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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
Cayden is reckless, im not sure he would care. He may have been given her political advice before but his conscious comes before anything else in his mind. Still it would be an interesting plot point to have him sneak around with her. He might even join the kings guard if he can to give him a legitment reason to be by her side 24/7
Daenna hold's honor in high regard and doesn't approve of infidelity. So she will likely stay faithful to her husband to his death and until her mourning period passes. She will also try to keep Cayden at a distance emotionally if she feel's they are to close until she is a widow. Then she might seek to openly return his affections.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna hold's honor in high regard and doesn't approve of infidelity. So she will likely stay faithful to her husband to his death and until her mourning period passes. She will also try to keep Cayden at a distance emotionally if she feel's they are to close until she is a widow. Then she might seek to openly return his affections.

mhmm extra motivation to kill the shadow king, this will probably turn out interesting for everyone involved
Akio said:
mhmm extra motivation to kill the shadow king, this will probably turn out interesting for everyone involved
Let's just hope Daenna doesn't somehow gain feelings for Desgran otherwise she won't be very pleased by you trying to kill him
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Let's just hope Daenna doesn't somehow gain feelings for Desgran otherwise she won't be very pleased by you trying to kill him

Trying? A man of Dorne doesn't try to assassinate someone, they only do so when they know they will succeed. Etheir way what ever direction it may go it will be interesting. And in a perfect world she wont know the assassination was done by him
Akio said:
Trying? A man of Dorne doesn't try to assassinate someone, they only do so when they know they will succeed. Etheir way what ever direction it may go it will be interesting. And in a perfect world she wont know the assassination was done by him
T'is not a perfect world and Daenna will search for the one behind the assassination if she suspects foul play. The cards of coming out clean are not in ur favor
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]T'is not a perfect world and Daenna will search for the one behind the assassination if she suspects foul play. The cards of coming out clean are not in ur favor

Probably, though at the very least he wont try a terrible and botched assassination attempts like cersei lannister
Elendithas said:
Awful lot of speculation going on.
yup, just saying cayden will probably never accept a marriage between the shadow king and deanna very well knowing he employed a mage or at least feeling like he did
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Well Daenna need's a few A. B. and C. Backup plans

You could come to the high towers, they have quite the history with the targaryens... Something about dancing?
TheAncientCenturion said:
Does loyalty mean nothing?!
Look. I won't say I'll have you assassinated, but there is a priest of the black goat in Essos looking for a worthy sacrifice. . @Hypnos

Choose your next move wisely.
I think that can be arranged, I'll ready the goat.

TheAncientCenturion said:
. . . .
@Hypnos Feed her to the goat.
I told you we should sacrifice her, but you specifically said not to, you brought this upon yourself your grace.

Veyd Sahvoz] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23852-wanderingjester/ said:
@WanderingJester[/URL] Could I say Katsa is going out to King's Landing to meet the Queen but meets Hadar and Timos along the way and convinces the Borrells to ally with the Starks by putting all the stupid shit from the past behind them?
@Hypnos Wouldn't it be alright to bring in the characters from that Three Sisters RP?
It would be fine but remember that "all the stupid shit from the past" isn't very stupid, the Stark's literally massacred the three sister and murdered everyone, they stole the Borrell's kingdom from them and made the sisters as weak as it is today. Lord Belthazar Bolton, a Stark banner man literally made a pavilion out of the flayed skin of the sistermen, that's not something you put behind you. Additionally it would be difficult for the Borrell's to ally with the Stark's because not only are they sworn to the Sunderlands who may disagree but also the Arryns who are actively fighting the Stark's allies. Kasta also isnt the head of House Borrell.

WanderingJester said:
So... guessing there's no love lost between Baelor and Luthor huh?
Him or his dad, depending on what age he is, Baelor either stole his sister or his daughter, though I'm sure Lord Redwyne doesn't mind the Velaryon children.
Right. So, I would like a little advice.

I'm ready to introduce Evin and Vysaera, I think, but I'd like a bit of advice on how to do so. I don't know for sure whether Vys should know about his plans yet or not, so I don't know whether she's going to want to find him and present him with her support yet.

