as the rightful ruler and is slowly but surely building an army and gaining allies in Essos.

Aerea was set to be married to Lord Arren Tyrell. However, on her way to The Reach, her carriage was seized and she was captured by House Whent. She was taken to Harrenhal, and there she discovered that House Whent and Ser Warren Whent ( Kuvira's Queensguard ) are plotting to destroy House Targaryen. Aerea managed to escape and is on her way back to King's Landing as we speak.

Viserys Waters, a bastard of King Maeryn who fled to Essos, took up the name "Blackfyre". Now he is claiming himself to be the rightful king of The Seven Kingdoms. He is currently in Westeros, under a disguise, vying for allies and support for his cause.

House Baratheon is planning to go to war, as I said. It is being thrown around that they will soon storm King's Landing and kill Kuvira. House Baratheon has made a strong alliance of House Tully and House Stark. The trio will likely do some damage up against The Targaryen Dynasty.

In The Iron Islands- a beautiful man by the name of Conn Greyjoy rallied up The Ironborn and planned an attack on The Reach and Old Town, specifically. The reason Conn wanted to do this was because he had a
DRAGON EGG. This egg was given to him by his rebellious sister, Haelga. Conn took the egg, locked his sister up, and left The Iron Islands with his ships in tow.

Fair Isle was basically made devoid of all life because of The Ironborn. However, when they sailed to The Shield Islands- it proved too much. The Redwyne Fleet destroyed The Ironborn almost completely.

They captured Conn, and the dragon egg was presumably lost. Conn was taken to an undisclosed location and executed.

Now, The Iron Islands are in recovery. They also prepare for a Kingsmoot where they will elect a new leader. The candidates include Siegfried Harlaw and Conn's sister and a few others.

The Reach have been very docile. House Tyrell lost its lord, Hollis, when he suffered a stroke. Now, his son ( Arren ) is leading them. However, The Westerlands and Cayden, a prince of Dorne, plot to destroy The Reach in its slightly fractured state.

That is everything
MAJOR that I can think of currently.

Right now;

Lord Tiber Lannister's wedding is happening and many nobles of Westeros are attending. Don't worry, the wedding won't turn
red. At least I think it won't. Some of the important players there right now are: Tiber (of course), Queen Kuvira, Viserys, Cayden Martell, Elia Martell- who currently rules Dorne- and some Tullys.

The Reach has caught wind of the possible upcoming war between The Reach and (maybe) Dorne. So they are currently sending many troops north to the border between The Reach and The Westerlands.

King's Landing is a hot mess right now. Baelor Velaryon and Grandmaester Vladan Bolton are playing a mini game of thrones between the duo. Baelor has just had one of Vladan's allies killed and he has also acquired wildfire. Aerea will soon return. Braedon Baratheon will soon attack. House Whent will soon attack. It is only a matter of time before King's Landing erupts in fighting, war, death, betrayal, and the likes.
Viserys Waters

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