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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Leusis said:
Wrong, Sunspear itself is definitely better than Fair Castle. But Fair Castle is on an island, a very very good natural defense because if you don't have the navy to transport thousands of men onto the shores then you lose, and even if you do a beach assault is going to cost you two men for every one you kill unless you just have overwhelming numbers. The Martell's don't have the navy to get to Fair Isle and don't have the numbers to come close to winning a beach assault.
All in all if it was just House Martell and House Wilds going at it and you moved both lands to a reasonable distance to wage war Fair Isle would be more likely to win. More than likely it'd just be a stand still, but Fair Isle is obviously better in a military sense.
So we're going to remove every other natural advantage of Sunspear? Like being at the back of a desert, and the fact that with only a 100 more men Roland could do disastrously worse than Cayden if he tried to siege Sunspear, in-comparison to Fair Castle?

I'd take a really good castle in a desert over a really shit castle on an awesome-island.
Leusis said:
Wrong, Sunspear itself is definitely better than Fair Castle. But Fair Castle is on an island, a very very good natural defense because if you don't have the navy to transport thousands of men onto the shores then you lose, and even if you do a beach assault is going to cost you two men for every one you kill unless you just have overwhelming numbers. The Martell's don't have the navy to get to Fair Isle and don't have the numbers to come close to winning a beach assault.
All in all if it was just House Martell and House Wilds going at it and you moved both lands to a reasonable distance to wage war Fair Isle would be more likely to win. More than likely it'd just be a stand still, but Fair Isle is obviously better in a military sense.
Fair Isle would never be able to take Sunspear, the desert is almost as good as a barrier as the sea

Leusis said:
Roland is a pretty good commander but nothing super special. But the problem is the previous things I've stated. Even if the Martell's brought half of Dorne's armies to attack Fair Isle they'd lose most of their men taking the beaches and trying to take Fair Castle. Roland's 3,600 would be able to cripple Dorne's army by itself if they got into a war with them.
Most likely dorne wouldn't even attack though, they'd just wait and Roland trying to attack Sunspear in the desert might not even reach the walls, simply because of the desert and Cayden would cut supply lines
Archon said:
So we're going to remove every other natural advantage of Sunspear? Like being at the back of a desert, and the fact that with only a 100 more men Roland could do disastrously worse than Cayden if he tried to siege Sunspear, in-comparison to Fair Castle?
I'd take a really good castle in a desert over a really shit castle on an awesome-island.
Heres the problem, the Martell's would never get past the beaches. Roland can just sail his people near Sunspear, disembark and travel the rest of the way to Sunspear and start sieging it and just starve them out since Sunspear is also surrounded by a city and they have to feed those people and they have no navy so Roland's could just block the port. So they get no imports or fish and they get to food from outside of the city. They all starve or come out and fight and lose. This would never happen to Fair Isle because regardless of where you land on Fair Isle you're within about 40 miles of Fair Castle so you have no choice but to disembark and immediately fight Roland's forces. In Dorne however Roland could just disembark 100 miles away and walk to Sunspear while his ships go to block the port.
Fezzes said:
I'm not sure whether to be disappointed or proud that this group didn't mention anything when they reached Page 666.
Well, the blasphemy against the Dormer heralded that page, and we don't talk about what was posted against her highness. Alas, we should remember the good times, when Margery/Natalie's gifs were plentiful and fruitful...

Akio said:
Fair Isle would never be able to take Sunspear, the desert is almost as good as a barrier as the sea
Most likely dorne wouldn't even attack though, they'd just wait and Roland trying to attack Sunspear in the desert might not even reach the walls, simply because of the desert and Cayden would cut supply lines
You forget Roland has ships, he doesn't need to go through the desert.
Leusis said:
Roland is a pretty good commander but nothing super special. But the problem is the previous things I've stated. Even if the Martell's brought half of Dorne's armies to attack Fair Isle they'd lose most of their men taking the beaches and trying to take Fair Castle. Roland's 3,600 would be able to cripple Dorne's army by itself if they got into a war with them.
Also, honest question; could you describe what would cause the Dornish to lose so many more men? I'm genuinely curious how a medieval beach defense against far superior numbers could be so effective.