So should I just do a sort of out-in-the-world, somewhere-near-other-characters sort of post for them, or should Vysaera be looking for "Lord Blackfyre" already, or...?
Sleipnir said:
Right. So, I would like a little advice.
I'm ready to introduce Evin and Vysaera, I think, but I'd like a bit of advice on how to do so. I don't know for sure whether Vys should know about his plans yet or not, so I don't know whether she's going to want to find him and present him with her support yet.

So should I just do a sort of out-in-the-world, somewhere-near-other-characters sort of post for them, or should Vysaera be looking for "Lord Blackfyre" already, or...?
I would suggest Evin be in Highgarden as the Tyrells are planning to have a funeral for their late father.

Also it would make sense if Vysaera went to the Golden Company as they are sworn to the Blackfyres and Viserys is currently in an undercover mission.
Sleipnir said:
Right. So, I would like a little advice.
I'm ready to introduce Evin and Vysaera, I think, but I'd like a bit of advice on how to do so. I don't know for sure whether Vys should know about his plans yet or not, so I don't know whether she's going to want to find him and present him with her support yet.

So should I just do a sort of out-in-the-world, somewhere-near-other-characters sort of post for them, or should Vysaera be looking for "Lord Blackfyre" already, or...?
You could start anywhere, it all depends on certain factors, it would make sense for Evin to either be at Highgarden or going to Highgarden due to the death of Lord Hollis Tyrell his uncle(?) if Vys has already met him then she would be going too which might actually help you a bit since Viserys is actually in Highgarden at the moment undercover, though you might not want that only because the Tyrells might not act kindly to a Targaryen bastard in their midst, especially since Aerea Targaryen was recently killed on the road by unknown assailants.

My advice would be to have Evin at Highgarden and Vys in a port somewhere (Maybe King's Landing or somewhere near there (Driftmark or Duskensale) since I'm assuming thats where she was raised) having recently heard about Viserys claiming the Blackfyre name and wanting to find him in the Golden Company, Viserys might not be there but several other characters are (Lucas Silverspear is the acting Lord-Commander (Played by @TheAncientCenturio) and I have a crazy Goat Priest up there as well) who you might want to interact with.
Akio said:
And Viserys serves my back side, Cayden doesn't like pushy people
Well, with that attitude Cayden isn't going to last very long if he ever goes back to Westeros. ( :P )

TheAncientCenturion said:
. . . .
@Hypnos Feed her to the goat.

Veyd Sahvoz] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23852-wanderingjester/ said:
@WanderingJester[/URL] Could I say Katsa is going out to King's Landing to meet the Queen but meets Hadar and Timos along the way and convinces the Borrells to ally with the Starks by putting all the stupid shit from the past behind them?
@Hypnos Wouldn't it be alright to bring in the characters from that Three Sisters RP?
Hey if Hadar and Timos are down with it then it's fine. Not sure if they're the political type though (disregarding the fact that Timos is a faceless man). Also not sure if they have the authority to do something like that on behalf of House Stark. What do the other GMs think?

TheAncientCenturion said:
Cayden will be sure to enjoy ten thousand sharp steel edges heading for him, I'm sure.
Akio said:
Dorne calls up 20000 banners though i only need my mercenary company to deal with whatever rabble you show up with, theres a reason the golden company never took the seven kingdoms back in multiple rebellions
The Golden Company and all of Dorne can both get run over by Ser Goodman and House Twenty. Stay in your kiddie pools fellas. Let the rest of us know when you're ready to play with the big boys/girls.

Hypnos said:
I think that can be arranged, I'll ready the goat.
I told you we should sacrifice her, but you specifically said not to, you brought this upon yourself your grace.

It would be fine but remember that "all the stupid shit from the past" isn't very stupid, the Stark's literally massacred the three sister and murdered everyone, they stole the Borrell's kingdom from them and made the sisters as weak as it is today. Lord Belthazar Bolton, a Stark banner man literally made a pavilion out of the flayed skin of the sistermen, that's not something you put behind you. Additionally it would be difficult for the Borrell's to ally with the Stark's because not only are they sworn to the Sunderlands who may disagree but also the Arryns who are actively fighting the Stark's allies. Kasta also isnt the head of House Borrell.

