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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Go wild, you can pretty much do whatever you want so long as its not ridiculous. If you want to join a family that's taken you'll need to ask the person leading it if they're cool with you doing it though.
Elendithas said:
Objectively speaking, Cayden has the personality of a child who also happens to be a colossal douche-bag. Subjectively, I perceive people who speak down to everyone that isn't a woman and claim to be a "playboy" to be among the worst people alive. Now, I present to you, a list of reasons Cayden is like a less hated Joffrey of this RP.
  1. Cayden shits on other nation's cultures and then acts like his is so superior to everyone elses and that they should follow his customs.
  2. Cayden thus far in RP has only spoken to women as though they were his equals, showing that he does not in fact care about their rights and how they're treated, but is only trying to get into their pants.
  3. Cayden is the most racist character thus far, claiming that Ibbenese rape their daughters and murder their sons.
  4. Cayden is actively trying to sabotage an alliance between the Ibbenese and Targaryens so the fifteen year old girl he fell in love with won't have to leave him for a few months (my assumption)
  5. Cayden is trying, hard, to start a bloodbath for both his own mercenaries and the city of Pentos, likely ending with hundreds of dead innocent men and women who will try to avenge their murdered magister, along with the murdered innocent men of his own company all so he can have a cool story to tell.
  6. Cayden is overconfident to the point that he will in fact start a battle in the heart of Pentos and both expect to survive, and escape.
  7. Cayden invaded the Prince's palace and threw a party...
  8. Cayden claims to be a playboy, the most douchey thing a man can claim to be.
  9. He's Dornish, come on.

I must emphasize, this is all an analysis on the character, not you @Akio. Some people don't understand that when I criticize characters, it is in fact only the character I'm criticizing.
1. Said my peace about this before not again

2. He's not spoken down to William or Dom. He looked down on Vance because he hates magic and the Magister for speaking down on him the second he walked in

3. He said that if the Ibbenese invade Westeros under Daenna orders the common people would not forgive her for bringing a foreign alien people to kill their sons and rape their daughters, which is fairly accurate

4. He's trying to sabatosh the alliance because he thinks it will bring war to the seven kingdoms. Marry her to Brandeon and stop the war and he'll be much more agreeable

5. That's an ooc bullshit thing I said, Cayden just has a short temper

6. Caydens fairly arrogant dont gete wrong there

7. Cayden wasn't even there, he was out getting william

8. Once again OOC thing though sleeping around us pretty acceptable in Dorne especially if ones not married or attached to the faith.

Not even acknowledging that last reason
Jabroni said:
So the question is: what kinds of characters are desperately needed right now that you all would feel comfortable seeing from a new joiner? I don't want to mess up the balance of things, nor do I have any interest in creating carbon copies of other folks' sheets (incidentally).
House Tyrell's up for grabs for newcomers. The last player for them had to leave so we could use someone to take that (it will be tough though). Feel free to customize your own characters in there if you like. If that doesn't interest you, feel free to make something else :) Just be sure to consult heads of houses if you would like your character to be in an existing player controlled house ^_^

Leusis said:
Go wild, you can pretty much do whatever you want so long as its not ridiculous. If you want to join a family that's taken you'll need to ask the person leading it if they're cool with you doing it though.
Pun, or a recruitment effort for another RPer into House Wilds...

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JustWhipIt said:
... .-.
Oh, nothing. We're just looking forward to your post that's all. (^.^)

Which may or may not arrive before Half-Life 3...

Leusis said:
I've been caught!!!
Akio said:
Taking the throne with the Ibbens is impossible, you will gain no support from most of the greater houses and even the common people will spit on these strange misshapen people who kill their sons and rape their daughters.
This is exactly what Cayden said.

Akio said:
2. He's not spoken down to William or Dom. He looked down on Vance because he hates magic and the Magister for speaking down on him the second he walked in
Yes, he spoke down to a man for speaking down to him when he invaded the prince's palace. Totally reasonable.

Akio said:
He's trying to sabatosh the alliance because he thinks it will bring war to the seven kingdoms. Marry her to Brandeon and stop the war and he'll be much more agreeable
I understand that's what he actually thinks, the problem is he's so convinced these people are going to invade him with zero evidence to prove it. Textbook racism as far as I'm concerned. A much more reasonable person would ask for funds rather than an army if they believed that would happen.

Akio said:
That's an ooc bullshit thing I said, Cayden just has a short temper
I based my list on IC occurrences, the one inspiring this being the insults thrown at the magister essentially as his greeting.

Akio said:
Cayden wasn't even there, he was out getting william
But the fact he told his TWO THOUSAND soldiers that it was ok to crash at the prince's palace is pretty much saying "Hey, do whatever you want guys, we practically own the place!"

Based on these, I stand by what I've said.
Elendithas said:
This is exactly what Cayden said.
Yes, he spoke down to a man for speaking down to him when he invaded the prince's palace. Totally reasonable.

I understand that's what he actually thinks, the problem is he's so convinced these people are going to invade him with zero evidence to prove it. Textbook racism as far as I'm concerned. A much more reasonable person would ask for funds rather than an army if they believed that would happen.

I based my list on IC occurrences, the one inspiring this being the insults thrown at the magister essentially as his greeting.

But the fact he told his TWO THOUSAND soldiers that it was ok to crash at the prince's palace is pretty much saying "Hey, do whatever you want guys, we practically own the place!"