Leusis said:
Heres the problem, the Martell's would never get past the beaches. Roland can just sail his people near Sunspear, disembark and travel the rest of the way to Sunspear and start sieging it and just starve them out since Sunspear is also surrounded by a city and they have to feed those people and they have no navy so Roland's could just block the port. So they get no imports or fish and they get to food from outside of the city. They all starve or come out and fight and lose. This would never happen to Fair Isle because regardless of where you land on Fair Isle you're within about 40 miles of Fair Castle so you have no choice but to disembark and immediately fight Roland's forces. In Dorne however Roland could just disembark 100 miles away and walk to Sunspear while his ships go to block the port.
Fair Isle has a navy to transport 3,600 men?

And wouldn't Roland be stuck sieging a castle in exhausting desert heat he and his soldiers aren't acclimatized too for at least a year?
WanderingJester said:
Well, the blasphemy against the Dormer heralded that page, and we don't talk about what was posted against her highness. Alas, we should remember the good times, when Margery/Natalie's gifs were plentiful and fruitful...
True, although I don't entirely understand.

And also, I couldn't help but notice that @Akio had the largest number of posts on that page. And the number of his posts on Page 666 was 6. Akio = Satan?
Fezzes said:
True, although I don't entirely understand.
And also, I couldn't help but notice that @Akio had the largest number of posts on that page. And the number of his posts on Page 666 was 6. Akio = Satan?
I netheir confirm or deny this
Archon said:
Also, honest question; could you describe what would cause the Dornish to lose so many more men? I'm genuinely curious how a medieval beach defense against far superior numbers could be so effective.
Fair Isle has a navy to transport 3,600 men?

And wouldn't Roland be stuck sieging a castle in exhausting desert heat he and his soldiers aren't acclimatized too for at least a year?
Idea is house Martell is fighting without vassals for whatever reason
Fezzes said:
True, although I don't entirely understand.
And also, I couldn't help but notice that @Akio had the largest number of posts on that page. And the number of his posts on Page 666 was 6. Akio = Satan?
Certainly possible, though it might be a tie between him/Cayden and Lance for not loving the Dormer.

Archon said:
Also, honest question; could you describe what would cause the Dornish to lose so many more men? I'm genuinely curious how a medieval beach defense against far superior numbers could be so effective.
Fair Isle has a navy to transport 3,600 men?

And wouldn't Roland be stuck sieging a castle in exhausting desert heat he and his soldiers aren't acclimatized too for at least a year?
Well, in a beach assault your men aren't jumping from their ships onto dry land, they're jumping into the sea, usually waist deep while the defending force stands just out of reach of the water. So essentially you are forced to fight in the water and wet sand while your enemy is completely dry and sure of foot, making their soldiers far more effective. Also when disembark the men will essentially just jump from their boats so they aren't formed up and ready to fight in any kind of formation so they're essentially just a well equipped and trained mob slamming into a fully prepared and organized infantry line (the attacker is also dealing with what I described before). The entire time this is happening the enemy is also being peppered with arrows by the skirmishers of the defenders and since the men getting out of the boats aren't in formatio nthey're a lot more likely to be hit and or die.

Before any of this takes place, about 300-400 yards off shore the ships will be trying the hardest to get to the beach while they're being shot at with flaming arrows. If the sails or wood catch fire men will start dying really damn fast on said boat, so if you lose a few boats before you even land that'll be several hundred men and don't forget shooting men on boats is like shooting fish in a barrel, even if the boat doesn't catch on fire, plenty of men will die. Also if the attacking force wasn't prepared for a defense on the beach there men are more than likely not prepared for battle and will more than likely not be as useful as they normally would be. All of these factors easily make each defender worth at least two attackers. It only gets worse if the defender has a large portion of cavalry like Roland does because then if their infantry starts to break they can just send in heavy cavalry on the still unorganized attacker. And I think we all know what heavy cav does to unorganized infantry blobs, especially wet and already tired infantry.
Flaming arrows aren't as effective as media would have you believe, though. Even with tar and oils on them, unless you're targeting a similar source, you're probably not going to lit it on afire faster than someone can stomp it out.