Him or his dad, depending on what age he is, Baelor either stole his sister or his daughter, though I'm sure Lord Redwyne doesn't mind the Velaryon children.
Great points. @Veyd Sahvoz pay attention to this.

Meh, I'm probably still going with a bit of ill will between the two houses. It's kind of a shitty thing in my book to knock up someone's daughter or sister and be forced to marry them.

Sleipnir said:
Right. So, I would like a little advice.
I'm ready to introduce Evin and Vysaera, I think, but I'd like a bit of advice on how to do so. I don't know for sure whether Vys should know about his plans yet or not, so I don't know whether she's going to want to find him and present him with her support yet.

So should I just do a sort of out-in-the-world, somewhere-near-other-characters sort of post for them, or should Vysaera be looking for "Lord Blackfyre" already, or...?
Well, I mean. What do they want out of life? If you can figure out their motivations, you can probably figure out where to appropriately insert them into the RP...

Lancelot said:
I would suggest Evin be in Highgarden as the Tyrells are planning to have a funeral for their late father.
Also it would make sense if Vysaera went to the Golden Company as they are sworn to the Blackfyres and Viserys is currently in an undercover mission.
Hollis' funeral does make sense. Uncle and all.
WanderingJester said:
Great points. @Veyd Sahvoz pay attention to this.
Meh, I'm probably still going with a bit of ill will between the two houses. It's kind of a shitty thing in my book to knock up someone's daughter or sister and be forced to marry them.
I know, I imagine if Luthor and Baelor ever meet there'll be more than a bit of tension, I only mean't that Luthor was probably a bit friendlier to his grandchildren/nieces and nephews than to Lord Baelor and probably at least got to know them a bit.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Except all Targaryen's are the rightful property of Viserys Blackfyre. No one touches one without his permission. That goes to both of you.
Viserys is property of Corbis
Lancelot said:
Is Corbis a bastard or is he a true Targaryen?
Corbis is technically a true Targaryen but he has been removed from the line of succession and cannot inherit Targaryen's land or titles.
Hypnos said:
Corbis is technically a true Targaryen but he has been removed from the line of succession and cannot inherit Targaryen's land or titles.
Wait how does that work?

Shouldn't he have the best claimant to the throne out of everyone then? Even if he was disowned.
Lancelot said:
Wait how does that work?
Shouldn't he have the best claimant to the throne out of everyone then? Even if he was disowned.
It has happened before, though usually there is a great council to decide. Yes he has the best claim but no one is ever going to press for it and if they did he'd be little more than a puppet leader.
Hypnos said:
It has happened before, though usually there is a great council to decide. Yes he has the best claim but no one is ever going to press for it and if they did he'd be little more than a puppet leader.
I suppose that is true.
Hypnos said:
I think that can be arranged, I'll ready the goat.
I told you we should sacrifice her, but you specifically said not to, you brought this upon yourself your grace.

It would be fine but remember that "all the stupid shit from the past" isn't very stupid, the Stark's literally massacred the three sister and murdered everyone, they stole the Borrell's kingdom from them and made the sisters as weak as it is today. Lord Belthazar Bolton, a Stark banner man literally made a pavilion out of the flayed skin of the sistermen, that's not something you put behind you. Additionally it would be difficult for the Borrell's to ally with the Stark's because not only are they sworn to the Sunderlands who may disagree but also the Arryns who are actively fighting the Stark's allies. Kasta also isnt the head of House Borrell.

Him or his dad, depending on what age he is, Baelor either stole his sister or his daughter, though I'm sure Lord Redwyne doesn't mind the Velaryon children.
Well then.... I did not know that :| I mean Hadar is a traveler and apart of the Starks bloodline so wouldn't that be kind of alright for him to be able to speak on behalf of the Stark family if told to do so? Not that Hadar is a political person but I mean if need be, not all the time.
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