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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

TheAncientCenturion said:
I want to hear none of this propaganda! They were loyal allies to the true king!
So Viserys would be cool with them if they wanted every Black Dragon dead but were slavers? :|
Honestly Roland no doubt is way better off with his houses lands being the entirety of Fair Isle. The way I imagined it was House Wilds WAS really close to Highgarden and were known for their knights being very good and not once breaking the vows they made (This being the reason that their house words are "Strength and Honor"). The Tyrell's like the little shits they were immediately framed them for treason during the war against the Targaryens and took their lands away. When that happened however the current lord and ALL of his knights flipped Highgarden the bird and left, loyalty the Tyrell's definitely weren't expecting.

So yeah, the Tyrell's were doomed to fail the moment they kicked one of the most honorable and ancient houses of Westeros out of the Reach.
WanderingJester said:
So Viserys would be cool with them if they wanted every Black Dragon dead but were slavers? :|
I honestly can't remember them being slavers in The Sworn Sword. They just served under the Black Dragon instead of the Red, and Tywin's Grandma hated them for it.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I honestly can't remember them being slavers in The Sworn Sword. They just served under the Black Dragon instead of the Red, and Tywin's Grandma hated them for it.
We've taken creative freedom with houses more then once
Leusis said:
Honestly Roland no doubt is way better off with his houses lands being the entirety of Fair Isle. The way I imagined it was House Wilds WAS really close to Highgarden and were known for their knights being very good and not once breaking the vows they made (This being the reason that their house words are "Strength and Honor"). The Tyrell's like the little shits they were immediately framed them for treason during the war against the Targaryens and took their lands away. When that happened however the current lord and ALL of his knights flipped Highgarden the bird and left, loyalty the Tyrell's definitely weren't expecting.
So yeah, the Tyrell's were doomed to fail the moment they kicked one of the most honorable and ancient houses of Westeros out of the Reach.
And now they have the respect they deserve from the Gold Lions! :D

TheAncientCenturion said:
I honestly can't remember them being slavers in The Sworn Sword. They just served under the Black Dragon instead of the Red, and Tywin's Grandma hated them for it.
Eh, to be fair, Grandma Lannister hated a lot of things. The joust, the Westerland Weather, Arbor Reds, her husband. *shrug*
Akio said:
We've taken creative freedom with houses more then once
Oh. I didn't know this was something we created.

WanderingJester said:
And now they have the respect they deserve from the Gold Lions! :D
Eh, to be fair, Grandma Lannister hated a lot of things. The joust, the Westerland Weather, Arbor Reds, her husband. *shrug*
Which one? They kept dying.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh. I didn't know this was something we created.
Which one? They kept dying.
I'm not sure it is, but I don't remember slavers in Westeros etheir
WanderingJester said:
And now they have the respect they deserve from the Gold Lions! :D
Eh, to be fair, Grandma Lannister hated a lot of things. The joust, the Westerland Weather, Arbor Reds, her husband. *shrug*
I don't know, a lot of people seem to just not know who House Wilds was back in the day and not realize that house is probably older than 90% of other houses. Like the nobles of the Westerlands thinking of Roland as little more than a mercenary when in fact hes easily of more noble birth than just about all of them.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh. I didn't know this was something we created.
Which one? They kept dying.
Tyto's grandma. Cerissa Lannister nee Brax. Wife of the Grey Lion.

Leusis said:
I don't know, a lot of people seem to just not know who House Wilds was back in the day and not realize that house is probably older than 90% of other houses. Like the nobles of the Westerlands thinking of Roland as little more than a mercenary when in fact hes easily of more noble birth than just about all of them.
Hey listen, I can't control how the vassals will think of Roland, but I know for a fact that he and Tiber are on pretty good terms right now, given that he's been the man of his word and not like those filthy Reynes and Tarbecks.

Also, this is probably the most fucked up thing I've seen this week, but still. (Poor Sam ( :( ))


DX *Hugs Sam tightly*
Leusis said:
I don't know, a lot of people seem to just not know who House Wilds was back in the day and not realize that house is probably older than 90% of other houses. Like the nobles of the Westerlands thinking of Roland as little more than a mercenary when in fact hes easily of more noble birth than just about all of them.
Even more so then the great houses? I know the reach has some of the older houses in Westeros
WanderingJester said:
Tyto's grandma. Cerissa Lannister nee Brax. Wife of the Grey Lion.
Hey listen, I can't control how the vassals will think of Roland, but I know for a fact that he and Tiber are on pretty good terms right now, given that he's been the man of his word and not like those filthy Reynes and Tarbecks.