Based on these, I stand by what I've said.
No support from the greater houses and even the common people will spit on those who kill their sons and rape their daughters.

This is probably poor communication on my part but when I said there I was referring to the common people of Westeros

To him to fact the magister is defending the prince means nothing to him. He's abusing the prince because he took his measure and found it wanting before. He probably never he even thought about the social contention he carries because he just sees him as a figure head and one who's worth he found lacking as a person

Except you know they offered an army from the get go and made it seem pretty obvious they were coming with there armies and a trade deal is defiantly not worth a marriage contract

The Magister insulted him and his men on the way in and was obviously trying to instigate a fight. Defending the prince or not that got on his bad side

Like he said he doesn't care about the prince and knows he has something over him. Him having his men stay at the princes house to him is a personal not political matter which is why he got mad at the Magister throwing insults. If the prince was defending himself he would probably care a lot less
In most cases, there would be resentment among some Westerosi (the enemies of whoever brings in the Ibbeneese) over having foreign soldiers in their land, and get paid for it by their own people. You'd find support among some people, who see the situation for what it is. But it's unlikely you'll as much support as if it were a pure Westerosi army.

Racism, sexism, all are common things in the medieval society.
But having sellswords just crash into, on the surface, a divine position and the highest in Pentos is not something that can happen without consequence. If the White House suddenly was flooded with Arab soldiers, and an Oil Tycoon decided to stay there whilst the President was halpless, something will happen. It's proclaiming your dominance over the leader of this city/faith, which ripples through both the common folk and aristocracy alike.
Thats why the army of Ibben takes a back seat supportive role in the war and just acts as a reserve force so the whole resentment thing is lessened. Unless of course the person they fight for doesn't have enough men in the first place for them to do that.
TAC has it right. What Cayden's doing would be comparable to some dude from the middle east taking over the White House because he doesn't like the president. Guarantee they would all be gunned down if not for the development of non-lethal weaponry.
Akio said:
He's abusing the prince because he took his measure and found it wanting before
Don't know if you guys have seen A Knight's Tale before but this line from Akio reminded me of this asshole from the movie.

Plus, this is not a trade deal. This is FUNDING. Which essentially means Deanna has to pay for very little, if anything at all.
Leusis said:
Don't know if you guys have seen A Knight's Tale before but this line from Akio reminded me of this asshole from the movie.
Great performance from Heath. I first got a measure of his talent in that film. RIP.
Elendithas said:
Plus, this is not a trade deal. This is FUNDING. Which essentially means Deanna has to pay for very little, if anything at all.
Still not worth a marriage contract in his mind. Not when things are so bad and there are other alliances to be made (especially considering the hey have a mage which is a huge thing for him not to mention if rumors get out it could go sour with the faith

TheAncientCenturion said:
In most cases, there would be resentment among some Westerosi (the enemies of whoever brings in the Ibbeneese) over having foreign soldiers in their land, and get paid for it by their own people. You'd find support among some people, who see the situation for what it is. But it's unlikely you'll as much support as if it were a pure Westerosi army.
Racism, sexism, all are common things in the medieval society.
And he's thinking mostly of his own people. Dorne has never been accepting of outside and that's his responsibility and main concern

Elendithas said:
TAC has it right. What Cayden's doing would be comparable to some dude from the middle east taking over the White House because he doesn't like the president. Guarantee they would all be gunned down if not for the development of non-lethal weaponry.
That may be true but he doesn't see it that way. For him its a personal matter. He doesn't see the political connotation especially when the prince doesn't raise a finger to defend himself. This may be the wrong attitude to take but that's how he sees it. To him one who has no balls to defend themselves or their land should not be leader at all. So he sees it as a personal matter because of that
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Akio said:
Still not worth a marriage contract in his mind.
And he's thinking mostly of his own people. Dorne has never been accepting of outside and that's his responsibility and main concern

That may be true but he doesn't see it that way. For him its a personal matter. He doesn't see the political connotation especially when the prince doesn't raise a finger to defend himself. This may be the wrong attitude to take but that's how he sees it. To him one who has no balls to defend themselves or their land should not be leader at all. So he sees it as a personal matter because of that
No, I understand that. Not everyone views these situations in the same eyes. He has a different relationship with the man that is the Prince, so he sees no danger or perceived insult. But it should be made aware the situation to the city is very different, and the political elite would almost rush to the scene to be heroes. I picture the Free Cities, Pentos Especially (Maybe Volantis is a bit more intense. . ) as heated political regions, partially due to their democratic nature.

His nature will get him in trouble. That's just a fact, as it has already. It's not an insult, history is filled with different types of people, some pull it off others die quickly.

And Dorne has been, the Rhoynar. They've never been fond of invaders.
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TheAncientCenturion said:
No, I understand that. Not everyone views these situations in the same eyes. He has a different relationship with the man that is the Prince, so he sees no danger or perceived insult. But it should be made aware the situation to the city is very different, and the political elite would almost rush to the scene to be heroes. I picture the Free Cities, Pentos Especially (Maybe Volantis is a bit more intense. . ) as heated political regions, partially due to their democratic nature.
His nature will get him in trouble. That's just a fact, as it has already. It's not an insult, history is filled with different types of people, some pull it off others die quickly.

And Dorne has been, the Rhoynar. They've never been fond of invaders.
Modern day Dorne then has never been fond of invaders though your right his nature will likely get him in trouble.

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