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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)


name: rory baraton

age: 30 or 31 idk???

gender: boy and alpha Stag

titles; king rory, rory da best, rory da stag

maritial status: idk what dat is? xxx

personality: rory can be a angry person, and sometimes is mean and a little bit cold, but is not his fault as his dad was very mean, and rory is alone ll his life as a mercury who had to kill things for dollars. he has seems mean and hard but really he has a very soft inside and only wants love and stroms end

biography: rory is son to king of the stromlands and s prince but his dad was very mean and outcast rory for being too good. he has kil mny of his enmies over his life and is now greatest warior in da six kingdoms. rorys mean brother brandon is now king of stromlands and rory is very upset about it. doe nobody knows about it rory loves celna lanster

other: has super strenghth and best skill
TheAncientCenturion said:

here u go x3333 i hope yuo enjoy the kity kat x333!!!!!!!

what dose he lek like again lelel?
Look at the CS you lazy bastard. Also, beautiful picture.
TheAncientCenturion said:
pretty ravenni come soon x3!
please no.

Archon said:

name: rory baraton

age: 30 or 31 idk???

gender: boy and alpha Stag

titles; king rory, rory da best, rory da stag

maritial status: idk what dat is? xxx

personality: rory can be a angry person, and sometimes is mean and a little bit cold, but is not his fault as his dad was very mean, and rory is alone ll his life as a mercury who had to kill things for dollars. he has seems mean and hard but really he has a very soft inside and only wants love and stroms end

biography: rory is son to king of the stromlands and s prince but his dad was very mean and outcast rory for being too good. he has kil mny of his enmies over his life and is now greatest warior in da six kingdoms. rorys mean brother brandon is now king of stromlands and rory is very upset about it. doe nobody knows about it rory loves celna lanster

other: has super strenghth and best skill
way better than mine
here is my first oc for game of thrones and i luv it plz no haet!


Appearance: she is really tall like 6'7 but that because her mom is actually a giant from beyond the wall and she have blue eyes because her dad is a white walker but also a targaryen because a targaryen got exile to wall. she has big boobies and is curvy and is so prety all the lords and knights love her on sight. she has pink hair because of magic curse put on her by evil witch!!11!

Name: kryystal Targaryen

Gender: a girl duh!1

Age: 17

Nicknames / Titles: "the pretiest girl in all planetos" "the flower of king's landing" "bubblegum"

Marital Status: single because she no want to get married to some ugly fat guy like her evil uncle wnat!11

Personality: kryystal is really nice and loves her friends but she has a temper and will kill anyone who make her upset!11 she seems like a reaally nice polite princess until u realize that inside she is very sad and hurt alot. her uncle was mean to her because she was part giant and part white walker but no one can kno!1 he beat her and made her alone and all her cousins laff at her!1 especially corbis, because he's a I'm uncultured piece of shit!1 but she just want love and love from a shining prince like in the stories her really nice aunt told her when she was yung!


has a really big dragon that breathes lightning and it is named "shadow" because the dark darkness of her childhood!1 she is really good at sword fighting and archery and horseback riding and fought white walkers beyond the wall and trained with the faceless men and became the best of them!1 she became so good the others becaem jealous and wanted her dead! so she kill all the faceless men and then destroyed braavos with her dragon and her witch powers that she got from the curse from the witch that hated her because she was so pretty!1 she got crowned as queen of love and beauty at every tourney and her uncle hit her because of all the attention and he hated her alot!1 her good firend celena lannister found her cutting and she made celena promise to tell no one becuz it beg sercet and no one know!?! when her mean uncle die it because she kill him with her sword powers and then she plans to save all westeros from her evil cousins. also she want to marry cayden becuz he is pretiest most handsome man in all seven kingdoms.
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We've all just got progressively worse as the night went on, Mother have Mercy on anyone who delves into this.
Also. You guys remember that half ice dragon princess character CS I copy and pasted into here a few hours back? This is the character's first post in the RP it's from

The air became cold rather sudden as heels were heard against the ground, getting louder with each step. A pale girl around 17, with a black upside crescent moon on her forehead and skeleton markings on her lips and cheeks. Her luscious black curls in waves that ended to her hips. She wore a black dress that ended above her knees, leather on it with straps and silver buckles, black boots that came to her thigh and held a red and silver scythe. Her demonic red and black slitted pupils gazed around as she looked to the large building in front of her. It was her "home". She was a Princess, a Heir to a castle and lands, something she felt uncomfortable with. When she was young, merely 8, the kingdom was attacked, the Queen died and the King pressured her more. She became rebellious, she became the monster people created but somewhere in her, that little Angel with hope was still inside her, hoping to be free. She fell in love at merely 15, naive still, finding comfort in a Guard. The King found out and forced the Guard away to work elsewhere. Heartbroken and longing, She worked hard every evening to find the tracks to the kingdom to gain back her beloved. Sadly, Winter came and with it snow. It hid all the tracks and she lost hope. She trained herself to never get close again, build walls up. She wielded her Scythe, and became known as both Ice Princess and The Skeleton Reaper, taking hearts of those who did bad. As she walked to the gates, she glared at the two guards who fearfully opened the black iron doors. She stepped inside, ignoring maids and went straight to her room, locking the door and sitting on the bed, taking a photograph from under her pillow and stared at the 15 year olds in the picture, cuddling with smiles on their faces. A tear dripped on it before she rubbed her left eye and placed the photograph under her pillow again.
SirDerpingtonIV said:


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