Also, this is probably the most fucked up thing I've seen this week, but still. (Poor Sam ( :( ))


DX *Hugs Sam tightly*
Yeah, Roland even slaughtered a group of bandits that though Fair Isle was weakened and only lost 12 men just to prove a point to his new liege. Tiber probably got news of that and instantly started plotting how to use him more effectively.


Above is an example of Tiber's reaction.
Leusis said:
Yeah, Roland even slaughtered a group of bandits that though Fair Isle was weakened and only lost 12 men just to prove a point to his new liege. Tiber probably got news of that and instantly started plotting how to use him more effectively.

Above is an example of Tiber's reaction.
Akio said:
Even more so then the great houses? I know the reach has some of the older houses in Westeros
House Wilds was founded near the start of The Age of Heroes as one of Roland's ancestor's apparently killed a giant direwolf (key word being a GIANT direwolf) and incorporated its fur into the armor that each Lord has worn ever since and the armor Roland has worn since his father died, also the armor that is now currently in the Lannister vaults since Roland had to give Tiber something of great importance when he got Fair Isle.

Essentially, House Wilds is as old as House Stark or Lannister.
Leusis said:
House Wilds was founded near the start of The Age of Heroes as one of Roland's ancestor's apparently killed a giant direwolf (key word being a GIANT direwolf) and incorporated its fur into the armor that each Lord has worn ever since and the armor Roland has worn since his father died, also the armor that is now currently in the Lannister vaults since Roland had to give Tiber something of great importance when he got Fair Isle.
Essentially, House Wilds is as old as House Stark or Lannister.
House Martell has always been around, just not very powerful. They've just always been patient and clever, and honestly a bit lucky
Akio said:
House Martell has always been around, just not very powerful. They've just always been patient and clever, and honestly a bit lucky
Every house was founded at some point, and it seems the earliest time possible would be the Age of Heroes or slightly before then.
Leusis said:
Every house was founded at some point, and it seems the earliest time possible would be the Age of Heroes or slightly before then.
House Martell was found by one of the first Andel adventures they weren't first men
Just reporting in to say I am not dead. I've had a very busy past few weeks, and it's going to stay busy for a while. I don't expect I'll be posting any time soon, but yeah.

Akio said:
It's ok were ahead in everything else, except best sword
Actually if you want to go by house alone, no vassals, Roland has 100 more men than House Martell and no doubt Roland's men would win in a pitched battle if the numbers were even because Dornish armor and weapons aren't on par with average Westerosi equipment. House Wilds also has a better champion, as Roland would defeat Cayden rather handily. Only thing the Martell's really have is gold if we aren't counting vassals.
Leusis said:
Actually if you want to go by house alone, no vassals, Roland has 100 more men than House Martell and no doubt Roland's men would win in a pitched battle if the numbers were even because Dornish armor and weapons aren't on par with average Westerosi equipment. House Wilds also has a better champion, as Roland would defeat Cayden rather handily. Only thing the Martell's really have is gold if we aren't counting vassals.
Sunspear is still better than Fair Isle.
Leusis said:
Actually if you want to go by house alone, no vassals, Roland has 100 more men than House Martell and no doubt Roland's men would win in a pitched battle if the numbers were even because Dornish armor and weapons aren't on par with average Westerosi equipment. House Wilds also has a better champion, as Roland would defeat Cayden rather handily. Only thing the Martell's really have is gold if we aren't counting vassals.
Yet everyone counts vassals and how is Roland is as a commander?
Archon said:
Sunspear is still better than Fair Isle.
Wrong, Sunspear itself is definitely better than Fair Castle. But Fair Castle is on an island, a very very good natural defense because if you don't have the navy to transport thousands of men onto the shores then you lose, and even if you do a beach assault is going to cost you two men for every one you kill unless you just have overwhelming numbers. The Martell's don't have the navy to get to Fair Isle and don't have the numbers to come close to winning a beach assault.

All in all if it was just House Martell and House Wilds going at it and you moved both lands to a reasonable distance to wage war Fair Isle would be more likely to win. More than likely it'd just be a stand still, but Fair Isle is obviously better in a military sense.
Akio said:
Yet everyone counts vassals and how is Roland is as a commander?
Roland is a pretty good commander but nothing super special. But the problem is the previous things I've stated. Even if the Martell's brought half of Dorne's armies to attack Fair Isle they'd lose most of their men taking the beaches and trying to take Fair Castle. Roland's 3,600 would be able to cripple Dorne's army by itself if they got into a war with them.

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