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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Akio said:
I'm not sure, depends on the poison really. The strangler killed stannis Maester is a matter of seconds but its unlikely it works the same way slather over a spear so we'll see
I think that's a bit exaggerated. It takes a few minutes for even the fastest poison to get to vital areas of the body and affect them unless directly injected into the area. That's just basic human anatomy at work in regards to the circulatory system, which is how poison travels throughout the body. So, I mean, you can just "magic" the poison to kill within seconds, but if it's anything like regular poison, the first effects should take a few minutes at fastest. Why do you think most poisoners like to keep their victims talking for a bit after they've inserted the poison? lol

Archon said:
Hah, the Lord of Light has contingency plans for such things! Whilst the grabby-grabby oversized squid is busy trying to nom nom nom everyone, the white walkers will fire the Giant-Harpoon-Nuke from atop the wall to riddle the octopus with stabby-stabby oversized harpoons!
Nagito is a temporary character. He's basically an extra life for Daenna. Cayden's a main character, it'd be unfair. Future or not. :P

Nobody else has V-steel unless it's canon to the character.
You fool! Don't you know the white walkers can't aim? They'll hit us with the stabby stabby oversized harpoons! xD

Also, yes. Nagito is a +1 life to Deanna, though I mean if Crimson kills her off anyways it wouldn't matter so much :P

Akio said:
If he steals a weapon it wont matter, Tywin did the same thing and I know Tiber is looking for one ((though god knows if he'll ever get it)) as for the silverware our Admins, mainly centurion will decide when if ever he wants to hand it out, if he doesnt things get hard and in order to ever make one it would involve killing and luck
Tywin only got it from Ice and Ned (poor Ned), Tiber won't likely get his hands on one so long as Martyn lives. We'll have to see what happens though...

Archon said:
Yeah, not a PC though. We agreed nobody was allowed V-Steel aaaages ago.
I think that PCs can get V-Steel weapons, but they better be willing to go to hell (Valyria) and back for it in a long and arduous quest. They might come back to a united Westeros under one monarch. Check with the other GMs as well.
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Leusis said:
So who all are actually going to be participating in the melee?
From what I understand:

Kevan Brax, Roland, Cayden, Lyonel Hightower, the second in command for the Company of the Cat, the 3rd division commander for the Windblown, the 2 company captain of the Long Lances, a champion from the Company of the Rose. Those are the notables I can think of thus far. There's probably more but I can't think of them at the moment.

Also, I'm hoping to get a response from @AnnoDomini at the least after Hightower arrives before starting the mosh pit.
You know a lot of these mercenaries will recognize and perhaps have grudges or admiration for Cayden considering they fought against and with each other before likely in the disputed lands
Alright, I call all of the notable NPCs because the whole reason Roland is being a mystery knight is to make the crowd love him and try to figure out who he is. Only for Roland to remove his helmet and have all the lords who only see him as an upstart mercenary find a new respect for him. Also it helps him pull bitches.
Leusis said:
Alright, I call all of the notable NPCs because the whole reason Roland is being a mystery knight is to make the crowd love him and try to figure out who he is. Only for Roland to remove his helmet and have all the lords who only see him as an upstart mercenary find a new respect for him. Also it helps him pull bitches.
Cayden had the same idea to lol, only less about impressing individual western lords rather then announcing his return and allowing him a food in the door.
The only way to be a loved mystery knight is to remain undefeated in all the tourneys you participate in. So if Roland or Cayden fall at any point the whole point of being a mystery knight goes out the window.
Akio said:
You know a lot of these mercenaries will recognize and perhaps have grudges or admiration for Cayden considering they fought against and with each other before likely in the disputed lands
Yes, so try not to start any fights. I don't know if even the Lionguards can help Cayden if a hundred or so mercs decided to settle an old score here and there and just swarm the Dornishman with their swords and axes.
WanderingJester said:
Yes, so try not to start any fights. I don't know if even the Lionguards can help Cayden if a hundred or so mercs decided to settle an old score here and there and just swarm the Dornishman with their swords and axes.
So what your telling me is if that happens i better find a choke point or just hold somewhere until someone stops the madness and helps me out and hope they dont all rush me at once?
Akio said:
So what your telling me is if that happens i better find a choke point or just hold somewhere until someone stops the madness and helps me out and hope they dont all rush me at once?
No, I'm saying have Cayden try to not piss anyone off to the point where an entire company of sellswords are trying to kill him, which, given that he's a dornishman, would be difficult, but you know, try. *shrug*
WanderingJester said:
No, I'm saying have Cayden try to not piss anyone off to the point where an entire company of sellswords are trying to kill him, which, given that he's a dornishman, would be difficult, but you know, try. *shrug*
They may try to kill him anyway without him doing anything, Caydens tactics in the disputed lands were rarely ordinary and rarely fair. They were a guerrilla army after all
WanderingJester said:
No, I'm saying have Cayden try to not piss anyone off to the point where an entire company of sellswords are trying to kill him, which, given that he's a dornishman, would be difficult, but you know, try. *shrug*
Yeah, I don't think even Roland in platemail would be able to survive long enough for somebody to muster a force to save him. And this is if he had a very small choke point to use as an advantage.

Cayden on the other hand is less skilled, not as physically strong and can't tank attacks because he wears light armor. Plus he uses a spear and relies on out maneuvering his enemies so a choke point doesn't help his fighting style or weapon at all.
@AnnoDomini you done abandoned me in IC man, I had to join the melee without you and didn't even get to pull bitches with you. But it's okay, the melee hasn't started yet and we still have plenty of Lannister wedding left to try and bone lords daughters.
AnnoDomini said:
What? Huh? Have I been summoned? What happened? I haven't been getting replies from here in a while.
Wedding's started, festivities to be had and I'm not sure if a Clegane wants to participate in the melee or not (or just watch or something idk) :P Would like to hear from bannermen before I start the thing (after everyone arrived of course).
WanderingJester said:
Wedding's started, festivities to be had and I'm not sure if a Clegane wants to participate in the melee or not (or just watch or something idk) :P Would like to hear from bannermen before I start the thing (after everyone arrived of course).
A-any news of Haelga?

The Iron Islands are turning into the ice caps.
Lancelot said:
A-any news of Haelga?
The Iron Islands are turning into the ice caps.
Nope, still gotta finish that conversation with her and Tiber :P
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Akio said:
Mhmm, hey Hypnos how good is Eustace Darry and is he part of the melee?
Uh, he was just a side character but I suppose he could be. I imagine he'd probably be equal in strength to say Rodrik Cassel, not the type of man that people sing songs about but he gets the job done.
Hypnos said:
Uh, he was just a side character but I suppose he could be. I imagine he'd probably be equal in strength to say Rodrik Cassel, not the type of man that people sing songs about but he gets the job done.
Asking because Barbara said to enjoy the melee and his sword arm be true so I assumed he was precipitating

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