On a side note; I'm in the mood for a good story of some kind. Does anyone have any recommendations?
TheAncientCenturion said:
Flaming arrows aren't as effective as media would have you believe, though. Even with tar and oils on them, unless you're targeting a similar source, you're probably not going to lit it on afire faster than someone can stomp it out.
On a side note; I'm in the mood for a good story of some kind. Does anyone have any recommendations?
What sort of story mood? Have you seen Shooter yet?
TheAncientCenturion said:
Flaming arrows aren't as effective as media would have you believe, though. Even with tar and oils on them, unless you're targeting a similar source, you're probably not going to lit it on afire faster than someone can stomp it out.
On a side note; I'm in the mood for a good story of some kind. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Book or manga?
TheAncientCenturion said:
Flaming arrows aren't as effective as media would have you believe, though. Even with tar and oils on them, unless you're targeting a similar source, you're probably not going to lit it on afire faster than someone can stomp it out.
On a side note; I'm in the mood for a good story of some kind. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Usually to set a ship ablaze you'd aim for the sails and the flames would build and work down from there.
Random questions for everybody,

1: What do you think the strongest castle in Westeros is when supported by its region?

2: Strongest castle in Westeros with only the garrison and no outside help?

3: Strongest castle in ASOIAF?

4: If you could be the Lord of one, which would it be?
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Archon said:
Random questions for everybody,
1: What do you think the strongest castle in Westeros is when supported by its region?

2: Strongest castle in Westeros with only the garrison and no outside help?

3: Strongest castle in ASOIAF?

4: If you could be the Lord of one, which would it be?
I'm too biased. I'd say the Eyrie for every single one. I also don't know as much about it as some other people.
Archon said:
Random questions for everybody,
1: What do you think the strongest castle in Westeros is when supported by its region?

2: Strongest castle in Westeros with only the garrison and no outside help?

3: Strongest castle in ASOIAF?

4: If you could be the Lord of one, which would it be?
With the support of the Region it's etheir the Rock or Stormsend. Sunspear is pretty high up there because there are no supplies to take around its walls.

Without help its the Eyrie without a doubt at least to me

Strongest in the books might still be the Eyrie, it's defenses are basically unassailable by any army

4. Id say Highgarden, it's lands are rich and while it isn't a powerful as some it's still a very strong castle with a massive Garrison
Archon said:
Random questions for everybody,
1: What do you think the strongest castle in Westeros is when supported by its region?

2: Strongest castle in Westeros with only the garrison and no outside help?

3: Strongest castle in ASOIAF?

4: If you could be the Lord of one, which would it be?
Eyrie, Eyrie, Eyrie, Casterly Rock (I'm a little bias for the last one, but mostly for it being the one (by the castle itself, not the region) that would make me really rich and in turn help my family be more powerful. The other being the Crossing, Highgarden or even Oldtown.
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WanderingJester said:
What sort of story mood? Have you seen Shooter yet?
I'm more looking for something to read, honestly.

Akio said:
Book or manga?
Anything, really. I lean less typically with manga nowadays, just because they all tend to go in the same direction.

Leusis said:
Usually to set a ship ablaze you'd aim for the sails and the flames would build and work down from there.
For numerous reasons, fire arrows are a horrible idea unless you're planning on covering a field in flammable equipment. The rate of fire is going to be lower than regular arrows, as fire arrows would need a deal of customization to be effective, and even then there isn't a guarantee that they set anything on fire. They won't puncture as well as normal arrows, they won't set enemy soldiers ablaze either.

I can see maybe using them in naval warfare, but I doubt you'd set the sails on fire. The arrow would probably just tear through it. Maybe get a little of it ablaze, should it still have flames on it, but at the end of the day once you're close enough to loose arrows, just loose arrows made to kill. You'll probably still cut through the sail, you'll be able to get some actual causalities down, and by the time they're this close, the sail isn't doing much. The waves will propel them forward.
Archon said:
Random questions for everybody,
1: What do you think the strongest castle in Westeros is when supported by its region?

2: Strongest castle in Westeros with only the garrison and no outside help?

3: Strongest castle in ASOIAF?

4: If you could be the Lord of one, which would it be?
1. Moat Calin cause you're stuck between the Neck and whats pretty much an unbeatable fortification as well as the entirety of the north literally sitting behind Moat Calin.

2. Casterly Rock, its basically the Minas Tirith of GoT

3. Eryie, the thing is unbreakable and there is only a narrow path to get to it.

4. Casterly Rock because


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